"You..." When Wan Dong said this, Xu Sansan couldn't help being slightly taken aback, very surprised.Obviously, Wan Dong's hesitation was definitely not because of cowardice, but because he had other considerations.

Xu Sansan is a smart woman, but at this moment, if she just cares about it, she will be confused, and her thinking will inevitably be a little extreme.Hearing Wan Dong say this, he couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

He coughed lightly and said, "Then be careful!"

Wan Dong hummed, turned his head to Dai Yajun and Lai Wanli, and said, "For a while, you must fully cooperate with Xu Nvxia. At the same time, you must always pay attention to the movements around you. If you find anything unusual, you must retreat immediately and leave us alone!"

Dai Yajun and Lai Wanli thought Wan Dong was worried about their safety, but they didn't think about anything other than being grateful.At this time, although Wan Dong felt dangerous, he still couldn't explain clearly. He knew that Dai and Lai didn't fully understand what he said, but he didn't know how to explain it further.I could only sigh, and take one step at a time, I hope his feeling is wrong.

"It's just that the herd of fairy beasts is so crazy, how are you going to get there?" Looking at the densely packed and almost impenetrable herd of fairy beasts in front of him, Xu Sansan's face was full of sadness.

Just now she was eager to save people, she didn't have the time to think so much, now she calmed down and realized that going to Xiao Lang's side is not an easy task.

Wan Dong frowned slightly, and with a thought, the hilt of the sword that was entrenched in his Yuan Mansion immediately appeared in his palm.A stream of dense rays of light spread out, turning into sword blades that could not be discerned from reality to reality, pointing directly at the sky.

"This sword..." Xu Sansan's heart beat wildly, and his eyes were filled with astonishment.

Xu Sansan was born in Ascension to Heaven Continent, so she naturally has a vision.Staring blankly at the radiant and steaming divine sword in Wan Dong's hand, his heart was agitated for a while.

"The magic weapon! The absolute magic weapon!" Lai Wanli is good at business, and of course has a unique vision. He can see at a glance that the sword in Wan Dong's hand is extraordinary, and he exclaimed a little excitedly.

How could Wan Dong have the heart to explain the origin of the sword to them at this time?He suddenly turned his head and shouted, "Ding Shanwei, help me!"

"Yes!" Ding Shanwei responded in unison, pulling the crossbows in their hands in unison.When Wan Dong was in the air, [-] crossbows made the sound of strings being undone at the same time. They gathered together and turned into a buzzing sound, which made Dai Yajun, Lai Wanli and others all feel a burst of enthusiasm.

The rain of arrows covering the sky and the sun, carrying a frenzy of destruction, fell into the group of immortal beasts without hesitation.

The arrowheads made of purple gold are amazingly lethal, the sound of sharp knives piercing into flesh can be heard everywhere, blood splashes everywhere, and the invincible group of immortal beasts immediately creates a chaos, all kinds of mournful roars, Suddenly resounded through the sky.

The casual cultivators, who had been besieged for a long time and were almost at the end of their strength, were stunned by the sudden scene in front of them, and could not help but stop their movements.But they don't have to worry about being killed by the fairy beasts because of this, the whole group of fairy beasts has been messed up by the arrow rain.

The rain of arrows not only brought death, but also brought fear. Immortal beasts with spirituality are especially sensitive. At this moment, everyone looked behind in horror.

"What... what's going on?" All the casual cultivators exclaimed.

Xiao Lang's expression was also brightened, and he looked eagerly at the back of the group of immortal beasts.

"Hero Xiao, is someone coming to save us?" Someone shouted, with both excitement and nervousness in his voice.

Xiao Lang nodded lightly, and was about to speak, when suddenly, a more terrifying aura than the previous arrow rain swept over.I don't know where it started, but it was like a tide, and it spread in an instant!

"This is..." At this moment, even Xiao Lang couldn't be calm anymore, he opened his mouth and let out an exclamation.

"Such a pure dao qi, such a terrifying aura, could it be that some old monster from above came down? No... no, although this dao qi is extremely pure, it is not very powerful. It should not be those old monsters, but What's the matter with this terrifying aura like a sea of ​​blood falling from the sky?"

Xiao Lang was completely confused by this sudden breath, his expression changed again and again.

Compared to Xiao Lang's doubts, Xu Sansan was terrified.Staring blankly at Wan Dong who was leaving through the air, watching the magical weapon in his hand continuously swaying out pieces of light like blood, the whole person couldn't help shivering.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed that someone could unleash such a terrifying sword force, as if dragging the entire world into a sea of ​​blood.

To pass through this herd of immortal beasts, apart from 'slaying thousands of miles with blood', Wan Dong couldn't think of any other way.

The group of immortal beasts, which had already been panicked by the rain of arrows, was now shrouded in the 'blood massacre for thousands of miles' and became even more chaotic.The low-level beasts were directly crushed by the blood-slaughtering aura and lay down on the ground, unable to stand up, while the higher-level ones all ran around. Few of the beasts dared to meet Wan Dong's head-on. sword edge.

I don't know if it's because it has been used several times, but Wan Dong's 'Blood Massacre' is getting smoother and smoother.There is almost no hesitation in moving the mind and pointing the sword, and the power is constantly increasing.


The bloody light all over the sky fell into the herd of immortal beasts, just like a grenade rainstorm, and there was a loud explosion, densely packed, like a rainstorm hitting a silver plate, almost in one breath.All kinds of fairy beasts were thrown into the air one by one by the violent energy. The fierceness before disappeared without a trace, and what was revealed was only fear and despair.

A direct road to Xiao Lang appeared at Wan Dong's feet.

"Ding Shanwei strikes!" Leaving behind a shout, Wan Dong went straight to Xiao Lang without looking back.

Order out like a mountain!Without any hesitation, Ten Thousand Ding Shanwei put away his crossbow, swung his scimitar, and rushed towards the group of immortal beasts like a tide.The Nine Palaces and Nine Songs formation has already been practiced as proficiently as if you are using your fingers.Seen from the air, Ding Shanwei looked like an extremely sharp steel knife, directly inserted into the group of immortal beasts.

Xu Sansan shook her head vigorously, and then woke up from the deep shock.As soon as he raised his head, Ding Shanwei had already rushed several tens of feet away, he hurriedly let out a coquettish cry, and led Dai Yajun, Lai Wanli and others to rush out together.

If it's about fighting alone, Xu Sansan and those casual cultivators.Each of them can easily deal with more than a dozen Dingshan guards, but if it is a legion battle, they may not be able to deal with Dingshan guards with the same number as them.

Following Ding Shanwei, Xu Sansan didn't feel any pressure even if he rushed into the center of the herd of immortal beasts.Where the sword light swept away, fairy beasts fell down like felled wheat.It's not that Xu Sansan's sword is so powerful, it's that the beasts swept by her sword light are all 'second-hand goods' that have been ravaged by Ding Shanwei.

Boom boom boom!

With three loud bangs in succession, all the immortal beasts surrounding Xiao Lang and the others were swept away by the golden light, and Wan Dong landed steadily in front of Xiao Lang like a god descending from the sky.

"You...you are..." Xiao Lang looked at Wan Dong with surprise in his eyes.

"Master City Master! Is it really you?" Just when Xiao Lang was amazed at Wan Dong's youth, all the casual cultivators beside him cheered in unison.

Wan Dong glanced over, most of the faces he had seen in the City Lord's Mansion.

Nodding his head, Wan Dong said, "I'm sorry, I'm late!"

When Wan Dong said this, all the casual cultivators shed tears.Of course I was moved, but more of it was the joy of the rest of my life.

"City Lord?" Xiao Lang was even more confused.

Wan Dong smiled at him, and said, "My little brother has heard about Xiao Daxia's prestige a long time ago, and seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation!"

Xiao Lang's words did not mean the slightest bit of flattery.Seeing Xiao Lang's wounds all over his body, Wan Dong sincerely admired him.None of the wounds on his body were born by himself, among other things, on this point, he is worthy of the name of a hero.

"Protect Hero Xiao to rest, and leave the rest to me!" Before Xiao Lang could respond, Wan Dong opened his mouth without any doubt.

"How can I do that? Let me do it!" Xiao Lang subconsciously straightened his body.

But Wan Dong didn't talk nonsense with him at all, he winked at the two casual cultivators at the side, and those two casual cultivators immediately stepped forward, forcing Xiao Lang to the back.

Xiao Lang wanted to get angry at first, but when he saw Wan Dong's iron-like expression, he couldn't help laughing, and the eyes he looked at Wan Dong became much gentler at this moment.

"Hero Xiao, the city lord's cultivation is so unpredictable, you don't have to worry at all!" The rest of the casual cultivators were afraid that Xiao Lang would be worried, so they comforted each other.

Seeing a group of casual cultivators' eyes showing a kind of respect and admiration from the heart when they mentioned Wan Dong, this made Xiao Lang even more curious about Wan Dong.

Wan Dong definitely didn't mean to be cool on purpose, he really didn't have the heart to explain to Xiao Lang.Just now, in order to pass through the herd of immortal beasts, he did not hesitate to use the 'Blood Slaughter for Thousands of Miles'. At that time, he felt that the threat hidden in the dark was suddenly several times stronger than before.And he had the feeling of being watched by someone. It might be an exaggeration to say that it was creepy, but it wasn't much worse.

Undoubtedly, the hidden threat has already noticed him.

It's like a time bomb, no one knows when it will explode, Wan Dong can only seize every minute and every second, first deal with the group of fairy beasts in front of him, and then concentrate on dealing with the monsters hiding in the dark threat.

Standing in the position that originally belonged to Xiao Lang, Wan Dong's heart suddenly settled down.Soldiers come to block water and earth to cover, no matter how big your threat is, so what?

The false and solid sword edge was raised, and the dao energy in the body spontaneously gathered on the sword edge. The brilliance of the sword was criss-crossed, and immediately a large number of immortal beasts fell into the pool of blood.Most of the pressure on the loose cultivators was relieved at once, and they let out a long breath...

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