"Yao Ting, this kind of thing is not a joke." Xu Wenchuan's expression was extremely serious.There is nothing better than killing one's heart!Giving someone hope first, and then smashing this hope with his own hands, the blow to a person is by no means weaker than killing people.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "Grandpa, your grandson has grown up, and he is no longer the old wimp who only knows how to mess around and always embarrass you. This is related to the life and death of grandpa grandpa. Even if I have a hundred courage, I will Don’t dare to joke about this issue.”

Seeing Wan Dong say so solemnly, Xu Wenchuan's expression immediately rose, and he said in a trembling voice, "That is to say, do you really have a way to get rid of all the fire poison on your grandpa's body after three months? "

Wan Dong nodded heavily, looked at Sun Daobai and said, "Grandpa Sun, please trust me!"

"I...I..." Sun Daobai was a little speechless, but it wasn't because he didn't believe in Wan Dong, but because he couldn't believe that happiness came so suddenly.The fire poison that has tortured me for decades suddenly has the hope of being cured. It is difficult for anyone to remain calm.

"Boy, if you dare to lie to my grandpa, I will kill you!" Sun Xiaoya rushed up like a gust of wind, gagged her mouth, and said with a serious expression on her face.

Wan Dong smiled, and said with great interest, "Then what if I didn't lie to you?"

"Then... Then you, my brother, I, Sun Xiaoya, will recognize you!"

"Okay! I recognize your sister! Hahaha..."

"Yao Ting, you haven't said yet, how on earth do you get rid of the fire poison in your grandpa's body!" If Sun Xiaoya really recognized Wan Dong as her brother, then in Xu Wenchuan's view, it would be a kiss and a kiss, so naturally she should be happy.However, Xu Wenchuan has long experienced the overbearing fire and poison in Sun Daobai's body.Sun Daobai couldn't get rid of it after decades of hard thinking, so what can Wan Dong do?Xu Wenchuan was worried about coming and going, and he was still worried that Sun Daobai would not be able to bear it when the bamboo basket was empty.

Wan Dong shook his head and said, "I don't understand it now, but after three months, it will be self-evident!"

Seeing a strong self-confidence bursting out from Wan Dong's body, Xu Wenchuan and Sun Daobai's expressions lifted at the same time.

"Grandpa Sun, after your fire poison is completely eliminated, Grandpa and I will do our best to help you restore your cultivation. We must refine the Jiuji Rejuvenation Pill within two years."

"I...I'll prepare the required materials now!" Hope emerged again, and Wu Daozi's excitement and excitement were no less than that of Sun Daobai, his face was full of eagerness.

Sun Daobai smiled slightly, and said, "Mr. Wu, don't worry about it. I have collected enough materials to refine Jiuji Rejuvenation Pill. I thought that in my life, it would be impossible to refine Jiuji Rejuvenation Pill. Unexpectedly, the road turned around." , this is really thanks to Yao Ting. Hahaha..."

"Come on, come on, there are so many happy things today, how can I not drink a few more glasses? Old Sun, what do you think?"

Sun Daobai was not polite either, he laughed and said, "Then what are you waiting for, let's serve wine!"

As soon as Sun Daobai finished his words, there were servants from the palace, who came forward to set bowls and pass chopsticks to pour the wine, and after a short while, the refreshing aroma of the wine overflowed with the wind.

"Yao Ting, come, today I want to toast you a toast!" Wu Daozi poured himself a full glass, stood up, and looked at Wan Dong.

Wan Dong was startled, and hurriedly stood up, saying, "Master, aren't you taking my life away? I can't afford it. I should be the one to respect you for this glass of wine. I wish you a long life, Laughing all the time, this body is getting better every day!"

Wan Dong said a few words, which immediately made Wu Daozi smile happily, and Sun Daobai beside him was also happy, and said in amazement, "Old man Xu, compared with the past, Yaoting is simply a different person now. !"

When Sun Daobai said this, Xu Wenchuan laughed happily, and said, "That is! The current Yaoting, that is the descendant of my Xu family." There was almost no sense of comfort and pride in the old prince's words. No disguise.

Sun Daobai nodded, and said, "When you mentioned Yao Ting before, you always frowned. You have never laughed so happily like now." After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to Wan Dong, "Yao Ting, your grandfather didn't Don't worry about you, it's time to let your grandpa feel proud."

As soon as Sun Daobai finished speaking, before Wan Dong could answer, Xu Wenchuan took the words loudly, "Daobai, do you know that you came a step late today and missed a big show!"

"Oh?" Sun Daobai was taken aback for a moment, and then his face revealed quite strong interest.Xu Wenchuan is a character who is used to wind and rain, and the big drama he talks about must be a big deal.

Xu Wenchuan was happy, took another full drink, wiped his mouth, and said, "You don't know, Wu Qiujun came just now."

"Him? He's not staying in the Tie Zhan Dynasty, what is he doing here?" When mentioning Wu Qiujun, Sun Daobai also frowned, obviously he didn't feel good about this person.

Xu Wenchuan snorted and said, "Here's a demonstration against me."

"Demonstrating to you? Hahaha...Wu Qiujun's head was caught by the door, right? Isn't he asking for a cigarette?"

Xu Wenchuan sighed, and said solemnly, "You must never have imagined that Wu Qiujun's cultivation has already reached the ninth level of true energy."

"What?" Sun Daobai couldn't help exclaiming when he heard the words, and his face changed accordingly.

Xu Wenchuan frowned and said, "His cultivation is already higher than mine. We just met face to face, and I suffered a big and small dark loss."

"Wu Qiujun broke through so quickly, God has no eyes! Could it be that the world is really going to be messed up?"

"Grandpa, Wu Qiujun's cultivation should have just broken through the ninth level of true qi, but in fact, his cultivation is only a line higher than yours, which is nothing special." Wan Dong opened his mouth and said.

"Ha, Yao Ting, you have such a bold tone. In your eyes, a master with nine levels of true qi seems to be nothing!" Sun Daobai looked at Wan Dong with a smile and said.He secretly wondered, before seeing Xu Yaoting, he would always frown unconsciously, but now seeing Xu Yaoting, he liked it more and more.

It's really not that Wan Dong is arrogant, he has seen Li Baiyi's supernatural powers, and Wu Qiujun's ability is really not enough for Wan Dong.Recalling the memory of Mingshen Yuzhong Xuantian Damingshen to the people in the Daomen Great World, what is the pursuit of the peak of Martial Dao in the small world of Daomen?It's just a drop in the ocean, acting like an ant.Even for Li Baiyi, the power of that wave of his hand is enough to annihilate dozens of martial arts experts who are full of true energy.

"Haha...Brother Sun, don't tell me, that Wu Qiujun almost worshiped our Yaoting as his master today!" Thinking of this, Xu Wenchuan couldn't help laughing out loud again, and the corners of Wu Daozi's mouth The son also smiled a little more.

When Sun Daobai heard it, his face was immediately occupied by deep confusion, and he asked in a surprised voice, "What's going on? Then Wu Qiujun has nine levels of true energy, how can he worship Yao Ting as his teacher?"

Sun Xiaoya on the side also immediately widened her almond eyes, and looked at Xu Wenchuan without blinking.

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