Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 68 One move to defeat the enemy!

This smile made Jin Mu's mind jump wildly for no reason, just when he felt something was wrong, Wan Dong's figure suddenly shook, and then disappeared from Jin Mu's eyes.

"What!?" Jin Mu shouted wildly, his expression becoming more and more flustered.Although he was young, he had already experienced many battles, but this was the first time he saw such a strange scene.

Before Jin Mu's voice fell to the ground, Wan Dong's figure suddenly appeared a foot from his left side like a ghost.A right leg was like a whip, and it came towards him fiercely.

"Impossible!" Jin Mu only had time to shout in his heart, without any resistance, or even a chance to react, Wan Dong's right leg kicked him hard on the lower abdomen.

As if being hit by a steel rod, explosive power poured into his body in an instant, and the severe pain fell on him suddenly without the slightest sign.pain!Heart-piercing, bone marrow-like pain!Even if Jin Mu was made of iron, he couldn't help it at this moment, and let out screams that were no longer human. Under the effect of inertia, his figure was like a football kicked by the volley, flying backwards out.

The whole process is slow to write, but it happens extremely fast, only in the blink of an eye.Not to mention Jin Mu, even Leng Yuecui didn't react for a long time, it felt like she just blinked her eyes, and then Jin Mu, who came down the mountain like a tiger, was swept away by Wan Dong.It made Leng Yuecui wonder whether the two of them had practiced before, or how could it be such a coincidence that Jin Mu rushed to Wan Dong's lap in a good manner.The whole process was clean and neat, without muddling at all, which was wonderful.

Wan Dong didn't give Leng Yuecui a chance to understand all this at all. The moment Jin Mu flew upside down, Wan Dong's figure also moved with the wind. Qi Zhun pinched Jin Mu's veins extremely.

When the two landed together, Jin Mu was already held in Wan Dong's hands like a puddle of mud.

"This... is this the end?" Leng Yuecui was dumbfounded, her expression was dull.

Jin Mu, who was defeated by her after a lot of effort, became so virtuous in Wan Dong's hands without even taking a single move.From Leng Yuecui's point of view, all this was so weird that she couldn't believe it.

"I...I'll fight with you!" This Jin Mu has a bit of a tough guy temperament. Even though his body hurts like a knife, even though Wan Dong pinches his veins, he still refuses to give in. With a roar, he raised his head The other palm swung towards Wan Dong.

"Things that are obsessed with obsession!" Wan Dong snorted coldly, squeezed Jin Mu's hand, his five fingers tightened suddenly, and a terrible suction force immediately sucked the true energy in Jin Mu's body into his own body like a flood .

Ever since Wan Dong discovered that the true qi of a martial artist can help him quickly increase the dao qi in his body, Wan Dong began to wonder whether he could actively absorb the true qi in the martial artist's body and refine it into dao qi. Jin Mu did an experiment.

Jin Mu managed to gather the true energy, and before it hit Wan Dong's body, Wan Dong sucked it up completely in the blink of an eye. Jumped out of the eye socket.

" are sucking my true energy!?" When Jin Mu found that half of the true energy in his body was sucked by Wan Dong in the blink of an eye, he was even more horrified and inexplicable. Staring at Wan Dong full of fear, he asked in a trembling voice.

"A person like you, if you keep your true energy, it will only cause harm to the world. If I suck them in, it will save you from doing a little evil, and it will be regarded as accumulating virtue for you!"

"No...don't, let me go, let me go!" True Qi is no less important than life to a martial artist, and the true Qi that has been painstakingly cultivated for many years was sucked away just like this Well, this blow is no worse than killing Jin Mu.

Jin Mu, who was so arrogant and arrogant, softened in a blink of an eye, his eyes were full of pleading, and even tears were about to flow out.

However, Wan Dong's heart was hard enough, he completely ignored Jin Mu's pleading eyes, and the speed of Jin Mu's true energy loss more than doubled in an instant.

Jin Mu finally understood that Wan Dong wanted to abolish him.Fear mixed with anger drove Jin Mu completely crazy, his body twisted and struggled, desperately trying to break free from Wan Dong's five fingers, but Wan Dong's five fingers were like steel clamps, motionless.

"Devil! You are a devil, you are a devil..." The desperate Jin Mu kept screaming, but soon, with the loss of true energy in his body, he didn't even have the strength to scream.

Leng Yuecui didn't know what Wan Dong did to Jin Mu at all, but Jin Mu's painful and desperate expression was enough to make her faintly feel that what Wan Dong did to Jin Mu at this time must be extremely terrible things.

Xu Yaoting, who was bullied and ravaged by her in the past, hid so deeply that Leng Yuecui was so shocked that she even held her breath.

With just one move, Jin Mu fell into his hands, what about her?Can she survive a move?Leng Yuecui couldn't help shivering, and when she looked at Wan Dong again, she couldn't help but feel a little more awe in her eyes.

Feeling that the dao qi in his body had increased a lot, it had already begun to rush towards the muscles and bones of his lower body, Wan Dong's heart was greatly shaken, and a shortcut to ascension was completely spread out in front of him.It's just that the level of Jin Mu's true energy is too low, far from the top powerhouse like Wu Qiujun's, it is pure and thick, even if Jin Mu's whole body's true energy is sucked up, the increased Dao Qi does not have a trace of Wu Qiujun's true energy many.

"Wu Qiujun, I will suck you up sooner or later!" Wan Dong thought to himself, and threw Jin Mu's hand away as if throwing away trash.

"You...what did you do to him?" Seeing Wan Dong walking slowly, Leng Yuecui asked in fear.

Wan Dong shook his head, and said, "He won't die, but his cultivation was abolished by me!"

"What? Was... crippled by you?" Leng Yuecui's face was full of disbelief, Wan Dong crippled Jin Mu in just such a short time?When did this master on the Qingyun Ranking become so good?

"Boss, what... what happened here?" Wu Yang came back at this time, glanced at Jin Mu who was lying on the ground, and those servants who were rolling around with their broken arms, and asked nah .

Wan Dong shook his head and said, "It's nothing serious, I taught a few unsightly bastards a lesson. Where's Xiaohu?"

Seeing that Wan Dong was fine, Wu Yang's heart settled down, and he said, "Xiaohu doesn't seem to be here today."

"Not here?" Wan Dong frowned slightly.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "This guy finally got a girlfriend, and he is probably very beautiful at the moment. He can't wait to be with a beautiful woman all the time. How can he even think about coming to the martial arts academy?"

In Xu Yaoting's memory, Hu Yue didn't seem to have such a personality, but Wan Dong didn't think too deeply about it. It didn't seem like a big deal not to come to the Martial Academy for a day or two. Xu Yaoting used to do this often!

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