Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 61 Your 3 tricks don't work!

If these three tricks were really taught by Leng Yuecui's sister, then what Leng Yuecui said is not an exaggeration, her sister does have some skills.Just looking at these three moves, Wan Dong couldn't help but let out a wry smile. These three moves are wonderful, but they follow a feminine way. In other words, these three moves are clearly women's swordsmanship. After Wu Yang learned it, It's strange if you don't feel awkward.

"Xu Yaoting, what about my three moves, aren't they very clever?" After demonstrating the three moves, Leng Yuecui proudly raised her head at Wan Dong, and said crisply.

Wan Dong frowned, shook his head lightly, and said, "With these three moves, I can't break Wu Yue's chaotic swordsmanship."

"What? Impossible!" As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, Leng Yuecui exploded, her crescent eyebrows slanted, and her expression was very excited.

It's no wonder that Leng Yuecui was 'humiliated' twice at Wu Yue's place, and hated her so much that she went back to pester her sister and learned these three tricks.She also wanted to use these three tricks to break the chaos of swordsmanship, not only to regain her ranking on the Qingyun Ranking, but also to express her depression. Unexpectedly, Wan Dong poured a basin of cold water on her right in front of her, and used Leng Yue Cui's temperament is not in a hurry or annoyed, that's strange.

"You don't believe it?" Wan Dong chuckled, and Leng Yuecui's reaction was all within his expectations.

"Of course I don't believe it! The three moves my sister passed on to me are obviously much better than Wu Yueshi's melee swordsmanship. How could it not be broken? Just wait, when Wu Yue arrives, I will immediately challenge her. Let the facts speak!"

Wan Dong said, "I don't need to wait for Wuyue to come, I can be your opponent. You defeat my melee swordsmanship first, and then go to Wuyue to challenge."

"Do you know how to use random swordsmanship?" Leng Yuecui was astonished.

Wan Dong chuckled, stretched out his hand and broke off a thumb-thick branch from the trunk beside him, removed the branches and leaves, waved it in the air, tried the feel, and said, "I saw Wu Yue perform it yesterday, so I just memorized a few moves." , bring it to you as a trick, it’s just right for you!”

"Are you kidding me? You just memorized a few tricks casually, not even a half-baked one. How can you try out the subtlety of my three tricks?" Leng Yuecui rolled her eyes at Wan Dong several times.

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's move!" Holding the branch, Wan Dong suddenly pointed at Leng Yuecui's throat. A heart trembled involuntarily.

"You... are you serious?" Leng Yuecui murmured unnaturally.

Wan Dong snorted softly, and the branch in his hand suddenly thrust forward, and there was a buzzing sound immediately, the branch in Wan Dong's hand, like a magic trick, suddenly transformed into dozens of phantoms, a burst of Going forward indomitably, the fierce aura of chaotic wars in the world rippled in an instant, turning into an invisible pressure, rolling towards Leng Yuecui like a mountain and a sea.

Leng Yuecui and Xu Yaoting also fought each other, Xu Yaoting has a few tricks, she is very clear, she didn't take Wan Dong's words to heart at first, but when Wan Dong made a move, Leng Yuecui's startled eyes almost collapsed Jumped out of the eye socket.

Could such a fierce swordsmanship be something Xu Yaoting's broken gun could do?

Leng Yuecui couldn't allow Leng Yuecui to think about it at all, the violent sword force, densely packed, had already reached her eyes in the blink of an eye, and if she didn't make a move, Leng Yuecui might not even have the chance to make a move.

Hurriedly suppressing the horror that filled her heart, Leng Yuecui hastily waved her jade palm, sacrificing a lot of palm strength, and tried her best to block the branch that was more deadly than the sword.As soon as the two people's true qi collided in the air, Leng Yuecui was shocked again, she was extremely surprised, how could Xu Yaoting's cultivation base suddenly doubled in just a few days?

As soon as Leng Yuecui's mind was in a trance, Wan Dong's chaotic sword force covered her whole body.Wherever it enters the eyes, there are branches with uncertain reality, like poisonous snakes spitting out letters, dancing like demons.In the ears, there are all the buzzing winds brought by the branches breaking through the air, disturbing people's hearts.Leng Yuecui suddenly had an illusion, as if what she was facing was not Wan Dong, but Wu Yue herself.

For example, Leng Yuecui is quite familiar with Luan Dou sword technique after two fights, and she can tell at a glance that Wan Dong just memorized a move or two casually, and he is clearly more proficient than Wu Yue!

"It's really evil! Could this guy know how to fight swordsmanship?" Trapped by Wan Dong's sword power, Leng Yuecui rushed left and right, but was ruthlessly blocked back, feeling very surprised.

Even if Leng Yuecui was like this, Wu Yang was immediately dumbfounded.If you haven't eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig run?Wu Jinhun had used this chaotic swordsmanship in front of him many times, and Wu Yang could recognize the moves in it.At this time, I saw Wan Dong's every move and style, which was completely printed out of the same model as Luan Dou's swordsmanship. It was almost the same, and his eyes were rounder than ping-pong balls.

"No, if this continues, I will fall into this kid's hands today." The more entangled with Wan Dong, the more difficult Leng Yuecui felt. That kind of embarrassment was no less than that of her and Wu Dong. When the month is against.

Gritting her teeth lightly, Leng Yuecui suddenly let out a yell, and used those three moves.

Wan Dong said that these three moves of hers could not break the chaos swordsmanship, Leng Yuecui was full of dissatisfaction.But she just used one trick, and all the dissatisfaction in her heart turned into sincere conviction, and she sighed secretly, "I didn't expect this guy's eyesight to be so poisonous!"

The three moves that Leng Yuecui got from her sister are not ingenious, and when they are used, the power is extraordinary, but unfortunately, these three moves are not only unable to restrain the chaos swordsmanship, but are restrained by the chaos swordsmanship .

Leng Yuecui had just used the first move, and found that her three palm moves were simply impossible to use under Wan Dong's sword.She used a pair of fleshy palms to challenge Chaos Dou's swordsmanship, using the same method as empty hands into white blades.With this kind of strategy, the only way to defeat the enemy is to pinpoint the opponent's weaknesses and flaws, and attack directly with lightning speed.However, the three moves Leng Yucui used are exactly the opposite. The method is somewhat similar to the fighting swordsmanship.And the changes of these three moves are not as good as the random fighting swordsmanship, so they are restrained everywhere.

Back then when Leng Yuecui's sister taught her these three moves, she must have not been very clear about the way of fighting swordsmanship, otherwise she would never have made such a mistake.

Just halfway through the first move, Leng Yuecui was hit by the branch in Wan Dong's hand on the back of his hand. Although it didn't hurt very much, it scared Leng Yuecui into a cold sweat.You know, if Wan Dong is holding a sword in her hand, she is already a disabled person.

"Don't fight, don't fight anymore!" With the remaining two moves, Leng Yuecui didn't even have the interest to continue to try, so she waved her hands repeatedly and shouted.

The branch in Wan Dong's hand drew an extremely graceful trajectory in the air, and stopped gracefully behind Wan Dong.Just looking at the skill with which he retracted the sword, no one would object to Wan Dong's swordsmanship for more than ten years.

"Okay Xu Yaoting, it turns out that you have been hiding your clumsiness before, and I was fooled by you." Leng Yuecui pursed her red lips, and looked Wan Dong up and down, as if she wanted to get to know him again.

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