Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 578 Aunt and nephew love each other!

Wan Youqi's worried and nervous expression made Wan Dong feel distressed, he quickly held Wan Youqi's hand, and said with a smile, "Auntie, what are you talking about? In my mind, you are my biological mother, It was you who brought me up with one hand, I am only grateful to you, how can I hate you?"

"But I... I didn't support you and Miss Mulian, and even... I broke up with you. I... I'm not a good aunt..." The more Wan Youqi spoke, the lower her voice became, the more she felt guilty, until The capital will be buried in the chest.

"But in the final analysis, aunt, you are also doing it for me, aren't you? In fact, thinking about it now, I was indeed too willful at that time. I know that both you, aunt, and father love me very much. If I don't use that drastic method, sooner or later you will accept Mu Lian, and in that case, we won't have to separate."

After experiencing life and death, and more than a year of tempering, compared to Wan Dong a year ago, Wan Dong at this time is undoubtedly more mature and stable. After saying these words, Wan Youqi's heavy heart immediately relaxed Quite a lot.

"Xiaodong, you've changed." Looking at Wandong, Wan Youqi said involuntarily, her expression filled with infinite comfort.

Wan Dong touched his face, smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, even this skin has been changed."

When Wan Dong said this, Wan Youqi suddenly remembered, and hurriedly asked, "Xiaodong, why did you become like this? it a disguise technique?"

While talking, Wan Youqi reached out to touch Wan Dong's face.In ordinary disguise techniques, as long as you observe and touch carefully, you can usually find flaws.But Wan Youqi's face touched Wan Dong's for a long time, but she didn't find any flaws at all, she couldn't help but marvel in her heart, it's too appalling for this disguise to be able to reach this level.

Wan Dong held Wan Youqi's hand, shook his head and said, "I also hope that this is a disguise technique, but unfortunately it is not. Now I have merged with Xu Yaoting, and I can no longer be separated."

"Merge... into one body? This... what does this mean?" It's no wonder Wan Youqi would ask such a question, this kind of thing is beyond the cognition of ordinary people.

Now that he recognized Wan Youqi, Wan Dong naturally wouldn't hide anything anymore, sighed, and said, "My physical body has been beaten to pieces and turned into dust. Fortunately, by chance, my soul and consciousness At the moment before the disillusionment, I was attached to Xu Yaoting's body, and this is how I am now."

"Spirit...soul possession?" After listening to Wan Dong's words, Wan Youqi's mouth opened into an O shape, and her eyes were a little dull.To her, what Wan Dong said was more evil than those illusory legends.

Seeing Wan Youqi's expression, Wan Dong smiled and asked, "Auntie, don't you still believe in the existence of the Daoist Great World? The Daoist Great World is a completely different world from our ordinary small world. Those things that we regard as fairy tales are extremely common in the world of Taoism. Just like the way of the holy sword that I taught you, if you practice to the extreme, you will be out of your body, and you can travel to three mountains and five mountains in a day. .”

"But...but you are not from the Daoist Great World, how can you use your soul to possess a body?"

"Isn't the biggest reason why you opposed me being with Mu Lian back then because of her unknown identity? You probably never dreamed that Mu Lian is actually a member of the Taoist world."

"Ah!?" Wan Youqi finally couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Wan Dong sighed and said, "The reason you don't agree with me being with Mu Lian is because you think she is humble and unworthy of me. But I don't know that the humble person is me. What is a daughter, a prince and son in a small world of mundane things?"

As soon as Wan Dong's words came out, Wan Youqi's face blushed immediately, which was exactly the case!In front of the gods, aren't mortals humble?

"However, in order to be with me, Mu Lian did not hesitate to seal her own cultivation, and she even gave up her fairy life in the Daoist world... She has made too many sacrifices for me."

"It turns out that we have been treating a gentleman's heart with the heart of a villain all along. By the way, Miss Mulian..." Wan Youqi wanted to ask but was afraid to ask, as if hesitant to speak.

Wan Dong was considerate, so he naturally understood what Wan Youqi wanted to ask, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, aunt, Mu Lian is still alive, it's just..."

As he spoke, the smile on Wan Dong's face froze, replaced by a solemn look.

"Just what?" Mu Lian's injuries were so severe that she was almost dead. Although she wasn't the one who did it, she was one of the murderers after all.Now that Wan Youqi understands everything, she only hopes that Wan Youqi is safe and sound. In this case, the self-blame in her heart can be relieved a little.

Wan Dong said with a gloomy expression, "It's just that Mu Lian gave me their family's treasure to save me. This time, she will definitely be punished when she returns to the Taoist world. I don't know if she is doing well now."

"Miss Mulian gave you all the treasures of the family?" Wan Youqi was so touched, it is really rare for a girl who can give everything for true love now.

Wan Dong was able to meet Mu Lian, which was simply a blessing he had cultivated in several lifetimes.But they were torn apart alive, and they were playing the banner of Wan Dong's good. Thinking about it at this time, it is simply a great irony.

"That's right! Without the treasure Mu Lian gave me, let alone the cultivation of Dzogchen, I might even lose my life."

"I didn't expect Miss Mulian to be so affectionate and righteous. If I see her in the future, I will kowtow to her and apologize."

"Auntie, there's no need to be like this! Mulian is a kind and generous girl, I don't think she will blame Auntie."

"Xiaodong, stop talking! The more you say that, the more ashamed my aunt will feel." Wan Youqi shook her head again and again, and then said, "Xiaodong, you just said that Miss Mu Lian might be in the Taoist sect right now. The world suffers, what should I do? You have to think of a way to save her!"

Wan Dong raised his eyebrows suddenly, a domineering aura surged into the sky, and he said in a concentrated voice, "Auntie said yes! One day, I will go to the great world of Daomen to reunite with Mu Lian!"

Wan Dong has such a burden, Wan Youqi is of course happy in her heart, but when she thinks of the unknown dangers in the Taoist world, Wan Youqi can't be happy again.But this time, Wan Youqi made up her mind that she would never drag Wan Dong back. What's more, Mu Lian was indeed a girl worthy of Wan Dong's life to save.

"And my mother! I just found out today that she didn't die, but was snatched into Daomen Great World."

When Wan Dong said this, Wan Youqi couldn't help shaking her mind.

Although Wan Haoxiong never said it, Wan Youqi could clearly feel the yearning for Wan Dong's mother in his heart.How many nights did Wan Haoxiong weep and hangover in front of Wan Dong's mother's portrait?If Wan Dong could really bring her sister-in-law back to Wan Haoxiong from the Daomen World, how happy would Wan Haoxiong be?

Thinking of this, Wan Youqi suddenly realized that she seemed to have not seen Wan Haoxiong's smiling face for a long time.Bearing the pain of losing his wife and children in his heart, and bearing the endless pressure from the Iron War Dynasty, if it were someone else, he would have fallen down long ago, let alone laughed.

"Xiaodong, if you can really bring your mother and Miss Mulian back from the Daomen Great World, then our family can be truly reunited. It's a pity, your aunt is so useless, why are you busy?" Can't help..."

"Who said that? With your talent and aptitude, Auntie, as long as you practice hard, you will definitely be able to practice holy swordsmanship to the peak. At that time, no matter it is the Daoist world or the ordinary world, everyone can come and go freely. Can't you help me?"

Wan Youqi felt excited, she Wan Youqi was by no means inferior to anyone else, why should she belittle herself so presumptuously?

"Xiaodong, don't worry! Auntie will definitely not let you down!"

Seeing Wan Youqi full of fighting spirit, Wan Dong was naturally happy.It's just that relying on the way of the holy sword is a bit slow, Wan Dong has to think of other ways to improve Wan Youqi's cultivation as soon as possible, not only Wan Youqi, but also Wang Yangde, Luo Xiao and the others must grow up as soon as possible.For some reason, Wan Dong felt a growing sense of urgency.

"Auntie, after you go back, do you still have to ask my father for some news about that year, who in the Daoist world snatched my mother away... No, these questions, I will wait until I see my father. , ask him yourself."

"Xiaodong, you want to go back to see your father?" Hearing what Wan Dong said, Wan Youqi almost jumped up in excitement.She has always been worried that Wan Dong still has hatred for Wan Haoxiong in his heart. After all, when Mu Lian's life was cut off, it was because of Wan Haoxiong's palm.But from Wan Dong's point of view, she seemed to be worrying too much.

Wan Dong smiled wryly, and said, "That's natural! Since ancient times, only fathers have never wanted sons. How can sons abandon fathers?"

Wan Youqi giggled, and hurriedly asked, "Then when are you going to see your father?"

Wan Dong frowned, and said, "I don't know, probably when the time is right. Auntie, please keep everything we talked about today a secret, and don't let others know."

"Yunzhu and your father can't do it either?" Wan Youqi only wished that the whole world would know the great news, Wan Youqi was a little bit disappointed by Wan Dong's exhortation.

"No!" Wan Dong shook his head resolutely, and said, "We can't just think about ourselves, we must also think about the Xu family. They know all this, what kind of blow should it be? The old prince is getting old , Aunt Ning doesn’t know martial arts, I’m afraid they won’t be able to accept it for a while, there will be troubles, and my conscience will never be at peace for the rest of my life.”

Wan Youqi was still a little bit disappointed at first, but after hearing what Wan Dong said, she immediately lost her objection, nodded and said: "You are right! The old prince and Sister Ning are both good people! We can't hurt their hearts. It's just Xiaodong. , Paper can't contain fire, there will always be a time when the truth comes out, you have to make plans early."

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