"This... is this still a human?" At this moment, Hu Beishan couldn't believe his eyes, and murmured endlessly as if dreaming.

How fierce are the countless gathered sword gangs!Hu Beishan knew best in his heart that if he was in Wan Dong's position at this time, he might not even be able to hold a breath, and he would be turned into flesh and blood.But Wan Dong not only stood there, but also was as stable as a mountain, his body remained motionless, and pieces of knives were ruthlessly torn apart and annihilated by him.What kind of realm is this?Even Hu Beishan couldn't imagine it.But there is one thing that Hu Beishan knows very clearly, that is, if he is compared with Wan Dong, he is definitely one in the sky and the other in the earth!

"Could it be that he...he is a Taoist!?" Suddenly, such a slightly abrupt thought popped out of his mind.Once it popped out, it seemed to take root, and it would never go away, and it became more and more intense.

Hu Beishan has already been in the mind of the young talents of Shengtian Continent, but none of them can compare with Wan Dong.Not to mention young talents, even among the senior masters in Shengtian Continent, how many people can have such power?Such young talents cannot be cultivated by Shengtian Continent, not to mention the ordinary small world.

Since this is the case, besides being from the Daoist Great World, where else could Wan Dong come from?Coupled with the Dao Qi displayed by Wan Dong, Hu Beishan suddenly became firm in this idea.An unusually strong remorse spread in his heart like a landslide.

If Wan Dong really came from the Daoist Great World, then for Hu Beishan, he undoubtedly missed a huge opportunity.Compared with this opportunity, let alone offending Yuntianmen, even turning against the entire Shengtian Continent, so what?The more he resembled, the more he felt pity, the more he resembled, the more annoyed he felt, Hu Beishan's mood had never been as bad as it was at this moment in his life.

"This is your so-called Sun Ripper? It's too weak! It's almost vulnerable!"

Wan Dong, who was standing in the knife gang, suddenly let out a loud shout, stomped his feet hard, and the Dao Qi in his body gushed out immediately.Facing the purest dao qi in history, Jin Ba Dao's Dao Gang, which was condensed with all his true qi, became a joke.In the blink of an eye, it was declared to be falling apart.

When the dust settled, everything returned to calm, and the figures of Wan Dong and Jin Badao became completely clear, everyone present was stunned by the scene in front of them!

I saw Jin Badao holding the handle of the knife with both hands, making a downward chop, while Wan Dong was standing under the edge of the knife, with one hand behind his back, and the other hand clamping the edge of the knife with fingers.Wan Dong's fingers were so small compared to the golden knife, but these two fingers forcibly held back all the momentum of Jin Ba's knife.This situation is full of contradictions, but it contains a kind of shocking pride.In the eyes of everyone, Wan Dong's figure suddenly became taller, so tall that everyone looked up to him, and it was hard to match him.

"No...impossible!" Jin Badao's lips kept trembling, and it took a lot of effort to say this sentence.

Wan Dong smiled coldly without saying a word, and suddenly exerted force on his fingers, only to hear a crackling sound, and Jin Ba Dao's golden knife, which had been tempered, burst open in an instant, turning into countless pieces. Crumbs scattered all over the sky.It was like frightening a golden rain, but under the cover of the moonlight, it was extremely gorgeous.

"In your eyes, other people are just ants, but you know that in my eyes, you are even worse than ants!" Wan Dong said coldly, and suddenly slapped his palm out.

Jin Badao, who was in a daze, didn't even have the consciousness to resist, and Wan Dong's palm had already landed on him.

Bang bang bang!

There were three muffled sounds in a row, Jin Ba Dao hit three palms in a row!Blood spewed out of his throat like a fountain, and his face turned pale like snow in the blink of an eye at a speed almost visible to the naked eye.Under Wan Dong's command, where does Jin Ba Dao still have the arrogance and dominance it had at the beginning?

It is said that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It’s not that there is no reward, the time has not yet come!These words were fulfilled in Jin Badao's body today!When he wields the golden knife to put others to death, he probably never dreamed that the same bad luck would befall him so soon.

After Wan Dong's three palms passed, Jin Ba's sword was already on the verge of falling, and it seemed that he couldn't even stand firmly.

Looking at the ashen-faced Jin Badao, Wan Dong sneered, and said, "Go back and pass a message to Jin Feibai, and that so-called Venerable Liu. From today on, all games must be played in a different way! The rules of the game are no longer in their hands!"

"Do you know that if you... don't kill me today, I will... kill you tomorrow!" Jin Badao slowly raised his head to look at Wan Dong, his eyes filled with palpitating hatred.

"Hahaha... just because you want to kill me? In the next life! Get out!" Wan Dong waved his hand, and a gust of wind immediately rolled up on the ground, and it actually directly rolled Jin Ba's sword to a distance of several tens of feet.

Looking at Jin Badao, staggering footsteps, swaying body and struggling to go away, everyone felt as if they were in a dream. The scene was still silent, and needles could be heard.After a long while, Duan Yanlong said gruffly, "Is Jin Badao really... defeated just like that?"

"Hmph! Of course! Brother, you must be very disappointed now, right?" Duan Lengyan suddenly turned her head and said to Duan Yanlong with a bit of hostility.

Facing Duan Lengyan's hostility, Duan Yanlong was full of thoughts and didn't know what to say for a while, his face was full of bitter smiles.

Wan Dong stepped forward and said, "Leng Yan, as a younger sister, how can you be so rude to elder brother?"

"I'm not blessed to accept a big brother like him. Second brother, what do you think?" Duan Lengyan looked angry.

Duan Yanfei let out a huh, his expression was a little confused, he just glanced at Duan Yanlong, but didn't make a sound.After all, Duan Yanfei was a bit honest and dull, so it was really difficult for him to make a statement at this time.

Duan Lengyan glared at him fiercely, with a look of hatred for iron.However, she was not in the mood to continue to target Duan Yanlong at this time, she turned her head to look at Duan Wenyuan, tears flickered in her eyes when she was neutral, "Father, you...are you really well?"

Duan Wenyuan had almost given up on the idea of ​​seeing Duan Lengyan again. Looking at Duan Lengyan at this time, he was also very excited, and laughed and said, "With your Young Master Wan, if I am not good, I am afraid that God will not agree. Hahaha ..."

Of course, Duan Wenyuan hoped that Wan Dong and Duan Lengyan could become a couple, and he didn't have so many scruples, saying "Your Mr. Wan", made Wan Dong and Duan Lengyan's faces blush at the same time.

"Come, come, let me take a good look at my precious daughter, she seems to be beautiful again! Good!" Duan Wenyuan opened his arms and embraced Duan Lengyan in his arms. At this moment, his heart felt grateful to Wan Dong and to the sky. , is even more intense to an indescribable level.

Reunited with Wan Dong and returned to the embrace of her father, Duan Lengyan's heart was also filled with happiness.His face was full of satisfaction, and all the grievances he had suffered before seemed to disappear in an instant.From Duan Lengyan's bright eyes, it is not difficult to see that this girl has finally regained her happiness.

After hugging Duan Lengyan for a long time, Duan Wenyuan raised his head to look at Duan Yanfei, and scolded with a smile, "You boy, you really haven't made any progress at all, and you have to open your mouth as a father to come here?"

"Ah?" Duan Yanfei was stunned, looking a little at a loss, Huang Shidao pushed him aside, and he came back to his senses, hurriedly came to Duan Wenyuan, but he didn't act like a baby like Duan Lengyan, but behaved well Kneeling down, he kowtowed three times respectfully.Duan Wenyuan was made to either laugh or scold.He shook his head at any time, but the love in his eyes was not lacking at all.

The dragon has ten sons, each of which is different.Duan Wenyuan can't expect that all his children are like him.However, Duan Yanfei's character is not bad, at least he can keep him in the emperor's house and live a happy life.

He patted Duan Yanfei on the shoulder to show his encouragement, Duan Wenyuan turned his head and waved to Duan Yanlong who was standing aside, saying, "Yanlong, come here!"

Seeing Duan Yanlong, Duan Lengyan became a little uneasy again, her crescent eyebrows twitched, and she was about to open her mouth to speak, but Duan Wenyuan waved her hand, and pressed back the words she had brought to her mouth, with a very serious expression on Duan Lengyan's face He said to Duan Yanfei, "Leng Yan, Yanfei, salute to your eldest brother!"

"What? Say hello to him? Father, you don't know how he treated my second brother and me when you were sick, he and the Jin family..."

As soon as Duan Wenyuan finished speaking, Duan Lengyan yelled fiercely, her face full of displeasure.

"Leng Yan!" Wan Dong was afraid that Duan Lengyan would hurt Duan Yanlong if he said something ugly again, so he hurriedly reprimanded, "Don't say it, in fact, you all misunderstood the eldest prince."

"Misunderstanding?" Duan Lengyan was stunned, her eyes flickering with confusion.

Wan Dong sighed, and said to Duan Wenyuan, "Your Majesty, this matter is up to you!"

"Okay! Let me tell you!" Duan Wenyuan calmed down, and narrated what happened in the past few years.

Looking back on the hardships of the past few years, even Duan Wenyuan, who has gone through all kinds of storms, has a kind of unbearable bitterness rippling in his heart.For him, this may be just a humiliating memory that will never be erased, but for Duan Yanlong, the past few years are not only humiliation, but also the pain and sadness of being misunderstood.

All parents want their children to be happy. Who wants to see their children suffer so much?Looking back at the past at this moment, Duan Wenyuan's heart trembled with pain, as if someone was stabbing the tip of his heart with a steel needle.Looking at Duan Yanlong, he was full of regret and hope that he was the one who endured all of this.

Duan Yanlong stubbornly didn't want to let himself cry, but following Duan Wenyuan's narration, his tears were completely out of his control and kept rolling down.Duan Yanlong had no choice but to turn his head aside and hold it high, trying not to let others see his tears, but his body, which was trembling like an electric shock, still clearly showed the grievance and pain in his heart.

Even Wan Dong saw this scene, his nose turned sour, and his heart was moved!

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