blood feud

009. Emergency training

After Liu Zhiliang left, Bai Shujie gathered the remaining 18 people on the flat ground in front of the cave, and looked carefully one by one, feeling a little uncoordinated.After watching it twice at last, I realized that there was a short man half the size of his head in the middle.

Bai Shujie saw that this little man was a completely childish boy, so he asked, "What's your name? How old are you this year?"

The little guy said loudly: "My name is Shi Liancheng, from Yanshi, Henan, I am 12 years old this year, almost thirteen!"

12 years old?In my previous life, at the age of 22, I was still unable to be independent from my parents.This little guy looked like an adult, without any stage fright.

Bai Shujie asked with a wry smile: "Why did you come here? Where are the family members?"

Shi Liancheng raised his chest: "I have been with my grandfather since I was a child. When I was nine years old, soldiers robbed our house, and my grandfather was beaten to death! Later, I asked for food and picked up the train, and ended up here I stayed in Fengtian City for three years, and was arrested here the day before yesterday."

"Okay, you follow the training first, let's talk about it later." Bai Shujie had no other way, and then said to everyone: "Since they all escaped from the coal mine, you must all know that there is a den of harm, and no one wants to Go in again. You have also seen that it is useless to run and hide blindly. If you really want to protect yourself, you must unite and grab your guns to fight them!"

"Starting from today, train in military posture and physical fitness in the morning, and shoot guns in the afternoon." Bai Shujie said seriously: "I believe you will not be lazy, but I still want to emphasize that if you don't train hard now, you will not be able to defeat those bad guys by then , the ones who suffer the most are yourselves!"

Next, they were regrouped, Zhang Xiang and Cheng Shijie were divided into five newcomers, and Shi Liancheng was trained by Bai Shujie himself.

This time, Bai Shujie simplifies the rules and regulations of his previous life in the army, but the requirements for military posture and formation are extremely strict.Every morning, after an hour of long-distance running on the hillside, there is an hour of standing in a military posture, followed by an hour of queue training, and the last hour of squats and push-ups.

In the afternoon, the first is the disassembly and maintenance of the gun, and then the aiming training according to the gun.They always held their guns in a standing position and aimed continuously for an hour.Then there is an hour of kneeling aiming and shooting training, and an hour of prone aiming training.

After dinner, the first hour is emergency lying down, crawling forward, sideways rolling, knee tucking forward rolling training, the second hour is the search and alert training of the three-person team on the move, and the third hour is three-person training Team attack formations and alternate cover drills.

Seven days later, the custom-made clothes were brought back, and the training of the small army became normal, and Bai Shujie no longer had to demonstrate out of breath.Next is the special training for Shi Liancheng: the basic training of plum blossom piles, the aiming and shooting training of shell guns, fighting training, military terminology and military common sense teaching.

Three days later, Shi Liancheng already knew the daily training content, Bai Shujie finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then carefully checked the weapons and equipment.Two pistols with 100 rounds of bullets were seized; seven rifles with 350 rounds of bullets were seized.Nineteen players and nine guns, there is no way to distribute them!

After thinking about it all night, in the early morning of the next day, Bai Shujie called Zhang Xiang and Cheng Shijie and asked them to continue to supervise the training of the players. Liu Zhiliang continued to take time to purchase dry food.After explaining clearly, he left the mountain alone, and no one knew what he was doing.

It is said that when Bai Shujie came out of the mountains, he went straight to Xintun after finding the right direction.From the relevant information in his previous life, he knew that Xintun in this era should be stationed in a squadron of the Little Devils' Independent Defense Team.It is mainly responsible for maintaining the safety of the Fushun coal mine and ensuring the smooth flow of the South Manchurian Railway.

Bai Shujie knew that the little devil's 6.5-type rifle had 50x[-]mmsr rifle bullets, which were different from the Liaoshisan rifle's caliber, and the bullets could not be used universally.But at present, there are too many people, and there is no other way out.

He is a person from later generations, not to mention the ferocity of the little devil, his military quality is definitely the best in Asia!He didn't want his brothers to fight desperately with big knives and spears, so he ran here, hoping to find a way from the little devil.

After a day and night of driving, Bai Shujie had already lurked 300 meters away from the devil's barracks at about ten o'clock the next morning.This is the patrol route from the little devil to Qianjinzhai Coal Mine, and to the north is the railway from Fushun to Fengtiancheng Railway Station.The little devil will have a fixed patrol mission every day.In his previous life, he had been in the army many times as a secret service, and he was good at detecting and lurking.

The little devil in this period had just defeated Changmaozi, and it was the time when he was arrogant.After two days of latent observation, Bai Shujie basically grasped the little devil's patrol rules.Half an hour apart, there are seven people patrolling each time, 24 hours a day, all with rifles.Looking at the two bullet boxes, one large and one small equipped on their armed belts, it should be 1 round of bullets.

At around ten o'clock in the evening of the third day, Bai Shujie touched the grass near the railway, and buckled three club darts in each hand.It was almost eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, a group of little devils came out from the direction of the barracks, and walked towards Bai Shujie with neat steps.Maybe they have never encountered any danger, so these little devils stand tall and proud.Stepping across the gap under your feet is also very deterrent in the middle of the night.

Bai Shujie stabilized his mind, slightly bent his arms, and raised his hands slightly.The moment the little devil's team came about ten meters in front of him, he threw out six plum blossom darts with a wave of his hands, and then flew straight to the one in the middle!He clasped the devil's neck with both hands and twisted it, followed by a few rolls, and slapped all the little devil's throats!

The process is complicated, but it happened in an instant!

Bai Shujie didn't have time to check everything carefully, so he quickly took back all the club darts.Then he quickly untied the armed belts of the seven little devils, tied up the seven rifles, picked them up and ran away!

From his dart shot to leaving the scene, the whole process took less than 3 minutes!

Human potential is indeed unlimited!After more than two days of lurking, Bai Shujie was already exhausted.But he ran all the way until dawn, without stopping halfway!Seeing that he had already run tens of miles, he finally found a small ravine with a pond, then threw the gun on the ground and gasped for breath.

This is not a place to stay for a long time, Bai Shujie ate two mouthfuls of dry food, and then poured a few mouthfuls of water into the pond.Then he wiped his mouth, picked up the gun and continued to run.

Back to his cave, it was already midnight.Bai Shujie fell asleep after eating two pieces of dry food, and didn't wake up until the next afternoon.At this time, all the team members already knew that their eldest brother went out alone for four days and got back seven little devil's rifles!

No need to ask, brother killed at least seven little devils!In the eyes of everyone, the little devil is almost an invincible myth.The eldest brother went out alone and brought back seven rifles. This is even more mythical than a myth!From then on, everyone looked at Bai Shujie differently!Yes, it's a look of awe!

What is awe?That is respect and fear!That's right, standing in front of you is a guy who kills people like chopping melons and vegetables, don't you feel a drum in your heart?So far, Bai Shujie's words have become out-and-out orders, and no one will make irresponsible remarks anymore!

On the morning of the No. 20 day of this emergency training, Bai Shujie gathered everyone together and said: "Brothers, we now have 19 people in two classes, and Xiao Liancheng will follow me as a correspondent from today. In this way, each of your classes happens to be 9 people. Individuals. There are a total of 16 long and short guns, and 8 are evenly distributed to each class."

"Zhang Xiang and Cheng Shijie are the squad leaders, and each has a pistol. Because the calibers of the two rifles are different, Zhang Xiang's class uses the Liao Shi-[-] rifle, and Cheng Shijie's class uses the little devil's [-]-type rifle. Tomorrow Carry out live ammunition training, and the last one in any group will not hold a gun for the time being."

Press Bai Shujie's training and don't mention it for now.

Speaking of Fushun Xintun Japanese garrison squadron leader Koizumi Jiro, half an hour after Bai Shujie left the scene of the crime, he finally got the report that the third patrol team was attacked and all jade pieces were broken.After on-site inspection, Koizumi Jiro found that the murderer turned out to be the same person, at most two people, and they all used cold weapons!

A fully armed combat squad of the Imperial Japanese Army (a team lacking machine guns in peacetime) was killed by the enemy, and no traces of fighting were found at the scene.

In other words, the seven warriors of the Imperial Japanese Army who were able to stand up to the Russians were killed by others without any resistance. This is a great shame!

When such a shameful incident happened, Koizumi Jiro did not dare to report it to his superiors until he found out what happened.So two teams were sent out to start a carpet search around.Hope to find the murderer, and then strive for atonement.

Soldiers from the two teams conducted a pull search, but found no valuable clues for three consecutive days. In desperation, Jiro Koizumi could only further expand the scope of the search.If this matter does not come to light, his squadron leader will be at an end, and he may even be arrested by military law!

In the evening of the fourth day, the search team finally made an astonishing discovery.A search team found marks from the butts of several Type [-] rifles by a pond in a ravine!

After the little devil discovered the clue, both classes became excited as if he had been injected with chicken blood.Then follow the traces along the way and trace them straight!On the sixth day, two squads of the little devil's search team crossed the mountain path and entered the forest to the west!

It is said that Liu Zhiliang goes to the small town to get dry food every three days, which is an unshakable task regardless of the weather.This morning, Liu Zhiliang had just set off from the secret camp, and after walking less than three miles, he found someone in front of him!

Don't look at Liu Zhiliang who is only 16 years old, but his hometown runs a shop, and his brain has turned quickly since he was a child.I hid behind a big tree and took a closer look, and the ones who came were all little devils in the color of shit movies!

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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