Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 95 Crazy Older Crazy Less Crazy!

"You kid dare to order me?" Wu Qiujun let out a loud shout, his eyes widened three points bigger than the cow bell.

Wan Dong sneered before ignoring Wu Qiujun's anger and threats, and said flatly, "If you can't afford to lose and want to find fault with your power, just say it, you don't need to play with these stupid tricks to divert your attention. !"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wu Qiujun really didn't dare to mess around.Wan Dong also grasped this point, so he was so unscrupulous and refuted Wu Qiujun's face.

"Xu Yaoting, since among this batch of blood steel raw stones, there are very few blood steel inside, why do you still care so much, insisting that we send them to your house? Then a bunch of useless rotten stones will be opened. Stone, you have to find someone to send Dingshan Palace, isn't this asking for trouble?"

Although Duan Lengyan couldn't figure out exactly what kind of method Wan Dong used, but Duan Lengyan could be sure of one thing, that is, there was absolutely no problem with this batch of blood steel rough stones.The blood steel reserves in it will never be less than one-tenth of the total.When she thought that hundreds of pieces of extremely precious blood steel fell into Wan Dong's hands for nothing, she was filled with unwillingness.

Wan Dong sneered, and said, "If I don't take these blood steel rough stones back, why don't they stay and let you continue to use them to deceive the warriors of my Qingyun Empire?"

"Master Xu is right! Even if all these blood steel rough stones are smashed, Tianbao Pavilion must not be allowed to continue to cheat!"

"Yes! After you go back, you must spread the word widely, so that all warriors in the entire empire can see clearly the face of the liar in Tianbao Pavilion!"

"In my opinion, that's not enough. You have to report to the imperial court and seal up this bullshit Tianbao Pavilion!"

The crowd was already furious, but at this moment, they couldn't hold back anymore, one after another shouted and cursed.

"You bastard! If you dare to behave wildly in my Tianbao Pavilion, I think you don't want to live anymore!" Wu Qiujun let out a roar, and swiped his right palm out.

Wan Dong was startled, and hastily reprimanded sharply, "Wu Qiujun, how dare you!"

However, before Wan Dong's reprimand fell to the ground, Wu Qiujun's palm power exploded in the crowd, and in an instant, two or three figures flew upside down at the same time, seeing the blood spraying in the air, the injuries may not be serious.

Wu Qiujun's ruthless method not only shocked Wan Dong, but also the restless crowd fell into dead silence in an instant.Everyone looked at Wu Qiujun in disbelief, but they didn't expect Wu Qiujun to be so domineering.

Without even looking at the person who was knocked away by him, Wu Qiujun glanced coldly for a week, and said, "Whoever dares to make trouble in my Tianbao Pavilion will be seeking death!"

"Wu Qiujun, you are so majestic!" Wan Dong couldn't suppress his anger, his handsome face was gloomy.

Wu Qiujun sneered, turned his head to look at Wan Dong, his face was full of provocation, "So what? What can you do to me?"

"You..." It was Wan Dong's turn to be so angry that he couldn't speak.Wu Qiujun was obviously relying on his own cultivation to force him down, and he didn't reason with you at all, which made Wan Dong feel a kind of resentment when a scholar met a soldier.

Seeing Wan Dongqi's distorted handsome face, although Wu Qiujun felt disgraceful, he was still in a great mood. After sweeping away his previous depression, his momentum became more and more arrogant. He pointed at the gathered warriors of the Qingyun Empire and shouted, "Listen to me. Seeing that the old man can still suppress the anger in his heart, hurry up and get out. Whoever dares to continue to make noise, the old man will take his head off!"

"Everyone, don't be afraid! Although his cultivation base is high, he is not as numerous as us. As long as we unite as one, we will be able to stop his atrocities and seek justice for ourselves!"

After a brief silence, a burly man with a beard stood up and spoke loudly to everyone.

"Looking for death!" As soon as the man's voice fell to the ground, Wu Qiujun's figure jumped up.

"Not good!" Wan Dong panicked, and slid out with his feet, urging all his Dao Qi together, but he still couldn't catch up with Wu Qiujun's speed.

There was a muffled bang, and the burly man who spoke flew out backwards, spurting blood from his mouth.The clothes on the chest were completely torn, exposing a deep purple palm print, almost the entire chest collapsed in an instant, I'm afraid the internal organs have been shattered.

Looking at the man, although he had stopped breathing, his eyes were still wide open, and an unspeakable grief and anger went straight from Wan Dong's heart to his brainstem.

"Old man Wu, you dare to kill people!?"

Wu Qiujun clapped his hands and said with a sneer, "I said earlier that this is Tianbao Pavilion, which is independent of Qingyun Empire's jurisdiction. Here, I can kill whoever I want, hehe... even you, it's the same !"

Seeing Wu Qiujun's domineering look on his face, Wan Dong was furious, stared at him, and suddenly took a step towards him, with his hands on his hips, and shouted sharply, "Okay! The young master is standing here , if you have the guts, you can kill it!"

Does Wu Qiujun want to kill Wan Dong?

miss you!

Would Wu Qiujun dare to kill Wan Dong?

Dare, but not now!A series of layouts of the Iron War Dynasty have not yet been completed. At this critical moment, Xu Yaoting was killed and Xu Wenchuan was angered. A huge storm will be inevitable. The result is unpredictable at that time, and there is a great possibility , Completely ruined the early layout of the Iron War Dynasty. This price was too high for Wu Qiujun, and he could not bear it.In addition, the Chengfeng Jue that Wu Qiujun dreamed of is still in Xu Wenchuan's hands. If he kills Xu Yaoting at this time, he may want to see Chengfeng Jue again in his life, and he will never have another chance if he wants to continue to break through in martial arts up.

Because of all these things, Wan Dong, a general, is not unattractive!

" think the old man dare not dare!" Wu Qiujun was pushed against the wall in an instant, with a ruthless expression, and shouted sharply.

Wu Qiujun wanted to use this to scare Wan Dong away, but he made a wrong calculation.In the face of Wu Qiujun's brutality, Wan Dong's expression did not fluctuate at all, but the contempt and disdain between his brows was even worse.

"You just don't dare! Old man, old bastard, you want to scare the young master, do you have the ability?"

"I...I..." Wu Qiujun's old face turned blue from anger, he raised his palms high, and his whole body trembled like an electric shock.

"Come on, old man, the young master is waiting for you to kill him! You really want to kill him!" Wan Dong shouted loudly, and took a step forward suddenly, with a soaring momentum that made people look sideways.But in the blink of an eye, Wu Qiujun's power established by killing people was smashed to pieces by Wan Dong's momentum, and nothing remained.

Although Duan Lengyan was 1 unwilling, she had to admire Wan Dong's courage and shrewdness.In my impression, it is extremely rare to be able to force Wu Qiujun to such a situation.

Seeing that Wu Qiujun was trembling with anger, his eyes were bloodshot and red, Duan Lengyan was worried that he would not be able to control it for a while, so he really took action, and hurriedly said, "Master, you have a noble status, so you don't have to worry about an ignorant young man. He wants to die, Let him go to someone else, it doesn't make sense to dirty your hands and tire your reputation."

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