blood feud

075, the black tiger digs the heart

At this time, the sky was completely dark.Bai Shujie and Guan Xiong drew their guns together and moved forward with their backs against the mountain wall.At this moment, fierce gunshots came from the front of the cottage, and there were countless people shouting to kill!It seems that Zhou Dayong and Duan Zhixian cooperated very well, and the feint was as real as it was.

Seeing the figures of Bai Shujie and Guan Xiong disappear in the opposite direction, they went directly to the bandit's lair, and then gave the bandit a black tiger heart out to achieve the purpose of attacking both inside and outside.Although Cheng Shijie was extremely worried, he couldn't help him now, so he had to wipe away his tears, silently blessed him, and then turned around and flew away.

Speaking of Bai Shujie and Guan Xiong alone, it took the two of them almost an hour to slowly reach the side of Daqing Mountain, and the light of the torches in front of the cottage could already be seen clearly.On the other side of the cottage, the sound of gunshots and people was intertwined, and there was an endless stream of people running around.

But after careful observation, Bai Shujie found that these people were always running around, and it seemed that these were the only people who could use the cottage.Bai Shujie turned his head and nodded at Guan Xiong, then slowly bent down and crawled forward.After another half an hour, Bai Shujie finally saw his third acquaintance, a skinny man who followed Sanshanhao to worship the mountain that day.

Bai Shujie let out a low voice: "Let's go!" Then he kicked his feet on the ground, and he flew up!In the air, the two pistols had already fired, and the target was the little skinny man!The little skinny man was commanding the minions with all his teeth and claws, and was instantly beaten into a hornet's nest by the bullets from the air!

At the same time, Guan Xiong's two pistols fired at the same time, aiming at the minion soldiers running back and forth frantically!Now the two of them are considered to be among the wolves, and they must not give the bandits a chance to turn around, otherwise the consequences will be terrible!Taking this opportunity, Bai Shujie changed the magazine and joined the shooting.

All the minions' attention was focused on the two machine guns outside the gate of the village, and no one would have thought of the deadly bullets flying behind them!When Bai Shujie changed the magazine for the third time, there were no living people in the square, only the crackling sound of dozens of torches burning!

Without waiting for orders, Guan Xiong ran to the gate of the village like flying, and opened the gate with great effort.The following search for remnants was in charge of several platoon leaders, but fortunately, no accident happened.So far, the majestic Daqingshan.It fell into the hands of Youyan Detachment!

Bai Shujie didn't have time to look at the environment here, so he immediately ordered Chen Jie to lead two soldiers to Yingzuiao overnight, report the results of the battle here, and inform the deputy detachment leader Gan Tong to organize a large force to transfer here immediately!Special emphasis: All the captives must be brought here one by one, because there is still a lot of hard work to be done!

After dealing with all this, Bai Shujie had time to observe the situation here by the light of the torch.

It turns out that this big green mountain looks like a pillar supporting the sky from the outside.If you really have to go inside, you will find that the entire southern hillside is divided into four levels.The lowest level is the open land seen earlier.It is about 400 meters long and 120 meters wide.

Going up more than 100 meters, it is actually the second level platform.Because a stone wall was built here, it was previously invisible.The platform is more than 300 meters long and more than 100 meters wide.More than 200 meters above is the third level, where the platform area is much smaller.

Continue to go up for more than 100 meters, and you will reach the last level, which is the place where Bai Shujie and Guan Xiong sneaked in. This is the entrance of the big cave.There is also a platform in front of the big hole, and the previous bandits have made it very smooth. More than 200 meters long and more than 80 meters wide.

The upper and lower passages were not formed naturally, and it seemed that they were dug out by someone who did not know how many years ago.The mountain road with steps about two meters wide winds down close to the west mountain wall.All the way to the open land at the bottom, and then the passage along the ridge into and out of the mountain.

The peculiarity of Daqingshan is that the main peak in the center has a pillar supporting the sky, like a human head.The mountains on the east and west sides stretch out like open arms.It's just that there is a huge gap between the two shoulders and the head, as if it was split open by someone.

The south face of the main peak of Daqing Mountain is recessed, forming four steps.The east and west sides of the steps are as smooth as a mirror as if cut by an axe.If you go to the east and west edges of the big steps, you can find a huge crack about 40 to [-] meters wide and bottomless.

Bai Shujie walked along the steps and had a general understanding of the environment here.If you don't consider the traffic problem, this is indeed an excellent place to station troops!But for now, this is a better place for military training than the original garrison for the time being, and there is no problem with accommodating 3 people!

Form supplementary battalions, aka boot camps!

When Bai Shujie returned to Dashandong Square, he finally made up his mind.The first batch of recruits in the boot camp is the group of laborers rescued earlier.Then a class of fighters was transferred to serve as instructors for a three-month basic training.

For the specific division of the site, there are ready-made caves dug by bandits on the first and second steps, and the playground is large enough to accommodate 5000 people to live and train at the same time.As for the technical and tactical training, here are all uninhabited mountaintops, with high mountains and dense forests. You can do whatever you want, and firing guns and cannons will only scare the wild animals.

According to the ready-made caves, the third level can accommodate more than 3000 people. It is used as a camp for combat troops. When there is no combat mission, it can be taken back for rest.The highest floor is naturally where the headquarters is, and it is not known what is going on inside the cave.

Because the terrain here is too complicated, they only cleaned up the enemy's corpses that night. After arranging the sentries, Bai Shujie ordered everyone to rest.

Early the next morning, they used the bandit's woodshed to light a fire for cooking.After finishing the meal, Bai Shujie issued a series of orders:

All the troops from Zhanjin Kingdom were dispatched to investigate the situation fifty miles around Daqing Mountain.Zhou Dayong's second squad continued to search all over Daqingshan, looking for people detained by the rebels.Liu Zhiliang's third squad is responsible for cleaning up the caves where troops are stationed, preparing for the arrival of the large troops of the deputy detachment leader.

Hu Bingzhang's fourth squad searched and cleaned the fourth-level platform to prepare for the office of the headquarters.Xiang Danian's machine gun squad is responsible for the security of Daqingshan.

After everyone split up, Bai Shujie stepped into the big cave for the first time.This place is about to become his headquarters, he needs to take a good look and familiarize himself with the situation.It would be a big joke if the supreme commander didn't even know where the gate of the headquarters was.

After entering the cave, I realized that this is a huge cave.The overall shape is elliptical, with a north-south long axis layout.It is more than 50 meters long from north to south and more than 30 meters wide from east to west.The net height inside is more than ten meters, and it is the good gathering hall of Sanshan.

Looking up, there are eight huge iron basin chandeliers in two rows crackling and burning, and I don't know what is inside.For a long time, the whole hall is brightly lit.Bai Shujie cursed inwardly: What a waste!Two lamps are enough, why such a luxury?

In the middle is a long table made by Sanshan Hao with huge logs, more than eight meters wide and more than 20 meters long, with complete benches around it.It is very spacious for five or 60 people to meet, it is a super large conference room!

There are many small caves on the east and west sides.Among them, there are three caves in the east and eleven caves in the west.They all have original wooden doors, but I don't know what's inside or how much space there is.

The northernmost side near the stone wall is very smooth, and there is a small one-meter-high platform at the bottom, with a tiger-skin chair on it, which seems to be the best seat for Sanshan.If a battle map is hung on the stone wall, it is indeed a very safe headquarters.

A mountain sculpture?Bai Shujie came up with such a noun for no reason, and then laughed at himself: I am not Yang Zirong, where did I find such a mountain sculpture!

"Detachment Captain, what is a mountain eagle?" A voice suddenly appeared behind Bai Shujie, startling him a lot!Looking back, it turned out to be Hu Bingzhang, the fourth squad leader.

Bai Shujie was annoyed, and seeing no one else, he pointed at Hu Bingzhang's nose and cursed: "You fucking forgot the military regulations! You didn't call the report when you entered the door, and almost scared me to death, you know?"

Hu Bingzhang said with a playful smile: "I saw you talking to yourself. I was afraid of disturbing you, so I didn't call for a report."

When Bai Shujie heard it, he yelled: "Fart! You came to talk in my ear, and you said you were afraid of disturbing me, what nonsense reason? You dare to tease the detachment leader, I will write it down for you. Wait for the deputy detachment leader to come back , I will report it truthfully.”

As soon as Hu Bingzhang heard the deputy captain, he quickly raised his hand and surrendered: "Don't, don't! Captain, you have a lot of adults, don't be as knowledgeable as the little ones!"

Bai Shujie sat down on the stool in front of the long table, stared at Hu Bingzhang, and said, "Look at your sneaky look! Tell me, what's going on?"

Hu Bingzhang also sat down and said: "We finally found the detainees, a total of 317 people. After preliminary inquiries, it turns out that there are many places to store grain and gold and silver treasures in Daqingshan. The small cave in this hall is to store There is also a huge grain depot at the bottom of the mountain for grain and gold and silver treasures for daily use!"

"Because this is a bandit den, I was afraid of any accidents, so I came in alone to check. Soldiers have been arranged outside to guard the gate. I didn't expect the detachment leader to come in first. Should we check all these warehouses? Do you have a bottom line in your heart, and then let the soldiers register?"

"Okay, it's okay anyway, let's take a look!" Bai Shujie stood up, and Hu Bingzhang hurried forward to stand in front of him.Then he drew out his pistol and stepped forward first, carefully opening the first east door.Looking at it with the light from the outside, it was all big sacks.Hu Bingzhang touched it with his left hand and said, "It's all corn!"

If you want to know what is going on, let's look at the decomposition next time.

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