blood feud

134. Qinghe Blocking

After confessing to Huang Xiansheng, Bai Shujie led two machine gun companies and eight trucks to the vicinity of the ancient tomb camp before dawn.Hou Zide's second brigade has arrived and is currently resting. The key is that the horses need to eat and rest.

When the sky began to turn pale, a large convoy came from the direction of Wujiafen, and a long line of large trucks drove over.

"Report to the head of the detachment: This is our second transport, and now there are 3 (trucks." Sheng Zhiguo rushed over on horseback and reported: "Basically the transfer of weapons and ammunition has been completed, and the equipment in the arsenal is in accordance with the instructions of the workers' masters. , mainly to move the bullet production line and the copper and gunpowder required for the production of bullets. We have installed explosives for other heavy equipment, which can be blown up at any time!"

"It is indeed a pity. However, in order not to leave it to the little devils, it is also necessary to blow it up!" Bai Shujie said to Sheng Zhiguo: "Recently, you mainly transfer materials to Sanxian Cave. Emergency transfer of all production lines and gunpowder To Sanxian Cave, and then various heavy weapons."

"Especially don't drop the shells and bullets as much as possible. The hard days are coming soon, and we won't have such convenience in the future! Except for some guns and ammunition, we can move as much as possible to Sanxian Cave. Armory What's going on over there?"

Sheng Zhiguo said with a smile: "Hehe, at the beginning there were sentries blocking them. Later, someone called and told them to retreat, and then they all ran away. Captain Zhang basically opened up the transport, and a group of laborers also helped. Before noon today, we should be able to withdraw and join you here."

Following Bai Shujie's order, the convoy started on the road again.Then came the Donggou Independent Battalion and the Third Brigade. Bai Shujie said a few words and asked them to protect the convoy and leave.

"Shufen, send Zhang Xiang a power call: order your brigade to draw out a battalion of troops and immediately rush to Dongta Airport and occupy it. If there are our personnel, we can persuade him to retreat; if there are pilots, we can persuade him to fly to the pass Land at any airport. If there are no guards, take away as much supplies as possible. The rest of the facilities, including buildings, are completely blown up! This order, Bai Shujie."

When the convoy was out of sight, Bai Shujie asked Hou Zide: "Captain Hou, I know that your mission is the most dangerous, and the battle must be the cruelest. Now tell me about your situation here!"

"Alas! This battle was really miserable!" Hou Zide shook his head and said in a low voice: "More than 40 brothers were killed, and more than 70 brothers were seriously injured! I asked all the injured brothers to return to Crouching Tiger Now there are two battalions and an artillery company here."

"Old Hou, now is not the time to be dejected, there is still an important task for us to do!" Bai Shujie said: "I will go with you to the Qinghe Bridge in the north immediately."

"If the little devils know that the station on Tieling has been bombed, I think their cavalry may come out. Let's block it for a while to buy time for the defenders in Fengtian City, and at the same time give Zhang Xiang and his first brigade Buy time. The specific situation will be discussed in detail after the location.”

Bai Shujie let the trucks of two machine gun companies follow along the road, and he and Hou Zide's large troops rode first.At nine o'clock the next morning, I finally arrived at the Daqing River along the railway.

"How about it, is it possible for us to blow up this bridge?" Bai Shujie knew that he didn't have any explosives, so there was really nothing he could do with this iron bridge.

"Although we can't blow up the bridge, we can tear down the rails now!" Hou Zide looked at the bridge deck, and then said: "Are the trains not allowed to come anyway? Just remove the rails." Just do it, The two battalions consisted of hundreds of thousands of people, and the bridge deck was completely demolished!

In order to give the enemy a surprise, the more than 200-meter railroad track connecting the north bank of the bridge only removed the spikes, but did not lift the railroad track away!

The removed rails were lifted to 300 meters in Henan, and four solid heavy machine gun positions were constructed to conceal the entire car inside.100 meters behind the machine gun position, three artillery positions in the shape of a zigzag were constructed at an interval of 500 meters.Then divide the cavalry into two groups and hide them 500 meters upstream and downstream of the Daqing River.

After a simple division of labor, Bai Shujie was in charge of commanding machine guns and artillery, and Hou Zide was in charge of commanding cavalry.

Bai Shujie called the three company commanders together for the final deployment:

"After the artillery company heard the order to fire, the front four mortars fired first, mainly to bomb the railway. Ten rounds were fired rapidly, and then retreated after firing! The east position was responsible for bombarding the range east of the railway. The west The position is responsible for bombarding the range to the west of the railway. It is also a rapid fire of ten rounds, and retreat after shooting!"

"The artillery retreat distance was 500 meters for the first time. Then they immediately set up the artillery to provide fire cover for the heavy machine guns. When they heard the second retreat order, the artillery company immediately dismantled the artillery and prepared to load and transfer! "

"The heavy machine gun company should not fire lightly. As long as the enemy does not cross the river, do not shoot. The 36 machine guns of the light machine gun company are scattered on the left and right wings of the heavy machine gun company. The distance between the machine guns is 30 meters. If the enemy rushes to the middle of the river, Then fight again! Do you remember everything?"

"When the heavy machine gun company heard the transfer order, it immediately started the car and drove to the vicinity of the artillery position, and then moved to the southwest with the artillery, without waiting for the follow-up cavalry."

I was busy until eleven o'clock at noon, and finally felt the ground trembling, and the train was coming!

Bai Shujie stood behind the heavy machine gun and shouted loudly: "Everyone hold your breath, the first group of artillery has marked its coverage area, and is ready to fight, and strive to smash them all on the train in the first round!"

I raised the binoculars and saw that there were cavalrymen on the two wings of the train!Bai Shujie quickly adjusted the combat order: "After hearing the order, the three artillery groups opened fire at the same time, and the enemy's cavalry came up together! The first group attacked the train, and the second and third groups attacked the devil's cavalry!"

The previous deployment finally paid off!The little devil never thought that there were no spikes on the rails!The moment the front of the train ran onto the iron bridge, it rushed out of the bridge and plunged into the Daqing River!The wagon at the back was like a twisted twist, and was pressed up under the action of inertia!

Bai Shujie didn't care about being happy, and immediately yelled: "Artillery, fire!"



Fifteen mortars (nine reinforced by Hou Zide's brigade, six by Bai Shujie's artillery company) fired at the same time. Ten rapid-fire shots equaled 150 shells. Before the enemy could react from the shock of the car accident, they had all smashed On their heads!

The train wagon is nothing more than a thin-skinned coffin, which has been torn apart by fifty shells!More than half of the devils carried in it were reimbursed on the spot!Coincidentally, the shell detonated the ammunition inside the wagon, and there was an earth-shattering explosion!

For a moment, wagons danced with devils, flesh and stumps flew together!

Under the bombardment of artillery fire, the cavalry units on both wings immediately exploded!It was really bombarded, and people turned their backs!

The little devils on the horses couldn't control the war horses under their crotch at all, just like dumpling, most of them were thrown off the horses, and then trampled to death by the crazy war horses!There are also quite a few devils, with one foot stuck in the stirrup, being dragged to death by the mad horses!

All I saw was that shrapnel was looking for horses to keep warm, and horseshoes were looking for devils to vent their anger!

Although Bai Shujie killed many devils, this was the first time he saw such a spectacular scene of killing devils!What does it mean to be full of enthusiasm and comfort?Seeing the little devil on the opposite side being trampled to death and dragged to death by his own horse, that would make him feel extremely comfortable!

Seeing that the enemy had no chance to fight back, the artillery company commander immediately issued an order to fight on the spot: "Adjust the coverage area and continue to fire ten rounds!"

This decision of the artillery company commander completely sent the little devil into the abyss from which he would never climb up!

The devil's infantry brigade had already been knocked out by the derailment of the train and suffered heavy casualties.After finally surviving the first round of artillery strikes, they were just about to organize a counterattack. As a result, the personnel barely gathered together, and the second round of artillery fire was just right to cover it!

If you talk about the little devils in this period, their combat effectiveness is really nothing to say!Faced with such a catastrophe, they were able to evacuate almost half of the people under heavy artillery fire!

"The artillery fire is extended, the cavalry battalion will follow me!" Hou Zide saw the little devil retreat crazily, rushed out first, rode his horse across the river and launched a pursuit!A line of machine guns opened the way ahead, and the gunfire was more violent than firecrackers, so a warm farewell party was held for the fleeing little devil!

"Shu Fen sent a message to Chief Huang: The [-]nd Cavalry Regiment of Siping Reinforcement garrisoned the [-]st Battalion. I have completely defeated them at the Daqing River and are currently pursuing them. The enemy in the north of Fengtian is nothing to worry about. I wish you success! Bai Shujie. "

The pursuit battle lasted until 01:30 in the afternoon. Bai Shujie and Hou Zide began to gather troops, and then carried out a simple cleaning procedure on the battlefield near the train.The ammunition has been detonated, and only an iron frame remains of the wagon.The only gain is more than 5000 first aid kits and dozens of boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs that look complete!

All light weapons have been reduced to spare parts and are no longer useful.They had to be piled up and burned cleanly, so that no one would pick up the broken pieces and harm others.Clean up the items around the train and on the little devil's body, which can be regarded as replenishing his own consumption.In addition, three intact heavy machine guns and two mortars were loaded onto the truck before they were transferred.

Bai Shujie rode a horse and ran around the battlefield. It is estimated that at least 400 devil soldiers were killed in this battle.Hou Zide and the others pursued for more than 50 miles, but as for how many people were killed, there is no way to count them.

Because Bai Shujie and the others did not fly the banner of the Youyan Anti-Japanese Detachment this time, Zhang Shusen, the third cavalry brigade of the Northeast Army stationed in Tongliao, was accounted for this fiasco of the little devil.This is something.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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