"I..." Tang Xinyi opened her mouth, and there were some words on her lips, but she just couldn't say them.Especially thinking of all the 'evil deeds' she has done to Xu Yaoting, this plea is even more difficult to say.

But it's impossible not to say it, it's related to the big issue of Feng Xiangwei's combat power improvement, how can she let her play tricks?

Tang Xinyi has understood the taste of newspapers in the present world. If she had known this before, why would she say such cruel words to others? Tang Xinyi's pretty face felt like it was being pricked by a needle.

Tang Xinyi knew in her heart that she might lose face to her grandma's house today.Taking a deep breath, she was ready to be severely humiliated by Wan Dong. Tang Xinyi was about to open her mouth to speak, but Wan Dong suddenly uttered an oh, and took out the formation map that Tang Xinyi had dreamed of from her arms, and changed hands. Sent to her.

"You are..." Tang Xinyi was stunned by Wan Dong's actions, her face was full of astonishment.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "Give it to you! If there is anything you don't understand, you can come to me at any time."

Tang Xinyi took the formation map over in a daze, and stared straight at Wan Dong, with an expression as if she was staring at a monster.

Wan Dong touched his cheek, and said with a hey smile, "Why, I finally found out that I'm handsome?"

Tang Xinyi's pretty face blushed, she couldn't help but hang her head down, and said in a low voice, "You...you just gave me the formation map?"

How could Wan Dong not understand Tang Xinyi's meaning, he smiled and said, "General Tang, I, Xu Yaoting, was indeed nothing in the past, but whether you believe it or not, I am no longer who I used to be. The world will change, People change too, right?"

"You...you really seem to be a little different from before." Wan Dong's words somehow made Tang Xinyi's heart thump wildly.

"So, General Tang, don't be so cruel to me in the future. It's enough to close this ghost gate once, and I don't want to go there again." Wan Dong's expression brightened, and he laughed loudly.

With Wan Dong's smile, Tang Xinyi's mood suddenly relaxed, like a summer flower blooming, suddenly brightening up.Looking at Wan Dong's 'poor' appearance, Tang Xinyi sent the formation map to her arms domineeringly, deliberately put on a straight face, and softly snorted, "You think a formation map can conquer you?" Me? Stop dreaming, if you dare to act recklessly in the future, I will send you to the gate of hell."

"If that's the case, isn't my formation map a meat bun fight..."

"Huh?" Before Wan Dong finished speaking, Tang Xinyi's pretty eyebrows slanted, and her neutral eyes were occupied by a strong threat.

Wan Dong involuntarily swallowed back the words that followed, laughed dryly a few times, and said with a serious expression, "Since one formation map is not enough, then I will go all out and pass on to you the set of swordsmanship I used to deal with Wu Qiujun today." ,how?"

As soon as Wan Dong's words came out, Tang Xinyi shuddered involuntarily, her face was immediately covered by thick surprise, "You... are you telling the truth?"

"Of course! Seeing you being bullied by that guy Luo Xiao today, I feel very upset. My Xu Yaoting, oh no, my Dingshan Prince's Mansion, how can I be so angry?"

"Thank you!" Tang Xinyi blurted out involuntarily, looking at Wan Dong with a bright expression.

"Hey! It turns out that General Tang can say these three words."

"Xu Yaoting, don't be complacent! If you can't teach me tonight, don't even think about sleeping!"

That night, Wan Dong really didn't sleep well.But it wasn't because Tang Xinyi was stupid, Wan Dong couldn't teach her.On the contrary, Tang Xinyi's comprehension is also good, plus she is very familiar with that set of swordsmanship, Wan Dong just improved it, Tang Xinyi is familiar with it, and it doesn't take much time to master it.

What makes Wan Dong dumbfounded is that this Tang Xinyi is quite greedy.After learning the sword skills, she performed all the body skills and boxing skills she knew in front of Wan Dong, forcing Wan Dong to improve for her.

The two discussed and revised, and the time passed slowly.But this night, Tang Xinyi can be said to have gained a lot. Although her cultivation base did not increase substantially, her understanding and comprehension of martial arts improved a lot.He even put his own martial arts moves out of order, removed the chaff and kept the essence, greatly increasing its power.If Tang Xinyi faced Luo Xiao again now, the outcome would have to be rewritten.

Of course, Wan Dong is not without gains.At least Tang Xinyi gave him more and more smiles, and her attitude was very different from before.

Seeing that the east had turned white and the sky was dawning, General Tang finally yawned, feeling a little sleepy.

"Okay, that's all for today, I'm going back to rest."

Seeing that General Tang dropped these words, turned around and left, Wan Dong couldn't help but smile bitterly.Who was helping whom this night? How did she get the cheap Tang Xinyi, who was even more violent than him?How could Wandong understand Tang Xinyi's thoughts?This night together, Wan Dong really scared Tang Xinyi.Needless to say, Wan Dong's super talent, Wan Dong's incisive understanding of martial arts shocked Tang Xinyi even more.The night spent with Wan Dong was almost worth the ten years of penance she had spent in the master's school.

This made Tang Xinyi feel awe-like toward Wan Dongzhi, which made Tang Xinyi hardly know how to get along with Wan Dong. She was flustered, even if she had thousands of thanks, how could she say it?

Looking at Tang Xinyi who was drifting away, Wan Dong shook his head, and instead of going back to the room to rest, he sat down cross-legged on the spot.

It was just dawn, and the energy wandering between the heaven and the earth was the most active. Wan Dong didn't want to miss this excellent opportunity to practice.In addition, part of the true qi that Wan Dong absorbed from Wu Qiujun hadn't been refined. Wan Dong wanted to see to what extent the Dao Qi in his body would grow if he refined this part of the true qi.

The result surprised and delighted Wan Dong. After Wan Dong completely refined Wu Qiujun's true qi, he discovered that the amount of dao qi in his body had nearly doubled.Originally, the golden Dao Qi could only cover Wan Dong's arms, but now Wan Dong's entire upper body muscles and bones were covered with a faint golden layer.The mind turns, the Dao airflow turns, originally it was only as thick as a little finger, but now it has grown as big as a middle finger.

Wan Dong subconsciously swung his fist, and with a bang, a pine tree with the size of a bowl beside him broke in the middle.Wan Dong's heart was shaken, to such an extent, it was no less than his cultivation level when he jumped off the cliff, and he was actually in the double-level realm of true qi.

However, just inhaling a part of his true energy when fighting with Wu Qiujun can bring such a huge increase to Wan Dong's cultivation base, which makes Wan Dong's mind alive all of a sudden.What would happen if Wu Qiujun's cultivation was completely drained?

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Wan Dong couldn't help shaking his head and let out a wry smile.Wu Qiujun is not a fool, would he foolishly let him suck it?However, Dao Qi can grow rapidly by absorbing other people's true energy, this feature still makes Wan Dong overjoyed.This is undoubtedly a shortcut to practice, which means that the time for him to reunite with Mu Lian has been shortened a lot!

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