Retrograde fairy way

Chapter 210 Killing the Night Demon

"Huh, I hope it's not the Nascent Soul Saint, otherwise..." Wang Mo lowered the light with a tired face, glanced around, and muttered to himself.

Then he slapped the storage bag, took out several formation disks, and arranged the defensive formation and the gathering formation. At this time, he couldn't care less, and he had to maintain the full state at all times.

Even if it is because of the energy gathered by the Yuan Qi array to attract monsters, it will not hesitate.

That strange red line is a secret technique called the Blood Grudge Curse.

For this kind of incantation, although there is no limit to the cultivation level, it can be cast as long as you pay some blood.

Using a bit of spiritual knowledge in the monk's soul, the high-level monk fuses his own blood essence with it, and after the death of the other party, the moment the resentment explodes, it attaches to the creature closest to the four.

Once the blood grievance curse is close, unless the caster's cultivation level is higher than that of the caster, it will be like a tarsus and cannot be removed.

And the other party used the blood essence lamp kept in the soul lamp to track down the murderer, which was a higher level treasure than the soul card.

The range that can be searched is enough to reach tens of thousands of miles, which is why Wang Mo left in a hurry.

This kind of secret technique is usually only used by the closest people. After all, it is not the essence of high-level monks, nor is it for nothing.

And this kind of secret method generally acts as a deterrent, making the enemy dare not easily kill his back.

Unexpectedly, that young monk has always been used to being arrogant and domineering. Originally, in his capacity, he didn't have to do this kind of robbery and murder at all, but out of his preference for this kind of murder and treasure hunting, he started with a few like-minded people. did this kind of thing.

In the end, I met Wang Mo, a person who is merciless towards enemies and who never talks nonsense.

An hour later, Wang Mo finished recovering, put away the array plate, and went inside again.

Fortunately, when he was cultivating, there were no monsters coming, otherwise he would be busy again.

At this moment, Wang Mo only hoped that he would go far enough away to get out of the sensing range of the Blood Grudge Curse.

Without the slightest delay, once recovered, Wang Mo sacrificed the Qinglin Sword again and headed towards the interior of the Gulong Mountain Range.

It's not that he is not afraid of monsters that may appear inside at any time, but that the outside of the mountain range is more dangerous than it. At this time, if he flies with the sword in a grand manner, he will inevitably encounter countless troubles.

At this critical juncture, we can only avoid and take the least.


But this time, he didn't have such good luck.

Just after flying more than a dozen miles, there was a strange 'croak' in the air.

"Oops!" Wang Mo's heart skipped a beat, his brows were deeply frowned, he felt that he was surrounded by a group of strange birds, and his expression turned ugly.

Night mephits, evolved from devouring evil energy, are the most powerful in hiding, and usually appear in groups, at least dozens, at most hundreds, or even tens of thousands.

Because they were born with evil spirits, they have always been extremely bloodthirsty, and they usually tease their prey first, and finally suck their blood dry, which is extremely cruel.

And the group surrounding Wang Mo has hundreds of them, and all of them are first-rank and ninth-rank monsters, which are equivalent to monks in the late stage of Qi refining.


A group of night mephits the size of a millstone, staring at their scarlet eyes, shone with strange excitement, suddenly opened their huge mouths with sharp teeth, and let out a strange howl.

Suddenly, there was a strange ripple in the air, like a wave, sweeping towards Wang Mo.


As the ripples approached his body, Wang Mo felt a tingling pain in his consciousness, and immediately his body became unstable and fell downward.

Rao's spiritual sense has always been strong, but surrounded by so many night mephits, he couldn't help being in a trance for a while when he was hit by the innate supernatural power, magic sound wave, which is specially designed to hurt people's spiritual sense.

Seeing this, the night magic bat couldn't help flapping its wings like cicada's wings, and rushed to Wang Mo who was falling.

Fortunately, Wang Mo's spiritual consciousness was extremely condensed, and he resisted the tingling pain in his head, while trying his best to control the flying sword under his feet to fly downwards, while sacrificing the magic sound ring with his hands.

"Come on!"

A golden light flashed, and immediately transformed into five golden rings, flying around Wang Mo, transforming into a light golden halo, protecting it in it.

Only then did Wang Mo feel that the stinging pain in his mind had disappeared a lot, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing the night magic bats relentlessly rushing towards him, a coldness flashed in Wang Mo's eyes, he made a tactic with one hand, touched the magic sound ring, and saw the magic sound ring turn around, and three flew out in an instant, Xiang Ye The mephit shot away.

"Bang bang bang!"

The three rings of magic sound soared into the sky, instantly piercing through the crowd of night magic bats. Seeing blood flying and broken corpses rising, the night magic bats immediately disrupted.

Their cultivation was only in the late stage of Qi refining, how could they match the power of top-level spiritual weapons, and dozens of them were killed in the blink of an eye.

But because of this, their ferocity was aroused, and with a swift roar, they chased after Wang Mo fearlessly.

With this delay, Wang Mo stabilized the Qinglin sword again, his body flickered a few times, and then fell to the mountains and forests below.


With his feet firmly on the ground, Wang Mo's expression froze. Although he was not afraid of the night mephit, he had more advantages in fighting on the ground than in the air.

Moreover, it is too easy to expose the target in the air.


Seeing the night magic bat that continued to fly towards him, Wang Mo let out a cold snort, pointed at the Qinglin sword and slashed upwards.

With the protection of the magic sound ring, the supernatural power of the night mephit, the magic sound wave, has no effect at all. The two top-level spiritual weapons suddenly displayed their fierce power, and the blood that the night mephit killed flowed into a river.

Looking at the corpse of the night magic bat falling from the sky from time to time, Wang Mo's eyes flickered slightly, and then he patted the inconspicuous gray cloth bag on his waist.

A cyan light flashed, and there was a huge cyan beast several feet in size, with a two-foot-long horn on its head gleaming faintly and coldly, it was the unicorn.

It's just that its state at this time is really not good. It looks full of scars, especially a huge stitched wound on its abdomen, which makes it look extremely weak.

As soon as the green-horned beast suddenly appeared, it raised its head listlessly and let out a powerless whimper to Wang Mo. During this time, it absorbed a little bit of monster breath, and was able to understand Wang Mo's meaning simply, but it didn't resist like it did at the beginning .

However, after it crouched down, its nostrils fluttered a few times, its eyes began to light up immediately, it stood up unsteadily, and looked around.

When it found the corpse of the night mephit on the ground, it immediately flashed a look of excitement, no longer caring about other things, and rushed towards the night mephit corpse.

He opened his bloody mouth wide and bit down without any scruples.

The night mephit the size of a millstone, under the sharp teeth of the green horned beast, its fur is useless, even if it is now weak and seriously injured.

The excited emotion of the green-horned beast came from his consciousness, and the corners of Wang Mo's mouth could not help but slightly tilted up. What he was looking at was a trace of evil spirit in the core of the night demon bat demon, so as to make up for the loss of the green-horned beast.

The two are connected in mind at this time, and Wang Mo naturally senses the inner thoughts of the green horned beast.

Immediately added a few sticks to his hand, and cut down a dozen more night magic bats.

At this time, more than 100 night magic bats have been killed by Wang Mo, which has dropped by nearly one-third from the previous hundreds, and it is no longer as overwhelming as before.


Suddenly, there was a strange whistling sound from the night magic bat group, and the originally messy night magic bat group began to be orderly.

Seeing this, Wang Mo's eyes froze, and he saw that it was a night mephit several times larger than ordinary night mephits, with a white hair on its chest, it was a second-order monster.

Hundreds of night mephits, under the command of the leader, turned into dozens of teams, circling around Wang Mo.

Seeing their actions, Wang Mo sneered in his heart, these beasts finally knew how powerful they were, and planned to use the last resort.

Then he saw a team of about ten bats scattered from the night magic bat group, rushing towards him.

Now that he knew what they were going to do next, Wang Mo certainly wouldn't let them approach him. With a flick of his wrist, a magic sound ring flew out, but it didn't fly to the night magic bat, but the green horned beast.

Looking at it, I saw that the magic sound ring was just set on the unicorn of the green horned beast.

The green-horned beast, which was gnawing its head hard, just paused for a moment, then continued to eat hard, without even looking at it.

With a magic sound ring to protect him, Wang Mo no longer has to distract himself from protecting the green horned beast.

There was a surge of consciousness, and four golden rings, together with the Qinglin sword, burst out suddenly, beheading the group of dozens of night magic bats.

With his cultivation base at this time, the speed of the envoy's spirit weapon is no match for these first-order monsters, even though they have the advantage of speed.

"call out!"

Another strange wave came out, but the leader of the night mephits sent out ten teams of first-order night mephits at a time when he saw that the first team could not do it.

"Whoosh whoosh!"


Seeing the night magic bat coming, Wang Mo let out a soft drink.

Seeing that the Qinglin sword trembled, dozens of sword lights burst out suddenly, and with a puffing sound, dozens of night devil bats that could not dodge were stabbed down, and many night devil bats that were not hurt but were pierced through their wings The bat fluttered and fell to the ground.

The green-horned beast that had been gnawing, saw these live night mephits, with a fierce look in their eyes, and immediately pounced on them, and immediately spilled blood.

Although Wang Moqinglin's sword was extremely fast, there were still many night magic bats that escaped unharmed and rushed towards him. On top of their heads, their stomachs swelled instantly, like a ball.

"Bang bang bang!"

These night magic bats did not hesitate to explode themselves, and wanted to surround and kill Wang Mo.


Wang Mo snorted coldly. He already knew about the methods of these night magic bats, so how could he be unprepared.

A yellow light flashed across his body, and he saw a small mountain floating above his head, with a radius of several feet, just covering Wang Mo and the green-horned beast. It was the top spiritual weapon, the Giant Spirit Mountain.

The self-detonation of those no more than first-order monster night mephits hit the huge Giant Spirit Mountain with the power they emitted, and it was only a slight shake after the impact, and it had no effect anymore.

Suddenly, Wang Mo stretched out his hand to touch the giant spirit mountain, and saw it whizzed into the size of a fist, and the Qinglin sword took the opportunity to cut towards the night magic bat in the air.

The several-foot-long sword light seemed to cut through the void, and Wang Mo charged another blow, and after a while, he cut the night magic bat group in half, but still stabbed at the night magic bat leader unabated. go.

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