"Xu Yaoting, don't be too arrogant! Although you are very strong, you may not be able to surpass my army!" Yu Qinglin roared loudly, but anyone could hear it. His voice was full of timidity and guilty conscience, typical The color is fierce and the inside is soft!

"Is the 20 army awesome? Humph! Dingshanwei listened to the order and attacked!" Luo Xiao, who arrived afterward, groaned several times in his throat, and then pointed at the edge of the sword, and nine thousand scimitars flickered at the same time With a sky-shattering cold light, he ran straight towards Yu Qinglin's army.

A mere 9000 troops actually wanted to shake up the camp of 20 troops. From the eyes of ordinary people, it was a joke no matter how you looked at it.But at this moment, in this situation, who would dare to say that this is a joke?

The Nine Thousand Dingshan Guards gathered together, as if turning into a huge silver dragon, rolling and dancing between the heaven and the earth, as if to smash any obstacles that dared to block it.

Facing such a fierce offensive, Yu Qinglin's 20 troops retreated in unison.

Is this okay?This is Yu Qinglin's last reliance, how can he back down?

With a loud roar, Yu Qinglin swung the long sword out, and the soldiers of the Tie Zhan dynasty who were closest to him fell down instantly with blood splattering.

"Those who retreat without authorization, die!"

Thanks to Qinglin's ruthlessness, the army under his command finally stabilized his position.

"Kill me!" Luo Xiao pointed at his sword, Shuai Tong Wu Yang, Hu Yue, and Zong Yang's sons and daughters rushed into the enemy camp first, and the screams resounded through the world.

Wang Yangde's Chiyang sword is even more powerful!He was alone, with no encumbrances, no entanglement, this charge into the enemy's camp, he immediately fought all over, invincible.The blood-red sword light scattered and galloped in all directions, constantly setting off waves of blood in the enemy camp.

Wan Dong stared at him, and he couldn't help secretly applauding in his heart. After a few days of absence, Wang Yangde's cultivation has broken through to the peak of the ninth level, and he has also achieved a small amount of success in the way of the holy sword.His aptitude and talent are indeed superior!

The progress made by Luo Xiao and the others is not small. Although they can't run amok like Wang Yangde, but as commanders, they can move faster than Wang Yangde in the enemy camp. !

Yu Qinglin couldn't believe his eyes!The 20 army under his command is like a huge steak that has been fried just right, and Dingshanwei is like an extremely sharp knife, cutting into it without hindrance, and dividing his army into as many as he wants. Scattered small pieces, and then mercilessly, unceremoniously, at a speed that made him shudder, and ate them separately!

"You bastard! What the hell are you doing, cheer me up!"

There are only two things that Yu Qinglin is most proud of in his life, one is his cultivation, and the other is his ability to lead troops.

In the Iron War Dynasty, the reason why Yu Qinglin was awarded the title of General Dragon and Tiger was not due to luck.The army he brought out is so powerful that it can be said to be well-known in the Iron War Dynasty. It is no exaggeration to call it the division of tigers and wolves.

Yu Qinglin never dreamed that one day, his army of 20 would be defeated so badly in front of an army of less than [-]!It made him have the urge to wipe his neck with a knife!

"Good job! Good job!" On the city wall, Li Xingbiao was extremely excited, walking back and forth like a clockwork, and at the same time, he kept uttering praises one after another. .

"Too slow!" Just when Li Xingbiao was trembling with excitement, Wan Dong suddenly let out a shout.

"Slow? What's slow?" Li Xingbiao was stunned for a while, then turned his head and smiled at Wen Yi, and asked nah.

Wen Yixiao smiled wryly, and said, "If my guess is correct, Mr. Xu thinks that the Qinglin army was defeated too slowly."

"No... no way?" Li Xingbiao couldn't help shouting, with a strange expression on his face.With 20 against [-], Ding Shanwei's performance can already be described as unbelievable to Li Xingbiao, but Wan Dong still has the face to dislike this and that, isn't he afraid of being struck by lightning?

When Li Xingbiao and Wen Yixiao looked strange, Luo Xiao's brows suddenly frowned.

"Nine curves and nine palace formations!" With Luo Xiao's explosive roar, the Nine Thousand Dingshan Guards immediately changed from one to nine, and divided them into nine roads, each with different trajectories, steps, and wind speeds.

Now the Jiuqu Nine Palace Formation has been practiced by Ding Shanwei very proficiently, from movement to stillness, from stillness to movement, changes from the heart, extremely smooth!

Seeing the ever-changing Dingshanwei formation, Li Xingbiao's eyes almost popped out.

People always set up their formations before the two sides face each other. Where is there a temporary formation during the battle?This is simply crazy!Once the enemy seizes the opportunity to launch a fierce attack while the formation is not yet established, it will immediately fall into chaos.Especially at this time, Ding Shanwei had already penetrated into the center of the enemy formation, and his numbers were at an absolute disadvantage. Enemies were everywhere in the front, rear, left, and right sides. Setting up an formation at this time was no different from committing suicide!

"Looking for death!" Yu Qinglin naturally understood this.He was being terrified by Ding Shanwei's attack and he was breathless, suddenly such a good opportunity came, how could he not seize it?With a yell, Yu Qinglin went out in person and led his army to charge towards Ding Shanwei.

Seeing that Ding Shanwei was right in front of him, and Wuzi was busy setting up the formation, Yu Qinglin's face suddenly showed bursts of sinister smiles.

However, before the sinister smile on Qinglin's face broke completely, a burst of screams suddenly sounded from behind him.Yu Qinglin was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly turned his head to look, this look almost made him fall off the horse without any surprise.

Behind him, a Dingshan Guard unexpectedly appeared inexplicably, as if it had fallen from the sky, charging towards him at an astonishing speed.

"Bastard! How could they go behind us? Are your eyes used for breathing? Why don't you stop them!?" Yu Qinglin kept roaring, subconsciously turning the horse's head, trying to turn around stature.

However, at this moment, an unusually fierce aura suddenly shot at him, and in an instant, the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Without thinking about it, Yu Qinglin reined in the horse suddenly, the true energy in his body galloped horizontally and vertically, and he and the horse leaped up to a height of more than five feet. Swept past.

Yu Qinglin is a master at the peak of the Nine Layers. With such means, he can naturally turn the danger into a bargain, but the soldiers under his command are not as awesome as he is, and they suffer disaster immediately. The stumps, broken arms and blood rain fly all over the sky, blinking Within a short period of time, hundreds of soldiers from the Iron War Dynasty fell down.

"What?" Yu Qinglin turned his head to look, and was horrified to find that Ding Shanwei, who was busy setting up the formation, and Ding Shanwei, who had no time to pay attention to him, now pointed their blades at him.

"This... what kind of formation is this, how can it be deployed so quickly?" Yu Qinglin was stunned for a while.

Li Xingbiao and Wen Yixiao on the city wall also looked at each other in blank dismay.

I thought that Ding Shanwei was messing around, but looking at it now, it was not the case at all.The reason why Ding Shanwei dared to deploy in the center of the enemy's formation was because of his excellent training and his extremely strong self-confidence!

The Nine Palaces and Nine Curves Formation is complete, just like an incomparably brilliant flower, which suddenly blooms in the middle of Qinglin's army!

The power of the Nine Palaces and Nine Curves Formation is completely unimaginable to anyone who has not experienced it personally.

Accompanied by the figure of Dingshanwei fighters, they are constantly moving and moving, ethereal and uncertain. Dingshanwei, who obviously only has 9000 people, seems to have increased tenfold to 9 people!

In just a split second, Yu Qinglin realized that his numerical advantage seemed to be gone!

Looking around, there is a vast expanse of white silver light everywhere, and the figures of Dingshanwei soldiers intersperse, jumping and changing constantly, one seems to become ten, it is dazzling!

Yu Qinglin was caught in the battle, he may not have seen this change clearly, but Li Xingbiao, Wen Yixiao was at the top of the city, but he was very shocked to see it!

It is simply a huge trick, full of fiction and reality, unpredictable, but at the same time it has a great visual impact and shocks people's hearts!

"Mr. Wen, have you ever seen such a powerful and sharp battle formation before?" Li Xingbiao couldn't help asking Wen Yixiao with a face full of surprise.

Wen Yixiao shook his head and said, "Leading troops to fight, I am far inferior to General Li. General Li has never seen him before, so where can I go to meet him?"

"You've opened your eyes, Li really opened his eyes today!" Li Xingbiao twirled his beard lightly, exclaiming incessantly.

The Nine Palaces and Nine Curves are completed, and the power is immediately revealed!The soldiers of the Iron War Dynasty fell faster and faster!It's almost like a competition, the competition is to see who falls the fastest!

Yu Qinglin led his army to attack the Jiugong Jiuqu formation several times, but was ruthlessly blocked back again and again!

Yu Qinglin's soul began to tremble. If this continues, his 20 army will really be wiped out in the hands of only 9000 people.

Yu Qinglin looked out from the gap between Qinglin and the crowd, and saw Wan Dong sitting on the horse, watching quietly, and couldn't help trembling in his heart.He almost forgot that Wan Dong hadn't made a move yet!

Once Wan Dong's Dzogchen makes a move, will he still have a way out?

Yu Qinglin became anxious, looking around, looking for life.

Breaking the formation, he didn't even think about it, unless he was given another 20 troops, otherwise it would only be a dream!

"Where are those children?" Yu Qinglin's expression suddenly brightened, and he searched hurriedly.Soon, he saw the hundreds of children who were closely guarded by a thousand Dingshan guards.

"Let me go! Go catch those children!" Yu Qinglin immediately made up his mind, turned his horse's head, and galloped away.

The several lieutenants who followed him immediately understood, and hurriedly ordered about 5 horses from the chaotic formation, followed closely behind Qinglin, and rushed towards the group of children.

There are only about [-] to [-] soldiers of the Iron War Dynasty left, and it is even more unbearable to face Ding Shanwei's Jiugong Jiuqu formation, but they also know in their hearts that if they want to survive today, those children are their only hope.For a moment, under the soaring desire to survive, Xiang Dingwei still bravely rushed over, hoping to buy Yu Qinglin a little more time...

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