Not only does it not hurt, but it also seems to be very comfortable, soft, soft, and warm. It feels like the buttocks are sitting on a pile of soft meat. Wan Dong moved himself subconsciously. He rubbed his butt vigorously, and the feeling became more and more plump and wonderful, which made Wan Dong feel a little giddy, very sexy.

It's just that this wonderful feeling only lasted for a few seconds, and a voice full of endless hatred and murderous intent suddenly rang out, causing Wan Dong to shudder several times, and his heart felt chills.

"you wanna die!"

As soon as the voice fell, before Wan Dong could react, a huge force suddenly erupted from under his body. Wan Dong let out an exclamation, and his whole body was thrown away by the huge force, and his body rolled over. It landed more than ten feet away.

pain!The heart-piercing pain was in stark contrast to the delicate feeling just now.

When Wan Dong was struggling to stand up, a cold light shot out in front of him, and the speed was so fast that it made Wan Dong's hair stand on end.Fortunately, Wan Dong had gone through life and death, and his nerves were extremely tenacious, and he didn't panic. He hurriedly started the True Wind Step, and his body formed a beautiful and gorgeous arc, and jumped out to the side.

"Huh?" The person who made the shot obviously didn't expect Wan Dong to be able to dodge the sword, so he let out a soft cry.

Wan Dong didn't care about the surge of shock in his heart, he looked up hastily, his breathing stopped immediately, and he couldn't help but exclaimed "It's so beautiful!"

There have never been many beauties around Wan Dong, and Mu Lian is a first-class beauty, but with such rich aesthetic experience, he still couldn't help being deeply shocked when he saw the woman in front of him. a handful.

Dressed in fiery red neon clothes, she is extremely delicate and eye-catching, she is simply the core of this world, and cannot be ignored by anyone at any time.And that pair of exquisite faces cannot be described as delicate and beautiful, because this is far from enough.

If one must give the most perfect interpretation of 'perfect', then this fiery red woman standing in front of Wan Dong is enough!

This is a woman whose beauty is not inferior to that of Mu Lian, Wan Dong must admit this.But the appearance of this woman did not weaken Mu Lian's position in Wan Dong's heart, on the contrary, it made Wan Dong feel Mu Lian's value even more.

Mulian is not only beautiful, but also very gentle.Sometimes compared to external beauty, inner tenderness is more important.Undoubtedly, the fiery woman in front of Wan Dong is not gentle at all, at least to him Wan Dong!

The sword of Qiushui kept trembling in the air, as if it had a spirituality, ready to break through the air at any time, and kill Wan Dong. There is not even the slightest bit of feminine tenderness, but all of it is full of murderous intent soaring to the sky.

This is a beauty ten times scarier than Li Weiqian, not only a rose with thorns, but also... extremely poisonous!

Wan Dong glanced at the fiery red woman, his heart was like a galloping horse, and it was difficult to calm down.In the Yuan mansion of the fiery woman, Wan Dong could not see the Dao marks, not even the Dao wheel, only a nebula that was indistinct, circulating endlessly in his Yuan mansion.

"Tiange Realm!" Wan Dong couldn't help but shuddered, his heart was filled with horror.

Only in the body of a cultivator in the Tiange Realm can one see the nebula-like situation, which is gradually forming a full-fledged Taoist personality, which is also a fate, and is the mark of a monk in the Tiange Realm!

Judging by the appearance of that fiery red woman, she is definitely not too old, perhaps at most two or three years older than him.Even Wan Dong couldn't help being a little astonished to be able to hold his head high at such a young age.If you want to talk about a genius, I'm afraid this is the real genius.

"Girl, we... Is there some misunderstanding between us?"

Wan Dong never hits women, especially women in Tiange Realm, he can't even hit them, and he can't beat them.Only monks in the Xuanzhen Realm who had their brains kicked by a donkey, or who were willing to die because they wore too many green hats, would make trouble with those in the Sky Realm.

Simply put, Wan Dong is neither of these two kinds of people, so when Wan Dong speaks, he tries to make his voice sound softer and softer.

Wan Dong expressed his kindness to the greatest extent, but unfortunately, the fiery red woman didn't seem to appreciate it at all, as if she had a blood feud with Wan Dong, pointing at the sword edge of Wan Dong's throat, instead of letting go, she slowly There were streaks of brilliance that made Wan Dong extremely uneasy.

"You little thief, how brave you are, how dare you treat me lightly, today is your death day!"

"Wait! I... When did I treat you lightly?"

Wan Dong's face was full of grievances, he just came to this ghost place, within a quarter of an hour, how could he belittle her?Could it be... Wan Dong's mind trembled violently, and his complexion also changed wildly, his eyes involuntarily swept to the plump buttocks of the fiery red woman, feeling in his heart, if he sat on it, it must feel the same* Extremely safe.

The more Wan Dong thought about it, the colder he felt, was God playing with him on purpose?In just one teleportation time, a young woman was ruined, and the innocence of a young woman with peerless cultivation was clearly the rhythm of death!

Seeing Wan Dong's expression changing continuously, and his eyes scanning his buttocks with 'bad intentions', the fiery red woman was even more furious, and with a coquettish reprimand, she thrust the sword forward in her hand.

In an instant, a domineering sword light with a thickness of several feet burst out from the edge of the sword, and slammed towards Wan Dong viciously.

When the sword light was flying in the sky, the terrifying coercion that made Wan Dong almost desperate also dispersed with him. At that moment, Wan Dong only felt as if he had been abandoned by this world, with nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. For him, death seems to have become the only destination.

Compared with Li Weiqian's original sword, the sword of the fiery red woman is more than ten times more powerful!

Faced with such a domineering sword, Wan Dong couldn't take it even when he was exhausted. With a cry of surprise, he unfolded his true wind steps, turning into a series of afterimages, and then he barely avoided the opponent's sword. past.

"I really can't see that a little cultivator with profound marks knows such mysterious steps!"

Seeing that Wan Dong dodged her sword for the second time, the fiery red woman couldn't help saying, although her voice was as cold as before, Wan Dong still keenly felt that her killing intent towards him seemed to be weakening. some.

This is undoubtedly a good sign, Wan Dong hastily coughed, and said, "Girl, I really didn't mean it just now, I'm a little cultivator of Xuanhen, even if I have the guts, I don't dare to treat you lightly. .My lord, please forgive me.”

"It's not that cheap! Unless you give me three swords!"

The fiery red woman was very straightforward, and before she finished speaking, the sword in her hand danced again, and the extremely sharp sword lights, like spirit snakes, shot towards Wan Dong from all directions.

Having been with Xiao Lang for such a long time, Wan Dong has gained considerable insight. When he saw the sword technique used by the fiery red woman, he immediately judged that this set of sword technique can definitely be ranked as a first-rank martial skill.Compared with Li Weiqian's second-grade martial skill Ku Rong Swordsmanship, it is far superior.

This fiery red woman has advanced cultivation and superb martial arts skills, how could Wan Dong dare to confront her head-on?Hastily pulled back and retreated, and at the same time used the true wind step to the extreme.

This true wind step, the more powerful it is when it encounters a strong opponent, the more it can show its power.Accompanied by a dazzling change at Wan Dong's feet, he immediately became indistinguishable from reality.

The more the fiery red girl got into her heart, the more surprised she was. She was about to practice this set of first-grade martial arts dragon and snake swordsmanship, but she never dreamed that when she performed it at this time, even a cultivator with black marks Can't handle it.

The 23 moves of swordsmanship were performed from the beginning to the end, but he couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

As the fiery woman fought more, her almond eyes became brighter and brighter. In the end, they looked like two small light bulbs, making people afraid to look directly at them.

"No more fights, no more fights, three moves are agreed, but you have thirty moves!"

Just when the fiery woman was staring at Wan Dong's feet, trying to see Wan Dong's steps clearly, unexpectedly, Wan Dong suddenly sat down on the ground and stopped hiding.The fiery red woman didn't expect that the sword in her hand sliced ​​straight at Wan Dong's neck.Seeing that Wan Dong was about to splatter five steps with blood, the fiery red woman exclaimed in surprise, twisted her body in a daze, abruptly changed the sword's posture, stuck to Wan Dong's clothes, and stabbed.

Withdrawing the sword momentum, not to mention Wan Dong, the fiery red woman was frightened into a cold sweat, and at this moment, she couldn't help shouting at Wan Dong coquettishly with a third of anger, "Are you crazy, or are you looking for death purely! ? Do you know that I almost killed you with a sword just now!"

You fiery red woman must have been really taken aback, your expression was very excited, even your cheeks were a little flushed, and you looked even more charming and charming.

Wan Dong chuckled lightly in his heart, but his mouth was puckered, and he said, "Didn't you just want to kill me? Anyway, I'm always going to die by your hands, so it's better to have a good time and suffer less.

Although Wan Dong's True Wind Step helped Wan Dong successfully avoid the fiery red woman's sword power, after all, the fiery red woman is already in the sky realm, and he is only in the Xuanzhen realm. The coercion of that kind of realm made Wan Dong After a lot of hard work, I was already sweating in just a short while.

Wan Dong did this, but he was really helpless, and he was really tired!

Hearing what Wan Dong said, the fiery red woman's face was embarrassing at first, but soon it turned into ice-cold. She raised her sword and said sharply, "You are right, I will definitely kill you! Then, you will suffer death." Bar!"

Wan Dong glared at her impatiently, and said in a complaining tone, "You just killed me directly, but it's so unnecessary. You women are really troublesome! Kill as much as you want, and be quicker, little girl." Grandpa is still in a hurry to get reincarnated!"

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