Retrograde fairy way

Chapter 670 Chaos

"Everyone in the Sanssouci Palace has heard the order. It has nothing to do with you that a certain family is here today. Those who wish to leave can disperse as many as possible. Anyone who dares to stop will die!"

Regardless of the somewhat hysterical lady in charge, Wang Mo let out a sigh of relief, then suddenly raised his head and drank heavily.

His voice paid attention to the true essence, and then rolled out, the sound spread for tens of miles, causing an uproar in the Palace of Sanssouci immediately.

Even though the top was surrounded by majestic blood flames, and the angry and frightened shouts of the ancestor of the cold spirit came from time to time, they were not as shocking as this.

Feng Wuyou has been running this place for many years. Although it is not as good as the background of the top sects in the mainland, it is after all a major cultivation in the late stage of transformation, and even the monks here have unparalleled respect for him.

After so many years, how could someone come here and dare to say such a disrespectful word?

For a moment, I was a little bit stunned by these words and couldn't turn around.

Especially those female cultivators who were outside the main hall looked at Wang Mo with more shock than fear.

" dare!"

The three women in charge of the palace were even more shocked by his words. As Nascent Soul Dzogchen monks, they became a little slurred for a while.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the woman finished speaking, Wang Mo fell in front of her in a flash, and suddenly there were repeated bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

Then Wang Mo shook his hands and threw out a hundred streaks of bloody brilliance, all of which sank into his stomach suddenly, causing the three women to fall down in the air with a muffled groan.

"Hmph, whoever takes the initiative to lift the ban on them, don't blame a certain family for being cruel!"

Seeing that someone wanted to go forward to catch the three daughters, Wang Mo snorted coldly.

When the girls heard the words, those Nascent Soul female cultivators who were about to make a move immediately shrank their necks and backed away trembling.

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded, and the three women, whose cultivation base was imprisoned, immediately fell to the ground, with pale faces, disheveled hair, and an indescribable embarrassment.

" promised not to hurt them!"

Seeing this, Feng Qingyue cautiously plucked up the courage to take a few steps forward, saying with some fear.

"It's okay!"

Wang Mo nodded at him, waved his hand slightly, and then looked at the girls and said, "You guys disperse, if you dare to launch the grand array of protecting the sect, you will know the consequences!"

After saying that, the blue-gray air flow around his body suddenly shot up into the sky, rushing towards the sky full of blood flames.

All the girls trembled slightly when they heard the words, and looked at Feng Qingyue anxiously with pale complexions, not knowing what to do for a moment, they obviously regarded her as the backbone.

" just listen to that...that senior, and all disperse. When the palace lord returns in the future, I will be the master for you!"

Seeing the anxious and pale faces of the girls, full of fear, Feng Qingyue's heart softened, and she said faintly.

It's just that when talking about Wang Mo, I always feel that the title of "senior" is a bit awkward, and in the end, I feel that I may never return for no reason.

"Ma'am, this..."

Several Nascent Soul female cultivators looked at her in disbelief, and stepped forward a few steps, as if they wanted to persuade her a little more.

"Don't say too much, you have seen the tactics of that senior. Unless the palace lord returns, I am afraid that no one can beat him. If he is annoyed at this time, even if I ask him again, it will not help!"

Feng Qingyue shook her head slightly, showing helplessness on her face, and finally turned her eyes slightly, and landed on the girls in the main hall, all of them collapsed on the ground, then looked at the three ladies in charge and said humanely: "Yue Lan , Mingyu, Lian Qing, is what that senior said true? Did the palace master use these girls to raise that monster?"

"Hmph, Luo Yunxia, ​​the palace lord treats you well, is this how you seduce others, sneak into the palace lord, and cause trouble for the palace gate?"

At this time, the three women in charge of the palace had already recovered from their senses, but before Wang Mo was in front, they did not dare to speak out. At this time, they sensed their surroundings and found that they were banned. They were terrified immediately, but after hearing Feng Qing After Yue said something to the girls, she couldn't help being shocked and angry, and shouted loudly.

"I just want to ask you, is this matter arranged by the husband... Palace Master?"

Feng Qingyue's face was reddish, but she didn't get angry, she just took a few steps forward and questioned again.

That Luo Yunxia's name is exactly her taboo name in Sansou Palace.

"Would it be possible for us to guess about the palace lord? If you haven't taken down this rebellion yet, as long as she is in hand, the thief will not dare to do anything. When the palace lord returns in the future, he will surely get the mercy of his old man." , a breakthrough in cultivation, longevity is within reach!"

A woman in charge of the palace gave her a disdainful look, then cast a cold gaze towards the girls, and shouted sharply.


When the girls heard the words, their bodies trembled immediately, and they backed away again, as if they were shocked by his words, but there were still many disciples standing where they were, with a hint of emotion on their faces.

Most of these people are Nascent Soul cultivators, but they are hesitant.

"You guys have to think about it!"

Seeing the looks of the goddesses, Feng Qingyue naturally understood the meaning, but there was no fear on her face. As the 'wife of the palace owner' on the surface of Sanssouci Palace, her cultivation had already reached At the middle stage of Nascent Soul, she is also a treasure. If all these people attack together, she is indeed no match for her, but if there are only a few people, that is another matter.

At this time, she also understood why Wang Mo banned the three masters who had raised their cultivation bases when he was going to the sky, in order to protect her safety, and let her understand that after all these years, how could she? What kind of place is it.

"What are you waiting for? As long as you take her down, that person will be afraid of the rat, how dare you make a move? After the restriction of this saint is lifted, and the guardian array is launched, with the ancestor of the cold spirit, the thief will definitely be repelled. Once the palace lord returns, you will definitely be rewarded!"

Aware of the hesitation of the women, a woman in charge of the palace spoke anxiously, looking up at the two sides fighting in the sky from time to time, but with her cultivation level, it was really difficult to see clearly the movement of the battle above.

As if moved by his words, several people turned their eyes slightly and looked at Feng Qingyue with a look of malice. Some took the lead, and naturally others followed suit. For a while, several Nascent Soul girls, Xiu Yin, had aroused their vitality .

"Who dares?"

Seeing this, Feng Qingyue yelled loudly, looked around with willow eyebrows upside down, lightly waved her jade hand, and a red gold hairpin flew into her hand above her head, and suddenly turned into a three-foot sword, its brilliance shone and dazzled people's eyes .

Although Sanssouci Palace has undergone major changes, and Feng Qingyue seldom goes out all year round, but her status as the "wife of the palace lord" and her majesty immediately shocked people who were about to make a move.

What's more, he gave up his life several times before, and he had to follow Wang Mo automatically, and the scene of begging for mercy for the girls is still vivid in his mind. Although most practitioners are cold-hearted, at this moment, they also have a lot of gratitude For such a good person, several female cultivators stood up at once, confronting those who seemed to want to make a move.

Seeing this, the female cultivators saw that the situation was not good, and then they smiled embarrassingly with their eyes flickering, and dodged away in embarrassment.

"Let's go together, kill you bitch, get favored by the palace lord, in the future, one person will be inferior to ten thousand!"

Suddenly, a scream full of madness sounded, and a figure in white clothes rushed out from behind Feng Qingyue, and stabbed Feng Qingyue's back with a silver light blade.

The moment his aura came up, the eyes of those female cultivators who had restrained their intentions to attack Feng Qingyue flashed brightly, and they became moved again.

Looking at the female cultivator's breath, she is only in the middle stage of alchemy. In Feng Qingyue's eyes, this level of cultivation is really weak and pitiful. Even if it happens suddenly, it can't hurt her.


But just as he was about to make a move, when the woman jumped up, another silver light blade suddenly lit up not far from her side, first she directly unfolded her magic weapon, and then flew up, lightly waving her jade hand, Then he shot one of them into the air.


Gululu rolled around for a while, and the knocked-off figure curled up a few times, and spit out a bloody arrow. The pale face was full of madness and ferocity. With thin lips moving, he shouted sharply: "Rong Shuanghua!" , you are so courageous, dare to openly disobey the orders of the elders in charge of the palace, and defend the traitors?"

"Hmph, Junior Sister Liang's words are wrong. The wife of the Palace Mistress is righteous, and all the senior uncles and senior sisters are aware of it. If you sneak attack from behind, don't you want to trap us and others for injustice?"

The female cultivator who struck out to injure it, recalled the magic weapon with a wave of her jade hand, glanced around indifferently, and finally said with a dark expression: "What's more, what the senior said is not unreasonable, fellow teachers and sisters, don't want to do it in the future. The death is unknown, or it was eaten by a monster?"


Hearing his words, all the female cultivators couldn't help shrinking their necks again, took a light breath, and fear flashed in their eyes.

The successive blows have already caused these female cultivators who are not weak in cultivation to appear in a trance. At this time, when it comes to matters related to personal safety, they are naturally the most concerned.

This matter was brought up again, and it was mentioned face to face by the palace lord's well-known talented female disciple. Even those Yuanying elders who had intended to attack Feng Qingyue couldn't help but let go of their sleeves hidden in their sleeves. With the jade hand, the breath of the whole body relaxes.

"Bold, Rong Shuanghua, you evil bastard, dare to openly speak out against this holy decree, spread rumors and cause trouble, and slander the reputation of the palace lord. Do you know that you will definitely die?"

Seeing that the opportunity to get away was ruined, the three women in charge couldn't help shouting angrily. If their cultivation hadn't been banned at this time, they would have said that Rong Shuanghua would have died on the spot.

Seeing the disheveled hair and blood-stained appearance of the three elders in charge of the palace, under the hideous appearance of struggling to get up and shouting loudly, even though they knew that the cultivation of the three was banned, the women could not help but slapped Shivering, shivering, not daring to look any more.

The three elders in charge of the palace have been in charge of the Wuyou Palace for many years. How do you put it in your eyes.

Feng Qingyue hasn't been out for many years, apart from her nature, most of it is to avoid the intentional or unintentional exclusion of the three, she is like this, let alone ordinary disciples.

"That's enough, you three people who don't know what's good or bad, if you don't take it seriously...I wouldn't dare to kill you?"

Feng Qingyue's willow eyebrows stood erect, she waved her big sleeves, showing her majesty, she took a few steps forward, stared at the three of them and shouted sharply.

"Hmph, Luo Yunxia, ​​don't you pretend to be the wife of the palace lord here, don't you dare to kill me and wait?"

A woman in charge of the palace gave her a disdainful look, as if she had expected that she would not dare to make a move.

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