"Grandpa, you look so embarrassing!" Xiaoying smiled coquettishly, her big bright and pure eyes narrowed into two crescent moons, unceremoniously teasing her grandpa who loves her the most.

Sang Kun looked at Wang Mo with a look of embarrassment, remembering his actions before, his big rough hands, he didn't know where to put them.

Fortunately, he is also a person who has seen the world when he goes out. He rubbed his hands a few times to relieve the embarrassment slightly, and then he cupped his hands to Wang Mo and said, "It's the old man's fault. I hope you don't take offense!"

"It's okay! It's a certain family's trip to Menglang, and I hope the boatman won't be offended!" Seeing that Sang Kun was so polite, Wang Mo naturally wouldn't care about the previous things, let alone a misunderstanding in the first place.

However, thinking of Sang Kun's explanation before, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, he touched his chin unconsciously with his right hand, and thought to himself: "Could it be that I look so much like a bandit who robs women? "

It's no wonder that Sang Kun misunderstood him before. At that time, Wang Mo, a stranger, suddenly appeared on the boat, and his beloved granddaughter sat down across from him with a flushed face. People would think he was a disciple at first glance. My son is insulting a woman from a good family.

In addition, they lived at the bottom of the society, and they were used to being bullied by bullies and some roving bandits in this area, so they naturally thought about it.

Fortunately, Wang Mo is not a vicious person. When Sang Kun made up his mind to fight him to the death, Xiaoying called him to stop him, which saved Wang Mo from doing something wrong.

Then, during a conversation, the two parties resolved the misunderstanding, and the scene of Xiaoying canceling her grandfather appeared.

However, those young people didn't know what to hide, and they were quite curious about Wang Mo's sudden appearance on the boat, but they were afraid to ask because of Sang Kun's presence.

Sang Kun is an old man. He was worried that his granddaughter would do such a wrong thing before, and after careful consideration, he drove a group of boys to the other side to clean up the caught fish. He and Xiaoying introduced Wang Mo in the boat.

He has seen the world when he goes out, and his knowledge is not comparable to that of these half-sized people. He knows that he is still dozens of miles away from the shore, and nearly a hundred miles away from the opposite bank. Such an open river, plus Wang Mo The clothes are neat, there is no trace of water at all, it is obvious that they did not swim here, and they took a boat halfway, so the rest is obviously...

Sang Kun was secretly horrified in his heart, but on his face, he asked Xiaoying to make a pot of hot food and greeted Wang Mo to sit down. Sit opposite.

After all, if his conjecture is true, then the young man on the opposite side is truly a remarkable existence.

"Thank you, the boatman, for the boat, a little money will be used for the boat!" Wang Mo took out a gold ticket and handed it to Sang Kun.

"This~" Sang Kun showed embarrassment, but he didn't dare to take it.

Seeing his complexion, Wang Mo showed a clear expression, and immediately took out a small bag from the ring, and there was a wave of vitality in it, obviously it was a bag of primordial stones.

"No way, no way, Mister misunderstood!" Sang Kun saw the pocket, and naturally felt the fluctuation of vitality in it. He waved his hands again and again in shock, and continued: "It is the little old man who can carry Mr. for a ride." It's an honor, how could you let Mister spend so much money!"

Wang Mo was puzzled. Since boarding the boat, this Sang Kun ordered everyone to return to the voyage. This time, he had to express his feelings for carrying this time. These fishermen were not easy. They were meditating and did not pay attention. At this time, they realized that they had returned to the voyage.

Their harvest was delayed, Wang Mo thought he couldn't express nothing.If the gold coins were not accepted, he thought that the other party was also a cultivator. Although he was barely a beginner, he took out the primordial stone, but Sang Kun still didn't accept it. Even if he wanted to force the bag into his hands so that he could leave, he listened There was a shout from the village not far away.

"Ah, no, it's a bandit!" This place is quite close to the village, and Sang Kun heard the village crying, and when he was about to leave even with an exclamation, he thought that there was a master who didn't know how deep he was, So I want to ask Wang Mo.

It's just that the words came to his lips, but he felt a gust of wind blowing, and when his hands sank, Wang Mo disappeared, and he sighed in his heart, thinking: "This kind of strong person naturally disdains to be with people like myself , and will not delay my own affairs for such trivial matters. When I am old, I have forgotten what the faces of those high-ranking people I met back then were like."

Sang Kun sighed bitterly in his heart, but he didn't dare to delay, and rushed to the village quickly.

The group of young men who were packing up the fishing boat also realized that something was wrong at this time, so they quickly dropped their work and ran to the village hand in hand.

This small village is called Tawan Village, and it is just one of the countless villages that rely on the waters of the Baili River to live. At this time, it has lost the peace of the past, and the screams and cries of women and children are mixed with several triumphant shouts .

Wang Mo, who had regained his true energy, was so fast at full speed that he rushed into the village in the blink of an eye.

It's just that before he arrived, his spiritual sense arrived first, and when he discovered the tragic scene in the village, he immediately let out a cold snort, mixed with true energy, like thunder on the ground, resounding in the ears of these people.

Dozens of adventurers in the arena, whose clothes were obviously different from those of the villagers, froze in response to this cold snort, all showing pained expressions on their faces, and what's more, they shivered and fell to the ground directly.

This means that Wang Mo did not hesitate to consume his consciousness to target these people. If he sent it out directly, those villagers who did not have the slightest cultivation level might be directly shocked to death by this angry snort.

With this blink of an eye delay, Wang Mo's figure came to the field, and he turned his wrist and shook it slightly, and golden light burst out from his fingertips.

Looking at the adventurers again, no matter if they fell to the ground or those who covered their ears in pain, they all let out a muffled groan and then fell silent.

The villagers were stunned by the scene in front of them. They didn't know why the gangsters who were so vicious just now suddenly showed pain on their faces, and the strange scene that happened after that made them feel chills in their hearts. The figures that suddenly appeared all had fear in their eyes.

"Ah, you guys are killing me these days..." Sang Kun's figure appeared in the arena after a while, but when he saw his voice, when he saw the bandits everywhere in the arena, The anger in his mouth stopped abruptly.

When his eyes swept across the cyan figure in the field, the expression of understanding flashed across his face, but embarrassment appeared. It was because he remembered that he had misunderstood Wang Mo one after another before, but he felt quite embarrassed in his heart.

Even if he wanted to go forward to thank him, he was more worried about the comfort of the villagers, and Wang Mo's timely wave of his hand just relieved his siege.

Afterwards, Sang Yan and his group who came one after another saw the situation in the field, and ran towards their family members before they could be horrified.

Looking at the situation in the field, Wang Mo sighed in his heart, this is the fate of ordinary people, living in the world, if they can't control themselves, just like these people, they may lose their lives at any time.

If you want to survive, you must strive for self-improvement and move forward bravely!

Wang Mo, who was standing quietly, suddenly let out a Weng Ran sound. Although the sound was loud, it was not ear-piercing.

Those villagers who were embracing their relatives while weeping were all stunned and looked at the source of the sound in puzzlement.

I saw three milky white nine-petal strange flowers appearing above Wang Mo's head. With the rotation of these three strange flowers, everyone around could smell a strange fragrance, like a treasure from heaven and earth, making people feel refreshed when they smell it clear.

But this phenomenon only existed for a few breaths, and everyone felt a huge pressure appearing instantly, but it came and went quickly, making people think it was an illusion.

Wang Mo slowly opened his eyes, put three flowers on top of his head, and suddenly disappeared into the top of his head.Feeling the smooth movement of zhenqi in his body, a smile was unconsciously drawn from the corner of his mouth.

Ming Wu, firm heart!At this moment, he truly understands the so-called theory of cultivation.

Cultivate the truth, understand the false and preserve the true, understand the original heart!

A man stands in the world and strives for self-improvement!

This is Wang Mo's state of mind at this time. With the help of this enlightenment, and the previous enlightenment by the river, although there is no breakthrough in cultivation this time, the superposition of the two has made the continuous improvement of cultivation in the past three years. All the hidden dangers brought about are gone, and the connection between body, consciousness, and true qi is even closer. It is to get rid of the bad and keep the essence.

If it weren't for this enlightenment, Wang Mo would need to spend more time getting used to it before he could make the next breakthrough with peace of mind.

Rescuing the villagers before was an act of righteousness. Seeing them embracing and weeping, and celebrating the rest of their lives, I was moved, and suddenly realized that everything in the world is really pre-determined!

Sang Kun saw the vision around Wang Mo disappearing, opened his eyes, and walked towards him boldly, came close, and knelt down on the ground with a plop: "Little old man here for all the villagers of Tawan Village, thank you, Mr. Grace for saving lives!"

He just said it in his mouth, but his legs couldn't be worshiped no matter what. Seeing Wang Mo's appearance, he had to thank him.

Wang Mo casually waved a wave of energy to stop Sang Kun's bowing ceremony, and said indifferently: "It's a little effort, but the boatman is so generous!"

He is also helpless in his heart, he has been a human being for two lifetimes, and in his heart no matter what, he can't see an elder treat him like this.

In desperation, Sang Kun could only stand beside Wang Mo with a little embarrassment, with a look of anticipation and nervousness, obviously not knowing where to start.

Seeing his expression, Wang Mo knew that he still had something to say, but it was hard to say it.

After scanning the audience with his spiritual sense, Wang Mo discovered a strange phenomenon. These adventurers were dressed uniformly. They were obviously organized people. They didn't think much about saving people before.

Nodding slightly, he understood Sang Kun's intention.

Sang Kun is an old man. Seeing Wang Mo's expression on the field, he secretly exclaimed that he was careless. He only thought that he finally met a mysterious strong man with a good behavior, so he had the cheek to beg for a private matter, but he didn't expect that he would Nearly made a big mistake.

If Wang Mo leaves, the people behind these obviously organized bandits will definitely take revenge on their own village. By then, one can imagine what kind of fate the villagers will face.

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