Wen Yixiao was in a hurry to return the gift to Wan Youqi, but was stopped by Po Qiandao.

Wen Yixiao didn't understand why, his face was full of bewilderment, Po Qiandao suddenly grinned at him, winked and said, "Master, why are you so polite to your apprentice and daughter-in-law? Isn't it right for you to be worshiped by her!"

"Apprentice...apprentice's wife?" Wen Yixiao was even more stunned, unable to react for a long time.

Po Qiandao smiled smugly, "Of course! Didn't you hear You Qi calling you just now? Calling you Master!"

"You...you kid...hahaha... good! good! This... this is really a happy event! Qiandao, master, I really do not love you for nothing, you have one thing, one thing!" Waiting for a smile After reacting, there was a burst of ecstasy immediately.Seeing his fangs and claws, laughing out loud, really makes people worry, the happiness came too suddenly, let him beat him alive.

For the matter of Wan Youqi and Po Qiandao, Wan Haoxiong is happy to see it come to fruition.Walking over, she cupped her fists at Wen with a smile and said, "Mr. Wen, from now on, we will be in-laws. If You Qi does something wrong in the future, you can just discipline her!"

"...En!" Wen Yixiao was so excited that he couldn't even speak, and could only keep nodding his head.

"Brother Li, what's the matter with that colorful beam of light?" Wan Haoxiong found the colorful beam of light on the way here, and immediately asked after exchanging greetings.

Li Xingbiao shook his head and said, "This is the second time this has happened. I can't say what's going on. If I want to find out, I'm afraid I have to go to Bailong Snow Mountain thousands of miles away. Just take a trip to the hinterland."

"Then can you see this miracle from the God Thunder City?"

"Of course! Speaking of which, Xu Yaoting, the city lord of Shenlei City, is the most extraordinary young man in the world. He is simply unfathomable and omnipotent. Maybe he will know something about these seven-colored beams of light."

When Li Xingbiao mentioned Xu Yaoting, his face was full of undisguised admiration, which made Wan Haoxiong's heart as sweet as eating honey.

"Brother Li, it seems that you admire Xu Yaoting very much!"

Li Xingbiao immediately shook his head and said, "It's not admiration, but seeking truth from facts! Before, Yu Qinglin led an army of 20 to besiege our Moon City, and even threatened hundreds of young children. I was forced to do nothing, and was about to start When the city surrendered, it was Xu Yaoting who led more than ten young generals and 20 soldiers to forcefully smashed Yu Qinglin's [-] troops, and defeated the villain Yu Qinglin with an enemy of [-]. A sword that splits open is the most admirable. If the marshal doesn't believe it, you can ask Mr. Wen, I think, even if I die, I will never forget his demeanor that day."

Wan Haoxiong didn't need to ask at all, just the spontaneous respect from Wen Yixiao's face was enough to prove that Li Xingbiao's words were true.

"I didn't expect that Xu Yaoting was even more powerful than I imagined."

"That's right! It's not an exaggeration to say that he is the most talented person in the world. It's just a pity, why can't our Tiandu Kingdom produce such a peerless talent?" Li Xingbiao was full of regret when he said this.

"Hahaha..." As soon as Li Xingbiao finished speaking, Wan Haoxiong couldn't help but let out a maniacal laugh, and from that laughter was full of self-satisfaction.

Li Xingbiao and the others were a little baffled by Wan Haoxiong's smile, only Wan Youqi's mouth rippling with a bright smile.

"My lord!" A sergeant hurried over from the city with a serious expression on his face.

"What's the matter?" Li Xingbiao asked in a deep voice.

"There was a big earthquake just now, and many houses in the city collapsed, and the people were crushed under the rubble."

"There is such a thing?" Li Xingbiao was taken aback.

Wan Haoxiong waved his hand and said, "Brother Li, let's continue later, organize to save people first!"

"Brother, aren't we going to pay a visit to the famous Lord of Thunder City?" Wan Youqi hurriedly asked after seeing Wan Haoxiong wooing Li Xingbiao.

Wan Haoxiong glanced in the direction of Shenlei City, and said with a smile, "Are you still afraid that the kid will fail if he escapes? Save people first!"

Wan Youqi hummed, said no more, patted her hips, followed Wan Haoxiong, and entered the Moon Worship City.

The Moon Worship City was hit by a disaster, as was the God Thunder City, and the situation was even more dire.

As soon as Chu Yunyan finished counting the disaster situation, she quickly found Wan Dong, her pretty face was full of worry.

"Are there civilians killed or injured?" Seeing Chu Yunyan's expression, Wan Dong's heart sank suddenly.

Chu Yunyan nodded and said, "Yes, and there are quite a few! This earthquake came suddenly and violently, and everyone was completely unprepared. Many houses in the city that had been in disrepair for many years collapsed. Most of the casualties were caused by the collapse. due to the house."

"What is the name of this so-called miracle? It comes as soon as it is said, without any warning, and it is more violent every time. If it happens a few times, will my God Thunder City be able to survive?" Wan Dong pressed Frowning, his words were quite worried.

Chu Yunyan obviously had the same worry, nodded slightly, and sighed, "It's a pity that the place where the miracle happened is in the hinterland of Shengtian Continent, and it is not easy to get there. It is really difficult to find out what happened. difficulty."

"No matter how difficult it is, I have to go! No matter what happened, I will never allow the same thing to happen again." Wan Dong clenched his fists, raised his brows, and said, "But this is not the time to talk about these things, Miss Chu, we still Hurry up and rescue the disaster first."

"It's already being rescued! General Ma, Commander Hu, and Ding Shanwei have already moved. The other people from Shengtian Continent are also helping. These people didn't look very good before, but now they are here At the critical moment, I really can't lose the chain." Chu Yunyan laughed.

"That's good! Come on, let's stop idling here, go help!" Wan Dong got up and walked out of the city lord's mansion.

Although the disaster in Shenlei City is serious, it is rare that the army and the people work together, and everyone works together, and the progress of the disaster relief is very fast.But no matter how fast it was, it took a full five days.Looking at the gradually bustling street again, Wan Dong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But before Wan Dong breathed a sigh of relief, Dai Yajun hurriedly found him, and judging by her expression, it would definitely not be a good thing.

"Mr. Xu, something happened at Bailong Snow Mountain." Dai Yajun's first words made Wan Dong's nerves tense.

"Don't worry, speak slowly!" Wan Dong hurriedly let Dai Yajun sit on the chair, and handed him another cup of tea.

Dai Yajun was not in the mood to drink at all, pushed aside, and said eagerly, "A herd of fairy beasts appeared on Fahua Mountain outside Bailong Snow Mountain!"

"Fairy beasts?" Wan Dong raised his eyebrows suddenly, and his eyes flickered with worry.

Dai Yajun nodded heavily, and according to the people who escaped back, "In Fahua Mountain, hundreds of immortal beasts suddenly appeared, of different types, but the number is astonishingly large, it is almost everywhere."

"Sure enough!" Wan Dong couldn't help letting out a soft cry, he had long expected that this miracle would definitely bring about a change in the regeneration of the surrounding area of ​​Bailong Snow Mountain.But what he didn't expect was that this miracle would cause the fairy beasts outside the Bailong Snow Mountain to form a group.

This group of fairy beasts is not comparable to a group of wolves, or even a group of lions.After the miracle appeared last time, there were suddenly many fairy beasts around the calm Bailong Snow Mountain. This certainly caused a certain threat to human beings, but at that time, the fairy beasts acted alone after all, even if they were in a group, they would not be able to survive. There are only three or two at most, it is really not good, and there is still the possibility of escape.However, there are now hundreds of herds of fairy beasts. Once you encounter them, you may have no chance to escape.

Moreover, the fighting power of the fairy beasts was already amazingly strong, and now they were in groups, even Wan Dong was a little afraid to think about it.

"Master Xu, I'm worried that after the hordes of fairy beasts come out, they will come out of the white dragon snow mountain and come up to the human territory." Dai Yajun said to Wan Dong hesitantly.

"You mean, these fairy beasts may attack the city?" Dai Yajun's words made Wan Dong's heart jump wildly, and his complexion also changed rapidly.

Although Shenlei City has an army of 20, Wan Dong can't guarantee that if the hordes of beasts attack Shenlei City, he and the 20 army can guarantee that the people in Shenlei City will be safe.

"I'm not sure, but once the fairy beasts form a group, the range of activities will be greatly increased. It's not impossible to go out of the white dragon snow mountain, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes! It must be possible, and the possibility is very high! Miss Chu, tell General Ma immediately, so that he can gather all the troops in the city and put them on strict guard!" Wan Dong seemed to be scalded. Like a butt, he jumped directly from the chair.

The matter was so important that Chu Yunyan didn't dare to be negligent, so she nodded hastily.Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly stopped his steps again, and said with a crescent eyebrow, "If the herd of immortal beasts really can attack the city, wouldn't Worship Moon City face the same threat as us?"

"Worshiping Moon City?" Chu Yunyan's reminder made Wan Dong feel even worse.

No matter what, there are still 20 troops in Shenlei City, but what about Moon Worship City?At best, there are 5 to [-] people.Moreover, there are no decent masters in the city of worshiping the moon, once the fairy beasts attack the city, they must be very vulnerable!

Of course Wan Dong was worried, after all the people in Baiyue City were his real compatriots.But what can I worry about?Divide part of the 20 army of God Thunder City?Once he did this, how would he explain to the people of God Thunder City if both cities were destroyed?The risk of this decision is not ordinary, Wan Dong dare not make it lightly.

"My lord, my lord!" Just when Wan Dong's mood was heavy like lead, and he was a little at a loss, another urgent call sounded.

Wan Dong looked up, and saw that Lai Wanli rushed in almost using his hands and feet, and Wan Dong's heart fell to the bottom...

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