About half an hour later, Wan Dong, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly stood up hastily, regardless of whether Hu Beishan was in samadhi, he was picked up from the ground directly.Hu Beishan was taken aback, and was about to open his mouth to ask, but seeing Wan Dong's serious face, he immediately swallowed the words back with a thud.

Holding Hu Beishan with one hand and Wu Zunzhi with the other, Wan Dong's figure was pulled up high, and he darted towards the distance at an astonishing speed.

Ding Shan Ding Shui and the others who were peeking here tremblingly in the distance didn't know what happened, Wan Dong's voice like rolling thunder suddenly rolled over, "Quickly rewind, as far as you can!"

Wan Dong's voice was unprecedentedly severe, and it was filled with an inexplicable sense of urgency. Although Ding Shan and the others didn't understand what was going on, they still couldn't help pulling away and retreating.

But at this moment, an unprecedented overbearing and fierce aura, as if it wanted to destroy everything, suddenly swept over.Afterwards, with Xiao Lang as the center, a series of crazy explosions started in the space with a radius of nearly a hundred feet, as if being hit by missiles densely packed like rain.

Countless boulders and big trees were directly thrown into the air, and then were torn apart by an invisible force amidst bursts of rumbling explosions, and then drifted away to a farther place.

Shocked by this scene, Ding Shan and other Danxia Sect disciples felt their legs go limp, and their complexions were even paler.If Wan Dong hadn't reminded them in time, there was no guarantee that they would not turn into dust like those stones and trees, and be scattered between the sky and the earth.

Not to mention them, at this time Hu Beishan also opened his mouth wide, his face full of horror, and he seemed to be sleepwalking.

The big bang lasted for a full quarter of an hour before it gradually subsided.And when the dust fell to the ground and the world was clear again, Hu Beishan was so shocked that he almost swallowed his tongue.I saw that the place where he sat cross-legged was bare, only the soil finer than silt was left, and there was not even a trace of green in sight.It's like being sifted through a sieve.

On the contrary, around Xiao Lang, there is still a patch of green grass, which looks like a lotus platform, supporting Xiao Lang's figure.

"Yao Ting, what...what's going on?" Hu Beishan asked blankly.

Wan Dong chuckled, pointed to Xiao Lang, and said, "He has made a breakthrough."

"Breakthrough? Even if it is a breakthrough, is it necessary to make such a big noise?" Hu Beishan was still puzzled.

Wan Dong shook his head. If Hu Beishan knew that Xiao Lang's breakthrough this time was from the elementary level of the earth wheel to the middle level of the earth wheel, perhaps he would not have such doubts.

"Hahaha..." While Hu Beishan was hesitating, Xiao Lang suddenly let out a maniacal laugh, and stood up straight.

The loud and high-pitched laughter was able to penetrate the clouds, full of unspeakable arrogance and pride, which made Hu Beishan's heart beat a few times involuntarily.

"Really...really Xiao Lang!" At this moment, Hu Beishan could finally see Xiao Lang's face clearly, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Wan Dong smiled, and was about to walk up to Xiao Lang.Unexpectedly, Xiao Lang suddenly suppressed his smile, shook his shoulders slightly, and an invisible coercion immediately fell on Wan Dong's body.It felt like suddenly two peaks as high as [-] ren fell on his shoulders. Wan Dong could clearly feel that every bone in his body was trembling non-stop, as if at any time Shows signs of crumbling and splintering.

Hu Beishan was shocked in his heart, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Wan Dong who was walking towards Xiao Lang, his body suddenly trembled, and then his feet suddenly sank into the half-foot-deep mud without any warning, and he couldn't help but feel again. I was taken aback.

"Yao Ting, what's the matter with you?" Hu Beishan felt strange, and subconsciously went up to see Wan Dong's situation.

But when he came to three steps in front of Wan Dong, an invisible force suddenly erupted, and Hu Beishan didn't even have time to react, and his whole body was directly ejected.When Hu Beishan regained his composure from the five delusions and three ways, he realized that the air around Wan Dong was making crackling sounds from time to time, as if electric arcs were constantly passing through.

"Hey... Brother, how are you doing? Can you still stand it?" Xiao Lang asked Wan Dong with a smile on his face.

Of course, the coercion of the middle-level earth wheel is not so easy to bear, but hearing Xiao Lang's question like this immediately aroused the arrogance in Wan Dong's heart.

"What about the middle level of the earth wheel? You want to crush me, dreaming!" Wan Dong gritted his teeth and let out a low growl, and then the Dao Qi stored in the Yuan Mansion burst out like crazy, desperately counteracting what Xiao Lang exerted on him The coercion on the body.

After a series of bloody battles, it is not shameful to lose to the enemy in the end.But before they make a move, they just rely on coercion to settle you down, then this person will lose a lot.Even if the opponent's cultivation level is a few notches higher, Wan Dong cannot accept it.

I would rather die standing up than live on my knees!This has always been the creed that Wandong adheres to!

Even though his shoulders were heavy and his legs were trembling, Wan Dong's figure still stood firm.The veins on his forehead were exposed, his complexion was bloodshot and purple, and big drops of sweat rolled down, soaking the large area of ​​land under Wan Dong's feet, but Wan Dong's figure was never even an inch shorter!

Such Wan Dong fell into Xiao Lang's eyes, which also made him startled.With such a fierce fighting spirit and such unyielding tenacity, if there is no place for Wan Dong in this world, is there any reason?

"Good boy, you are indeed my brother of Xiao Lang!" Xiao Lang gave a big praise, and Huo Di withdrew his coercion.

Wan Jun's heavy burden was suddenly removed, Wan Dong's figure suddenly loosened, and he fell straight down.Xiao Lang's figure jumped sharply, and at the moment when Wan Dong was about to reach the bottom, he supported him.

Leaning against Xiao Lang, Wan Dong glared at him fiercely while panting heavily.

Xiao Lang was stunned by Wan Dong's stare, touched his nose, laughed a few times and said, "I'm sorry, I just broke through, and my hands are a little itchy, and I've made you tired, brother. Hahaha..."

Wan Dong grabbed Xiao Lang's chest fiercely, pulled him over, leaned close to his ear, and said in a low voice through gritted teeth, "Wait for me, when the day I surpass you, I will let you taste this too." Taste!"

"Ah? Hahaha...Brother, don't hold grudges, we are good brothers, why are you so fussy?" Xiao Lang couldn't help shivering, and laughed dryly as if begging for mercy.

Xiao Lang never doubted that Wan Dong could surpass him.And Xiao Lang believed that it would not take long for Wan Dong to surpass him.Although it made him feel a little depressed, he had to admit it.

"Hmph!" Xiao Lang snorted lightly, and pushed Xiao Lang away.

Although he has suffered a lot, Wan Dong has an intuitive feeling for the power of the mid-level cultivator of Earth Wheel, which is not a bad thing.

"You... are you really the hero Xiao Lang Xiao?" Hu Beishan walked over with a look of fear.There is no way, Xiao Lang, who has reached the middle level of the earth wheel at this time, the aura on his body is really not ordinary tough.

"You are Hu Beishan from the Danxia Sect. We seem to have met each other before." Xiao Lang's impression of Hu Beishan looked pretty good, with a smile on his face.

"Yes yes yes! Unexpectedly, it's been a long time since we saw each other, and Xiao Daxia's cultivation has already... It's unbelievable!"

"Hahaha... Isn't it all thanks to my good brother?" Xiao Lang turned his head to look at Wan Dong, and in his eyes, he couldn't help showing full gratitude.

Before meeting Wan Dong, what Xiao Lang thought about most was how to make himself live a few more days, but he never thought that one day he would be able to recover his cultivation, let alone be able to achieve the middle level of Earth Wheel.Thinking about it now, even Xiao Lang himself felt like he was in a dream and couldn't believe it.

"Okay, who can't say cheap words? If you really appreciate me, do me a favor." Wan Dong waved his hand.

"Don't say a favor, even if it's a thousand, ten thousand, as long as you open your mouth, brother, I, Xiao Lang, will die!"

Hearing Xiao Lang's words, Hu Beishan's heart was greatly shaken.Xiao Lang Xiao Daxia is famous in the entire Ascension Continent for his promises and his promises.Xiao Lang's ability to say such words shows that he attaches great importance to Wan Dong.

"Stop talking nonsense, this is Master Wu of the Danxia Sect. He is seriously injured. I am afraid that only you can completely heal him."

"Wu Zunzhi!? How did he get hurt like this?" Xiao Lang noticed Wu Zunzhi only now, and asked with a look of surprise.

When Xiao Lang asked, Hu Beishan's face immediately showed a look of grief and indignation, and he said bitterly, "Master Wu fell into this field because he was killed by that old dog Yuan Cangzi! One day, I will definitely tear his body to pieces." Wan Duan, avenge Master Wu for this sea of ​​blood!"

"What? Did Yuan Cangzi do it? No, isn't he, Wu Zunzhi and Xue Chengfeng close friends for decades? Hu Beishan, did you make a mistake?" Xiao Lang was greatly surprised.

Hu Beishan spat bitterly and said, "I saw everything with my own eyes, how could there be any mistakes? Yuan Cangzi, an old dog, has one thing in the open and one in the dark, and it's not a thing at all!"

Xiao Lang shook his head lightly, and said suspiciously with his brows, "No, I also have friendship with Yuan Cangzi, he should not be the kind of villain who is duplicity in appearance."

Seeing that Xiao Lang and Hu Beishan seemed to be arguing, Wan Dong hurriedly said, "Yes or no, it's not what we should discuss now. It is imperative to heal Master Wu as soon as possible!"

"Yes, yes, Xiao Daxia, your cultivation is unrivaled, and Master Wu's injury will be entrusted to you!" Hu Beishan hurriedly begged Xiao Lang.

"Don't worry, even if it wasn't my brother who entrusted me, I, Xiao Lang, am not the one who will not save me. Let me take a look first." Xiao Lang asked Wan Dong to sit Wu Zunzhi up, and put his hand on the back of his heart. .

After a while, Xiao Lang suddenly raised his head to look at Wan Dong and asked, "What do you mean by asking me to cure him completely?"

Wan Dong seemed to have expected Xiao Lang to ask such a question a long time ago, so he smiled and asked instead, "What do you think?"

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