"It seems that the old man really underestimated you, boy. I have to say, you are very good!" After the crowd dispersed, Tianbao Pavilion was much cleaner, and Wu Qiujun's mood also calmed down a little.After thinking about everything that happened today, Wu Qiujun suddenly found that he had almost never gained the upper hand, even if he had, it was only obtained by relying on his own cultivation and resorting to coercion. It's not very glorious.Wan Dong's scheming and means made Wu Qiujun terrified.

Wan Dong glanced at Wu Qiujun bitterly, hating the old man to the extreme in his heart.Originally, he planned to suck Wu Qiujun dry, but now he couldn't wait.

"Old man, hurry up, one day, my master will kill you with his own hands!"

"Ha! Who is this? What a big breath! Aren't you afraid of the strong wind and flashing your tongue?" Just as Wan Dong finished speaking, a lazy voice came in from outside.At the same time, a slender and tall figure, surrounded and protected by several guards, came leisurely like a stroll in the courtyard.

Seeing the person coming, Wan Dong's brows immediately frowned, and his complexion sank.

He knew the person who came, no, to be precise, Xu Yaoting knew him, and he was quite afraid.Qiu Yunchong, the only son of the current state master Qiu Wanli, is definitely the No. [-] prince of the Qingyun Empire, if Bai Die is not counted.

It's just that this person, just like his father, is obsessed with power and loves to make contributions. He doesn't usually have much contact with dudes like Xu Yaoting, and he was sent by Qiu Wanli to Fenghuo City, an important town in the western border of Qingyun Empire, very early on. Became a city defender, responsible for defending against the invasion of the eight tribes of Xijue, a barbarian state outside the Great Wall, and rarely stayed in the capital, so he had even less contact with Xu Yaoting and the others.

Qiu Wanli cares about this son very much, he puts his heart into the cultivation and training, and Qiu Yunchong is also very competitive. Although he is only in his early 30s, he has already flaunted his military exploits. The reputation echoes Xu Tianlong, Marquis of Zhenbei, far away, and is likely to be on a par with him.Of course, this does not rule out Qiu Wanli's intentions and man-made operations, but if Qiu Yunchong is not up to date, he will definitely not have the reputation he has today.

Aside from Xu Yaoting, Wan Dong and Qiu Yunchong face to face for the first time today.At the first glance, he was sure that Qiu Yunchong's fame did not come from bragging, this guy had real skills.

In other words, his cultivation is already at the seventh level of true qi, which is far beyond those guys on the Qing Yun list.And from Qiu Yunchong's body, Wan Dong clearly smelled a vague bloody smell, which would never have happened if it hadn't been for several life and death experiences on the battlefield.

It was rumored that when Qiu Yun rushed to attack the formation, he would take the lead. In this way, all the soldiers did not waste their lives, and every time they used less to overcome more, they smashed the enemy's guts and made repeated victories. It must be true.

It is even more rare for Qiu Yunchong to be able to maintain this grace and elegance after going through such a slaughter.No matter how you look at it, Qiu Yunchong is not a simple character.Originally, Wan Dong should be happy to have such a hero in the Qingyun Empire, but seeing Qiu Yunchong speak for Tianbao Pavilion at this time, Wan Dong was not happy, but sank instead.

"General Qiu, why are you here?" Wu Qiujun was very happy to see Qiu Wanli, so he greeted him with a smile.

Qiu Yunchong was smiling all over his face, but his eyes turned around and fell on Duan Lengyan, his eyes were bright and seemed to have deep meaning.

Seeing this, Wan Dong felt a little relieved, "If Qiu Yunchong's attitude towards Tianbao Pavilion was aimed at Duan Lengyan, it would be much simpler. At least it proves that Qiu Wanli has not yet colluded with the Tie Zhan Dynasty."

Qiu Yunchong has a great reputation and a prominent family background. What's more, Qiu Yunchong was born as a dragon and phoenix, extremely handsome. In Yunzhong City, he is the lover in the hearts of many Huaichun girls, but when it comes to Duan Lengyan, he doesn't seem to be very popular.Out of politeness, Duan Lengyan didn't show it, but relying on the keenness of Dao Qi, Wan Dong still saw a trace of disgust in Duan Lengyan's eyes.

Wan Dong smiled lightly, this Leng Yan's eyesight is not bad, she actually saw that Qiu Yunchong is a hypocrite who is very different from inside and outside.

Wan Dong had a high opinion of Duan Lengyan, Duan Lengyan did not have as sharp eyesight as he imagined, but she has another magic weapon, which is a woman's intuition.This thing is sometimes more terrifying than the sharpest eyes, and it is already clear without looking.

As Wan Dong guessed, Duan Lengyan really has no love for Qiu Yunchong.Her intuition kept telling her that Qiu Yunchong was a human-shaped fire pit, and if he jumped into it, he would turn into ashes.

Qiu Yunchong likes others to call him a general, which may give him a sense of accomplishment.

"Hahaha... It's not easy for Qiu to return to the capital. Of course, he has to go to your Tianbao Pavilion to find more treasures. After returning, he can deal with the Xijue barbarians. Besides, I wasn't here a few days ago Have you ordered 5000 yuan of blood steel raw stone, and I plan to take it back together today."

Qiu Yunchong ordered 5000 yuan of blood steel rough here?Hearing Qiu Yunchong's words, Wan Dong's mind suddenly lifted, and he almost didn't laugh on the spot.

Of the more than 5000 blood-steel rough stones he won from Tianbao Pavilion, only 500 of them contained blood-steel, and the remaining 4000 or so were all worthless rotten stones.How beautiful would it be if all these 4000 rotten stones could be turned into gold?Wan Dong's eyes turned on Qiu Yunchong. Today's trick of turning stones into gold might fall on this frightening Young Master Qiu.

Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan didn't know about Qiu Yunchong's determination of thousands of blood steel rough stones in Tianbao Pavilion, but when they heard this, they were startled, and turned their eyes to Pi Xiong.

Pi Xiong's body trembled, and he almost fell down on the spot.Of course he knew about this, but he never thought that Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan would be played by Wan Dong when they teamed up together. Back then, when they were betting with Wan Dong, they thought that there was no need to mention it. Only then did he realize that self-righteousness can really kill people.

In fact, Qiu Yunchong didn't come here today specifically for thousands of blood steel rough stones, but he got news from his subordinates that there was trouble in Tianbao Pavilion, and he deliberately brought people to rescue the siege, and came to express his goodwill to Duan Damei.

Before Pi Xiong could speak, Qiu Yunchong changed the topic, and said to Wu Qiujun, "Mr. Wu, I heard that someone was bold and dared to make trouble in Tianbao Pavilion. When I heard about it, my son was very annoyed, and immediately brought his armored guards to chase him away." Come over here. It’s just that my son came a bit late, most of the thieves have already scattered and left, only a few were caught, look, is it them.”

With a wave of Qiu Yunchong's hand, a dozen or so armored guards in black armor and full of murderous intent pushed five or six bloody, sullen men into the room.Wan Dong took a look, and these people were just a few of the warriors who supported Wan Dong just now and were persuaded by Wan Dong to retreat...

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