Wan Haoxiong looked at Xuanfeng's body, looked up to the sky and let out a sigh, shook his head and said, "If I knew today, why bother?"

Wan Youqi put away her two knives and said, "Brother, why should you feel sorry for such a person? If he doesn't die, the world will not know when it will be in chaos."

Wan Haoxiong nodded lightly, and looked away from Xuanfeng's body. Huo Tong and Fei Yang came over just at this moment.Feiyang first expressed his greetings to Wan Haoxiong on behalf of Xu Tianlong, and his words were very respectful without any arrogance.

Wan Haoxiong originally had a good impression of Xu Tianlong, but now by chance, he and Xu Tianlong have added a layer of relationship, and he feels closer in his heart.Pulling Feiyang, he asked a lot about Xu Tianlong's situation, his words were full of concern.

Although Huo Tong didn't know the relationship between Wan Haoxiong and Wan Dong, Wan Haoxiong's doubts could be dispelled by a letter from Wan Dong, and he would cooperate with people he didn't trust without hesitation. The relationship between them is profound.Huo Tong didn't dare to neglect people who had a close relationship with Wan Dong, and his attitude towards Wan Dong was a bit more cordial and warm than Fei Yang.Coupled with the fact that Wan Haoxiong is a bit older, the commanders of the three parties actually formed a vague situation with Wan Haoxiong as the leader.

Wan Haoxiong was a little flattered at first, after all, compared to Iron War Dynasty and Qingyun Empire, Tiandu Kingdom is really small and pitiful, but after thinking about it, this is all due to his son's credit, and he immediately calmed down.

"Marshal Wan, what should we do with these Xuanfeng remnants?" Fei Yang asked with a bow.

Wan Haoxiong raised his head and glanced at Huo Tong. Although Huo Tong put on an appearance of bowing his head to listen and respecting Wan Haoxiong in everything, it is not difficult to see from the nervousness in his eyes that he treats Xuan Feng and his subordinates with respect. Still very concerned.This is not surprising. It is not easy for the Iron War Dynasty to cultivate such a large army. It is destroyed like this, and the loss is too great.

Wan Haoxiong smiled and said, "I promised Xuanfeng that his subordinates will not be blamed for the past. In my opinion, let's spare their lives. Today's killings are already enough, so don't add blood to this great world."

"Hahaha... The kindness of the Marshal is really admirable. I will bring these people back to the Tie Zhan Dynasty and let them change their minds!" Wan Haoxiong's words made Huo Tong feel relieved, and he laughed loudly.

Wan Haoxiong nodded again and again, and praised, "This is the best!"

"By the way, Marshal Wan, this time I am not only here to wipe out Xuanfeng and his rebels, but also have a mission, which is to represent our emperor and formally sign an armistice agreement with Tiandu Kingdom. From then on, our two countries , attack peacefully, and never fight! I believe our general has already stated this in his letter to you, right?"

Wan Haoxiong nodded and said with a smile, "That's right! If this is the case, it will be a blessing for the common people! Wan Mou is here to represent our emperor and the millions of people in our Tiandu Kingdom. Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Witnessed by Fei Yang, the signing of the agreement between Wan Haoxiong and Huo Tong went extremely smoothly.

Wan Haoxiong and Wan Youqi had no choice but to personally send Feiyang and Huo Tong out of Qingfeng City after Wan Haoxiong tried to persuade him to stay but failed.Seeing the two armies going in different directions and gradually drifting away, Wan Haoxiong couldn't help but let out a long breath, as if a heavy stone had been lifted from his heart, and he felt a long-lost relief.

"It's over...it's finally over!" Wan Haoxiong, a man with strong bones, sighed with emotion when his eyes were filled with mist.

Wan Youqi's feelings were even richer, tears came out of her eyes, she looked at Wan Haoxiong and said with a choked voice, "Brother, can we finally return the court?"

Wan Haoxiong nodded heavily, and said loudly, "That's right! You pass on the order, and we will return to the court tomorrow. Then..."

Seeing Wan Haoxiong's desire to speak abruptly, but an unconcealable excitement rose in his eyes, Wan Youqi couldn't help asking curiously: "Then what?"

Wan Haoxiong glanced at her, suddenly looked up to the sky and smiled, "Then let's go to Shenlei City to find Xiaodong!"

"Looking for Xiaodong!?" Wan Haoxiong said, Wan Youqi also became excited, her voice trembling.

Wan Haoxiong hummed heavily and said, "That's right! I'm going to find him and tell him everything about his mother. Since he is so capable now, he should give his mother to me. I'll bring it back!"

Wan Youqi couldn't help pursing her lips and asked with a smile, "Why, don't you worry anymore? You must know that the person who kidnapped my sister-in-law is a great power in the Taoist world!"

"So what about Daomen Great World? Xiaodong is my son, how can he be afraid of them? Hahaha... I can see that there is nothing in this world that my son can't do! Hahaha... "Wan Haoxiong walked away with a series of unrestrained smiles, leaving only Wan Youqi eating and laughing all by herself.

"Brother Zong, do you feel it?" In the Medical Saint's Mansion, Wu Jinhun, who was sipping tea carefully, jumped up suddenly as if someone had stepped on his tail, and looked up at the sky in shock.

Zong Tianwei also frowned tightly, his expression was full of surprise.

The essence of heaven and earth that was originally peacefully wandering between the sky and the earth, for some reason, suddenly rushed towards this side as if going crazy.It was as if all the essence of the world had gathered here, and the essence of the surrounding world suddenly became so dense that it seemed to be liquefied.

Wu Jinhun and the others stood in it, and they didn't even need to intentionally activate their minds. The energy of the heavens and the earth rushed into their bodies, causing the true energy in their bodies to automatically grow wildly.

Under such a strong air of heaven and earth, even if you don't do anything, you may be able to achieve consummation in three to five years.Wu Jinhun and the others had never dreamed of such a strange scene, let alone experienced it.

"How could this be?" Zong Tianwei shouted in surprise.

Wu Jinhun's eyes turned suddenly, and turned to the place where Xu Wenchuan and the others retreated. Because of excitement, his voice trembled slightly and said, "Master and the others... I'm afraid they are going to break through!"

"Breakthrough?" Zong Tianwei was startled suddenly.

At this moment, a strange fragrance suddenly permeated the air, which made one's mind invigorated. At the same time, in the sky, a multicolored glow suddenly rose, which was peaceful and warm, filled with a sacred and vast atmosphere. .

Although Wu Jinhun has never experienced this kind of scene, he has seen it in ancient books. This is clearly a vision of heaven and earth that can only be born when an expert ascends into the sky.

"The old men are going to ascend?" Wu Jinhun shivered involuntarily, his face was full of unbelievable horror.

This ascension is not the same as achieving perfection, or even achieving Dzogchen.After achieving the Dzogchen, he is still a mortal, and it is difficult to escape from this small mortal world. However, if he ascends from a feather, it means that he enters the big world of Taoism.The difference between the two is more than a million miles?

If Wan Dong could make Xu Wenchuan and the others break through in a short period of time, Wu Jinhun would not doubt it at all, even if it meant that they could achieve Dzogchen, Wu Jinhun would not be surprised.But to help them soar, this is too amazing.

"Brother Wu, you... what are you talking about, ascension?" Zong Tianwei looked at Wu Jinhun with a look of horror, and asked repeatedly.

Wu Jinhun shook his head like a rattle, opened his mouth a few times, but couldn't even utter a single word.

After this strange scene lasted for nearly an hour, thousands of colorful lights suddenly shot up, like wild swallows throwing themselves into the forest, rushing towards Xu Wenchuan's retreat place in groups.Suddenly, a colorful ball of light formed, covering the entire room.

The incomparably pure and sacred aura radiated in all directions, making Wu Jinhun and the others tremble, and instinctively gave birth to a heart of worship.

At this moment, the closed door suddenly opened, and four old men with fluttering robes stepped out hand in hand.Under the cover of the colorful brilliance, the four of them were like the living gods who descended from the sky.

Until the colorful radiance completely dissipated and the world returned to normal, Wu Jinhun and the others were still as if they were in a dream, unable to recover.

Sun Xiaoya stared blankly at Sun Daobai, while Leng Yuecui and Leng Yongsi fixed their eyes on Leng Shuangrong. They were obviously the closest relatives, but they just didn't dare to rush up and call grandpa and grandma.It was hard to imagine that a granddaughter would feel inferior in front of her grandparents, but at this moment, Sun Xiaoya and the others were in such a mood, always feeling that by rushing forward like this, they would desecrate the four old people.

Even Sun Xiaoya, Leng Yuecui and the others were like this, not to mention Wu Jinhun, Hu Jingqi and others, they all stood there dumbfounded, unable to react for a long time.

In fact, Sun Xiaoya, Wu Jinhun and the others felt second. At this time, Xu Wenchuan and Leng Shuangrong felt the most strongly.

They have reached their level of cultivation, and they don't know how many times they have retreated and how many times they have broken through, but only this retreat, this breakthrough, brought them the most shocking feeling.

After the retreat was over, as soon as I stepped out, I suddenly found that the world I was familiar with had disappeared, replaced by a brand new world.Looking around, everywhere is so strange, full of a strong sense of freshness, and endless temptations, many mysteries that haunted my dreams and puzzled me, like floating snow falling into boiling water, melted in an instant Resolve, the true solution is right in front of you, within reach.

This kind of excitement and ease of sudden epiphany after going through confusion, this kind of shock and excitement brought about by the sudden infinite magnification of the world, if you don't experience it yourself, you can't understand it at all.And this kind of experience is the most beautiful and attractive scenery on the bumpy road of searching up and down and constantly pursuing the ultimate martial arts...

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