blood feud

071. Victory across the board

With the support of Bai Shujie's continuous long bursts in the middle of Xishan Liang, it is impossible to break through the central position.The little devil's pig-like attack, because of the unfavorable terrain, did not fully display its combat effectiveness in the end.In the end, both sides were exhausted, and there was a stalemate, and everyone was waiting for the result of the battle on the other side.

However, Bai Shujie still has one hole card that he has not revealed, and that is the two machine guns ambushing at the foot of the mountain.This point of firepower has not been exposed, so although he is a little anxious, he is not very worried.

"Detachment Captain, I saw a team sneaking up from the northwest!" At this moment, Chen Jie came to Bai Shujie's side, handed over the telescope and said, "If you don't believe me, look!"

Bai Shujie took a look through the binoculars, and it was Zhao Jinxi holding a machine gun who moved over!There is a machine gun shooting team on her left and right, and they are approaching the enemy's side in concealment, and they are still 200 meters away from the enemy!

It turned out that after Yang Erya knocked out the machine gun that the little devil was trying to seize the commanding height of Dongshanliang, the guard squad added a machine gun.And the machine gun squad of Liu Xunchuan's team originally only had three machine guns, but now one machine gun has been lost, and the other two machine guns have reached the belly of the valley.

With the sudden increase in firepower on Yang Erya's east flank, Zhao Jinxi also launched a surprise attack on the right flank.The other soldiers in the guard squad led by Gan Tong took advantage of this opportunity to get within 30 meters of the little devil under the cover of grass.All the shell guns fired continuously, immediately disrupting the enemy's formation.

Cheng Shijie on Zhongshan Liang saw that the enemy's follow-up troops were in chaos, and the other two machine guns that had been hidden for so long finally showed their hideous faces!Duan Zhixian in the middle section of Dongshan Liang commanded the two machine guns of the second squad, and also fired with all their strength, dealing a fatal blow to the first and second batch of little devils who rushed into the valley.

The enemy could no longer defend in place and was forced to retreat.Unexpectedly, when the enemy made a move, Cheng Shijie and Duan Zhixian had a tacit understanding and charged almost at the same time!The five machine guns formed an angle and attacked from two directions in the southeast, driving the enemy towards their follow-up troops.

The firepower from five directions launched the final strangulation of the little devils with less than 30 people left from three directions.Because the supreme commander Liu Xunchuan was assassinated by Bai Shujie at the beginning, and now there is no unified dispatch, the little devils in one class want to stick to the spot and wait for help, but the little devils in the other class want to break out, and the chaos immediately becomes a mess.

After three hours of repeated fighting, the battle ended with the little devil being wiped out.The battle here came to an end, and the violent gunshots from Xishanliang could be heard clearly.Almost all the machine guns on the ridge are firing, which means that the final decisive battle has come!

Zhao Jinxi was concerned about Bai Shujie's safety, and suddenly became very anxious.She didn't take a breath at all, she was the first to grab a machine gun from the little devil and rushed out.Gan Tong, Cheng Shijie, and Duan Zhixian naturally knew the seriousness of the situation, and immediately followed up with all the players who could run.

The team members on the mountain all saw this situation, so their hearts were raised in their throats!Everyone knows that once the guard squad starts fighting, the final battle will come!In order to cover the guard squad's concealed contact with the enemy, the machine guns in the three positions on the mountain ridge no longer fired, but fired wildly.

When the third bullet was replaced on the mountain, the machine gun in Zhao Jinxi's hand spewed out angry flames!With the chaos in the enemy's rear, Bai Shujie jumped up holding the machine gun, and shouted: "The time has come to avenge the brothers! Go!" He rushed down immediately!

"Come on!" "Kill!"

Zhan Jinguo, who had been hiding for a long time and didn't fire a single shot during the entire battle, heard the sound of charging on the mountain, and immediately yelled: "Brothers, it's time for the decisive battle! Come out with me, go!" and rushed out holding the machine gun The dense forest, and another machine gun behind him formed a dense barrage, covering the crowd of enemies!

This point of firepower was less than 40 meters away from the enemy, and when he suddenly killed it, it was as if a steel knife had been directly inserted into the enemy's heart!

Yamashita Yuichi was still planning how to launch another fatal attack before nightfall.Unexpectedly, in just a split second, he was flanked by the enemy back and forth right under his nose!Now that the situation is unknown, he can no longer hold on.Can only organize the team to break out of the encirclement desperately, and flee desperately!

The two machine gun teams led by Zhan Jinguo are a complete new force!In addition, after holding back for a long time, especially after hearing the sad news of Yin Mingde's death in battle, his anger has reached its peak.Now they finally found a chance to vent their anger. The two of them, sticking to the enemy's buttocks, chased after them fiercely, clenching tightly!

This chase was over five miles in a blink of an eye.When Bai Shujie and Zhang Xiang led the team to arrive, fierce gunshots and shouts of killing suddenly erupted in front of them, and immediately after that, they saw the little devils fall down in pieces in an instant!It turned out that Gan Tong led Cheng Shijie and Duan Zhixian's entire team to ambush here, just in time to wait!

The soldiers following behind saw this scene, and their morale was immediately boosted.They forget fatigue, life and death!There is only one thought: that is to catch up and kill them to avenge the brothers!

Bai Shujie saw that his team had already chased for more than 20 miles, so he quickly gave an order: "Stop chasing! Stop chasing!"

Now that the sky is about to get dark, Bai Shujie is extremely anxious: "Zhang Xiang, Gan Tong: Quickly gather troops and clean up the battlefield!"

"Detachment Captain, don't worry! I brought all the people who cleaned the battlefield!" At this moment, Qin Yuefang ran from behind panting: "I brought all the laborers here. The Zhongshanliang battlefield has been cleaned up. It's here now!"

"Okay! You did a good job!" Bai Shujie finally felt relieved when he heard the news, and turned to Qin Yuefang and said, "In this case, tell them: I will take off all the devil's complete clothes and leather shoes and take them back. Be careful when cleaning the battlefield, don’t miss anything. At the same time, you must prevent the devils hiding in the dark.”

"Wow!" Bai Shujie was explaining things to Qin Yuefang, when Gan Tong who was following him suddenly threw up loudly with his hands on his stomach.

Bai Shujie and Qin Yuefang were taken aback, thinking that Gan Tong was ill.When he took a closer look, it turned out that there were two ghost corpses piled up in front of Gan Tong.One devil had one third of his head left, and the other little devil's body had been cut in two, with guts spilling out all over the floor!The whole scene was like a slaughterhouse, as disgusting as it could be.

Bai Shujie bent down to help Gan Tong, but when he saw this scene, he couldn't help vomiting anymore.

Vomiting is also contagious!

The first to be infected were the female soldiers of the guard platoon, squatting on the ground one by one, almost vomiting gall.Then there are the brothers Wei Ziqiang who came later. Although they killed fiercely, they have never seen such a scene.Seeing his masterpiece now, it is even more embarrassing.

The brothers who came out of the mine had seen too many dead people, so it was much better.Therefore, in the following battlefield clearing, the more than 400 people brought by Qin Yuefang played a key role!

There are many people and strength, and the vast battlefield will all end when the sky is about to completely darken.Apart from the white corpses of the devils, even the bullet casings were picked up by the laborers.

The main leaders of the detachment, including Bai Shujie, checked the battlefield for the last time and returned to the temporary station after getting the number of people reported by each squad to be correct.The four soldiers left by the original security squad were arranged to go out to guard, and a group of main leaders came to the Yingzui concave flat.

The torches were already lit all around, and this small square was originally the busiest, but now there was only low sobbing.Bai Shujie, Gan Tong, Zhao Jinxi, Zhang Xiang, Cheng Shijie, and Duan Zhixian came slowly, and a row of 26 stretchers came into view.On it lie the bodies of Yin Mingde and other 26 soldiers in sequence, and their faces have been cleaned!

When Bai Shujie came to a stretcher, he would squat down to arrange the clothes of the martyrs, then stand up and bow three times.Gan Tong and the others were also in infinite grief, bowing ninety degrees to express their condolences.Behind them, all the soldiers who followed spontaneously bowed to the hero with reverence and gave a military salute!

After all the officers and soldiers arrived, Bai Shujie said: "Brothers and sisters: We lost our best brother today, even if it hurts our hearts and tears, it is useless to blind our eyes! Because this is not what heroes want to see." Yes! I believe that what they want to see the most is that we replace them and kill all the little devils!"

"Loyal bones are buried everywhere in Qingshan, why bother to return the shrouded body of horse leather! Dagou battlefield is the battlefield of our heroes! Let us bury them here and sleep forever in this hot land that is worthy of their pride! I hope that every living person, Always remember this place, remember the battle of Dagou! This is our starting point, but not the end point!"

Hundreds of people worked overnight and built 26 tombs with huge stones on the main peak. 26 strong men and 26 heroes will be buried here forever!

With red eyes, Bai Shujie visited the eleven wounded soldiers overnight.Noticing that the wounds hadn't been treated properly, she hurriedly called Qin Yuefang and asked where the devil's clothes were.After some searching, I finally found the first aid kit.

Back to the place where the wounded and sick were resting, Bai Shujie personally cleaned the wounds of the wounded, and then demonstrated how to use the first aid kit.The girls in the security class are all ingenious people.Previously, it was because they didn't know the first aid kit, so they couldn't deal with the wound.Now after seeing Bai Shujie's demonstration, he quickly treated the wounded.

In the middle of the night, all the soldiers fell asleep.Bai Shujie walked through the night and came back to the cemetery of 26 martyrs.Thinking that these vivid faces would never be seen again, he couldn't help but shed tears.

If you want to know what is going on, let's look at the decomposition next time.

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