"Do you know the birthplace of the ancient relic?" Lin Feng's first half sentence made Xin Wuhen happy, but as for the second half sentence, he subconsciously ignored it and didn't take it to heart at all.

Lin Feng laughed and said, "Of course! This is all thanks to your second brother!"

Xin Wuhen immediately felt depressed again.

What is a brother?Sneering and cursing on the mouth, but sacrificing one's life in the heart, this is a brother!Seeing Lin Feng molesting Xin Wuhen, Wan Dong felt the affection between the two, and the negative impression he had about the Daoist world in his heart actually weakened a little.

In fact, people living in the great world of Taoism are also human beings, and as human beings, there are good and bad, and we must not generalize them!

With the addition of Xin Wuhen, Wan Dong and his party were accompanied by four people, and there was a lot of fun on the road.Especially watching Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen quarreling, the smile on Wan Dong's face was rarely broken, even Li Weiqian, who was as cold as ice, seemed to be a different person, and kept bursting into bursts of crisp laughter.

However, the joy of Wan Dong, Li Weiqian, and Lin Feng was more or less based on Xin Wuhen's 'pain'.Because every time he quarrels with Lin Feng, it is almost Xin Wuhen who suffers and suffers.Xin Wuhen was very helpless, because Lin Feng had an extra powerful thug - Li Weiqian.

Whenever Lin Feng couldn't beat Xin Wuhen, it was when Li Weiqian made a move.In this way, Xin Wuhen's ending is either he can't fight with Lin Feng and is severely ridiculed by Lin Feng, or he wins the fight but is severely punished by Li Weiqian, and the ending is even worse.

In the end, even Wan Dong couldn't stand it any longer, and pleaded for Xin Wuhen from time to time. Slowly, Xin Wuhen's 'hostility' towards Wan Dong, the second brother, was obviously dispelled. The title of the second brother became more and more fluent.

Mount Sumeru is tens of thousands of miles wide, and with four people's cultivation base, they are flying at full speed, and it is definitely not a matter of a day or two to feel the location of the fairy cave. What's more, there are many fairy beasts blocking the way, especially the closer to the fairy cave. The more caves, the greater the number of fairy beasts, and the stronger the combat power.

"My god, how far is it?" After flying through the dense forest for three days, Xin Wuhen got impatient, sat down on the ground and howled loudly.

It's rare that Lin Feng didn't clean him up this time, but just gave him a hard look, wiped the sweat off his forehead, turned to Wan Dong and asked, "Brother, how far do you think it is?"

Although Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen are both at the peak of Xuanhen, their cultivation base is higher than that of Wan Dong, but Wan Dong has comprehended part of the true meaning of the wind, and even mastered some of the laws of the wind. The two were a little slower, and even more labor-saving than the two.

After galloping for three days in a row, he didn't feel too tired, just as relaxed as Li Weiqian showed.

Taking out the sketch from his bosom, and having a closer look, Wan Dong murmured, "Go east from here, and you will be able to reach that immortal cave in about one day."

Lin Feng hummed, glared at Xin Wuhen and said, "Did you hear me, there is still a day to go!"

Finally, there was hope, Xin Wuhen let out a long breath, his expression was no longer as painful as it was at the beginning, he looked up at Lin Feng and said, "Rest for a while, you can get a fiery blood crane to roast""

"Stinky boy, you are so big that you have become your boss!?" Lin Feng couldn't get used to him, his eyes widened, and he raised his fist.

After suffering losses for three consecutive days, if Xin Wuhen didn't improve his memory, he would really be no different from a stick.He was not afraid of Lin Feng's fists, but he was terribly afraid of Li Weiqian's fists.

Hastily waved his hands and said, "I was wrong, I was wrong! I'll do it, I'll do it..."

Lin Feng snorted softly, and put away his fist triumphantly.There is a dark beauty in my heart, it has only been three days, and the majesty of myself as the boss is getting more and more powerful.

"Help...help!" Xin Wuhen was about to get up to find a fiery blood crane, when a urgent cry for help suddenly sounded from a distance.

The brows of the four of them tightened at the same time, and they rushed towards the direction of the cry for help.Not waiting for the four of them to rush far, a young woman with a graceful figure but hasty footsteps, with blood spots on her clothes like peach blossoms, staggered out of a bush.

"Cunxin!?" Li Weiqian had sharp eyes, recognized the woman at a glance, and shouted in shock.

The girl named Cun Xin looks slightly younger than Li Weiqian, with an oval face, delicate features, pretty appearance, and a cuteness like a doll.At this time, most of her pretty face was covered with dirt and blood, which made her feel a little regretful.

"Sister Weiqian!?" The girl named Cun Xin raised her head to see Li Weiqian, her face was immediately filled with the joy of being saved, as if she had suffered a lot of grievance and fright. Tears also flickered.

Li Weiqian was about to open her mouth to ask her why she was in such a state, but that Cun Xin suddenly groaned, and she passed out directly.

Li Weiqian exclaimed, rushed forward to support her, and called her several times, but there was no response.Li Weiqian's complexion changed, and she hastily stretched out her hand towards the girl's chest, inspecting her injuries.

After this inspection, Li Weiqian's face immediately became a little dignified and worried, "The meridian is broken, the internal organs are displaced, she... how could she be so seriously injured?"

"No way! This girl Xiao Cunxin is so cute, who can do such a murderous thing?" Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen looked at each other and asked with a bit of surprise on their faces.

"What do you say her name is?" Although this is Shengtian Continent, life and death are common occurrences. At first, Wan Dong just subconsciously felt that it was a pity, but he didn't pay much attention to it. At this time, he suddenly heard Lin Feng call out The girl's full name, Wan Dong's brows suddenly raised.

"Xiao Cunxin, have you heard of it?"

Lin Feng looked at Wan Dong suspiciously, full of curiosity.Although my brother lives in Shengtian Continent, he seems to know a lot about the Daomen Great World.

"Surnamed Xiao? Could it be...she is a child of the Xiao family?"

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Yes! Originally, she wasn't the child that the Xiao family wanted to send to Shengtian Continent this time, but in order to see her brother Xiao Lang, she did not hesitate to ask for it at the cost of death. The adults of the Xiao family couldn't help but agree. But I didn't expect that Xiao Cunxin would be hurt like this before seeing her elder brother, it's really not fair!"

This Xiao Cunxin is indeed Xiao Lang's younger sister, so Wan Dong has no reason to sit idly by.

"Sister-in-law, how is Miss Cunxin's injury?"

During the three days along the way, Wan Dong was influenced by Xin Wuhen, and also called Li Weiqian's sister-in-law.At first Li Weiqian was a little shy, but after three days of shouting, she became used to it.

"It's very serious! You must heal her wounds immediately, otherwise her life will be in danger. I don't know who this girl has met, and the attack is so vicious. Every move and every move is clearly aimed at killing her life."

Li Weiqian and Xiao Cunxin seemed to have a good relationship on weekdays, seeing that Xiao Cunxin was so hurt, there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

"No...don't kill me, I...I can't die, I haven't seen me yet...My brother, I miss him so much, I miss him so much...I miss him so much..."

Xiao Cunxin, who was lying in Li Weiqian's arms, suddenly struggled, closed his eyes tightly, and kept talking in his mouth as if dreaming, two lines of tears that made people feel sore, passed through the closed eyelids, and flowed down the road. Her pale cheeks slid down.

Hearing that Xiao Cun was so hurt, Wan Dong felt regretful in his heart. He knew that he would not have given the life-saving golden pill to Xiao Lang at the beginning, but now that he is convinced by Xiao Cun, no matter how serious the injury is, he can heal.

"Then what are you waiting for? I'll heal her!"

Wan Dong seemed more anxious than Li Weiqian at this time, and said anxiously.

"No! There is an extremely destructive Dao Qi in Cun Xin's body, which cannot be dispelled at all with your middle-level Xuanhen cultivation. In the end, it might kill you and Cun Xin together." Li Weiqian shook her head and said.

"What about you?" Healing things like this really can't be done by force. No matter how anxious Wan Dong is, he has no choice but to pin his hopes on Li Weiqian.

Li Weiqian said with her crescent eyebrows lightly, "I'm not sure, Feng, you have to help me!"

"What can I say? No problem!" Lin Feng agreed without thinking.

Li Weiqian nodded, and was about to sit Xiao Cunxin up, ready to heal her wounds, when a sinister laugh suddenly broke through the air.

There is Dao Qi in this laughter, and it is very uncomfortable when it reaches people's ears. Wan Dong frowned, and the Dao Qi in his body turned wildly automatically, and a very strong sense of danger seized him in an instant. Wan Dong's body and mind.

"Who!?" At the same time, Li Weiqian, Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen's expression changed at the same time, obviously the laughter brought a lot of pressure to the three of them.

"Hehe... It seems that today is my lucky day for Ping Zhanhu. None of the four prey fell, and all of them are here."

Accompanied by a cold voice, the figure of Ping Zhanhu came through the air.

"Ping Zhanhu!?" Seeing this person appear, Li Weiqian's almond eyes narrowed immediately, Xin Wuhen and Lin Feng's complexions also turned cold rapidly, and some of their faces were full of dislike for Ping Zhanhu.

"That's right! It's Ping! Since we met here, let's stop your trip to the Ascension Continent!"

"What did you say?" Li Weiqian's expression became even colder.

"I said, today is the day for the four of you to die!"

"Hahaha... Ping Zhanhu, are you crazy! Who do you think you are? You want to kill the three of us by yourself? It's too arrogant!"

Lin Feng let out a stern roar, and suddenly swung out a fist, with the strength of the fist surging like a huge wave in a river, with bursts of roar, he threw it straight at Ping Zhanhu.

"How dare you show your power in front of Ping with such a small skill?"

Ping Zhanhu's eyes turned cold, his body remained motionless, his right palm was raised flat on his chest, and his five fingers bent suddenly. Lin Feng felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his complexion turned pale instantly. After five or six steps, he stood still again, and his face was covered with horror...

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