Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 878 Rush to Ascension Continent!

Luo Xiao's attitude was exactly as expected by Chu Yunyan. She nodded lightly, looked at Venerable Yindao and said, "Senior Yindao, I'm afraid you will have to lead the team to rescue the Ascension Continent this time."

After all, Shengtian Continent is no smaller than the ordinary world, and there are so many masters there.And the Danxia Sect was facing the fourth of the seven major sects in the Shengtian Continent this time, and the enemy was not weak. With Luo Xiao and the others alone, Chu Yunyan really couldn't rest assured.

Venerable Yindao twirled his white beard lightly and said, "I promised Yaoting that I must take good care of them, of course I will go! It's just Yunyan, we are all gone, and this God Thunder City will be empty, you can handle it alone are you coming?"

"Heck... Senior, what are you talking about? How can I be alone? There is a 20 army guarding the city under Commander Hu and Uncle Ma, as well as a group of casual practitioners such as Mr. Lai, and there is also the powerful and unparalleled Dingshan Guard as the leader. In the end, Shenlei City is as solid as gold. Moreover, if the disciples of the Absolute Sword Sect are wiped out by us, they will also receive the effect of killing chickens and monkeys. I believe that no one will have the courage to stroke our beards. Seniors don't have to worry about me at all. "

Seeing that Chu Yunyan was full of confidence, Venerable Yin Dao nodded slightly and said no more.

"Brother, shall we go to the Ascension Continent?" Wan Youqi turned to look at Wan Haoxiong and asked.

Wan Hao raised his thick eyebrows suddenly, and said, "Go, why not? If the child is really still alive, in order not to implicate us, he will definitely lure the killer to the direction of Shengtian Continent. He ran into it!"

"Marshal Wan is right, I want to go back to Ascension Land!" Wan Haoxiong's voice fell, and before Wan Youqi could respond, Xu Sansan said first.Her concern for Xiao Lang is no less than Wan Haoxiong's concern for Wan Dong.

No one knew how long Hu Xueqing and the others would last, and no one dared to delay in the slightest.As soon as the matter in Shenlei City was settled, Luo Xiao, Wang Yangde and others headed straight to Shengtian Continent under the leadership of Qingping and Xiaohui.

On the way back to Ascension to Heaven Continent, Yu Qingping felt like she was in a dream.Taking a glance back, a group of people waited, even those with the weakest cultivation level had already achieved perfection. With such momentum and background, even the Yuntianmen would have to bow down!This trip to God Thunder City gave Yu Qingping a sense of eye-opening, but she was more excited and surprised!Before coming here, Yu Qingping never thought that this trip to God Thunder City would be such a success, inviting such a reinforcement army that could no longer be described as powerful!

Suddenly, Yu Qingping only felt that the journey back to Shengtian Continent was so long and long. She wished she could cross back to Shengtian Continent in one step, and to Yuntianmen, Juejianzong, Jiuxiao Pavilion, Yuanyangmen and so on. In front of the shameless villain, let's see what kind of expression they will have.

Just when Qingping and his party were heading to Shengtian Continent, Wan Dong and Xiao Lang were also on the way.It's just that Wan Dong and Yu Qingping's way of rushing on the road is a little different from that of Yu Qingping and the others. The two of them's rush is more like a trial, especially for Wan Dong.

From the outskirts of Bailong Snow Mountain all the way to Shengtian Continent, Wan Dong and Xiao Lang were hardly idle.Others always do everything possible to avoid fairy beasts, but the two are just the opposite. They always go where there are fairy beasts and where there are powerful fairy beasts.

Along the way, the two of them fully developed the spirit of endless life and fighting, and it can almost be said that they went all the way to the Ascension Continent.The journey of the two to ascend to heaven is simply a history of blood and tears of immortals and beasts!

Especially for Xiao Lang, since this guy's cultivation has returned to the elementary level of the earth wheel, he is simply an invincible existence in the entire Dongxuan Continent.Not only in terms of warriors, even if there are all kinds of powerful beasts, in front of him, there are very few who can parry his three moves.

Of course, Xiao Lang's cultivation base is high, and his airs are not small.Along the way, unless he encounters a particularly powerful fairy beast that is beyond Wan Dong's ability to deal with, he will wave his sleeves. Most of the time, in Wan Dong's eyes, Xiao Lang is just a guy with a whip , the unscrupulous boss in charge of supervision.

But scolding is all scolding, along the way, Wan Dong has gained more than before.

The memory of Xuantian Damingshen is precious and mysterious, but in the end Wandong needs to experience it by himself. How can there be the direct transparency of Xiao Lang's precepts and deeds?From time to time, Xiao Lang kicked him and slapped him, which made Wan Dong's understanding even more profound and unforgettable.

The Xuantian Enlightenment Jue practiced by Wan Dong is very different from the Immortal Jue practiced by the Daomen Great World monks.Therefore, the yellow species, the Xuanhen, the earth wheel, and the Tiange system didn't work on him at all, and the Xuantian Damingshen formed a unique system.

There are three major realms of body refining, qi refining, and god refining. Wan Dong has now cultivated to the second level - the first stage of qi refining, which is to become alchemy.After becoming alchemy, it is to transform into a god, and then return to the void, and then the second largest realm will declare great success.

But since he achieved the golden core in Wan Dongyuan's mansion, it seems that all cultivation has stopped.Although he is still absorbing the essence of heaven and earth every day, and although the essence of heaven and earth he absorbs is also continuously transformed into dao qi, this dao qi does not stay in Yuanfu, but is directly inhaled by Jindan, and then ... Then there is no more, the golden core is still that simple, silent, and there is no change.

According to the description in the memory of Xuantian Damingshen, after cultivating into a golden elixir, as the Dao Qi continues to accumulate and increase, the golden elixir will gradually expand, from the size of a soybean, to the size of a grape, to the size of a ping pong ball, and finally to the size of a fist. Still, colorful patterns began to grow, and when the colorful patterns spread all over the golden elixir, it was the peak of the alchemy level, and then turned into the primordial spirit and entered the second level of qi refining.

But after such a long time, the golden pill in Wan Dongyuan's mansion is still the size of a soybean, almost unchanged, which makes Wan Dong anxious.He was even worried that it was because the heaven and earth energy in the small world was too weak, which hindered his cultivation. If this was the case, it would be imminent to enter the Daoist world.

However, according to Xiao Lang, Wan Dong's cultivation has been improving all the time, and the speed is extremely fast, which is faster than he imagined.According to Xiao Lang, now he already has the ability to fight against Xuanhen's elementary level, and he can win the battle.

What Xiao Lang said was a vow, so Wan Dong couldn't believe it.But after all, there was no one to test, so Wan Dong couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Wan Dong thought about using Xiao Lang to practice his hands, but after trying it, he found that this was definitely not a good idea.

Xiao Lang's cultivation level is not 01:30 higher than Wan Dong's. Even if Xiao Lang takes it easy, once he makes a move, it will still make Wan Dong's life 'cool'. I only tried it once, and Wan Dong He resolutely gave up.

Under such circumstances, Wan Dong could only use these fairy beasts to test.This made him feel a little bit, the fairy beast that made him scratch his head before, and later, he could kill it almost easily, but Wan Dong was not sure that this was the result of his becoming stronger, you know, this There is another possibility—practice makes perfect!

Therefore, for Wan Dong, this journey was not only a physical torture, but also a mental one.This kind of confusion and struggle alone on the road of cultivation is really uncomfortable.

Wan Dong has never had such a strong desire as at this time, longing to enter the great world of Taoism, longing for a world full of strong people!


Accompanied by a loud bang, a ferocious, ugly, gigantic earth fire dragon that looked like a small mountain, with scars all over its body and humiliation everywhere, fell heavily to the ground, dying.

When the ground fire dragon fell to the ground, Wan Dong's figure was also shaken, and then he sat down on the ground.With ragged clothes on his body and mud all over his face, he was a savage.It's just that Wan Dong really didn't care about his own image at this time. After sitting down, he panted like a bellows, and the sweat on his face dripped down like rain.

This is the third ground fire dragon that Wandong has encountered along the way, a powerful fairy beast beyond Wandong's imagination.

When meeting the first one, Wan Dong was directly tortured to death, and finally couldn't stand it anymore, it was Xiao Lang who took the initiative to deal with it.When meeting the second head, under Xiao Lang's guidance, Wan Dong fought hard, coupled with great luck, and finally won.As for the third head, Wan Dong also had difficulty dealing with it, but judging by his appearance, he was much better than the previous two.

Of course, the fire dragon is not a dragon, and it doesn't even touch the edge of the dragon, at most it is a big lizard.The earth fire dragon can't breathe fire either, but it can spit out an extremely hot gas.This gas is more terrifying than ordinary flames, once it touches it, it will be so hot that you will jump your feet and call your mother!

In any case, this fire dragon is the strongest kind of fairy beast that Wan Dong has ever dealt with.If it appeared on the outskirts of Bailong Snow Mountain, even one end would be enough to take down Moon Worship City.

"Ahab! Battle settled?"

Wan Dong took a few breaths, when Xiao Lang suddenly rushed out of the bushes with a surprised expression.

"It's solved!" Wan Dong let out a long breath, patted the dirt on his body, and stood up.

In fact, with his current appearance, even if he took a picture of himself as a meat pie, he wouldn't look any better.But Wan Dong had to do this, he had to make a gesture, so as not to be ridiculed by Xiao Lang again.

When he first met Xiao Lang, Wan Dong really thought that Xiao Lang was a good person, he was full of sincerity and sincerity!But after getting along with him, Wan Dong found out that if the grandson's mouth hurts, it's really fucking not ordinary!

Wan Dong is so patient, he has the urge to go berserk!

"Not bad, great progress! It made me worry about you for a long time in vain." Xiao Lang patted Wan Dong on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Wan Dong pressed the tip of his tongue against the roof of his palate so hard that he didn't let himself spit it out.This grandson will worry about him?If you are really worried, can you disappear for so long at once?I don't know where I found the fun, but now I'm going to pretend to be God in front of him, what a 'Xiao Daxia'!


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