"Commander Ma's cultivation is really unfathomable! But having said that, how deep is the enmity between you and this person that you want to treat him like this? Originally, I just wanted to teach him a little lesson, but now it's alright, teacup If it breaks, he might lose his life."


Mai is also a shrewd person, how could he not understand that Wan Dong had expected from the very beginning that he would make a move to stop him, so he did something secretly, which made his attack not only fail to save the disciple of the Qinglong Gang, On the contrary, it made his death worse.This scheming certainly made Mai's heart shudder, but Wan Dong's methods made him even more chilled.Because he knew clearly that Wan Dong did something wrong, but he couldn't see what kind of something Wan Dong did and how he did it.

Mai only thought that the arrogant and ruthless boy in front of him was just a daring dude who relied on his family's power, but now it seems that he greatly underestimated him.

This has suffered from being dumb, and it has a bitter and indescribable taste. I haven't tasted the linen clothes for some years, and my old face is sometimes blue and sometimes purple, and it keeps changing.

"The subordinates don't know the rules, and Shangfeng didn't say anything, but acted privately. Naturally, he will be taught a lesson severely." Mai said gritted her teeth.

Wan Dong couldn't help but let out a chuckle, the sackcloth still had some meaning, even though he knew that the loss was for sure, he still had to try to earn back some face.

"Master Xu, I don't understand something, please give me some pointers!" Mai asked with a serious expression.

Wan Dong said lightly, "Let's talk, I like to give advice to others the most."

Mai snorted, and said, "I don't understand, when did our Qinglong Gang offend you, Young Master Xu, so that you are so rude to our Qinglong Gang. In just a moment, several disciples from my gang fell to you Speaking of it, Young Master Xu's methods are really comparable to thunder."

"Coincidentally!" As soon as Mai's voice fell, Wan Dong yelled, and stood up abruptly from the grand master's chair. Asked."

Mai was taken aback for a moment, and asked with a puzzled face, "Master Xu, what does this mean?"

"Yeah, I'm confused too! I, Xu Yaoting, have always been cautious. When did I offend the Qinglong Gang, I'd like to ask Commander Ma to tell me clearly."

"This is strange, Master Xu, you have never offended our Azure Dragon Gang, why do you ask this!"

"That's good! Since I have never offended your Qinglong Gang, why do you Qinglong Gang want to make things difficult for me and blatantly want to kidnap my sister? It's really unreasonable!"

"You...your older sister?" Mai became more and more confused, her gray eyebrows were almost crowded together.

Wan Dong stepped in front of Ye Ling, whose face was still shocked, pointed at her and said, "Mai, why are you pretending to be confused? This is my sister!"

"Ah? Xu...Master Xu, you..." Ye Ling was a little dazed when Wan Dong said this.Before today, she had never met Xu Yaoting, and she didn't understand why the only grandson of King Dingshan became his younger brother?

Ye Ling was about to speak, but Ye Mei gently clenched her hand, shook her head slightly, and signaled her not to speak, everything would be fine if Wan Dong came forward.Seeing Ye Mei's eyes, Ye Ling's flustered mind was affirmed.

"Master Xu, did you make a mistake? As far as I know, this girl surnamed Ye is from Tiandu Country. She has only been in Yunzhong City for less than a year. How could she be your sister?" Wu Gen couldn't believe it even if he killed her Ye Linghui is Xu Yaoting's older sister, and she stood up anxiously and said.

"Bastard! That slap just now wasn't enough, right? You mean, I, Xu Yaoting, am so stupid that even my own sister would admit my mistake?"


"But you bastard! Get the hell out of here!"

Facing Wan Dong's domineering, even though Wu Gen's lungs were about to explode, there was nothing he could do.Although the Qinglong Gang is powerful, if they really want to compete with King Dingshan, they probably don't have that power.

"Master Xu, you said she was your older sister, but your surname is Xu, and this girl's surname is Ye. How can this be explained?" Wu Gen didn't dare to speak anymore, so Mai had to grit his teeth and ask.

"Explain what? Do I need to explain to you about my young master?"

"Master Xu, isn't it too domineering for you to be like this?" Mai asked in a deep, angry voice, who was almost choked to death by Wan Dong.

Wan Dong sneered, and curled his lips and said, "You smashed other people's noodle shops and raped girls from good families, aren't you overbearing? Let me tell you old guy, today your Qinglong gang bullied my sister, if you can't give me a reasonable Explain and explain, the Azure Dragon Gang will have a big deal! My young master immediately go back and ask my grandfather for troops, and destroy your Azure Dragon Gang!"

"Master Xu, whether this Ye Ling is your sister or not, I think you and I both know it well. Let's see, Ye Ling is the woman that our leader Han likes, and I must take it back. But today I Qinglong It is also a fact that you are not happy because of your help. In this way, I hope Young Master Xu can hold your hand high. If you miss today, I, the Qinglong Gang, will definitely send you a generous gift, just keep it to your satisfaction, Young Master Xu."

"Hmph... The threats are not successful, so they come to lure? The methods of the Azure Dragon Gang are really endless."

Mai's complexion darkened again, if it were someone else, Mai would have made a move long ago, but Dingshan King Xu Wenchuan, Mai had to weigh it up.Xu Yaoting is really going to be moved, I'm afraid that even the backers of the Qinglong Gang will not be able to hold back.

"Please, Young Master Xu, give me some noodles for the Qinglong Gang today, and that's it." Mai felt that she had made a big concession, and she was sincere enough to look at Wan Dong.

"Old guy, why don't you hold your hands high and let my sister go, how about that?" Although Wan Dong had a smile on his face, his eyes turned cold a little bit.

"I'm afraid this old man won't be able to do it! The matter that Chief Han told me, even if I sacrifice my old life, I must do it."

"If this is the case, there is no other way. I think the end of the Azure Dragon Gang is not far away."

"Where did this wild boy come from, yelling here and disturbing my drinking?" Not long after Wan Dong's words fell, he saw a drunk-looking man with a gloomy complexion stepping out of the door. Come in.

Wan Dong frowned, and looked at Mai in a blink of an eye, only to see Mai's expression was indifferent, without any surprise, and he didn't even glance at the drunk man. stand up.

Taking a closer look at the drunk man, Wan Dong immediately noticed that the drunk man seemed to be stumbling around, as if he couldn't even stand firmly, but in fact, his feet were as stable as a rock, and he was not drunk at all.A body of cultivation has also reached the peak of the fourth level of true qi.When his eyes glanced over Wan Dong, there was a trace of murderous intent clearly, there is no need to doubt, this guy is here for Wan Dong, and there is a high probability that he is a member of the Qinglong Gang!

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