Retrograde fairy way

Chapter 746 Waiting

"I can't walk anymore!"

With a soft plop, Wang Mo turned his head to look, but saw Yun Qingfeng squatting on the ground with a face of reluctance, and Lao Gao with a small mouth, which made the corners of his eyes twitch.

If Yun Qingfeng changed to his original appearance, it would be fine, he might not be able to attract a man's heartbeat and work hard for him.

But now she has a flat chest and a masculine face. Although she is delicate and extraordinary, Wang Mo is a guy who is rarely tempted by peerless beauties. How can he give her any good looks?

"Hurry up, you don't want to feed the beast, do you?"

Wang Mo's face darkened, and he said coldly.

"I don't care, even if I feed the beast, I won't leave!"

Yun Qingfeng flipped his head away, as if you could do anything to me.


Wang Mo's face darkened, and he wanted to throw it here, but the trouble in his body made him restrain his irritability, and said with a cold snort: "Hurry up and meditate to recover, we don't have much time to waste this!"

After saying that, he took out the spirit pill and swallowed it on his own, and walked towards the exposed spirit stone on the side of the cave wall, and with a crisp click, he stretched out his hand to snap it off.


Seeing his expression, Yun Qingfeng grumbled as well, but quickly took out the elixir to recover.

It's no wonder that Yun Qingfeng, the speed of the two walking in the depths of the ground is really too slow, even if it consumes, it is many times faster than on land.

Even though Wang Mo was able to endure the unrefined aura entering his body by constantly swallowing the spirit pills to recover, but Yun Qingfeng was just an ordinary cultivator, how could he endure the pain?

What's more, under such circumstances, not only is the body tired, but also the body and mind are full of tiredness.

This place is already deep from the ground, and there is an unprecedented majestic pressure. Even a cultivator of Huashen has to use his mana in his body to hold on and not be crushed.

The surrounding rocks became even more hardened. With Wang Mo's arm strength, he had to use all his strength to knock down the spirit stones.

If Yun Qingfeng were to do it, he would have to run the treasures to do it.

"As expected of a high-grade spirit stone!"

Feeling the rich aura in the spirit stone, Wang Mo couldn't help sighing.

In the Tianfeng Continent for many years, even if the strength of the whole body is considered to be a tyrannical existence among the gods, there are very few of these high-grade spirit stones, let alone used for cultivation.

"Cut, bumpkin!"

Yun Qingfeng, who didn't know when he woke up, heard his feelings, and immediately pouted in disdain.

"Have a good rest, let's go!"

Wang Mo put away the spirit stone and said expressionlessly.

He doesn't care what others call it. Wang Mo knows the preciousness of this high-grade spirit stone, and he will never pretend to collect it just because of a few words from the other party.

You know, during this period of time, he has already collected nearly a hundred high-grade spirit stones.

Although converted into low-grade spirit stones, it is only nearly a million, but the effect of high-grade spirit stones is far more than that of nearly a million low-grade spirit stones.

"I don't care, I can't move anymore!"

Unexpectedly, Yun Qingfeng seemed to be excited, and he was still cross-legged on the ground, looking like a fool.


Wang Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately showed a hostile look on his face. He was about to say a few harsh words, but his face suddenly changed, his pupils shrank, and he dodged without hesitation, and flew towards Yun Qingfeng, grabbing the unknown She pulled back, hid behind a boulder, and shouted to it: "Get down on the ground, open your mouth wide, and cover your ears!"

And himself, he quickly succumbed to the ground, tightly covering his ears with his hands, and opened his mouth to the maximum.


Hearing what he said, Yun Qingfeng showed a puzzled look on his face, but for a moment, his eyes showed panic, running mana, wrapping himself up, and doing it like Wang Mo. .


First, the ground trembled, and the gravel bounced and rattled, and then a roar suddenly spread, and even a violent air current roared along the cave here in an instant.

The majestic hurricane, the broken stones and even the spirit stones in it, showed a strong murderous intent under its blowing. When it hit the rock wall, it even hit a deep hole on the cave wall. The depression, and itself directly turned into powder.

There was a cracking sound, and on the boulder that Wang Mo was avoiding, suddenly under the blow of the hurricane, cracks appeared, which seemed to show signs of shattering.

This scene fell into Wang Mo's eyes, making him smack his tongue inwardly. He had already tested the hardness of the rock here.

Even if he went all out, the rift created was only slightly stronger than this.

But it was the hurricane that caused such cracks. If you were exposed to it, you could imagine what would happen.

Without thinking too much, he knew that it was the explosion of the big formation he had arranged that caused the movement.

A quarter of an hour passed before the whistling sound in the cave gradually stopped.

The cave, which was originally bright under the illumination of different spirit stones exposed on the cave wall, has already dimmed at this time.

Because, in the previous hurricane, those spirit stones had already been shattered by the impact of mixed debris. , turned into a little bit of slag, forming a little bit of starlight in the cave, just like a firefly.

"Liu Qing, what should I do?"

Yun Qingfeng shivered, raised his ashen head, and looked at Wang Mo full of fear.


Wang Mo stood up slowly, beckoning him to be quiet, squinting his eyes slightly, staring at the deep cave like a beast's mouth, motionless.

Although he has never met a strong person in the Nirvana state, he is confident that even if a strong person in the Nirvana state enters such a large formation, he will leave something behind.

Not to mention, with that unknown beast around, Youfengmen would definitely not let it come and go freely. After such a long time, there should have been a big battle between the two sides.

If it was as he thought, no matter whether it was a human or a ferocious beast, if they passed by that place, half of their lives would definitely be left behind, and they might even be seriously injured to the point of dying.

While the two were waiting nervously, half an hour passed, thinking that nothing would come, a short but rapid vibration suddenly came from the cave.

dong dong!

There was an urgent sound, as if some huge monster stomped on the ground, and it was about to gallop here, and it was mixed with some rapid and heavy breathing.


Faintly, he felt a thick bloody smell in the air, and that ferocious breath, Wang Mo's pupils suddenly shrank, his palms clenched into fists, and his mind tensed unconsciously.

At this moment, he knew very well that if things were a little bit different from what he had expected, then this time, he might be even more dangerous than when he met Feng Wuyou in the bottom of the Demon Realm.

Just as he was staring nervously, the loud noise in the distant cave was approaching, and even, two blood-colored light beams could be seen swaying and coming from a distance.

Yun Qingfeng poked his head out from behind the rock, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, trying to see clearly, but before he could stand up, Wang Mo pushed him back.

Just as he was about to vent his dissatisfaction, his mouth tightened, but Wang Mo tightly covered his mouth.


The huge crimson ferocious beast spit out a faint blood-colored mist, and walked along the cave with a constant groaning sound. The long hair all over its body could smell the scorched and stench coming from it.

Dozens of criss-crossing, extremely penetrating huge wounds, dark red blood constantly flowing, even one of its front legs has disappeared without a trace, and one of its rear thighs is also staggering forward.

I don't know if he was injured in the battle with Youfengmen outside the mine, or if he was injured by the large formation arranged by Wang Mo.

However, what made Wang Mo's pupils shrink suddenly was that he found that there were traces of dark green brilliance flashing in the blood of this fierce beast, which was a sign of a heavy and highly poisonous body.

And what made his heart tremble, and even a tinge of joy emerged, was that the aura of this ferocious beast was already sluggish.

This shows that even if he was seriously injured under the big formation he arranged, the battle in Youfengmen was extremely tragic.

Seeing the crimson ferocious beast approaching from far to near, and even passing the hiding place of the two, there was no sign of the two, and it kept staggering forward, and a dark red blood flowed out of the ground.

In the dark cave, under the light of the stars, bursts of bloody and strange dark green aura emanated from it.

Until the ferocious beast walked away, the rumbling footsteps could hardly be heard, Wang Mo still tightly covered Yun Qingfeng's mouth, not letting him make any movement.


Yun Qingfeng cried out suddenly, swaying back and forth in the mine, staring at Wang Mo slowly with a flushed face, even, there was a trace of shame and pain in his clear eyes, and a pair of small hands kept pointing at Wang Mo. With a fan in his mouth.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Mo withdrew his palm, smiled sarcastically, and quickly hid his hand behind his back.

On the edge of his palm, there were two rows of obvious imprints. Judging by the fineness of the imprints, it was Yun Qingfeng who bit him.


Yun Qingfeng let out a cold snort as if angry, and turned his head away, but he still did not forget to sigh.

With her cultivation base, she wouldn't feel oppressed because she couldn't breathe, but she was still a woman, so it was very uncomfortable to have her mouth covered like this.

Embarrassed and annoyed, she opened her mouth and bit Wang Mo's palm, but the strength of Wang Mo's body almost broke her silver teeth. If Wang Mo hadn't noticed it and pulled back her palm in time, her teeth might suffer.

After being silent for a long time, as if he couldn't bear the dull feeling, Yun Qingfeng raised his head stiffly and said, "Why don't you catch up and kill that beast?"

Looking at Yun Qingfeng, who was obviously frightened and excited, and tried to wave his hands, pretending to be fierce, Wang Mo laughed dumbfounded, really not sure what kind of person this woman is.

"Perhaps, women are fickle!"

Thinking so in his heart, the corners of Wang Mo's mouth turned up slightly, but he said: "Wait a minute, if no one chases after a while, let's go and kill that beast!"

Saying that, Wang Mo actually imitated Yun Qingfeng and waved his palm.


Seeing the smile on the corner of Wang Mo's mouth, instead of moving, Yun Qingfeng hastily snorted coldly in disdain, and turned his head away, but for no reason, he felt a trace of hotness on his face.

Fortunately, Wang Mo had been staring at the depths of the cave without paying too much attention, otherwise, with his eyesight, he would definitely have noticed Yun Qingfeng's abnormality, and would even stretch out his palm to touch her forehead and ask if she was sick.

Time, under the waiting of the two, passed little by little, until more than half an hour passed, and there was no change in the slightest. Wang Mo finally made up his mind, gritted his teeth, pulled some clouds and clear wind, and followed the fierce beast The traces of blood left behind were traced all the way.

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