"Not good! This bastard is going to show off his power!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Wu Jinhun's complexion changed.

"Help, let me help you!"

"And I!"

Both Xiao Zuo and Guo Yi were aware of the danger, they rushed to Zong Tianwei's side at the same time, and the three of them stood side by side.The three of them knew in their hearts that there were some officers and soldiers in Wei Changhong, they were all small shrimps, so there was nothing to be afraid of, whether they could successfully rob the training ground, and whether they could get rid of this person was the key.

That Consummation master was really angry, and he made up his mind to use Zong Tianwei and the other three to establish his prestige, so he didn't have the slightest plan to show mercy, so he fired all his firepower, vowing to kill the three of them instantly.And as his aura continued to rise, the pressure on the shoulders of Zong Tianwei and the others became heavier and heavier.It felt like he was about to be crushed into pieces.It wasn't until this moment that the three of them realized that this person was by no means something they could handle together.

"It seems that today is going to be planted!" Zong Tianwei let out a wry smile, and looked around.He didn't hesitate to die, but once he died, he didn't know how many heads would follow him to the ground.

"The laws of heaven are not clear, what a pity! Is my Qingyun Empire really going to fall into darkness forever?" Guo Yi frowned, with a face of compassion, and he was also a real man who put his own life and death aside.

"Hehe... you ants are regretting it now, isn't it too late? Go to hell with me!" The face of the consummate master suddenly turned cold, and he struck out with both palms at the same time, two huge palm shadows tens of feet wide , soaring across the sky, covering a small half of the sky.

At the same time, a cold and bloodthirsty aura also spread, covering Zong Tianwei and the three of them.

Just when Zong Tianwei, Xiao Zuo, and Guo Yi were clenching their steel teeth, and were about to fight to the death, two streaks of golden light pierced through the air like spears from the slanting stabs, carrying a burst of sharp, scalp-numbing pain. The sound pierced fiercely on the two huge palm shadows.

Those two huge palm shadows were immediately devastated, burst into the air, and turned into thousands of afterglows, scattered and annihilated.

"Ah!?" The consummation master let out a muffled sound, staggering back with blood spurting arrows from his mouth, his originally rosy and bright complexion turned gray in a blink of an eye.

"What... what's going on?" Zong Tianwei and the others, who were about to meet the death scythe, were a little baffled by this scene, and looked at each other, completely unaware of what happened.

"Yao...Yao Ting!?" Just when the three were confused, Wu Jinhun and Hu Jingqi exclaimed in unison, causing the bodies of the three to tremble violently as if they were electrocuted.

Looking back hurriedly, sure enough, Wan Dong is like a god, stepping on the void, coming slowly.The whole body is surrounded by golden light, giving people a sense of inviolability and inviolability.

"Really... It's really that kid who's back!" Zong Tianwei was so excited, he murmured, but he was a little choked up.

At this moment, Wan Dong was angry and afraid.Anger is naturally angry with Bai Zhenshan's cruelty and violence, and fear is fear after all!If he came one step later, I'm afraid the practice field would have turned into a sea of ​​blood.God bless!Wan Dong, who has never believed in God, couldn't help but secretly prayed in his heart at this time.

"Where did you... you little bastard come from?"

"Little bastard?" Wan Dong narrowed his eyes, and disappeared from the spot in a flash.Before everyone could react, Wan Dong's figure reappeared in front of the consummate master, and his right palm swung out angrily, faster than the lightning.Hearing a crackling sound, the consummation master rolled three times in the air, and then hit the ground like a stone.

There was a loud bang, and there was a human-shaped crater on the originally flat ground.

When the consummated master got up from the ground in a twitch, and was trying to tell the difference between east, west, and north, a cold wind swept by, and Wan Dong, who had a cold face, was standing in front of him again.

The courage of the Consummation master was obviously lacking, with a strange cry, the whole person backed up in a panic.

"You... who are you?" The master of consummation could hear the fear in his voice.

"Your uncle!" Wan Dong yelled loudly, his right leg suddenly lifted up like a whip.

The consummation master's heart tightened, and he subconsciously wanted to dodge, but the shadow of that leg was terribly fast, before his muscles could move, a heavy leg landed on his stomach.

A huge force spread, and the consummate master felt as if his internal organs and bones had all burst, and the intense pain instantly submerged him completely.

"Damn it! Did you find out that this kid seems to have changed his mind again!" Seeing Wan Dong slapping and kicking, crazily trampling the consummate master, Zong Tianwei gave a wry smile and shook his head.

"What's so strange about this? I've discovered a long time ago that this kid doesn't change his tai, he only changes his tai! But now that he's back, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

Guo Yi's words immediately resonated with Zong Tianwei.The whole body and mind suddenly felt a burst of relaxation, very comfortable.

"Aren't you going to kill someone? Come on, show me!" Wan Dong stretched out his hand, and the master of consummation was held in his hand like a dead dog.

"Forgive...forgive me!" It's really hard for that Consummation master, who has been trampled by Wan Dong like this, to be able to speak.

"Forgive me? Is it possible? Go to hell!" A gust of Dao Qi gushed out from Wan Dong's palm, directly piercing through the acupoint of the consummate master, leaving a bloody hole the size of a volleyball on his body.

"Uncle Wu, Uncle Hu, are you all alright?" Knowing about the Consummation master who was in the way, Wan Dong hurried up to the high platform, the golden light in his hand swept across, and the rope binding Wu Jinhun and the others broke immediately.

Wu Jinhun stood up abruptly, stepped in front of Wan Dong, punched him on the chest, and said angrily, "You brat, why are you only here now?"

Wu Jinhun was completely joking, and had no intention of blaming Wan Dong at all, but Wan Dong was terribly blaming himself in his heart.He was too self-righteous, always thinking that if Xu Tianlong was rescued, the crisis in Yunzhong City would be resolved automatically.But he did not expect that Bai Zhenshan and Yuntianmen had become so frenzied. They were only a little bit short of Wu Jinhun and the others...

Wan Dong didn't dare to think about it anymore, and even shuddered a few times.

Seeing Wan Dong's complexion pale, Wu Jinhun frowned, and said, "Why haven't I seen you for a while, you kid came back alive. Why, can't you even make a joke now?"

Wan Dong smiled wryly and shook his head, he rushed to Wu Jinhun, Hu Jingqi and the others bowed deeply, his voice was low and sincere, "I'm sorry, I'm the one who came back late!"

"Oh! What's the matter, aren't we all good? Don't listen to Wu Jinhun's nonsense, all of us are only grateful to you, and never blame you!" Hu Jingqi stepped forward, grabbed Wan Dong's shoulders, said with a smile.

"Yao Ting, leave this place to us. Hurry up and go to the palace to save your grandfather and Mr. Sun. I'm afraid that if you delay, you'll be too late!" Zong Tianwei rushed to the high platform, urgently urging.

"My grandfather and the others..." Wan Dong suddenly became nervous.

Wu Jin frowned and said, "Bai Zhenshan got a group of masters from nowhere, all of them are in the state of consummation, thanks to your grandfather, Leng Shuangrong, Sun Yisheng, and Liu Yunxi, four seniors, who have also achieved consummation one after another, and they are all in the state of consummation. Only by practicing the immortal formula you taught can we fight against them. But just yesterday, another stronger guy came, and now I'm afraid your grandpa and the others are in a very bad situation, hurry up, kid!"

As soon as Wan Dong heard it, he knew that Lu Peng from Yuntianmen had arrived before him. Gritting his teeth, Wan Dong said, "Then here..."

"You don't have to worry about it here! After the end, we will lead the army to the palace to meet you!" Wu Jinhun said anxiously.

Feeling the urgency of the situation, Wan Dong didn't dare to delay any longer, and rushed towards the palace.

Seeing Wan Dong's back disappear into the sky in the blink of an eye, Zong Tianwei frowned and asked, "Do you think Yao Ting is that guy's opponent?"

"Don't worry! Keeping this kid will make that guy suffer a lot!" Wu Jinhun grinned.Turning around suddenly, he glared at Wei Changhong who was hiding in the corner trembling.

Wei Changhong never dreamed that things would turn out like this because of Wan Dong's appearance. As soon as Wu Jin's soul glared at him, he immediately felt as if he was going to be out of his wits. He exclaimed and knelt down On the ground, he begged loudly: "Young one...you are just following orders, you...you let me go, little one..."

"Let you go? Let you go, what is the law of heaven?!" Wu Jinhun looked back at Liu Zijing who was already hugging his wife tightly, snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and broke Wei Changhong's neck.

After tidying up Wei Changhong, Wu Jinhun turned his head to look at Guo Yi, Zong Tianwei and the others said, "Go to work! Finish here early, I'm still waiting to go to the palace to see what happens to Bai Zhenshan!"

After going through this time, Wu Jinhun's sense of righteousness as a monarch and his ministers was completely wiped away.At this moment, in his heart, there is only hatred!

Hu Jingqi and the others obviously felt the same way, and nodded in unison.

The imperial palace of a country is originally the most solemn and sacred place in a country, but at this moment, the imperial palace of the Qingyun Empire does not have the slightest solemnity and sanctity at all, and what is there is only the thick smell of blood permeating the air, which is not the same as the air that spreads from time to time. The sound of shouting and killing came.

"Hahaha... Is that all you guys are capable of?"

Lu Peng's wild laughter was like invisible whips, lashing heavily at the hearts of Xu Wenchuan, Leng Shuangrong, Sun Daobai and Liu Yunxi.

At this moment, the self-confidence that the four of them had generated when they achieved consummation was shattered by Lu Peng.The four of them once thought that consummation was the peak and the end, but it was only then that they realized that their thinking was like a frog in a well.

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