When he met Feiyang, who was not afraid of death, Duan Yanlong immediately lost his temper, and cursed in his heart, this kid was just a dead fish just now, but he became so vigorous in the blink of an eye, I don't know where he came from livestock.Seeing that Duan Wenyuan's face was turning purple, he quickly softened his tone, and said, "Brothers, brothers, if you have something to say, let go first, my father has just recovered from a serious illness, but he can't stand it."

"Huh! You old emperors can't stand the toss, can our lord be able to stand the toss? It seems that if you don't show some ruthlessness today, you can't be obedient. Alright! I'll break your emperor first An arm of the old man, let's see if you dare to talk to me!"

Feiyang's face turned hard, and he reached out and grabbed Duan Wenyuan's arm.

Seeing that Feiyang was about to make a serious move, Duan Yanlong broke out in a cold sweat, but he was so cautious and didn't dare to act recklessly, so he just knelt down to Feiyang, if it was useful.

"Brother Feiyang!" At this critical moment, Wan Dong fell down and let Feiyang freeze suddenly with a soft cry.

Looking at Wan Dong carefully, Fei Yang's face was shocked, his eyes were full of disbelief, standing there, he dared not recognize Wan Dong for a long time.

Wan Dong smiled lightly and said, "Brother Feiyang, why, you don't know me anymore, I'm Yaoting!"

"Yao... Yao Ting, it's really... it's really you?! But how could you... I understand, they arrested you, right? You damned iron war bastards, I, Feiyang, are at odds with you !"

Feiyang was furious, let out a shocking roar, and wanted to break Duan Wenyuan's arm.Wan Dong was startled, he didn't care about other things, his body trembled slightly, and the supreme power of Xuantian's enlightenment formula burst out immediately.Under the cover of pieces of brilliant golden light, Wan Dong's beard and hair were all stretched out, and his eyes were wide open, as if the gods were angry, which brought a strong shock to people.Fei Yang caught off guard, and was awed by Wan Dong's aura on the spot, and the strength gathered in his hands dissipated uncontrollably without a trace.

Under the oppression of Wan Dong's aura, Fei Yang even found it very difficult to maintain a standing posture, his legs suddenly weakened, and his figure staggered back three steps in a row.

"You...you..." Feiyang pointed at Wan Dong, trembling all over, the shock and confusion deep in his heart reached an unbearable level.

After Feiyang was shocked, Wan Dong hurriedly withdrew his power and said apologetically, "Brother Feiyang, don't get me wrong, things are not what you imagined. Everyone here is a friend."

"Friend?" Feiyang asked blankly, his expression still perplexed.

The matter was a bit complicated, and Wan Dong didn't know how to explain it to him for a while, so he just asked, "Brother Feiyang, don't you even believe my words?"

"But all this..."

"Brother Feiyang, don't worry, I will naturally explain all this to you." Reassuring Feiyang, Wan Dong looked at Duan Wenyuan and asked, "Your Majesty, are you alright?"

Duan Wenyuan shook his head with a wry smile, "Fortunately you came in time, otherwise it would be hard to say."

Duan Wenyuan was rubbing his neck while talking, there was obviously a large bruise there, it looked a little shocking, it seemed that Feiyang was merciless just now.

"But Mr. Wan, who are you, and who is Xu Yaoting?" Duan Wenyuan asked suspiciously.

Duan Lengyan giggled for a while, and said: "Father, Wan Dong is just his pseudonym, Xu Yaoting is his real name. His background is not simple, the grandson of King Dingshan of the Qingyun Empire, the son of King Ningbei, The famous young Marquis in the Qingyun Empire has an extraordinary status!"

"It's Xu Tianlong's son!? Hahaha... Sure enough, the tiger father has no dog son! But, you are a handsome young man, why did you come to my iron war dynasty to become the general of the garrison? Could it be because you want to be silent? Swallowed my Duan family's country without a sound?"

Duan Wenyuan just wanted to make a joke at first, but in the end, he was terrified and shuddered a few times.Thinking about it carefully, if people really wanted to annex his country, it would be really easy.Not to mention that the entire garrison army is in the hands of others, just relying on Wan Dong's shocking method of killing Dzogchen in an instant, their Duan family definitely has no chance to resist.

Although he knew that Wan Dong was unlikely to do so, Duan Wenyuan couldn't help showing a trace of deep fear in his eyes, which was probably the habit of emperors.

"Come on, Father, you are worrying unnecessarily! Even if we give this great country to others, they may not take it! They have lofty aspirations, and this small world can't keep their hearts." Duan Lengyan somewhat He gave Wan Dong a resentful look, feeling a little pain in his heart.

She believes that Wan Dong likes her, but Wan Dong has been reluctant to confess his love for a long time, and even always adopts an evasive attitude towards her.In the past, Duan Lengyan didn't understand this very much, but gradually, Duan Lengyan understood that Wan Dong only did this because he didn't want his wings to be entangled, he wanted to fly higher!

Although it was somewhat unacceptable, Duan Lengyan knew in her heart that for Wan Dong at this time, she was a kind of bondage and a burden.If she wants to fly side by side with Wan Dong, she still has a long way to go!

"Everyone, I came here to save my father, so I concealed my identity, but I definitely didn't deliberately deceive everyone. Please forgive me!"

"Hahaha... Yao Ting, if it weren't for you, everyone might have died a long time ago. You are our benefactor, so why would we blame you for such a trivial matter? It's just a pity that Liu Yingying and Jin Feibai are both dead. Oh, when I ordered people to catch Jin Badao, Jin Badao also committed suicide in the Jin Mansion, and now almost everyone who knows your father's whereabouts is dead, this..."

"I know!" Before Wu Qiujun finished speaking, Feiyang shouted excitedly.

When Wan Dong heard this, his mind suddenly went wild, and he hurriedly asked, "Brother Feiyang, do you really know the whereabouts of my father?"

Feiyang nodded repeatedly and said, "I managed to escape from somewhere!"

Wan Dong's tense heartstrings suddenly loosened, and he sighed that God has eyes!

"It's not too late, I'll go rescue my father right away! I'll trouble you for the rest of the aftermath." Wan Dong said impatiently to everyone.

"Yao Ting, or we all go with you." Wu Qiujun said.

Wan Dong shook his head resolutely and said, "No need! I am enough alone!"

After hearing this, Feiyang wanted to say something, but Wan Dong didn't give him a chance. He turned around and walked in front of Duan Lengyan, and said with a somewhat sad expression, "Leng Yan, the old couple who were killed, although I didn't kill them, But they also died because of me. Please bury them for me."

Duan Lengyan nodded lightly and said, "Don't worry! Be careful!"

Wan Dong hummed, took Feiyang with him, and flew away.

"Yao Ting, the place where the prince was imprisoned is full of masters, and there are many strong men who are in the realm of consummation. As soon as Ming Ju and I got close, we missed our whereabouts. It was Ming Ju who fought to the death and helped me escape. Looking at the two of us, I'm afraid..." Feiyang said as he walked, his face was full of worries and doubts.

Wan Dong smiled, and did not answer Fei Yang's words, but asked, "Is my father okay?"

When Wan Dong asked, Fei Yang couldn't help but sighed, and said with a heavy face, "I'm afraid it won't be very good! There has always been a gap between the Jin family and the prince, and this time the prince fell into their hands, I'm afraid it will be a bitter experience." .”

"My father is the majestic King of Ningbei, and his status is respected. Will the Jin family torture him?" Wan Dong asked in a deep voice with a serious look on his face.

Feiyang gritted his teeth, and snorted furiously, "Does the Jin family care about this?"

"It's a good deal for them to destroy the Jin family in this way!"

"Yaoting, look, it's that house!" After walking for a while, Feiyang suddenly stood still, pointed to a hidden house in the distance very carefully, and whispered.

"Who is it? This is not where you should come, back immediately!" Wan Dong was about to take a closer look, when he shouted angrily, and suddenly there was a sound, and two figures walked through the thick bushes, appearing in Wan Dong like a ghost. In front of Donghe Feiyang.

Fei Yang frowned slightly, he didn't expect the opponent's defense this time to be more stringent than last time, and even equipped with a secret whistle here.

"Let me ask you, where is the front?" Wan Dong asked coldly as if he didn't hear the two people's scolding, and didn't care at all.

"Ha! You kid has the guts of a bear and a leopard. You dare to inquire about this matter?"

"Looks right."

"What the hell are you talking about, boy? If you don't get out, we're going to do it... Ah! You..."

Before the man finished speaking, he suddenly let out a scream. At some point, Wan Dong's palm was already printed on his chest. With a slight push, a huge force sent him to ten. Beyond Zhang Yu, when he landed, Feiyang discovered that there was a huge transparent blood hole in the man's chest, and all internal organs disappeared.

Wan Dong's movements were so fast that Fei Yang, who had been standing beside him all the time, didn't see his attack clearly, and couldn't help muttering in his heart, "Oh my God, is he really the Young Master Yao Ting I know? "

Just when Feiyang was shocked, a breeze with a slightly bloody smell suddenly blew past his nose, making him shudder involuntarily, only then did he realize that another secret whistle was already lying on the ground at this time, It was exactly the same as the previous one's death method.

The cultivation bases of these two secret whistles are not low, they have all reached the ninth level, and they died in the hands of Wan Dong in such a muddled way, the surprise in Feiyang's heart is beyond words to describe.But he also vaguely began to understand why Wan Dong refused Wu Qiujun's help.It's just that the young master he was familiar with in the past suddenly became a little strange and mysterious.

"Yao Ting, we... how do we get in?" Feiyang swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked nah.

Wan Dong's sword eyebrows raised suddenly, and infinite murderous intent rose in his eyes, and he spit out three notes that made Fei Yang's heart skip a beat: "Kill in!"

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