Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 71 Young Master Xu is hard to deal with!

Wan Dong snorted lightly, and refused to give this middle-aged man even a straight look, putting on the airs of a prince and grandson.As for the middle-aged man's honeyed words, he ignored them even more. He raised his eyes and saw the disciple of the Qinglong Gang who was holding a knife, sweating in a daze, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and punched him unceremoniously.

The disciple of the Qinglong Gang who was holding the knife to chop Wandong actually had two brushes. Among the disciples of the Qinglong Gang who were in charge of guarding, he should be a small leader, but at this time he was completely intimidated by Wandong's identity. I didn't expect that Wan Dong would attack him ruthlessly at this time.Wan Dong's punch was very comfortable, as if hitting an immovable wooden stake, without encountering any resistance, only heard a scream, the disciple of the Qinglong Gang holding the knife, even The man flew upside down with the knife more than ten feet away, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that Wan Dong had killed him this time.

"Master Xu, you..." The middle-aged man did not expect that Wan Dong would be so disrespectful to him, killing him with his hand raised, and his complexion couldn't help but change.

Wan Dong seemed to be fine, he took out a silk handkerchief from his bosom, and wiped his hands slowly, with a relaxed and indifferent expression, as if he was standing in his backyard at this time.

Killing someone without changing his expression made the heart of the middle-aged man suddenly twitch.He no longer dared to treat Wan Dong as a worthless dandy, and his expression was obviously much more serious than before.

"Who are you? Do you know this young master?" Wan Dong threw away the used silk handkerchief, then raised his head, looked at the middle-aged man and asked coldly.

"Oh, I'm Wu Gen, the deputy leader of the left guard of the Qinglong Gang, who was fortunate enough to witness the demeanor of Young Master Xu." The middle-aged man looked respectful, without the slightest affectation.The Qinglong Gang is not soft on ordinary people, but it is respectful to the dignitaries of the government. If it were not for bullying the weak and fearing the hard, the Qinglong Gang would not have the power it is today.

"Deputy Commander of the Left Guard? It sounds more prestigious than the court officials." Wan Dong said with a sneer.

Wu Gen felt guilty for a while, and hurriedly said with a smile, "Where is the little one, in your eyes, Young Master Xu, isn't it just an ant? Hehe..."

Wan Dong snorted softly, and murmured as if talking to himself, "You are the deputy commander of Zuowei, so what is your leader Han, the emperor?"

"Ah!?" As soon as Wan Dong said this, Wu Gen felt as if he had been electrocuted, he shivered a few times, and his face changed dramatically.When he looked at Wan Dong again, his eyes were filled with fear.

I wondered in my heart, when did the Azure Dragon Gang offend this Young Master Xu, and the offense was quite ruthless, otherwise, how could they have turned the Azure Dragon Gang into a dead end?

Looking at the trembling Wu Gen, Leng Yuecui was convinced by Wan Dong.She didn't realize it before, but now she realizes that this guy's mind is not ordinary, and his behavior style is not ordinary.In a few words, the Qinglong Gang was charged with the heinous crime of treason. If one is not handled properly, the Qinglong Gang will hardly escape the catastrophe of collapse.

No matter how strong your small gang is, can it be stronger than the imperial court and the three iron-blooded armies defending Gyeonggi?

"Master Xu, such a joke, but... can't be taken! Our leader Han is absolutely loyal to the empire, and never dares to be disobedient. This point, the little one can use... a human head to guarantee it." Wu Gen couldn't be smooth anymore, his complexion was pale, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Your head?" Wan Dong stepped forward, stretched out his hand and patted Wu Gen's head lightly, with a contemptuous smile on his face, he said coldly, "How much is your head worth?"

"Yes, no, I..."

Seeing that Wu Gen was completely out of control, Wan Dong didn't bother to talk to him any more. He raised his head and pouted his lips into the noodle shop, and asked calmly, "What's going on inside, it seems quite lively."

"No... nothing..."

"Bastard! Do you think this young master is deaf and an idiot?"

"Don't dare! It's just..."

"It's just that it's inconvenient for Master Ben to go in, isn't it?"

"Yes, ah, no no... no, yes..."

"Yes for a while, no for a while, what exactly do you want to say? If you don't want Master Ben to go in, just say it, what are you talking about?"

Wu Gen felt remorse at this moment, if he knew Wan Dong was so difficult to deal with, why did he insist on taking this job?It's fine now, he can't advance or retreat, he just threw himself on the grill.

"Wu Gen, let Young Master Xu come in!" When Wu Gen was panicking, a majestic voice came from inside the noodle shop.Wan Dong frowned slightly. Judging by the voice, this person has an extraordinary bearing and is definitely not a simple character.

As soon as Wu Gen heard this, his expression immediately calmed down, no longer flustered, and respectfully stretched out his hand, saying, "Master Xu, please!"

Stepping into the noodle shop, Wan Dong's expression turned gloomy, and Ye Mei was injured.Although it wasn't very heavy, the bright red blood on the corner of her mouth was extremely dazzling.

Beside Ye Mei is a young woman about 30 years old, graceful, mature and charming, coupled with her beautiful face, she is like a rose in full bloom, which is indeed very tempting.It must be Ye Mei's sister Ye Ling, Han Shiqi's vision is pretty good.

Ye Ling didn't seem to have practiced before, and his body was a little weak. At this time, he was holding Ye Mei tightly, his face was full of fear and despair.

In addition, there were three young men lying on the ground, all about 25 or [-] years old. Like Yue Zhong outside, their bodies were covered with bloodstains and hideous scars.

Seeing Wan Dong's arrival, Ye Mei's face was full of surprise and joy, and her big almond eyes lit up instantly.

Wan Dong nodded lightly at her, and in a blink of an eye, he looked at an old man with gray hair and a stern expression who was sitting on the grand teacher's chair.The fluctuation of true qi in the old man's body could not deceive Wan Dong's eyes at all. At the peak of the seventh layer of true qi, he should be counted among the masters in Yunzhong City.

"Hehe...Master Xu, you are so angry!" The old man just glanced at Wan Dong, then turned his head to the tea table beside him, picked up a cup of steaming tea, and sipped it to himself, The shelf is not as big as usual, and it seems that Wan Dong is not in his eyes.

"Are you paralyzed?"

Wan Dong's face was cold, and he really didn't give any face, and the words he said were even harder, hitting people's faces painfully.

The old man was about to swallow a mouthful of fragrant tea when he almost choked on the word Wan Dong.Frowning slightly, he asked in a deep voice, "Master Xu, why did you say that?"

"If you weren't paralyzed, why didn't you stand up and salute when you saw this young master?"

The old man smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said lightly, "Since ancient times, I have only heard of respecting the elderly, but I have never heard of 'respecting the young'. This old man is several rounds older than Young Master Xu, so he can be your grandfather. That should be Young Master Xu saluting the old man, right?"

[Author's Digression]: Please collect it!Ask for a reward!

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