With the return of disciples from various sects, news about the secret environment spread immediately.

After all, the number of returning disciples during this trip to the secret realm was too small, not even one-third of the number in previous years.

After some cross-examination, they realized that such a major event had happened in the secret environment.

Not only did a third-level bone demon appear, killing countless people, but there was also news of a fifth-level elixir, Xuanling God Refining Grass.

Immediately, the entire cultivation world of Tianhuo State boiled, and countless monks rushed to tell the truth, but all the monks who entered the secret realm this time were controlled one by one and interrogated.

Those sect disciples are fine, as long as the sect orders them to hand over their storage bags for inspection, the disciples don't think that the sect will be greedy for their treasures, so they hand them over willingly.

But it is different for casual cultivators. In their storage bags, they have fought to the death. It can be said that they are their wealth and life.

But after the major sects forcibly suppressed and killed a few people with violent means, the casual cultivators realized their own weakness.

As a last resort, he handed over the storage bag and let the people of the sect inspect it.

But the final result was that none of the sects had news that they had found the Xuanling Refining God Grass.

Gradually, word spread on the mainland that some sect had secretly hidden the elixir, or it was among other Dazhou sects.

Regarding this result, the major sects that were staring at the whereabouts of the elixir naturally would not be reconciled, and released news one after another within their respective spheres of influence.

Anyone who handed over the Xuanling God Refining Grass can make three requests to the Zongmen, as long as the Zongmen can do it, they can try their best to agree.

As for the faraway Fengzhou and Tianyun Prefecture, following the return of Feng Yingying and Ye Yuchen, the disciples of the two major sects, they brought their respective news back, which immediately attracted the attention of the two top sects.

Then, like Tianhuo State, he began to bring all kinds of casual cultivators back for questioning, and finally issued a reward order like the sect of Tianhuo State.

The name of the fifth-order elixir, Xuanling God Grass, spread like wildfire across the continent, making the continent, which had not experienced major events for many years, lively again.

Furthermore, because of the spread of this news, it also triggered a series of conflicts. Fights were staged in various places, and the conflicts were further intensified. I am afraid that this is also unexpected by those in power in the top sects.


In the originally blue sky, a gust of wind whizzed by suddenly, and then a touch of bright silver appeared, and then a black crack with a length of several meters opened in the sky, like a big hideous mouth.


A figure fell out of it, and fell into the blue sea water as if unconscious, splashing large waves.

Wang Mo only felt a burst of cold, the original feeling of dizziness and fatigue gradually subsided, and a coolness came, subconsciously took a few breaths, but was immediately poured a few mouthfuls of salty sea water.

Fortunately, he was physically strong, and the seawater could not choke him, but he was exhausted, so he could only drift with the current and drift towards the shore.

The pain and weakness all over his body kept stimulating his mind, and he couldn't even mobilize any strength. Gradually, his eyes turned black, and he passed out again.

Fortunately, the place where he landed was a beach near the beach, and there were no large carnivorous sea beasts infested, so he was washed to the shore not long after.

With the ebb and flow of the tide, the cold seawater kept patting his body, and after an unknown amount of time, it woke him up from his coma.


The eyelids opened slowly after several struggles, a glare of sunlight made him close his eyes fiercely, and he opened them again after he got used to it.

Glancing around, looking at the endless sea, Wang Mo's expression froze for a moment, and then he showed a wry smile.

He didn't expect that a celestial talisman would teleport him to the edge of the continent, but he didn't know which seaside of the three states it was, it should be the edge of Tianhuo State, right?

Wang Mo thought about it subconsciously, feeling his own situation, his complexion suddenly became gloomy.

When he was teleporting that day, something happened. Unexpectedly, he almost died in the turbulent space during the teleportation. Fortunately, he was finally able to escape with the protection of the Five Elements Spirit Bead.

But even so, all of his true energy was consumed, and under the pressure of the violent space force, many meridians in his body were damaged, and bone fractures abounded.

At this time, he is like a mortal. If he could not feel the existence of a little true essence, he would probably think that he had never practiced.

Fortunately, his physical body is strong, even though he lost all his true energy now, relying on his severely injured body, he finally regained some strength after lying on the beach for most of the day.

When he wanted to mobilize his consciousness and take out a little healing elixir from the storage bag, his face suddenly twitched, showing pain, and it took him a while to recover.

Not only was his true energy exhausted, his body was severely injured, but his spiritual consciousness was also completely gone.

After resting for half a day, Wang Mo was encouraged to get up. Wang Mo slightly discerned the direction and headed north along the coast. His lonely and shaky figure cast a long shadow under the setting sun, leaving a trail on the beach. Footprints of different shades.

A few days later, Wang Mo sat cross-legged on a rock, facing the sea, facing the rising sun, breathing one after another, and was practicing methodically.

The faint blue-gold vitality and true essence, following his cultivation, shuttled back and forth at the end of his nose, and a faint purple mist in the air submerged in the true essence, and then entered his body.

Not far from the shore, Qing Pi was playing in the sea, as if he had never seen the sea, staring curiously at his own reflection in the sea, stretching out his front paws to greet it from time to time.

But as soon as the tip of the claw touched the surface of the sea, the reflection shattered. Qing Pi, who was not very intelligent, finally saw a "partner" like himself, so he was not willing to let the other party go easily. Bursts of whining.

But the surface of the water was splashed by it, and there was nowhere to see a reflection.

After several days of cultivation, Wang Mo finally regained a bit of strength. After uninterrupted practice, he was able to raise a bit of real energy, mobilize his consciousness, and release the green skin in the spirit beast bag.

It's just that he was injured all over his body, but he was still not optimistic. Fortunately, he had a lot of various elixirs in his storage bag. Although he hadn't refined them into elixirs, taking them directly would waste most of the medicine's power.

But at this time, Wang Mo, who was seriously injured, didn't even have the strength to protect himself, and had to rely on Qingpi's protection, so he couldn't care less.

At this moment, a wave suddenly rose from the calm sea not far away. It was a small pinch at first, and then gradually became larger. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge wave with a height of several meters, heading towards the shore. swept up.

Looking at the direction it was traveling, it was exactly where Wang Mo and Qing Pi were.


Qingpi, who was splashing in the water, turned his head suddenly, and howled a wolf to remind Wang Mo, and then turned to the sea, a bloodthirsty light flashed in his scarlet eyes, staring at the rushing waves.

For a moment, its transformation was so great that people couldn't connect it. The green-skinned puppy who was playing just now was the same green-skinned puppy in front of him, but with two feet-long red lights shooting out of his eyes. body.


Hearing Qing Pi's cry, Wang Mo woke up from his cultivation. At this time, his cultivation had dropped drastically, and he hadn't fully recovered, but he was not as vigilant as he was when he was at his prime.

Looking up, I saw a few miles away from the coast, there was a wave several meters high, rushing in my direction, and I could vaguely see a cyan fin covered with sharp blades.

Wang Mo couldn't help but frowned slightly, and in his mind, he sent Qingpi to inquire, and when he got the reply from Qingpi, it was a monster, but not powerful.

The green skin turned into a puppy, except for those scarlet eyes, not only the appearance is easy to confuse people, but after it shrinks, the original turbulent evil spirit is also hidden.

This is the legendary pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, right?

Suddenly, this thought flashed through Wang Mo's mind, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Just when Wang Mo's thoughts came to his mind, the monster in the sea had already come to him, jumped halfway out of the water, and rushed towards Qingpi.

I saw that this monster was several feet long, covered in blue fish scales the size of a bowl, shining brightly in the morning light, with a huge head, and in the huge gaping mouth, densely packed with white sharp teeth, like the sharp blade of a magic soldier. Generally, it flickers coldly.

For this kind of sea beast, not to mention that Wang Mo didn't recognize it, even in memory, Tang Zhenye didn't know much.


Suddenly, Qingpi let out a howl of a wolf, and disappeared in the water while shaking. When he reappeared, he was already in the lower abdomen of the fish-shaped monster. He jumped forward and fell into the water with a plop.

And the fish-shaped monster, as if unaware, saw the prey disappear, and jumped into the water, splashing huge waves.

It's just that after the fish-shaped monster fell into the water, the sea water instantly spread a red color, mixed with large groups of internal organs and other filth.

Qing Pi actually cut open his abdomen completely in an instant.

But Qingpi didn't let it go, as if there was no resistance in the water, it disappeared on the water surface again, and when it appeared, it had already turned into a giant wolf of three feet, pounced on the dorsal fin of the fish monster that had already plunged into the shallows, and opened its mouth With a huge mouth, he bit down hard.


The fish scales, which seemed to be extremely defensive, did not provide a trace of resistance under the green skin's mouth, and was instantly bitten by it's head.

"Chuck! Chuck!"

Qing Pi licked a few mouthfuls of the tender white fish brain, suddenly stopped, turned his wolf head towards Wang Mo and let out a howl, as if he just remembered him.

Seeing such a scene and feeling the message from Qing Pi, the corners of Wang Mo's mouth twitched and he shook his head slightly.

Qingpi understood, and then bent down to bite again. Although the fish monster was much bigger than Qingpi, Qingpi's belly was like a bottomless pit, and he gnawed it clean after a while, leaving only a huge The skeleton of the body, alone in the beating of the waves.

Xu was full, Qing Pi hiccupped slightly, and in a flash, he appeared on the rock where Wang Mo was sitting, leaned against Wang Mo's psoas, found a comfortable position and lay down on his stomach, slowly Slowly closing his eyes, he fell into a deep sleep.

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