blood feud

126. Troop Expansion

Back at the inn, let the telegrapher send a report to the headquarters, and the follow-up personnel are ready to go, and everything is safe on the road.However, Shi Liancheng suggested that Longxiang Trading Company should open a branch in Zhaowu Dameng.Because cars cannot go into the mountains, all materials must be moved slowly into the mountains by people, so a reasonable warehouse is needed.

Because of the specific impression of the field inspection, the second group of people led by Qin Yuefang went straight to Zhaowu Dameng, and then registered a trading company in the name of Tang Weiye, engaged in the business of cloth, fur, salt, grain, and local products. Operation and long-distance transportation business.In order to facilitate the operation, Qin Yuefang also specially recruited three local employees to be responsible for business reception.

Afterwards, for the convenience of entering the mountains, another office was opened in Niujiayingzi, specializing in the purchase of hunters' prey and fur.At the beginning, they were piled up at the door, but then there were too many, and there was no place to store them.With this reason, Tang Weiye's signboard was carried out again, so he went to the town to buy a piece of land and built a large warehouse.At this point, the preparatory work for transshipment materials is over.

Later, Shi Liancheng's special platoon brought the first batch of supplies.Since then, people have come and gone, and personnel have been alternated.40 people went into the mountain to collect the skins, and 20 people came out to deliver the goods.Just like this upside down, Lan Caiqin's independent battalion was replaced into the mountain.

It took nine months for the entire transfer of materials to be completed, so I won't go into details here.So far, Shi Liancheng's special platoon has completed its mission and returned to Crouching Tiger Villa.Qin Yuefang was the boss of Zhaowudameng Longxiang Trading Company, and became the transfer point for welcome and delivery, as well as the core of intelligence collection.

Due to the departure of the Lan Caiqin Independent Battalion, there was a vacancy in the Caiyun Villa, and Bai Shujie ordered Hou Ziyi's cavalry battalion to replace it one after another.The main task is to train troops, and at the same time pay attention to the movements in the Liaoshen area.If the cavalry battalion is dispatched, the special platoon will take over the defense.

"Damn it, this thieves can't let people live. It's almost March, and it's still so cold in the cold spring!"

Because the cavalry battalion went out to look for Gada Meilin according to Bai Shujie's order, and Zhao Jinxi hid in the telecommunications squad and didn't know what to do, so Bai Shujie was bored.Just when he was yelling at God, he finally heard his long-awaited voice: Hou Zide is back!

Bai Shujie ran out of the headquarters to see that Hou Zide's beard and hair were frozen, and his face was full of dust.Painful and angry, he couldn't help cursing: "Where the hell did you die, and you're only coming back now? Cooking class, bring the food and wine I prepared right away!"

"Can this be my fault?" Hou Zide complained as he walked in, "It's not that you want to be Song Jiang, which made me go out for such a long time to find that shit Gada Meilin. It's all a good thing you ordered They are currently in Maodong, a cave two hundred miles southwest of Aohan Banner, and they suffered heavy losses last time, so they haven’t recovered yet.”

"According to what you said, I left half of the equipment of the entire battalion, and gave him all the bullets! When I went out, I had two guns, and when I came back, I was single-handed! Also, he asked me to keep a squad of brothers Train his troops."

"Song Jiang is a fool?" Bai Shujie yelled, "Don't act like an old woman when you walk outside. We are all brothers and sisters. If you can help, you should quickly reach out and help me. Don't fuck me all day long. Crooked. Hurry up, get out of here after eating and drinking!"

Hou Zide said a lot, but Bai Shujie didn't care, and quickly pulled him to the fire and asked, "Have you made arrangements, brothers? Have you eaten? Have you boiled hot water?"

"You don't give it to my mother-in-law, you don't care about these things!" Hou Zide picked up his glass and drank it down: "Brothers don't make arrangements, can I come over?"

"Okay, okay, don't talk, don't talk!" Bai Shujie's heart fell to the ground, and he began to drink happily.

"Detachment leader, you can see that people are really accurate. This Gadamelin is very loyal!" Hou Zide said: "We gave him weapons and ammunition, which was what he needed urgently, so he didn't refuse. Guess what? At night he He drank with us, but at noon the next day, his men brought back a large number of war horses and gave them to us as a gift in return."

"However, I only brought 1800 horses, and I asked Sanlian to send the other 1300 horses to Sanxian Cave." Hou Zide continued: "I don't think we have a long-term plan in this place, so there is no need to make a big tree to attract attention." .When we came back, we only set out on the road in the middle of the night, and at dawn we were looking for a place to sleep."

Bai Shujie said excitedly: "These horses came at just the right time, let the subordinates train them well, and don't waste them."

Hou Zide suddenly put down his wine glass and said solemnly: "Since Deputy Captain Gan took the troops away, as soon as my cavalry battalion was dispatched, Shi Liancheng's platoon will be stationed at Caiyun Villa. You have almost become a bare-handed commander. Just an artilleryman Row, use it as a fart!"

"To be honest, I'm most worried about you outside! Now, let's build a reinforcement company first, understand your security forces, and then tell me other things! Then I will find a way to form two cavalry battalions! Your hands There can be one or two battalions of directly subordinate troops, so I won't worry about your safety when I go out!"

Bai Shujie still couldn't make up his mind: "I don't have any major battles here for the time being, why do we need so many troops?"

"As for the civil servants in your hands, if that big group of unsightly people breaks in, the headquarters will be taken away!" Hou Zide waved his hand and said, "You just listen to me this time." , keep it right!"

"Although Shi Liancheng's platoon is young, it has the best military quality. Based on them, it will be expanded into a company, and a cavalry company and an artillery company will be formed to form the main force of the guard battalion. As for the various departments of the headquarters Personnel, equip them with horses, so that they can move more easily.”

Bai Shujie pondered for a while, and then said little by little: "Since you said so, let's set up the second brigade of the Youyan detachment at one time, with three cavalry battalions, one mixed battalion, and one guard company. The headquarters will follow the second brigade." Brigade action. How do you like this?"

"Haha, this is even better!" Hou Zide laughed and said, "In this way, even if the three battalions are dispatched at the same time in the future, there will be no worries! No, I have to go out again. Without horses, it is useless! This time I went outside for a while, the entire prairie was flat, and the infantry was almost useless!"

"Well, the Chinese New Year is still one and a half months away. You can handle the matter of the cavalry as you see fit. Don't force it. If it doesn't work, we can set up the shelf of the second brigade first, and then add it slowly." Bai Shujie finally Said: "As for the expansion of the mixed camp, I will find a way."

After the Spring Festival, Bai Shujie officially issued an order to form the second brigade and the mixed battalion:

The Second Cavalry Battalion: Captain: Hou Zide, Deputy Chief: Wang Kaishan, Chief of Staff: Zhu Youpeng

First Cavalry Battalion (745 people): Battalion Commander: Qi Hongyi, Deputy Battalion Commander: Ding Jiashu

Second Cavalry Battalion (745 people): Battalion Commander: Ning Rongxuan, Deputy Battalion Commander: Liu Junliang

The Third Cavalry Battalion (745 people): Battalion Commander: Yu Jinghui, Deputy Battalion Commander: Gong Yexiong

整编总人(马)数:2444人(含一个满编警卫连 6人)。装备:81迫击炮'门,歪把子轻机枪240挺,二十响驳壳枪2444支。

The troops directly under the detachment (mixed battalion, departmental squadron: a total of 1017 people, excluding supplementary battalion 666 people):

Team Leader: Bai Shujie, Correspondent: Tan Mingliang

Departmental Squadron (four vehicles, 16 Czech light machine guns): Squadron Leader: Sheng Zhiguo, Deputy Squadron Leader: Qiu Shufen.Responsible for the daily operation of the various departments of the division, rapid maneuvering during the battle, under the jurisdiction of the guard platoon (protecting the telecommunications squad).

Mixed Battalion (914 people, guards of the detachment headquarters): Battalion Commander: Han Qingfen, Deputy Battalion Commander: Liu Quanyu.Under the jurisdiction of the special company, the artillery company, the light machine gun company, and the heavy machine gun company.

Special company (composed of sniper platoon, reconnaissance platoon, and special warfare platoon, equipped with 24 Czech light machine guns, sniper rifles, and other shell guns): company commander: Shi Liancheng, deputy company commanders: Chen Jie, Liu Zhenshan

Artillery company (81 4 mortars, 60 12 guns, 16 Czech light machine guns): company commander: Xia Enze, deputy company commanders: Luo Dingkun, Lai Zhiwen

Light machine gun company (36 crooked light machine guns, 60 4mm mortars): company commander: Cui San'er, deputy company commanders: Wu Tianjie, Xiang Qichang

Heavy machine gun company (4 heavy machine guns, 16 crooked light machine guns): company commander: Tao Chengzhou, deputy company commanders: Liu Feipeng, Ma Hongde

After the big move this time was completed, Bai Shujie finally realized his initial idea. He had an attacking force with fists and a loyal and brave guard force with powerful firepower.Each unit is equivalent to running-in training from scratch, until it is basically formed and has initial combat effectiveness. The time has arrived in mid-April of 1930 (19th year of the Republic of China).

According to the strong request of the soldiers of the supplementary battalion, Bai Shujie had no choice but to take back the old-fashioned rifles, and all of them were issued with Liaoshi Type 666 rifles.Then it was decided that Sheng Zhiguo would concurrently serve as the battalion commander, which belonged to the troops directly under the headquarters.Supplementary battalion: 547 people, battalion commander: Sheng Zhiguo (concurrently), equipped with 9 rifles and [-] light machine guns.

With the precedent of the supplementary battalion, the militiamen in Crouching Tiger Village quit, so Cao Fengxiang was recommended to the headquarters to negotiate with the detachment leader, and the equipment problem must be solved!

Bai Shujie repeatedly explained that the nature of the militia and the supplementary battalion is different.The soldiers of the supplementary battalion are actually the regular soldiers of the detachment, but the detachment does not have so many arrangements at present.

Finally, after a referendum in Crouching Tiger Village, it was unanimously decided that if irreversible changes really took place, the militiamen in Crouching Tiger Village would be the regular troops of the Youyan Detachment.As for the rest of the villagers, they will completely follow the arrangement of the Youyan Detachment to make a strategic shift!

Bai Shujie was so entangled by the militiamen that he had no choice but to nod in agreement, and changed the clothes of the militia battalion.Militia battalion: 1117 people, battalion commander: Cao Fengxiang, equipped with 8' 64-style rifles, 248 crooked light machine guns, and [-] shell guns.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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