
Yun Qingfeng clenched a fist with one hand, put it to his lips, and pretended to cough a few times, with reserved eyes flashing in his eyes, he looked at Wang Mo solemnly, and said harshly: "Brother Liu, you and I are really destined!"

Hearing this, the corner of Wang Mo's mouth twitched, and he turned his head away without hesitation, but a thought flashed across his mind, his eyes flashed coldly, and he turned his head and said, "How did you find me? "

When Yun Qingfeng saw this, a hint of hurt flashed across his eyes, and he spread his hands: "I said it is destined, you are not thinking, I followed you deliberately, right?"

Wang Mo frowned slightly, looked at Yun Qingfeng up and down, and thought to himself, yes, if he really had a way to track him, he would have spent a lot of time in the past few decades, and he would never just find him now, it seems that it was probably a chance encounter up.

Thinking in his heart, he shook his head slightly, secretly thinking that he was suspicious, and then moved away without hesitation.

In his heart, after so many years of experience, all women are linked to troubles, not to mention that the other party's true appearance is definitely a rare beauty, so it is better to keep a respectful distance.

Although the current Yun Qingfeng still uses the secret technique to transform into a man, but she repeatedly said amazingly nonsensical words, which really gave Wang Mo a headache.

"Hey, don't go!"

Seeing Wang Mo leaving, Yun Qingfeng immediately shouted, but in a hurry, she revealed a female voice, and followed behind in a flash, regardless of the strange eyes of the people around her.

However, Wang Mo kept walking, shuttling through the crowd. Although there are not many high-level monks in this city, and there are not many Huashen monks, but Nascent Soul monks are relatively common. The city has become more prosperous than ever, and he really doesn't want to attract people's attention.

But he obviously underestimated Yun Qingfeng's perseverance, until he crossed two streets, he still followed him.

"In the end what you want?"

Unable to bear it any longer, he turned a street corner, where there were relatively few people, Wang Mo asked with gloomy eyes.

"Hey, Brother Liu, meeting is fate. How about traveling together? With your intelligence and my son's treasures and talents, you will definitely be able to make a big name. What do you think?"

Yun Qingfeng didn't feel the danger at all, waved the folding fan in his hand, and talked in a serious manner.

"Oh my God!"

Seeing her expression, Wang Mo couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead, and almost groaned.

"how is it going?"

Yun Qingfeng's face was full of excitement, and he almost jumped up and cheered, but he forgot the scene of being severely taught by Wang Mo when the two parted, obviously the scar was healed and the pain was forgotten.


Suppressing his voice, Wang Mo let out a gloomy expression, looked at the aggrieved Yun Qingfeng, and said word by word: "I'm not the same as you, if you want to play, play as much as you want, and come back when you're done playing." Home!"

After saying these words, he turned his head and left. He believed that his words were enough for the other party to understand. Wang Mo already regarded Yun Qingfeng as a person who has been cultivating all the year round, ignorant of the world, and has not been deeply involved in the world. .

"Oh... Daddy doesn't want him, and you don't want him either. What should we do if we want him?"

Unexpectedly, before taking a few steps, Yun Qingfeng squatted down, crying loudly.

This movement immediately attracted pedestrians around to stop and watch, pointing and pointing one after another.

Wang Mo, who was about to leave, heard the words of the people around him, his temples throbbed, as if he was about to explode.

"Tsk tsk, you are so handsome, could it be that you were abandoned by your boyfriend?"

"Who are these people, two big men doing this?"

Many people were thinking about it, and a middle-aged woman who looked like a middle-aged aunt stretched out her two thumbs and said to the people around her continuously.

"Woo, how could you treat me like this?"

Hearing the words of the people around him, Yun Qingfeng became even more excited, and actually squatted on the ground, kicking like a child.


A piercing sound sounded, light and shadow flashed, and Yun Qingfeng and Wang Mo had disappeared without a trace.

This situation fell into the eyes of the people around, and they were startled immediately, and the pupils shrank and scattered like birds and beasts.

Just kidding, looking at the speed, it is definitely not for the idle people. If one is not good, annoys the other party, and leads to disaster, then it is too wronged.

You know, these seniors with special hobbies all have moody personalities.


"Tell me, what do you want?"

In a private room of a restaurant, Wang Mo stared at Yun Qingfeng with a serious face.

At this time, Yun Qingfeng's face was greasy, and his hands without any ladylike appearance were holding a piece of fleshy bone from an unknown monster, gnawing on it.

It's true, at this time she has transformed into a man, although she is handsome, she doesn't look like a woman at all.

But Wang Mo is well aware of what kind of difficult character this is in front of him.

The origin is mysterious, the ecstasy is extraordinary, and there seem to be many treasures in his hands that even the strong in the Nirvana Realm are afraid of. If he wants to get rid of her, Wang Mo really can't think of any good way except to kill her.

Let's run, I'm afraid that the other party will do something for him to lure his soul, if he can't kill and can't kill, and can't run and run, Wang Mo is really troubled.


With a crisp sound, Yun Qingfeng casually threw the bone on the plate, stretched out his greasy index finger, and shook it.


Wang Mo raised his eyebrows, and there were signs of an attack again. What a joke, he is not a random bloodthirsty person, how can he accompany a guy who looks like a child to rob?

If one is not good and provokes a powerful enemy, the other party is of extraordinary background, if you are not afraid of these, you will suffer disaster.

"Huh, you are a monk from the lower realms, how can you walk in the spiritual realm without treasures? Cooperate with me, and all the treasures from the looting will belong to you, how about it?"

Yun Qingfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and said like a little fox.

"How do you know that I am a lower realm monk?"

Wang Mo's pupils shrank suddenly, and a cold light flashed.

"What are you nervous about?"

Yun Qingfeng gave him a dissatisfied look with his pursed lips, and with a crisp click, he crushed a piece of animal bone, and squeezed out a bone spur from it. While picking his teeth without any image, he said: "Back when we met At that time, you still had the aura of the lower world on your body, so you can tell it at a glance, but don't worry, after so many years of restraint, you have almost absorbed it, and others can't see it!"

"I see!"

Wang Mo heaved a sigh of relief, thinking about it for a while, in the spiritual records he collected, there was indeed such a saying, but he didn't think of it for a while.

"Let's go!"

Yun Qingfeng picked his teeth, dropped the bone spur, and stood up immediately.


Wang Mo was a little puzzled.

"Of course we went to rob, we are Qingfeng Shuangsha!"

Yun Qingfeng pinched his waist with both hands, taking it for granted.

"Don't do it!"

Wang Mo was in a cold sweat, and refused without hesitation. Doesn't this person feel too good about himself?

"Hey, don't you bring something like this?"

Seeing that he was unmoved, Yun Qing sat down again vigorously, kicked his little feet in dissatisfaction, then stretched out his hands, fingered and said: "Look, if we cooperate, you can get treasures, Second, you can understand the situation in the spiritual domain, and third, you have my guide who knows astronomy and geography, so there are so many benefits, why don't you do it?"

Seeing her serious appearance, Wang Mo's mood was rarely relaxed. He wanted to tease her for no reason, pretending to be contemplative, and when Yun Qingfeng thought there was some drama, he nodded and said, "Is there a four?"


Unexpectedly, Wang Mo would say this, and Yun Qingfeng's clear eyes widened immediately, looking a little at a loss, and finally gritted his teeth, a blush appeared on his face and said: "Four...Four, there is With me, a big beauty, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

"Oh my God!"

Wang Mo stroked his forehead with one hand, and was really defeated by her.


"Come on, hurry up, don't let them run away..."

In the wilderness, there was a sound of shouting and killing soaring into the sky, all kinds of precious lights were glowing, figures were flying, and there were constant screams, looking around, it was very lively.

I saw a middle-aged strong man with a swollen face and a ferocious aura, flying a huge mace around his body, and with his fingers, there were several brilliance, rushing inward.

Dozens of monks are forming an formation, offering all kinds of treasures, smashing the two figures, one green and one white, like a lonely boat with two leaves under the storm in the sea.

But looking at the cultivation bases of these people, they are all above the Yuanying Dzogchen, even if they are monks who transform gods, they have as many as seven or eight ways.

As for the two young men inside, the aura they showed was at best in the early stage of transformation. How could they resist the siege of so many monks?

What's more, the aura displayed by that middle-aged strong man has already reached the middle stage of transformation, which is enough to easily crush the two.

But just when the situation between the two seemed to be in danger, the young man in Tsing Yi suddenly flashed blood flames on his right hand, and in a flash of brilliance, he turned into a young boy, and grinned. A piercing laughter pierced through the siege of the cultivators, and he held a huge golden mace that was shining brightly, and killed the middle-aged strong man.

"What the hell?"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the boy, the pupils of the middle-aged man shrank suddenly, and he faintly sensed a sense of crisis. Without hesitation, he flicked his sleeves, and the mace slammed and killed the boy.

Dang bang!

A loud noise pierced the sky, and the ear-piercing sound even made the Nascent Soul Dzogchen monks look painful, and the siege situation suddenly stagnated, making the two young monks who were besieged immediately take a cold breath to dodge a few of them. The person was seriously injured.

"So strong!"

Feeling the turbulent power coming from his spiritual consciousness, the middle-aged strong man involuntarily retreated tens of feet away. When he came back to his senses and wanted to attack again, he suddenly found that the strange boy had come to near.

"Jie Jie!"

There was a strange laugh that made people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts, and they could even see the fine teeth protruding from the boy's mouth, but the traces of pale color made people shudder.


The blood flames soared, and in an instant, the monstrous blood flames soared into the sky, covering the whole world.

At the same time, nine huge figures descended suddenly from the bloody flames, and they all went straight to kill the middle-aged strong man.


What frightened the middle-aged man was that the auras emitted by those nine figures were all exactly the same as his own, and one of them was quite familiar to him, and it was from the boy before.

Aware of such a situation, how dare he have the slightest intention to resist, even though he claims that his strength is not weak among the same rank, but facing nine people of the same rank, and they are still people of unknown origin, how dare he have the will to resist?

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