There are a lot of Flame Tigers in this trial treasure land, but not every Flame Tiger has a teleportation stone on them, about five to one.An hour later, Wan Dong and the others counted the teleportation stones they got, and the total was only 65 yuan.

Xiao Lang pushed the 45 yuan in front of Wan Dong, and said, "You have many brothers, you take all of these. The remaining 20 yuan, five yuan for each of us is enough."

Although things like teleportation stones are one-off, as long as they enter here, they can be collected slowly, so it doesn't matter if there are more or less.Wan Dong was not hypocritical, and put it away readily.

Xiao Lang distributed the rest of the teleportation stones to Lin Feng, Xin Wuhen, and Li Weiqian, and at the same time told him very seriously, "Although we said before that we can bring the children of our respective families here for trials, I don't think everyone will." I hope this place is overcrowded, right? I think everyone has made an agreement. Except for Yaoting, each person can only bring one family member to this trial at a time, and when they leave again, they will never be allowed to leave with the teleportation stone. Teleportation stone It can only be in our hands, this one is the iron law!"

"Besides, I think it's best for everyone to bring someone they can trust and who can keep their mouths shut. If the secrets of this place are publicized in their respective families, I think it will be difficult for us to withstand such a big challenge." pressure!"

Li Weiqian was very thoughtful, and opened her mouth to add.

Xiao Lang strongly agreed with this, and nodded heavily.Whether or not they can keep the secret here is not only related to them, but also related to the safety of the entire Taoist sect.You must know that a trial treasure site of this level is very rare in the Taoist world.Once it is announced to the public, it will definitely cause competition among the major families. At that time, I am afraid that if they want to enter this place again, it will become as difficult as heaven.Even if the three first-rank families were alarmed, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Anyway, they can enter this treasure land countless times in the future. Before leaving, the few people didn't have any nostalgia, and they threw themselves into the teleportation array one after another. After a time-space change, the five of them appeared together outside the fairy cave.

Recalling the three days in this treasure house, Xiao Lang and Wan Dong were all a little bit embarrassed.

To become a fairy, naturally requires talent and hard work, but sometimes, this opportunity and fortune are equally important.For them, this fairy cave is a great fortune, enough to affect their whole life!

Needless to say, Li Weiqian, when Xin Wuhen and Lin Feng return to the family, their status will definitely be greatly improved, which means that they will be able to allocate more resources in the future, so future cultivation , the smoother it will be.

An opportunity, a great fortune, the things that can be changed are definitely beyond imagination!

There is also Xiao Lang, he is now at the peak of the earth wheel, he can stand shoulder to shoulder with any first-line disciple in the six second-rank families. After he returns to the Taoist sect this time, he will surely usher in a new life!Not only Xiao Lang, but even Wan Dong had some expectations.


Just as Wan Dong was looking at the fairy cave, his mind was full of thoughts and thoughts, a roar like rolling thunder suddenly sounded from under their feet, and before a few people could react, the whole earth seemed to come alive. Shaking violently.

" it an earthquake?" Xin Wuhen asked nervously while trying to stabilize his figure.

Xiao Lang frowned, and shouted anxiously, "Everyone try to gather together, no matter what happens, we all face it together!"

"Okay!" Wan Dong, Lin Feng, Xin Wuhen, and Li Weiqian responded in unison, and then rushed to Xiao Lang's side.

Just as the five of them were standing together, all of a sudden, an extremely thick pillar of seven-colored light shot out from the Immortal Cave, like a laser, and rushed straight into the depths of the sky. , it has connected the world, which is spectacular!

"Is this the third miracle outbreak?"

Xiao Lang and Wan Dong looked at each other, their faces filled with shock, they were no strangers to this beam of light.

Xiao Lang said in a deep voice, "The first two miracles erupted, and many unimaginable things happened afterwards. I don't know what will this third miracle bring?"

Hearing Xiao Lang's words, Wan Dong's heart sank.The first miracle broke out, and the fairy beasts that originally only appeared in the Ascension Continent actually appeared on the outskirts of Bailong Snow Mountain. After the second miracle broke out, a group of fairy beasts attacked the city of Baiyue City. event.If this logic continues, and the miracle erupts for the third time, doesn't that mean that the herd of immortal beasts will flood again and directly threaten the safety of Dongxuan Continent?

However, Wan Dong is about to go to the Taoist Great World, so he can no longer stay and deal with it.After he leaves, what will Dongxuan Continent and Shengtian Continent look like?Wan Dong's heart sank again.

"Look, the fairy cave is collapsing!"

Just when Wan Dong's heart was heavy by this third miracle, Li Weiqian's exclamation attracted his attention to the Immortal Cave.Sure enough, a large number of cracks suddenly appeared in the Immortal Cave, which was shrouded in colorful beams of light, especially on the tightly closed stone door, where spider-like cracks spread continuously and became denser and denser.

"Quick back!" Xiao Lang realized the danger, and hastily let out a loud roar, and at the same time his figure activated, and he retreated sharply.

Wan Dong and the others hurriedly followed, not daring to think too much about it.This immortal cave is so mysterious, once it collapses, who knows what will happen?

After a dozen or so breaths, Xiao Lang's five retreated hundreds of feet. Just as they stood still, they heard a loud bang, like a big explosion, and the entire fairy cave burst open. Countless pieces of rubble shot out in all directions. The power was like tens of thousands of missiles fired together. The power was so great that Xiao Lang was startled. Wan Dong and the others were stunned and even held their breath.

Countless broken rocks, like a huge meteorite rain, rained down from a height of hundreds of feet, covering half of Mount Sumeru.Thanks to Xiao Lang, Wan Dong's five people had achieved their cultivation and used all their strength to escape the catastrophe. They were not smashed into flesh by this meteorite rain.

However, the feeling of the five people is not very good. After the gravel hits the ground, it is like bombs. The strong impact force not only stirs up shock waves all over the sky, but also turns the whole land into a rough sea, shaking endlessly.

Even Xiao Lang, who had the highest cultivation base, was so shocked that his blood was surging, not to mention the others, whose complexions turned a little pale.

Fortunately, all of this came suddenly and went quickly. After about a quarter of an hour, the earth finally calmed down gradually, and the colorful beam of light that connected the sky and the earth gradually disappeared without a trace.

Wan Dong took a few deep breaths, and hurriedly looked towards the Immortal Cave. At this sight, Wan Dong's mind immediately turned cold. Where is the original location of the Immortal Cave, where is the shadow of the cave?There is only a huge pit that is thousands of feet wide and deep, which makes people tremble.

"Not good! This immortal cave is gone, so that treasure of trials..."

Xiao Lang's heart tightened suddenly, and he subconsciously took out a teleportation stone and crushed it on the spot.Seeing Xiao Lang's figure gradually disappear in the white light, the hearts of Wan Dong and the others also tugged.This treasure of trials is really rare, and how many people still place high hopes on it.

It didn't take long for Xiao Lang's figure to reappear at the place where he disappeared before, and the smile on his face made Wan Dong and the others relax a lot.

"This big explosion didn't affect the trial treasure land, everything is as usual!" Xiao Lang smiled and gave an affirmative answer.

Wan Dong nodded lightly, and said, "In this way, this fairy cave is actually just a teleportation array, the purpose is to teleport us to the trial treasure land. Now that we have completed the trial and got the teleportation stone, then This Immortal Cave has no need to exist anymore, so it will be destroyed!"

Xiao Lang nodded to Wan Dong's guess, expressing his agreement, and said, "Yao Ting, do you feel that all this seems to have been specially arranged by someone."

Xiao Lang's words reached Wan Dong's heart immediately, and he had been thinking about this matter, and the more he thought about it, the stronger this feeling became.But what kind of power is it that can make such a generous arrangement?

Just thinking about it made Wan Dong feel a little shuddering.

My own life should have come out on my own, and everything has been arranged by others, which is naturally not good!But Wandong is still too weak now, and he can't escape other people's arrangements at all!Wan Dong couldn't help clenching his fists, the blood in his heart suddenly boiled, a fighting spirit surged violently in his heart like a nine-day fire.

Compared with this, what is Li Baiyi?Wan Dong suddenly felt that he was so obsessed with hatred for Li Baiyi before, and aimed at him in everything, it was really naive and more superficial!

"Huh?" A pure white light like a bright moon suddenly lit up on Li Weiqian's body, and at the same time, a teleportation force slowly enveloped Li Weiqian.

Lin Feng was anxious, and finally made clear the relationship with Li Weiqian. When the two were glued to each other, how could he be willing to let her be sent back like this?But before he could make a sound, the same white light shone from his body.

"Damn! What's going on here? Why is the transmission time advanced?"

When Lin Feng was surprised, Xin Wuhen's voice rang out, and he turned his head to look, and Xin Wuhen, like them, had also been enveloped by the power of teleportation.

The three major second-rank families unexpectedly transferred ahead of schedule, which caught Lin Feng, Xin Wuhen and Li Weiqian by surprise.

It's just that the power of teleportation is by no means something they can reverse and confront, no matter how unwilling they are, they can only accept it.

There is always a separation, one day earlier, one day later, it doesn't make much sense, Xiao Lang smiled, and said to the three of them, "Let's go ahead, let's meet again in Daomen Great World!"

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