On the road for several days, Wang Mo drove nearly ten thousand miles in a row. Except for the two hours of morning exercise every day, and the infusion of real energy into the cracked golden eagle eggs and meals, the rest of the time was spent on the road.

A cyan figure flew like lightning, crossing countless fine mountains, rivers and rivers in Tianwu County, nothing could stop it!

At this moment, Wang Mo didn't intend to stay in the slightest, and walked in the direction of his heart!Knowing from Hong Taiyuan, where Zhuo and Chi are located, Wang Mo thought about it.

Although it won't be perverted enough to kill the entire clan of the two clans, but all those who participated in the besieging and killing him back then will undoubtedly die.

But this is obviously impossible. Once I enter the two clans forcefully, let alone how many people I can kill, how different is it that I behave like a devil?

Wang Mo has his own principles in his actions, just like killing the members of the Wu family back then, if it wasn't for the existence of blood ties, it would not be an exaggeration to exterminate the family based on the fact that his mother died.

This time, in pursuit of the enemy, if I want to kill the people who participated in the beginning, the people of the two clans will inevitably stop me. I must secretly eliminate some people, and then kill the chief culprit with force, so as to restrain their clansmen, so as not to cause unprovoked killings .

If they don't know what is good or bad, they will kill if they don't know.

For those who have persecuted him, he will never let them go.

As one of the three major families of the Great Xia Empire, the Wu family seems to have unlimited glory and is in charge of a large county, but there is suspicion of the royal family on it, and there are powerful forces in its territory that hinder it.If it wasn't for the ancestors of the Wu family being in this power, it would have been annexed by it long ago.

Huayun Pavilion, the Great Xia Empire, a first-class force in the cultivation world, is located on the top of Tianwu Mountain.

It is said that this mountain got its name tens of thousands of years ago when the two great ancestors of Yuanying fought and the sky fell apart.

It's just that countless years have changed, whether this is true or not is unknown, but the title of Tianwu Mountain has been decided on this basis.

And the owner of this mountain also changed countless times in the following years, and it was passed down in the past few thousand years. It is said that more than 3000 years ago, because his ancestor established the country here and made great military exploits, he This place was truly sealed to Huayun Pavilion.

Over the past thousand years, with the growing power of Huayun Pavilion, it has recruited many disciples, and its disadvantages have gradually emerged.

Although in the Dafan sect, there are serious conflicts among various forces, but Huayun Pavilion is particularly obvious.

Three years ago, Gein's predecessor, Feng Xing, who was the head of the sect, died suddenly when he was in retreat in order to break through the realm, leaving no will, which caused several powerful elders in the sect to fight for power and disputes continued.

In the world of cultivating immortals, the reason why there are top-level, first-rate, and third-rate powers is because of the existence of strong people in the sect.

Only those who have alchemy-level powerhouses in the sect can be called top forces, but in the barren land, resources are scarce, and vitality dissipates severely, so there are very few monks who break through to the realm of alchemy masters and less.

The known core formation experts are only two or three of the big and small cats on the surface among the three top forces. It is unknown to outsiders whether there are other core formation experts.

Before Ren Fengxing died, he was able to forcefully overwhelm the elders by relying on his peak foundation cultivation, but now that he was dead, these people jumped out.

Among the descendants of Ren Fengxing's bloodline, although there is a strong man in the middle stage of foundation establishment, he can't resist the three elders' joint struggle for power. The edge of the door power.

Since the four forces are all similar, the major forces in Tianwu County have become the targets of the various branch forces fighting for power at this time.

Wuchi City, one of the six main cities in Tianwu County, is run by the Lie family, a prominent family in Tianwu County. Because there is a foundation-building monk sitting in the family, this Lie family is like an overlord within a radius of ten thousand miles. Outside of the Zhuo family in Fengya City, no one would dare to provoke them.

But in the past few days, something strange happened to the Chi family. The direct descendants of the family disappeared one after another, with no one alive or dead.

At the beginning, the person in charge of the clan thought they were going out to play, but a series of dozens of children did not return and did not explain their whereabouts, which made the person in charge have a bad feeling.

In a hurry, he informed the patriarch Chi Tianliang to discuss the matter with him!

"What did you say?" Chi Tianliang was in a bad mood at this moment. Ren Dongsheng, a direct descendant of the Ren family of Huayun Pavilion, and direct disciples of the other three major branch forces were visiting at home at this time. Although the Ren family lost power, A skinny camel beast is better than a horse beast anyway, so Ren Dongsheng is happy to see his son befriend his son.

But this matter is related to the future development of the family, but there is no room for any personal feelings in it.

It's just that when I heard what the steward said, I didn't take it seriously. When I heard that more than a dozen people from the tribe had disappeared, I felt the seriousness of the matter.

"The patriarch, the direct descendants of the clan, five of them are missing, and eight of the side descendants, no one is alive or dead, I implore the patriarch to send the family guards quickly to expand the search area!" Chi Linglie looked at Chi Linglie helplessly at this time. Tianliang tells everything that has happened in recent days.

The Chi family, who had built up their prestige in Wuchi City for a long time, no longer had the cautiousness they had when they first established themselves in the city many years ago. This is also a habit developed over the years.

Unexpectedly, someone would dare to do such a thing under the eyes of the Chi family.

In this eventful autumn, this incident happened again, and Chi Tianliang, who was a little bit worried at this time, couldn't help being in a bad mood.

If there is something wrong with these sect disciples, he really doesn't know how to explain to the people behind them.

"Is there a clue to find?" Seeing Chi Linglie's eyes, Chi Tianliang realized what a stupid question he asked in shock and anger.

If there were traces to follow, Chi Linglie would not have asked to send family guards to expand the scope of the search.

It's just that Chi Tianliang quickly covered up this mistake, and then said: "Hurry up and take my transfer order, and find the captain of the guard, Chi Lieyan, to work with you! You must find the missing person, and you must see him alive and dead. Corpse! Order to notify the guards at the gates of the city, and strictly investigate the unknown persons coming and going!"

Feeling that the matter was tricky, Chi Tianliang ordered Chi Linglie to use his handbook to mobilize the family guards, quickly find the family children, and if necessary, he could even mobilize the elders at the back level of Qi refining to act.

In the next two days, Chi Linglie looked for him again with a serious expression on his face.

After talking for a while, Chi Tianliang really felt the seriousness of the matter at this time. Unexpectedly, the four half-step Wuzun powerhouses in the family dispatched to search a hundred miles around the city, but found no trace.

Waving Chi Linglie back, Chi Tianliang thought for a while, then turned and went to the forbidden area of ​​the Houtang family.

Living in this forbidden place is Chi Yinglie, the strongest surviving member of the Chi family in the early stage of foundation establishment. This person will not easily leave the closed place. In the past ten years, he has only left the closed place three years ago. When he came back, his face was quite worried.

Although, after knowing the whole story, he didn't take it too seriously. After all, the man was seriously injured and escaped by two foundation-building monks. Although he was not found by the hunted people, most people believed that the man died in the In a corner of Tiandang Mountain.

I saw him standing in front of a rockery, bowing and saluting: "Uncle, nephew and grandson have something to report!"

From the mouth of the rockery cave, an old voice came: "What's the matter?"

Immediately, Chi Tianliang explained in detail what he knew, and finally said: "At this time, there are many forces in Huayun Pavilion, and the children of the direct line are staying in the city. I hope that my uncle will be considerate of my nephew and grandson, and come out to sit in the guard!"

After finishing speaking, he knelt down on the ground and performed a big salute.

The old voice in the cave was silent for a long time before it rang out: "Well, while my old bones can still move, I will do my best for you!"

A blurred figure gradually appeared in the entrance of the cave, and as the figure became clear, an old man with fiery red and messy long hair appeared in front of Chi Tianliang.

If Wang Mo were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this person was Chi Yinglie, one of the two Foundation Establishment cultivators who seriously injured him with that blow!

Seeing the old man come out, Chi Tianliang was overjoyed and said, "My nephew is here to thank my uncle for his understanding!"

The news of Chi Yinglie's departure quickly spread among the Chi family. Although it would be a shock to the snake, Chi Tianliang at this time can't care much. After all, due to the disappearance of people in recent days, the relationship between the family Internal panic grew.

The matter of releasing Chi Yinglie at this time is also a helpless move to stabilize the panic of the family members.

However, for several days after that, several people continued to disappear. At this time, the Chi family members finally felt real fear, and they were in constant panic.

In the Chi family's discussion hall, the person sitting at the top was replaced by a red-haired old man, while the patriarch Chi Tianliang stood at the bottom.

"What's the matter?" Chi Yinglie's face was gloomy at this time, and the suppressed anger was clearly revealed in his tone: "Why don't you speak? Ah?"

Chi Tianliang didn't dare to make a sound at this time, for fear of being hurt by Chi Yinglie who was in a rage, but he couldn't waste his time like this. With a glance, he saw his son Chi Yanlie. winked.

Chi Yanlie is the most outstanding of his many sons, at the age of 22, he has reached the fourth level of Qi refining, and he is deeply loved by this ancestor. With the name of the first genius of the younger generation of the current family.

I saw him take a step forward, and said to Chi Yinglie in a loud voice: "Old Ancestor, calm down, it's not worth it to get angry because of this!"

Chi Yinglie saw that he was the younger generation he had mentored for several years, and he was the last person in the family with the last talent. He wanted to train someone to be the helm of the family, but he couldn't show his face at the moment.

With a slightly calm face, he said: "Yan Lie, what good strategy do you have?"

I saw that Chi Yanlie heard the inquiry from his ancestor, and the joy in his eyes flashed, and he immediately stepped forward and said: "Ancestor, this time the members of the family disappeared, did you find that they all went with you three years ago?" People from Jiyang City?"

After seeing Chi Yinglie ponder for a while, he showed a clear expression, and said: "Yanlie predicted that this time, if the other party didn't come to seek revenge alive, it would be the people behind him who came to revenge!"

When Chi Yinglie heard this, his face became even more ugly. At first, because of a trace of greed, he didn't find out the origin of the other party, so he chased him down, and was later escaped by the other party.

In future inquiries, it was said that when he appeared in Jiyang City with the disciples of Bichao Pavilion, he was really shocked into a cold sweat, but then he found out that the other party was just a casual cultivator, otherwise the The six Bichao Pavilion disciples would not leave him either.

Hearing Chi Yanlie's explanation at this time, Dang even understood that the man did not die, and came out of Tiandang Mountain alive, seeking revenge.

"And the other party will definitely not be afraid of himself, a foundation-building cultivator, if he acts like this."

Thinking of this, Chi Yinglie's face became even more ugly.

Seeing his ugly face, Chi Yanlie knew what he was thinking, so he didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately said: "Old Ancestor, many disciples of Huayun Pavilion are here at this time, we can do like this!"

Hearing his words, Chi Yinglie's expression turned cloudy immediately, and he kept saying hello!

Everyone in the arena also showed joy on their faces. They have been panicking for the past few days, and now they finally have a solution, so they couldn't help but relax.

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