He Zhen thought that Duan Xuan and Wei Chunqiu could support him, but he never expected that the face of the Tie Zhan Dynasty was worthless to Wan Dong, not as good as bullshit.A face that looked better just now, suddenly turned gray and white again, wanting to cry without tears.

Bai Zhenshan was also taken aback, his brows wrinkled into a ball.With Wan Dong doing this, all his efforts to make good friends with the Tie Zhan Dynasty have come to naught.Bai Zhenshan was about to open his mouth to speak when Baidie suddenly pulled his sleeve forcefully and shook his head slightly at him.

Bai Zhenshan's heart sank suddenly, and he felt helpless immediately, he had to swallow the words that came to his lips.Facing Wan Dong's super dominance, as the emperor, he can only keep silent, maybe he can still protect himself.Otherwise, I am afraid that the result will be unpredictable.

"Hmph! Consequences? When you betrayed the Tiandu Kingdom, did you ever think about the consequences? When you went to the Qingyun Empire to show off your power, did you ever think about the consequences? Today, I just want to kill the two of you. Look at Tie Will the Zhan Dynasty send troops to the Qingyun Empire because of you!"

"Ah? No..." Duan Xuan shivered, and his face immediately turned blue.I was so annoyed in my heart, I knew Wan Dong was such a ruthless guy, and he would stand up because of his mental illness. Why did he really stand out.

In Wei Chunqiu's life, it can be said that he has killed countless people.But no matter how many people he killed, it still couldn't change his disposition of fear of death.Hearing what Wan Dong said, his whole body seemed to be covered in ice, shivering non-stop.

"Your Majesty!" Just as Wei Chunqiu was about to let go of his figure and beg for mercy from Wan Dong, a Fengxiang Guard flew over from outside the hall with an anxious expression on his face.

"Could it be that Juan's army has arrived?" Bai Zhenshan was overjoyed.

Just now when he saw that something was wrong, he secretly ordered Feng Xiangwei to report to Hu An, ordering him to lead an army into the palace to escort him.At that time, even if Wan Dong could not be killed, at least he could be deterred and his dignity as an emperor could be restored.

"Reporting to the emperor, the imperial physician said, Mr. Hu respects Qihu, no...it's over!"

The reality disappointed Bai Zhenshan again, Feng Xiangwei not only did not bring the news he wanted, but sent him a bolt from the blue.Bai Zhenshan wished he could slap this Feng Xiangwei to death.Sending such news at this time is simply adding fuel to the fire.

Sure enough, as soon as Feng Xiangwei's voice fell, Wan Dong's expression changed drastically.No one could see Wan Dong's movements clearly, just a blur before Wan Dong left the spot and appeared in front of Feng Xiangwei.

Before Feng Xiangwei could react, a huge force lifted him off the ground.

"What did you just say? Say it again!" Wan Dong let out a low growl, filled with an unspeakable hostility.The Fengxiangwei soldier only felt that what he was facing at this time was not a person at all, but the living King Yama!From top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, there is a cold air.

"The... the imperial doctor said that Mr. Hu's life is dying, I'm afraid... I'm afraid it won't be curable..."

"Life is dying!? Fuck your mother! Master Hu has always been healthy, how could he suddenly lose his life! What is going on? Tell me!" Wan Dong suddenly let out a roar, and unconsciously joined in. In a fit of anger, Feng Xiangwei, who was held by Wan Dong, had blood gurgling out of his ears.The whole person also became foolish and foolish, and was directly drunk.

"Master Hu knelt outside the palace for a day and a night, no matter how healthy his body is, he might not be able to bear it..."

"God is really blind! Mr. Hu is dedicated to serving the people, and he ended up like this, hey!"

Civil and military ministers talked a lot, all with regret and regret.

"Kneeling outside the palace for a day and a night? What's going on?" Hearing the comments of the officials, Wan Dong's expression became serious, and he turned around suddenly. His cold gaze, sharper than a knife, fell on Bai Zhenshan with a whoosh. body.

Bai Zhenshan knew that something was going to go wrong, seeing Wan Dong's gaze at this moment, his heart sank even more.

Wan Dong's appearance as if he was going to eat people shocked Bai Die even more, he hurriedly opened his arms to block Bai Zhenshan, looked at Wan Dong, and said in his heart, "This can't be my father's fault. , Mr. Hu himself is too stubborn. My father asked him to get up several times, but he refused."

"Huh!" Wan Dong let out a cold snort heavily, and suddenly waved his hand, and Bai Zhenshan's special dragon case suddenly burst open and turned into a sky full of debris.The strong energy shook the Bai Zhenshan father and daughter, staggering for a while.

"Xu Yaoting, you... do you really want to kill the king?" Bai Zhenshan asked angrily with a pale face.

"If Mr. Hu has something wrong today, why not kill the king!?"

"Ah!?" Bai Zhenshan never expected that Wan Dong would answer him like this, exclaimed, and couldn't help taking a big step back.

"Why are you still standing there in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and bring Mr. Hu here?" Wan Dongli ignored him, turned around, pointed at several Fengxiang guards and shouted sharply.

Wan Dong's supernatural power has already suppressed these Feng Xiangwei, who would dare not listen to his words?A few figures left in a hurry.

Wan Dong respects Hu Yue admirably, even without Hu Yue's relationship, he still respects him sincerely.It is definitely a blessing for the Qingyun Empire to have such a minister who is upright and upright for the country and the people.It would be a pity if he died like this.

Wan Dong's thoughts were all on Hu Jingqi for a while, and he had no time to pay attention to Wei Chunqiu, Duan Xuan, He Zhen and others.I don't know what kind of situation the imperial doctor said about the gradual loss of vitality.At this time, Wan Dong was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, pacing back and forth non-stop.

In the entire hall, civil and military officials, plus Feng Xiangwei, there were hundreds of people at least, but there was no sound at this time. Everyone's eyes were fixed on Wan Dong, and they could feel Wan Dong's worry about Hu Jingqi with concerns.

Wei Chunqiu, who was thinking hard and looking for life, suddenly brightened up, as if he saw hope again.Wan Dong cared so much about Hu Jingqi, Wei Chunqiu immediately felt that whether he survived today or not would all depend on Hu Jingqi.

Thinking of this, Wei Chunqiu couldn't wait to stand up and struggled, "It's useless! In the whole world, no one can cure Hu Jingqi except me!"

"What do you mean?" Wan Dong narrowed his eyes, turned to look at Wei Chunqiu, his cold eyes made Wei Chunqiu's heart shudder.

It was the first time in Wei Chunqiu's life that he had such a strong fear of a person.Facing Wan Dong's eyes, my heart was pounding, and my mind was almost blank.After taking a few long breaths, Wei Chunqiu felt a little better, and kept telling himself in his heart that as long as he left here alive today, he would hide in a deep mountain forest and never see Wan Dong again.

"To be honest, Hu Jingqi was killed by me in a unique way, so his life gradually died out..."

"What!?" Wan Dong raised his eyebrows suddenly, and the anger on his face was like a volcano erupting out of control.

After hearing this, Bai Zhenshan's complexion changed drastically, and his brows were full of annoyance.The people from the Tie Zhan dynasty are really nothing, they are despicable and shameless, and they do all sorts of shady things in secret.It was repaired in the open, but the black hand was done in secret, it is not as good as a pig or a dog!What made Bai Zhenshan even more hateful was that Wei Chunqiu made a secret move and got him involved.Seeing Wan Dongfangcai's fierce expression, no one would doubt that he would really let Bai Zhenshan be buried with Hu Jingqi.

"Master Wei, you are the special envoy of the Tie Zhan Dynasty. You came to our country to repair it. How could you do such a despicable thing?" Bai Die was so angry that her face changed drastically, and she bluntly reprimanded Wei Chunqiu.

Wei Chunqiu ignored it, just looked at Wan Dong, and said, "I am the only one who can solve my unique technique. If you are willing to let Master Duan and I return to the Tie Zhan Dynasty safely, I will protect the tiger from death, how about it?"

Wei Chunqiu's thoughts at this time are very simple, that is to go back alive, as for other things, he has long since thought about it.

Wan Dong snorted coldly and didn't answer, but looked at Wei Chunqiu with more gloomy eyes.

"Master Hu is here!" A wave of greetings came, and several Fengxiang guards carried Hu Jingqi, who was dying, and rushed over.

Wan Dong rushed forward to meet Hu Jingqi, carefully inspecting Hu Jingqi.

Seeing that Hu Jingqi ignored his proposal, Wei Chunqiu felt confused for a while, and hurriedly said, "Don't act recklessly. Unless you are a master of the Dzogchen realm, otherwise, if you force your actions, you will only Let him die faster!"

As soon as Wei Chunqiu said this, a smile full of disdain and irony appeared on the corner of Wan Dong's mouth.At the same time, the surrounding ministers who were very nervous about Hu Jingqi's life and death also smiled at this time and relaxed.

Such an atmosphere made Wei Chunqiu's heart sink violently, and a puzzled look appeared on his face.

He Zhen approached with a pale face, and said in a low voice, "Master Wei, why are you saying this? Xu Yaoting is in the realm of Dzogchen."

"You...what are you talking about!?" Hearing what He Zhen said, Wei Chunqiu's head thumped, and he almost fainted on the spot. He grabbed He Zhen's chest and shouted hoarsely.

He Zhen's complexion at this time was so bitter that he could squeeze out two catties of bile, his head was shaking like a rattle, but he couldn't speak a word.

"No wonder he...he is so strong! Hundreds of Fengxiang guards couldn't resist his cold snort! But...such a young Dzogchen, this...this is too sensational..." Duan Xuan murmured Saying that, the whole person seemed to be dumbfounded.

Wan Dong examined Hu Jingqi's body carefully, and heaved a long sigh of relief.Wei Chunqiu had indeed hit Hu Jingqi's Achilles' heel, and the technique he used was indeed a little special, but if he said that he had to be an expert in the Dzogchen realm to crack it, he was putting gold on his own face.

Just this little skill, in front of Wan Dong, is simply a joke.Without any hesitation, Wan Dong's fingers landed on Hu Jingqi's body like a storm.

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