Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 99 Qiu Yunchong is no match either!

Wu Qiujun jumped his feet angrily, and Wan Dong's expression gradually turned grim, and he opened his mouth and said, "Of course I know it in my heart! You rely on your own cultivation to be superior to others, so you can be lawless and kill at will, and rely on your status as the master of Tianbao Pavilion , Ignore the laws of my Qingyun Empire, it is unreasonable! Do you think that this is the Tie Zhan Dynasty, you can let you do whatever you want? Do you think that the lives of the subjects of my Qingyun Empire are like grass, and they can be slaughtered by you? Be your spring and autumn master Go for the sweet dream! As long as this young master is here, you will never be rampant! The murderer will pay for his life, and you will not be able to escape!"

Wan Dong's expression was stern, and his words were even more severe.Every word is closely related to the honor and disgrace of the Qingyun Empire, directly forcing Wu Qiujun to a dead end.

Qiu Yunchong on the side also frowned, and looked at Wan Dong vigilantly, obviously realizing that Wan Dong's behavior at this time was completely different from Xu Yaoting in the rumors he had heard.

"Master Xu, have you gone too far? Tianbao Pavilion has always been law-abiding in our Qingyun Empire. It has been nearly ten years now. It is true that Mr. Wu ignored the laws of our Qingyun Empire and trampled on the people of our Qingyun Empire." The general is categorically unbelievable."

Wan Dong sneered, and said, "Young Master Qiu has lived in Fenghuo City for a long time, and he doesn't know what happened in Yunzhong City, so naturally he can't see the true face of Tianbao Pavilion. In addition, General Qiu has a heart for beautiful women, and it's too late to please him. I absolutely don't believe what the young master said."

Wan Dong was not that polite, and immediately exposed Qiu Yunchong's thoughts, which made Qiu Yunchong embarrassed for a while.

Not to mention Duan Lengyan, her pretty face was full of sullenness, and she glared at Wan Dong several times, but it was a pity that Wan Dong would never consider her feelings, and staring at her angrily was directly regarded as a slap in the face. Facing the breeze, ignore it at all.

"Bold! Our General Qiu has always cared about the people's livelihood and is impartial and selfless. Are you the kind of person who listens and believes? If you dare to slander our general again, we will definitely kill you!" Before Qiu Yunchong could speak, he A guard in black armor next to him stood up first, pointed at Wan Dong and shouted.

The smile on Wan Dong's face was even colder, and he raised his voice: "Young Master Qiu really deserves to be the famous Western military god, and even the subordinates who came out of the police are all bullish. It seems that don't mention me, Xu Yaoting, even I Father, my grandpa, that is to say, kill him if you say so, not at the command of Young Master Chou."

"Young master Xu, you and I can be said to be born in the world, but I think that people live in this world, and everything depends on themselves. If everything depends on one's own family background, and one always takes one's elders to rely on, then one will fall People look down on you for being inferior. Master Xu, what do you think?"

Qiu Yunchong's words clearly satirized Xu Yaoting's bullying, and at the same time reflected his youth and promise, his words were full of arrogance, and the meaning of irony and sarcasm was also obvious.He boasted that he slapped his face, and he did not misunderstand the two, what a Qiu Yunchong.

Hearing what Qiu Yunchong said, Wu Qiujun was in a good state of mind, and couldn't help but wink at Duan Lengyan. This insane Xu Yaoting finally touched the south wall.

Wu Qiujun was very happy, but Duan Lengyan had crescent eyebrows and her face was serious.The woman's intuition told her that even if Qiu Yunchong could suppress Wan Dong for a while, he would never be able to suppress Wan Dong for the rest of his life.There seems to be a terrifying power running in Wan Dong's body. No matter how powerful Duan Lengyan's intuition is, it is impossible to find out what this power is, but she firmly believes that this power will definitely make Wan Dong fly. soaring!

Seeing Qiu Yunchong's complacent look, Wan Dong felt even more annoyed, and sneered, "I thought? I thought you were farting, and it stinks!"

"Xu Yaoting!" In order to win Duan Lengyan's good impression, Qiu Yunchong has been suppressing his temper, trying to put on a refined and generous appearance, but now, General Qiu couldn't hold back anymore, and suddenly uttered a stern voice drink.

"Xu Yaoting, the reason why this general treats you so politely is because of your father and your grandfather. If not, this general will take you down and execute the Fa on the spot. Why would you waste so much talk? You If you are sensible, then leave as soon as possible, otherwise, this general is not afraid to make things big, and by then, even your father and grandfather will find it difficult to deal with themselves."

"Qiu Yunchong, don't scare me. I'm really not afraid that you will make a big fuss. At that time, people from all over the world will judge and see whether you are right or I am right? At that time, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with myself It's not my father and my grandfather, it's your old man who hates Wanli!"

"Bastard! You can say my father's name too?"

Wan Dong sneered and said, "This name is meant to be called by people. Otherwise, why did your father name it? Qiu Yunchong, don't change the subject. We are talking about Tianbao Pavilion right now. On the land of my Qingyun Empire, feel free to The matter of killing the people of my Qingyun Empire has nothing to do with anything else."

"Back then, Tianbao Pavilion and the imperial court had signed a contract. Whoever dared to make trouble in Tianbao Pavilion, Tianbao Pavilion can dispose of it at will without reporting to the imperial court. This is also one of the laws of my Qingyun Empire. Xu Yaoting, how dare you disobey it?"

"Hey... This kind of law is a national shame. Could it be that your father and the people of the Tie Zhan Dynasty made it?"

"So what? You are a commoner, without an official or a title. Is this something you should care about? I advise you to fight your crickets if you have nothing to do. That's what people like you should do!"

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world! Although I am just an ordinary citizen of the Qingyun Empire, I have a conscience and a passion for loyalty to the country and the emperor. I am not like some so-called generals with high positions and military power who sacrifice the lives of their subjects. For the price, he flattered foreign enemies, disregarded the interests of the empire, and regarded the honor and disgrace of the monarch as nothing. People like this are not even worthy of fighting crickets, so they should be killed directly to dispel the anger of the people!"

What is tit for tat, this is it!The key is that Wan Dong's words must have weight and sharpness, and Duan Lengyan's eyes can't help but shine with his eloquence.

Qiu Yunchong's handsome face turned darker than the bottom of the pot, and said through gritted teeth, "Xu Yaoting, you are so brave, you dare to slander this general?"

"Joke! This young master is talking about some generals. When did you name them? You, Qiu Yunchong, are so eager to check the number. You must be guilty, right?"


Seeing Qiu Yunchong's ferocious face, with a poor expression, Wu Qiujun's brows couldn't be any tighter. He never expected that this Wan Dong is so powerful, even Qiu Yunchong was so embarrassed by him.

Duan Lengyan couldn't help but let out a sigh, sighing secretly in her heart, everything was as expected.

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