When Wan Dong came back to his senses, the white fire dragon had jumped into Xiao Lang's body, and Xiao Lang couldn't bear the scorching breath and shouted loudly, "Brother, what the hell is this? "

Wan Dong's heart skipped a beat, if Xiao Lang didn't die in the hands of the jade pendant, but died in the hands of the white fire dragon, would he still have the face to live in this world?

With a wild roar, Wan Dong released a wisp of Dao Qi and chased after him, trying to chase the white fire dragon back.But the white fire dragon didn't care about it, and even ignored Wan Dong's thoughts, and headed straight towards Xiao Lang's Yuan Mansion.

It is also strange to say that Wan Dong's Dao Qi circulated in Xiao Lang's body, and he was constrained by the terrifying power from the jade pendant everywhere, but the white fire dragon was unimpeded, as if he had returned home.

"This guy is really a hidden danger!" Wan Dong's heart sank, his expression a little anxious.

To him, this white fire dragon is a foreign thing after all.When he first occupied his Yuan Mansion, he felt that something was wrong.But later, the white fire dragon helped him a lot, and he also had the ability to refine various elixir, plus it was very obedient and obedient in Wandong Yuan Mansion, so Wandong gradually relaxed his vigilance.Today, it can be regarded as a solid lesson for him.

Xiao Lang also slowly realized that Wan Dong had lost control of the white fire dragon, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly mobilized his mind and Dao Qi, trying to seal the Yuan Mansion.Even if it is impossible to stop the white fire dragon forever, it is good to resist it even for a while.

But just at this juncture, the jade pendant also began to "convulse", the holy white light like a bright moon burst forth suddenly, infinite power, with an irresistible posture, ran rampant in Xiao Lang's body, and in a blink of an eye, Xiao Lang's words were swept away. The Qi impact was scattered and scattered, and the army was defeated.

The Yuan Mansion, which had been slowly closed, opened suddenly, as if it had opened its arms to welcome the white fire dragon.

Wan Dong just blinked, and the white fire dragon rushed into Xiao Lang's Yuan Mansion, and Wan Dong's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Brother, what kind of mess are you talking about? Why does it look more fierce than the jade pendant in my body?" The matter has come to this point, and it is useless to say anything else.Fortunately, Xiao Lang had already seen through life and death, and he had already prepared himself mentally, so he was not very depressed, and teased Wan Dong with his leisurely mind.

However, as soon as Xiao Lang's words fell, something that shocked him happened.

After the white fire dragon rushed into the Yuan Mansion, it did not make a mess, but suddenly entangled the snow-white jade pendant.That situation is just like the white fire dragon wrapping around the hilt of the sword in Wandong Yuan Mansion.

The white jade pendant did not resist, and cuddled closely with the white fire dragon. The situation was extremely harmonious.

"How could this be?" Xiao Lang couldn't help exclaiming, his face was full of shock and doubt.

Wan Dong couldn't figure it out for a while, so he could only look at it stupidly.

The pain of death that Xiao Lang expected, did not happen.But at this moment, a scene that made him even more unbelievable happened again.The jade pendant seemed to have taken root in Xiao Lang's Yuan Mansion at first, no one would push it away, but at this time, under the entanglement of the white fire dragon, it slowly left Xiao Lang's Yuan Mansion, following Xiao Lang's meridians , moved out of the body little by little.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Lang was so nervous that he even held his breath. It is no exaggeration to say that those eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

"Brother, there is a door!" Wan Dong was so ecstatic that his voice trembled a little.

Xiao Lang raised his eyebrows suddenly, and hurriedly sat down cross-legged, while completely dissipating the Dao Qi in his meridians, making concessions for the jade pendant and the white fire dragon, and at the same time, after the jade pendant left the Yuan mansion, he couldn't wait to build a road in front of the Yuan mansion. Defensively, he made up his mind that this time, even if he broke his body to pieces, he would never let Yupei return to his Yuan Mansion.

Xiao Lang had never been so nervous before, all his mind was almost put on the jade pendant that was slowly moving out.Everything in the world seems to have ceased to exist, and even time has been stretched infinitely, every second is as long as a century.

It didn't take long for Xiao Lang's whole body to be drenched with sweat. Because he was too focused, Xiao Lang even felt dizzy for a while.

Finally... Finally, Xiao Lang roared wildly, and the white fire dragon wrapped around the jade pendant and sprayed out from his mouth.At the same time, the jade pendant swelled against the storm, and in the blink of an eye, it has grown more than ten times, and it is three feet long.

"Why...how did this happen?" Even though the jade pendant had been separated from Xiao Lang's body, it could be regarded as a solution to his serious problem, but the doubts and shock in his heart still drove Xiao Lang's desire to be tortured crazy.

In Xiao Lang's view, it was absurd that the jade pendant, which could not be removed by several family elders with a cultivation base as high as the sky, was abducted by the white fire dragon inexplicably.

Xiao Lang was completely confused, and Wan Dong was equally confused, staring at the jade pendant and the white fire dragon in a daze.

And at the same time that the jade pendant swelled against the storm, the white fire dragon also launched its power, turning into a sky-high flame and wrapping the jade pendant completely.The super high heat wave swept everywhere, and Xiao Lang, who was approaching directly, kept retreating back and forth.Wan Dong was fine, he didn't seem to be affected in any way, and Xiao Lang was amazed to see it.


A sound like broken glass made Xiao Lang's heart skip a beat, and he turned his head hastily to look, only to see that huge jade pendant suddenly shattered and turned into white debris all over the sky, melting in the sky in an instant. Among the white flames.


A crisp sound like a dragon's chant erupted suddenly, and the white flame quickly subsided, suddenly revealing a slender square ruler. The cold light flickered, bringing a piercing chill to people.Xiao Lang and Wan Dong took a step back almost at the same time.

And just when the two of them were shocked, the hilt of the sword that jumped up and down in Wandong Yuan Mansion finally couldn't hold back, and with a whooping sound, it shot straight out of Wandong's body, and greeted the 'Fangchi' cheerfully. go up.

The 'Fang Chi' also became excited in an instant, trembling non-stop, sending out bursts of dragon roars, and then shot through the air, also facing the hilt of the sword.In such a situation, it was like relatives reunited after a long absence, rushing to embrace each other.

The only difference is that once the hilt and the 'square ruler' are hugged together, they never want to separate, as if they have become one!

Wan Dong's head buzzed, and his mind exploded, only then did he realize that the long and thin thing was a 'square ruler', it was clearly a sword body!At this time, it merged with the hilt of the sword into one, and the shape of the sword can be seen at a glance, but there is still a short point of the sword!

"This... there is such a thing in this world?" Xiao Lang stared blankly, with his mouth open, unable to close it for a long time.

Wan Dong also suddenly understood at this time, no wonder when Xiao Lang gave up suppressing the jade pendant, the sword hilt in his body would show such excitement, even ignoring his orders, it must be the breath of the sword body that caused it The resonance, it can't wait to become one with the sword body.

I understand even more why the jade pendant that even the elders of the Xiao Lang family could not get rid of was easily abducted by the white fire dragon.People didn't resist at all, of course it was easy!

After the hilt and the sword body merged into one, they danced and circled happily in the air, and bursts of dragon chant sounded out of thin air, resounding through the heavens and the earth!

"It turned out that the jade pendant that had been entrenched in my body was transformed from a sword body! What kind of magic weapon is this that has such spirituality!?"

Xiao Lang came from the Dao Sect Great World, so he should be well-informed, but at this moment, Xiao Lang was also deeply shocked, his face was full of admiration besides admiration!

When the hilt and the sword body were almost full of joy, the white fire dragon suddenly pounced on them and entangled them.I don't know what the relationship between the white fire dragon and the divine sword is. In short, both the hilt and the blade are extremely obedient to it, and calm down obediently.Then, it turned into a ray of precious light, and with a whoosh, it penetrated into Wan Dong's body and disappeared.

Wan Dong hastily looked inside. In Yuan Mansion, the white fire dragon was still circling around the hilt of the sword as before. The only difference was that there was an extra section of shiny sword body on the hilt, which was no longer bare.

After checking around, he found that everything was as usual. Wan Dong was about to withdraw from the inner view, but at this moment, a ray of light burst out from the sword and rushed straight into Wan Dong's mind.Fortunately, Wan Dong had already experienced a lot in Ming Shenhun Jade before, otherwise he might not be able to bear such an impact.

After everything calmed down, Wan Dong checked the extra information in his mind.It was another sword move—disappeared in smoke!

Wan Dong got the 'Blood Slaughter for Thousands of Miles' from the hilt of the sword. When he used it, the sea of ​​blood spread across thousands of miles, and no one was immune to it!His extremely fierce and domineering offensive made even Wan Dong's heart tremble every now and then.

However, this 'disappears in smoke', Wan Dong only took a rough look, and realized that its lethality might be stronger than that of 'Blood Slaughter for Thousands of Miles'.

'Blood massacre for thousands of miles', although all living beings are exterminated, there is still a sea of ​​blood left behind.But when the 'smoke dissipates' comes out, everything goes silent, and there is nothing left except the lonely world!Its fierceness and domineeringness are simply indescribable.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Wan Dong couldn't believe that there is such a terrifying sword technique in this world!

"Brother, you... who the hell are you?"

Wan Dong was in a trance, Xiao Lang stuttered and woke up Wan Dong's mind.

Wan Dong turned his head and saw Xiao Lang staring at him stupidly, as if he saw an alien.

Wan Dong's mind was moved, and he hurriedly asked, "Brother, how are you, are you okay?"

Xiao Lang shook his head foolishly, and then murmured, "Brother, are you really born and raised in this ordinary world? You are not like me, you also come from the big Daoist world, and you are also from the Daoist sect." A super powerful family in the big world, right? The Huangfu family? The Ping family? The Jiuwu family?..."

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