Retrograde fairy way

Chapter 115 The Huang Family’s Danger

"Stay here, brother!" The handsome man who secretly observed Wang Mo saw that Wang Mo got up and wanted to leave, so he got up quickly, but he showed infinite chic.

"What's the matter?" Wang Mo muttered to himself about the handsome man's entanglement.

"Hehe, I'm not talented, and I hit it off with Xiongtai today, how about inviting Xiongtai to have a drink together?" The handsome man's face straightened and he said seriously.

"No time!" Wang Mo said lightly, but immediately declined.But in his heart, he was thinking, "It's like old friends at first sight, it's pure nonsense, I'm dressed so ordinary, but I'm still being watched by the other party, it seems that after going back, I have to make some adjustments."

"Uh!" The handsome man was taken aback by him, but when he came back to his senses, he found that Wang Mo had turned and left, and immediately chased after him.

Wang Mo felt impatient when he felt the other party's action, and he was even more sure that he had bad thoughts about him, otherwise why would he stare at him alone?

But it would be too much to expose his own cultivation, and he couldn't move away in such a crowd, so he could only move forward at the speed of ordinary people, so he couldn't escape the opponent's pursuit.

The handsome man took three steps at a time and walked side by side with Wang Mo, with an enthusiastic expression on his face: "Qionya sincerely invites you, why does your brother reject people thousands of miles away?"

"No time!"

The word is still faint, but the man who called himself Qiongya still did not give up, he still said: "I don't know where Xiongtai lives, if it is convenient, please let me know, Qiongya will come to visit another day!"


"Uh!" Qiong Ya was taken aback immediately, with a wry smile on his face, when he paid so much attention to a person, he was repeatedly rejected by the other person, if he was seen by someone he knew well, he might really laugh at himself.

But Wang Moyue is like this, but it arouses Qiong Ya's pursuit even more, since you don't say it, then I can't follow, can't I?

Feeling what the person who claimed to be Qiong Ya behind him did, Wang Mo felt quite helpless. At this time, he was stared at closely by the other party. If he spread his body rashly, it would be easy to expose himself, but otherwise he could not get rid of the person behind him.

But here is quite far away from the residence, if you drive at this speed, you will really have to go until tomorrow. Thinking of this, Wang Mo really wanted to turn around and slap Fei Qiongya, in exchange for a relaxed body.

But Qiong Ya still persevered behind him, with a look of shame on his face.

It's hard to imagine, with Qiong Ya's handsome face, if he makes such a move and let people who know his identity see him, what kind of performance he will have.

However, the consequences of doing so would probably cause this man of extraordinary background to pay more attention. In desperation, Wang Mo had no choice but to turn around and say, "How are you doing?" Although he didn't know it himself, his disregard for Qiong Ya, A lot has been revealed.

"Uh!" Qiong Ya didn't want Wang Mo to turn around suddenly and almost run into him, and listened to his words, "I want to have a drink with Xiongtai!"

Hearing this, Wang Mo wiped his waist immediately, not caring about hiding the storage bag. There are a lot of monks who have poured into Xiajing recently, and there are one or two low-level monks who have storage bags, which is really nothing. Immediately took out a jug of wine from it, opened the seal with one hand, took a sip, and threw it to the stunned Qiong Ya who was watching, the meaning was obvious.

At this time, Qiong Ya was more and more convinced of his own judgment. A person who can make such a straightforward action must not be ordinary. The heart of friendship in his heart was better than before, and he immediately raised the wine jar in his hand and poured it violently.

"Hey, uh brother..." Qiong Ya put down the wine jar, opened his mouth and asked the opposite side, but apart from the endless stream of people in front of him, there was no sign of Wang Mo, and he was immediately stunned on the spot.

It took a while for Qiong Ya to come back to his senses, let out a wry smile that only he could hear, shook his head slightly, put the unfinished wine jar in his hand into the storage bag on his waist, and left.

But Wang Mo, after he left, turned back from a street corner.


On the second day, Wang Mo still sat there by the window early, with the same side dishes and a jug of water and wine.

On this day, the meeting still started on time. Although there was still nothing new, Wang Mo was keenly aware that when those craftsmen were tempering, their techniques were a little jerky. There were only a few of them, and it was still the same as yesterday .

But these people, all of them were the ones who forged medium-grade magic weapons yesterday, but today, they forged high-grade magic weapons.

Even so, they directly took out the rough embryos that had already been cast, and directly forged them, which made the people watching under the stage let out a sigh of relief.

People in the know naturally understand why this is because the masters in the Casting Hall who participated in this grand event were all killed by a mysterious person or force, and they were provocative, and their bodies were thrown outside Xiajing City.

Although this kind of behavior also has elements of provoking the laws of the empire, everyone with a discerning eye understands that this is nakedly casting the face of Li Batian in the Liantang.

Over the years, the six major forces have fought openly and secretly. Although no large-scale conflicts have broken out, small frictions have continued. At this time, seeing my old opponent Li Batian deflated, I am naturally happy to see the results.

The meeting yesterday was already a sneer, and the goodbye today is still a secret confrontation with guns and sticks.

Some people are happy and some are worried.

Huang Yunyi and Huang Baibing felt uneasy at this time. Although Li Batian was busy investigating the people who secretly targeted the casting hall recently, and had no time to take care of their little Huang's family, there was no guarantee that Li Batian would not be able to find the murderer. Take it out on them.

This is the sadness of the little people. Although their Huang family is the leading big family in Wushan City, in the eyes of Li Batian, the master of Casting Hall, they are really nothing.

Li Fengfeng was in charge of the matter of subduing the Huang family before.

Although he didn't understand why Li Fengfeng didn't hear anything after his arrival, but she was as smart as Huang Yunyi, but she could smell some unknown meaning from the atmosphere of the several powerful people that she saw from a distance.

At the beginning, Li Fengfeng operated secretly, causing the Huang family to lose a large amount of resources, and then had to take risks. In the end, Huang Yunyi's wit and Wang Mo's unexpected appearance made the family crisis temporarily ease.

But after Li Fengfeng failed in one thing, he sent a strong man to enter Huang's house at night to injure his father, and threatened that if he did not submit, he would directly execute the family annihilation.

In fact, Huang Yunyi had already guessed that there would be such a day for the Huang family. Facing Li Fengfeng's strength, the Huang family had no choice but to surrender.

And because of Wu Nanfeng's existence, Li Fengyu gave him face and asked him to come and hand over the family's casting method after the casting meeting, so as to ease the domestic negative comments about the casting hall's threats and lures to the casting family.

And this also gave the Huang family a short respite, but they didn't expect that at this moment, Li Fengyu would disappear, and depending on the situation, his fate might be the same as those of the casting hall who were thrown outside the city. The same, then this matter is worth scrutinizing.

"Third Grandpa, what should we do?" As smart as Huang Yunyi, she couldn't pay attention to such a severe situation, so she asked Huang Baibing beside her for help.

"Hey! The girl can't even come up with a good idea, so what can I do with a bad old man?" Huang Baibing frowned at this time, like Sichuan characters, his usual thoughts were all on the way, how could he have those ideas.

Looking at Huang Yunyi's haggard face, Huang Baibing felt pity in his heart, but he was helpless. After all, even if their whole family got together and faced Zhuliantang, it would be of no avail.

The despair in Huang Yunyi's heart at this time can be imagined. If she can't find a solution, then her Huang family may disappear in smoke. Thinking of the death of her family members, Huang Yunyi feels even more uncomfortable.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in her heart, Huang Yunyi raised her head and said to Huang Baibing: "Third Grandpa, you should rest assured that you are in the Hui family. If your father asks, you can say that everything is fine and the matter is settled!"

Huang Baibing looked at Huang Yunyi in surprise. Although he knew that his grandniece usually had a lot of tricks, she still looked haggard and desperate just now, but in a blink of an eye she said she had an idea, with a face full of disbelief: "Girl, can you Don't fool grandpa?"

"Third Grandpa, don't worry, this matter will definitely come true! You can rest assured that the Hui people will see the outcome in the future!" Huang Yunyi said firmly with a complete complexion.

"Girl, then grandpa will believe you, but I'm going back, what about you?" Huang Baibing saw her swearing, and thought that the family's outcome was the worst, and it was nothing more than that. At this time, he could only follow her words, but he was worried about Huang Yunyi's safety .

"Third Grandpa, don't worry, Yunyi and the second lady of the general seller Feng Yiyi had a relationship once, and they talked very happily with each other. This time in Xiajing, I will go to her, and I will definitely not turn me away. !" Seeing Huang Baibing's expression, Huang Yunyi knew it, worried that she would comfort her, her heart warmed, and she comforted her.

After hearing this, Huang Baibing sighed immediately. He knew that his granddaughter had always been sensitive and independent, and she would never change what she had decided.

But Huang Baibing didn't know that Huang Yunyi didn't have the slightest plan in mind, but purely out of a gambling psychology.

Yes, Huang Yunyi made this decision because of Xia Jing's situation. She was betting that Li Batian was so busy at this moment that she would never have time to trouble the Huang family again.

Although this method is dangerous, if you are not careful, you will be in danger of genocide, but over the years, Huang Yunyi has already understood the style of Zhuliantang.

They forcibly buy and sell the family forces that possess the law of casting, and after that, these forces will disappear inexplicably. Although there is no evidence pointing to the casting hall, everyone with a discerning eye understands that this is what the casting hall did.

After all, no force on one side is willing to see the secret technique it owns possessed by another force, and the best result of keeping a secret is to kill all those who know it.

It was because of such guesses that Huang Yunyi boldly bet on all her family's appointments, and forced herself to a point where she could not turn back.

Huang Yunyi didn't tell Huang Baibing what she wanted in her heart, because she knew the habits of her third grandfather very well. If he knew at this time, even if he was persuaded by himself, he agreed to go back to the family and follow what he said, but he would definitely show his feet. And then caused a big panic.

Because Huang Yunyi's guesses were all correct, Li Batian was really busy at this time, and under such circumstances, he had already left such a small family like the Huang family out of the sky. If Huang Yunyi and Huang Baibing came to the door at this time, then their The fate can be imagined.

For a small family like theirs, meeting Li Batian, who had nowhere to vent his anger, was nothing more than adding a few souls who were burnt to death under his anger.

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