Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 974 The Flame Tiger of the Monster Squad!

"Okay boy, I haven't seen you in a few days. Your set of sunset palms is becoming more and more pure. I'm afraid it will be a big success, right?" Seeing Xin Wuhen's palms so powerful and wild, Lin Feng beside him couldn't help nodding his head in praise. road.

Xin Wuhen had no reaction on his face, but he was proud in his heart.Although the set of Sunset Palm Technique he practiced is only at the second rank, it is a little worse than those first-rank top skills, but Xin Wuhen just feels that he is destined for it.After learning how to master it, I practice hard every day, and in just half a year, I have gone from a beginner to a small success, and now I am about to complete it.

At this time, when he performs it, he is extremely proficient and smooth. He has made more than ten strokes of palm strength in a row.This is already a sign that boxing is about to be achieved.

"You Flame Tiger, it's an honor to die under my sunset palm! Take your life!"

The longer he entangled with a Flame Tiger, the more embarrassing Xin Wuhen felt.With a shout of anger, Xin Wuhen fully opened fire, more than ten palms, like more than a dozen missiles, came from all directions to encircle and kill the Explosive Tiger, almost blocking all its escape routes.

Seeing that Explosive Tiger was about to die, a scene that surprised everyone happened.The Explosive Flame Tiger, which seemed to be in a desperate situation, actually let out a roar from Yang Tian, ​​and its huge figure of one foot long, like a drunk man, staggered and fell to the left.

If people who don't know see this scene, they will think that it has been hit by Xin Wuhen's palm, but Wan Dong's eyes shrank suddenly, and there was even a hint of shock in it.Xin Wuhen's palm hadn't fallen at all, of course the Flame Tiger couldn't have been hit, and it didn't fall out of balance, it was obviously intentional.

Because at the same time that Explosive Tiger fell down strangely, more than a dozen palm strengths released by Xin Wuhen actually flew towards Explosive Tiger's body almost at the same time.Although the violent palm force caused waves and air waves all over Baoyanhu's body, it didn't even hurt Baoyanhu's fur at all.

"What!?" Xin Wuhen was immediately stunned by this scene, and the expression in his eyes and face was unbelievable, but unbelievable.

"Brother, this Flame Tiger is weird! It seems to be able to see through the flaws and loopholes in Wuhen's palm technique." Wan Dong said with a frown.

"It's impossible! It's just a Flame Tiger!" Xin Wuhen subconsciously shouted, and it's not hard to see from his voice and excitement that he couldn't accept this at all.

"Wuhen, don't get excited! I think what Yao Ting said makes sense. The Flame Tiger here is completely different from the Flame Tiger we found outside. It seems that we all underestimated it."

Xiao Lang's vision was already higher than that of Xin Wuhen, Lin Feng and Li Weiqian, he nodded and agreed with Wan Dong's words.

But at this time, the Explosive Flame Tiger shook his head, and slowly stood up from the ground, his expression was as ferocious as before, but at the same time as ferocious, there was clearly a bit more vigilance in his beast eyes.At first, Xiao Lang thought that he had misread it, and then stared at it carefully for a while, before he was sure that he was not mistaken.

"I don't believe it! I must kill it!"

For Xin Wuhen, a long-haired beast could see through the loopholes in his palm, which is like being slapped by a pig.With an angry shout, he flied towards the Flame Tiger again, using the Sunset Palm Technique, but it was more ferocious and domineering than the previous attack.

Xiao Lang hurried to Wan Dong, Li Weiqian and Lin Feng winked, signaling them to be careful and ready to attack at any time.This Explosive Flame Tiger is really too weird, if he is careless, it may be disadvantageous to Xin Wuhen.

Two elementary-level Earth Wheels, two peak Xuanhen peaks, plus Wan Dong, the elementary-level Xuanhen who once killed the middle-level Earth Wheels, is definitely a lineup that cannot be underestimated even in the Taoist world. .At this time, they gathered together to deal with a Explosive Tiger with all their strength, and if they said it, they would laugh at other people's big teeth.But at this moment, Xiao Lang couldn't laugh at all, and Lin Feng and Li Weiqian's faces became more serious and dignified every moment.

Xin Wuhen's firepower was fully activated, not to mention using a set of Sunset Palm Technique to the extreme, his Dao Qi was completely mobilized, it can be said that he did not hold back the slightest bit.In other words, what Xin Wuhen showed at this time was his strongest strength.

But even so, Xin Wuhen still couldn't do anything to that Explosive Flame Tiger, whenever his palm was about to hit the Explosive Flame Tiger, the Explosive Flame Tiger could always twist and dodge deftly.Slowly, even Xin Wuhen himself realized that Explosive Flame Tiger had really seen through the mystery of his Sunset Palm Technique.

Every time the Explosive Flame Tiger dodges, it does not rely on its own agility. In fact, compared to the Silver Winged Demon Wolf, the Explosive Flame Tiger is really not flexible.The only thing that can be explained is that Explosive Flame Tiger caught the weakness in his palm in advance, saw the opportunity, and then responded, so that he easily avoided Xin Wuhen's palm.

And every time after avoiding Xin Wuhen's offensive, Explosive Flame Tiger was always able to launch a counterattack at the first moment when Xin Wuhen was most awkward.After more than a dozen rounds, Xin Wuhen was already sweating profusely, and his body and mind were cold.If it wasn't for the fact that this Explosive Flame Tiger was only at the peak level of the yellow species, he might have already lost his life under the sharp claws of the Explosive Flame Tiger.

As bystanders, Xiao Lang, Lin Feng, and Li Weiqian all looked at each other in blank dismay, their faces full of shock.Doubts arose in my heart, is this guy really a Flame Tiger, or is it just a monster that looks like a Flame Tiger?Such insight, even compared to human masters, is not far behind.

"***, no more!"

Xin Wuhen let out a stern roar suddenly, and while the Explosive Flame Tiger was dodging his attack, he pulled back decisively, as if he had just finished a ten-kilometer armed cross-country, he was panting heavily, his whole body, It seemed that it had just been fished out of the water, but it was soaked in sweat.

Xin Wuhen withdrew his hand suddenly, and the Explosive Flame Tiger didn't pursue him either. With his eyes shining with strange red light, he fixedly looked at Xiao Lang and the others, as if he knew that he would be surrounded by Xiao Lang and the others if he pursued at this time. Like to kill.Aside from the appearance of the Explosive Tiger, the emotions and actions it displays at this time are really no different from those of a living person.

"Brother, this is definitely not a Flame Tiger. I even wonder if it was pretended by a master." Xin Wuhen said to Xiao Lang bitterly while panting.

Wan Dong, who had been frowning tightly and kept silent, suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Wuhen, have you tried changing your setting sun palm technique?"

"Change it? How to change it?" Xin Wuhen was stunned by Wan Dong's words, and he didn't react for a long time.

However, Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said excitedly, "Idiot! What Yao Ting wants you to do is to change the moves of the Sunset Palm Technique a little bit. Don't stick to the old ways. Maybe you can create a set of your own!" , the new setting sun palm technique."

Xin Wuhen couldn't help but let out a wry smile, and said, "Brother, don't you think highly of me? I'm not a peerless master, and second, I'm not a genius. How can I have the ability to create my own martial arts?"

"Actually, it's not for you to create your own martial arts. This Flame Tiger has already pointed out many loopholes in the setting sun palm technique for you. You only need to make up for these loopholes with a little flexibility. In my opinion, this should not be a problem. Is it difficult? For example, the seventh move in your Sunset Palm Technique is to chop vertically downward with the palm, you might as well increase the slope a little bit, and at the same time add an extra wrist swinging movement, so that the palm strength that was originally in a straight line downward chop, A fan will appear, and the attack range will be greatly increased, and at the same time, it will be more conducive to the transfer of Dao Qi in your body, so that the attack power will also increase a lot."

Wan Dong practiced Xuantian Enlightenment Jue, not only his comprehension greatly improved, but also his eyesight became sharper. He had already seen Xin Wuhen's Sunset Palm Technique very thoroughly, so he took advantage of the situation and pointed out to Xin Wuhen.

"That's okay?" Xin Wuhen had never experienced such a thing before, his face was full of surprise.

Xiao Lang couldn't help but knocked him hard on the head, and said, "Of course! There is no fixed method in ancient times. All the immortal formulas and martial arts we practice now were created by the predecessors themselves. The predecessors If we can do it, why can’t we do it? Come on, use this Flame Tiger as a mirror, and perfect your setting sun palm technique to the greatest extent."

"it is good!"

Hearing Xiao Lang's encouragement, Xin Wuhen's confidence was greatly boosted, and he pushed towards the Exploding Flame Tiger again.

Xin Wuhen was also clever, and immediately used the seventh move of the Sunset Palm Technique against the Exploding Flame Tiger.

This Explosive Flame Tiger has been fighting Xin Wuhen for so long, and he is already very familiar with his sunset palm technique.As soon as he saw Xin Wuhen's starting move, he knew that Xin Wuhen would use the seventh move.Before Xin Wuhen could fully use his moves, it stepped forward and stood at the gap in Xin Wuhen's palm strength. At the same time, its body arched slightly, ready to fight back.

Seeing this scene, Xin Wuhen cursed secretly in his heart, the palm that was originally vertically downward suddenly tilted, and at the same time his wrist shook slightly, immediately, Xin Wuhen almost cried out in shock.After making such a small change, he found that the power of the setting sun palm technique had increased by more than [-]% immediately, and the movement of Dao Qi in his body was obviously smoother than before.

"This... is this still the setting sun palm technique?" Xin Wuhen felt a great shock in his heart, and subconsciously began to re-examine the rising and setting sun palm technique.

As soon as the palm movement changed, the original loopholes immediately disappeared. The torrential palm strength, like the emptying turbid waves, slammed down on the Explosive Flame Tiger with a power that even Xin Wuhen himself was incomparably astonished. down.

Explosive Flame Tiger, who was originally leisurely and ready to counterattack, obviously did not expect such a sudden change in Xin Wuhen's palm, and a look of confusion flashed across the neutral eyes of the beast.Before it had time to react, Xin Wuhen's palm had already hit its body, and a mournful roar full of pain resounded through the entire space in a blink of an eye...

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