"Really?" Hu Beishan said, Wu Zunzhi became excited immediately, and tears flickered in the circles of his eyes.

Compared with saving Wu Zunzhi's life, helping him rebuild the Yuan Mansion and restore his cultivation, Wu Zunzhi should be more grateful.Without further ado, Wu Zunzhi turned around and bowed down to Wan Dong.

Wan Dong was not like Xiao Lang, he had 'no respect' for the old man, he would explode as soon as he said it, he was startled, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop Wu Zunzhi.Just when Wu Zunzhi was halfway through the obeisance, he was supported by Wan Dong's hand. Wu Zunzhi refused to give up and wanted to forcefully obeisance, but the strength in Wan Dong's hand was beyond his expectation. Her cheeks were bulging and round, and her figure couldn't go down even half an inch.

Seeing Wan Dong block Xiao Lang's kick before, although Wu Zunzhi was also very shocked, it was far less intense than this time.

"Brother, not only for monks, but also for warriors, re-establishing the Yuan Mansion is like the grace of rebirth. You deserve this obeisance!" Just when Wu Zunzhi and Wan Dong were in a stalemate, Xiao Lang sighed softly With a sound, he said.

"Brother, this is just a matter of raising your hands, I really don't need to do this..."

Before Wan Dong could finish speaking, Xiao Lang waved his hands and said, "Maybe that's the case for you, but you have to take other people's feelings into consideration, right?"

"Yes Mr. Xu, if you don't accept my worship, I, Wu Zunzhi, may not be able to feel at ease in this life."

Hearing that Wu Zunzhi had said everything to this point, Wan Dong had no choice but to withdraw his hand from supporting him.Wu Zunzhi's body relaxed, and he immediately bowed down.

"Mr. Xu, I won't say anything else. From now on, my life, Wu Zunzhi's, will be yours. Whenever you want it, you can take it!"

"Master Wu is serious! Didn't your Danxia Sect also help me and the Qingyun Empire back then?"

When Wan Dong said this, Wu Zunzhi's expression suddenly became extremely embarrassed, he waved his hands again and again and said, "Mr. Xu, please don't say that. If you say that, I, Wu Zunzhi, will be really ashamed!"

Wan Dong was very surprised when he heard this, and hurriedly asked, "Master Wu, why did you say that?"

"Hey! In fact, the reason why I decided to help Qingyun Empire against Yuntianmen was also selfish."

"Oh?" Wan Dong frowned slightly. Thinking back, he had been puzzled about why Danxia Sect helped him. He also asked Hu Xueqing, but Hu Xueqing always kept it secret and refused to speak out.

Wu Zunzhi sorted out his thoughts, then turned to Xiao Lang and asked, "Hero Xiao has been walking around the Ascension Continent all year round, so he should know Mount Sumeru, right?"

Xiao Lang showed three points of surprise in his expression, nodded and said, "Of course I know! Mount Sumeru should be the most mysterious mountain in the White Dragon Snow Mountain, and it is full of danger. I also wanted to go into the depths of Mount Sumeru to have a look, but Every time I have to retreat halfway, the beasts in Mount Sumeru are not only numerous, but also very fierce. Unless you organize a group of masters, entering and exiting Mount Sumeru alone is tantamount to courting death!"

As Xiao Lang said, a look of eagerness gradually appeared in his eyes, which became more and more intense.In the past, in order to suppress the invasion of the strange jade pendant, he could only keep his cultivation at Dzogchen, but now it is different. Not only has he completely recovered his former cultivation level, but he has also broken through to the middle level of the earth wheel.Mount Sumeru, which made it difficult for him to walk before, is different now.

Hearing what Xiao Lang said, Wu Zunzhi's face immediately showed a look of pride, and he raised his voice: "Looking at the entire Shengtian Continent, only our Danxia Sect and Yuntianmen can have the strength to conquer Mount Sumeru and come in and out freely. !"

Xiao Lang nodded and said, "That's not bad! Although Mount Sumeru is dangerous, it is rich in all kinds of natural treasures. Don't you Danxia Sect and Yuntianmen rely on the natural materials and earthly treasures harvested in Mount Sumeru? Among the seven major sects of Shengtian Continent, have they always maintained a position that cannot be surpassed by the other five major sects?"

"That's right! This Mount Sumeru is big enough to hold Danxia Sect and Yuntian Sect. Our two sects have always been safe and sound, without interfering with each other. But when the first miracle appeared, everything started. A change has taken place. The conflict between our Danxia Sect and Yuntian Sect also started from this time, and it has deteriorated sharply!"

"Why?" Xiao Lang couldn't help but blurted out and asked.

Wu Zunzhi narrowed his eyes suddenly, and said in a deep voice, "Because after the first miracle happened, a fairy cave appeared out of thin air in Mount Sumeru!"

"Immortal Cave? What is that?" Wan Dong's heart skipped a beat and he asked curiously.

"I don't know, because so far, no one has been able to enter this fairy cave!"

"Since no one has entered yet, how can we be sure that this is a good fairy cave?" Wan Dong continued to ask.

"Just relying on the Dao Qi constantly emanating from the cave, and relying on the countless rare treasures of heaven, materials and earth that appear around the immortal cave!" Wu Zunzhi said repeatedly without panting, his face turned unexpectedly because of his excitement. Started to redden slightly.

"I didn't expect that miracle to bring such a big change to Mount Sumeru. Why didn't I know anything about it?" Xiao Lang asked with a look of surprise.

"Don't say it's you, even within our Danxia Sect and Yuntianmen, there are only a few people who know about it. This news has been tightly sealed by us!"

Xiao Lang chuckled lightly, and said, "I never expected that Yuntianmen and Danxiazong have been fighting for so many years, and there is such a tacit understanding in this matter."

There was a hint of sarcasm in Xiao Lang's words, Wu Zunzhi laughed dryly, and said, "Even if there are no gods living in the fairy cave, there must be hidden treasures of heaven and earth! It is indeed selfish for us to block the news. On the one hand, it is also to avoid unnecessary casualties. Just imagine, once this news is leaked, it will definitely cause an uproar in the Shengtian Continent. People die for money, and birds die for food. If they are not kept properly, some people will put their lives on the line for the sake of treasures. , recklessly rushed into Mount Sumeru to die."

Wu Zunzhi's words still made some sense, Xiao Lang nodded slightly.

"There are many treasures of heaven and earth in Mount Sumeru, and they can't be collected all. Of course, they can be shared. But there is only one fairy cave, and the treasures in this fairy cave can only be owned by one person. Even if our Danxia sect does not Thinking this way, Yuntianmen must also think so. Therefore, in order to compete for the ownership of this immortal cave without causing a full-scale war between the two sects and causing both losers, we reached an agreement with Yuntianmen to decide the immortal cave through a bet. Ownership of the cave."

"This bet is to bet on Qingyun Empire and Tie Zhan Dynasty, who can unify the world." When Wu Zunzhi said this, Wan Dong understood everything, shook his head and said.

No wonder Hu Xueqing refused to explain to him what he said at the beginning, no wonder Wu Zunzhi felt ashamed, the reason why Ganqing Danxiazong helped Wandong and Qingyun Empire was because they regarded them as pawns to win the Immortal Cave.

"That's right! After the two of us finalized the bet, we discovered that Ganqing Yuntianmen had already taken action against the Iron War Dynasty. They had already secretly set up their eyeliner on the Iron War Dynasty very early on, so that's why they did so." I am sure that the Iron War Dynasty will win the final victory. This is not so much a bet as a trap, and we were so foolishly fooled. I was almost desperate at the time, and I sent Xueqing to protect you. Sending Beishan to the Tie Zhan Dynasty is just a desperate move, and I don’t want to admit defeat like this. However, I never dreamed that this lost bet would be completely reversed because of you, Mr. Xu. I never thought that, Xueqing actually brought back the complete book of the Way of the Holy Sword from you."

"You didn't even think that my brother is still rebuilding the Yuan Mansion for you today, saving you from the bad luck of becoming a useless person! It seems that my brother doesn't owe you at all, but you owe my brother too much! "

These secret activities between Danxia Sect and Yuntianmen made Xiao Lang feel a little shameless, his words were not nice, and his expression was not very good-looking.

Wu Zunzhi nodded bitterly, and said, "That's why I said, I am ashamed of Mr. Xu! If Mr. Xu wants to take all this back, I won't have the slightest complaint."

Wan Dong smiled and said, "Anyway, Danxiazong has helped me, there is no doubt about it, as for the purpose, that is not important, at least Danxiazong didn't think of harming me, did it? "

Unexpectedly Wan Dong would be so magnanimous, Wu Zunzhi was grateful and surprised, and at the same time his old face was even redder, his expression was full of emotion.

"Brother, I'm very curious about the fairy cave that suddenly appeared. Shall we take a look if we have a chance?" Wan Dong looked up at Xiao Lang and said.

Xiao Langlang said with a smile, "Of course! Hehe... But having said that, if we go, Danxiazong and Yuntianmen won't cooperate tacitly to deal with us, right?" Xiao Lang said while looking at Wu Zunzhi , with a lot of sarcasm in his eyes.

Wu Zunzhi hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Brother Xiao, don't say such things again, Wu is not that confused."

"Hmph! You still say that you are not confused? You naively believed that Yuntianmen would abide by the bet. You are clearly confused. How is it now? The Qingyun Empire has won a big victory, and your Danxia Sect finally won the bet. Did Yuntianmen obediently give up the Immortal Cave?"

When Xiao Lang said this, Wu Zunzhi hated his teeth so much, he said sharply, "Three old dogs, Yun Tiannan, Huang Linquan, and Li Zhongfei, are really shameless! I, Wu Zunzhi, are incompatible with them!"

"Okay! Who wouldn't just play lip service? If you didn't deserve to die, and you met my brother and me, your old life would have been gone long ago. How can you be at odds with others?"

Asking Wu Zunzhi to reflect on himself, Xiao Lang looked at Wan Dongdao with a smile on his face, "But brother, if I hadn't met this old guy, I really don't know that you have such abilities! Re-establishing the Yuan Mansion, this is simply a transformation." Rotten into a magical stunt! With this stunt alone, I guarantee that when you arrive in the Daoist world, no one will dare to provoke you even if you walk sideways!"

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