"Hahaha... anyone can refuse to give face, but I have to give Miss Dai's face. Forget it, I don't know each other!" Wan Dong said with a hearty smile.

"Then...then I wonder if I can give the restraint on my younger brother to..."

Hearing what Wan Dong said, Shi Xiong's mind was lifted, and he hurriedly asked.

Wan Dong's complexion suddenly sank, he raised his head and took a few glances at Shi Yan, and said, "Cultivate one way, if you only practice martial arts but not self-cultivation, you will go crazy sooner or later. Shi Yan is too hostile, which is caused by cultivating everything. Sealing the true qi in his body is also for his own good! When he resolves the hostility in his heart in the future, I will naturally lift the restriction for him."


Shi Xiong wanted to beg a few more words, but Shi Yan suddenly stood up, interrupted Shi Xiong, bowed to Wan Dong with a very sincere expression, and said, "Shi Yan will keep the teachings of Lord City Lord in mind! "

Wan Dong nodded lightly. If Shi Yan really thought so, it would be considered a prodigal son.

"Brother Lai, you said before that there are many forces in Shengtian Continent today, but there are only seven sects that are the most powerful. Today, Yuntianmen, Dongxuzong, Yuanyangmen, Yunuzong, Juejianzong, and Jiuxiao Pavilion are all There are already disciples who have shown up, but why are there no disciples from Danxia Sect?" Wan Dong turned to Lai Wanli with some doubts and asked.

According to his prediction today, perhaps only the disciples of the Jade Girl Sect and the Danxia Sect led by Dai Yajun could give him some face and come here in response to the imperial edict.But in the end, the Jade Girl Sect came late, and the disciples of the Danxia Sect didn't even show their faces, which made Wan Dong very strange.

"Are you asking about the Danxia Sect? Hehe... You are asking the right person. Not long ago, I made a deal with a disciple of the Danxia Sect. According to him, Hu Xueqing, the chief disciple of the Danxia Sect, found the complete Now all the disciples of the Danxia sect have been recalled to the headquarters for retreat. If the disciple of the Danxia sect is not bragging, the Danxia sect has developed this time, and I am afraid that they can directly attack the Yuntian sect. A challenge has been launched."

Hearing Lai Wanli's words, Wan Dong suddenly realized that he had forgotten about it.With the full version of the Holy Sword Dao Jue, why do Danxia Sect disciples need to practice outside the White Dragon Snow Mountain?

In any case, as long as nothing happened to the Danxia School, Wan Dong took a long breath and set up the banquet again.Although there were quite a few episodes in today's conference, Wan Dong was very satisfied with the overall result.At least he can guarantee that from today onwards, no one will dare to do anything wrong in his God Thunder City.

Chu Yunyan's work efficiency is not generally high, almost the next day, Wan Dong's pharmacy opened, in order to pay tribute to his motherland, Wan Dong deliberately named it "Tiandu".

Almost as soon as the Tiandu Pharmacy in Shenlei City opened, it immediately became the busiest place in the entire Shenlei City.Especially those from the Ascension Continent, they swarmed in like a swarm, which completely embarrassed Wan Dong.

Except for the 160 or so Peiyuan Pills that he refined before, and the 150 that were bought by Lai Wanli, there are only about [-] left in total.The Tiandu Pharmacy just opened, and within a quarter of an hour, all the Peiyuan Pills were sold out, and the door had to be closed again.

It only lasted a quarter of an hour from opening to closing, which is probably considered a record.

Wan Dong originally wanted to continue the business, even if there was no Pei Yuan Pill to sell, at least he could collect more herbs.But because they couldn't buy Peiyuan Pill, the angry crowd was so noisy that Chu Yunyan had to make the decision to close the door.If it hadn't been for Wan Dong's supernatural power yesterday, which effectively frightened everyone, those few rooms in Tiandu Pharmacy would have been demolished.

After listening to Chu Yunyan's description, Wan Dong also gritted his teeth.If the shop does not open, it will not be able to receive medicinal herbs, and if the medicinal herbs cannot be received, he will not be able to re-refine Peiyuan Pill. It has become the shortest-lived pharmacy in the world.

"If it doesn't work, let General Ma lead people there to maintain order, and beat anyone who makes trouble! No matter what, the pharmacy must be open to collect herbs!"

Chu Yunyan smiled wryly, and said, "That's not the case at all. Those people from the Ascension Continent don't recognize our gold and silver at all. They are only willing to use herbs to exchange for Peiyuan Pill. I can't collect the herbs."

"Don't recognize our gold and silver?" Wan Dong was taken aback, he really didn't expect this.But thinking about it now, it really makes sense.In the eyes of other people, this gold and silver are probably not as good as dung, which can nourish the land, but this gold and silver are useless, it is too hard to wipe your butt!

After thinking for a long time, Wan Dong sighed softly, and said, "It seems that we can't just point at Peiyuan Pill, we have to think of another way. I have a few elixir here, take them and explain to them, just It can be bought with gold and silver! Since it’s on our territory, we have to follow our rules. Remember to set the price as high as possible, I think they will be very interested.”

Wan Dong picked from the left and right of the storage rings, and picked out twenty of the worst quality elixir, which was still a bit painful.

"These people don't have gold and silver in their hands. If they want to buy these panacea, they can only use herbs to exchange gold and silver from our hands. At that time, they will have to accept gold and silver if they want to. No matter what, first collect as much herbs as possible!"

After hearing this, Chu Yunyan nodded with a smile and said, "My lord, you are the best solution."

Wan Dong's move was indeed very effective.Chu Yunyan put the twenty spirit pills in the Tiandu Drugstore, and without saying anything, these guys from Shengtian Continent became better than each other, and immediately discovered the extraordinaryness of these spirit pills.The panacea refined by the white fire dragon eliminated all toxins and reduced the risk of becoming insane after taking it to an infinitely close to zero level. Among other things, this alone was enough to drive them crazy.

Chu Yunyan didn't put a price on these spirit pills exactly as Wan Dong wanted. It wasn't that she didn't want to bid, but it was because she simply couldn't estimate the value of these spirit pills in the minds of the Shengtian mainlanders.Mark one at random, if it is lower, wouldn't it be a loss?

The smart Chu Yunyan just set a reserve price for these elixirs and chose the way of bidding.Facts have proved that this method is much better than direct pricing.In just a short while, the price of the spirit pill soared to a price that Chu Yunyan couldn't even imagine.

Firstly, the value of these panacea is really huge, and secondly, these people from Shengtian Continent really have no idea about gold and silver.It doesn't bother me to ask the price.There are many, even when it is time to pay for the goods, they suddenly realize that they don't even have a tael of gold.Hastily used the medicinal herbs on his body to change them, only then realized how outrageous the price he was calling out was.

But no matter how outrageous it is, no matter how distressed he is, he has to show it obediently, unless he feels that he has the ability to fight Wan Dong.

Twenty panaceas bought Wan Dong a large number of various herbs, and Wan Dong finally didn't have to cook without rice.More importantly, with the lessons learned from the past, those people from Shengtian Continent have begun to accept gold and silver, and they are willing to buy their herbs with gold and silver in Tiandu Pharmacy.In this way, Wandong's Tiandu Drugstore is finally operating, and there is no need to worry about closing it again.

The more medicinal herbs are harvested, the more Peiyuan Pills refined by Wandong, and the more Peiyuan Pills, the more Yuanjing will be exchanged. It only took three to five days, and the storage in Wandong In the ring, there are already no less than two thousand Yuanjing.

At this time, it will appear that the storage ring is good.If there is no storage ring, Wan Dong will not be at ease no matter where the two thousand yuan crystals are placed.

I don't know if Xuantian Damingshen's sword casting technique can be used to forge storage rings.Wan Dong guessed that it was probably possible. In fact, this storage ring is the same as the sword, both of which are magic weapons. Although the shape and texture are different, the casting principle must not be much different.It's a pity that Wan Dong doesn't even know the materials for making the storage ring, let alone refining it.

"Mr. Xu, Miss Dai is here." Wan Dong just finished refining a batch of Peiyuan Pills when Chu Yunyan's voice came from outside.

Wan Dong opened the door with a smile, and Dai Yajun stood there with a slightly shy face, his head drooping slightly, as if there was something unspeakable hidden.

In the past few days, Dai Yajun came here often, and Wan Dong knew what she was doing when he saw her expression, he folded his arms and said with a smile, "Miss Dai, didn't you just buy a hundred Peiyuan Pills from me yesterday? Why are you here again today? Did you encounter some powerful fairy beasts, did you use Peiyuan Pill as a jelly bean envoy?"

"No...it's not, I..." When Wan Dong said this, Dai Yajun was even more embarrassed and blushed even more.

Wan Dong let out a groan, and suddenly raised his voice, "Then I understand, you...you didn't buy it for Shi Xiong, did you?"

"Ah? You...how did you know?" Wan Dong suddenly pierced Dai Yajun's small thoughts, which made her panic for a while.

"If it wasn't for your sweetheart, why would you care so much? You have to know that the price I sold you was two yuan crystals, but what Shi Xiong wanted to buy was five yuan crystals."

"I...I also think this is wrong, but...but the price of five yuan crystals is too high..."

"Nuo, you still say you're not your sweetheart, and you're making a grievance for your sweetheart!"


Seeing that Dai Yajun was so ashamed that he didn't know what to do, Wan Dong put away the joke in a timely manner, and if he kept joking, it might be too much.Wan Dong refined a lot of Pei Yuan Pills this time, took out two hundred of them, and handed them to Dai Yajun, saying, "Shi Xiong is not bad."

"Mr. Xu also thinks that Shi Xiong is good? Then...then why don't you give him a discount?" Dai Yajun's eyes were shining brightly, and there was a three-point plea unconsciously in his expression.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "I was going to give Shi Xiong a discount, but now, I've changed my mind!"

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