blood feud

167. In vain

Wei Ziqiang only asked the prisoner a word, and he knew that everyone had not wronged him. He had just talked to Jin Bihui, and it was indeed he who told his family to go home quickly.

"Jin Bihui, you little bitch, kill your ancestors." Wei Ziqiang wailed, then urged his horse to go, and chased towards the previous grove. Jiang Chengze didn't dare to neglect, and immediately arranged two companies to follow up with him. Protect.

At this time, Shi Liancheng and Yang Zhaodi from the garrison brigade had already arrived. I heard that Jin Bihui had already been captured, but Wei Ziqiang let him go. Everyone present looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"It's over, it's over, it's over." Jiang Chengze saw that everyone was looking at him, and now he was ashamed: "Don't look at me like this, I will bear all the guilt alone. It's completely finished, not to mention the detachment leader, even our team leader will definitely peel off my skin!"

"Battalion Commander Jiang, the detachment leader has always said that you are resourceful." Han Qingfen said with a half-smile: "You were in two squads back then, and you took care of a cavalry squad of the little devil. Today is a good day. Jin Bihui sent it to the door by himself. If not, let the biggest enemy go, you can do it, you can do it, hum, you can talk to the detachment leader yourself later!"

Although Han Qingfen was the highest-ranking commander on the battlefield, Jiang Chengze did not belong to her direct unit, so she couldn't blame her too much. Besides, no one knew Jin Bihui, so she didn't intend to manipulate the enemy, so it was justified.

To remind Jiang Chengze, Han Qingfen sent the first battle report to Bai Shujie, focusing on explaining how Jin Bihui escaped.

On the afternoon of March 3th, Bai Shujie received Han Qingfen's second telegram after the battle, reporting the specific battle situation in detail:

There was no resistance in this battle, and there were no casualties among the commanders and fighters who participated in the battle. Three regiments of Dingjiao were annihilated, 7 of the enemy troops were killed, and 3891 people under the three regiment leaders were captured. The enemy chief Jin Bihui was at large.

In this battle, 97 vehicles, 13 sets of various radio stations, and 4758 horses were seized. It is difficult to count weapons, ammunition, medical medicines, and food supplies for the time being. At present, all participating troops have returned to their theaters, and the garrison brigade is escorting prisoners and supplies. On the way back to base.

The battle was over, but Qin Yuefang and Sheng Zhiguo in the security department got busy, because interrogating prisoners is one of the important responsibilities of the security department. This time, three regiments of prisoners were captured at once, and the workload of interrogation is naturally not small. After preliminary interrogation , everyone in the security department can't laugh or cry.

This group of captives is extremely special. All the officers are descendants of the Lord of the Eight Banners. The eight generations of his ancestors explained clearly.

Although these people are all traitors, no one can tell how harmful they are. If the later traitors are like this, the Youyan Anti-Japanese Detachment will save trouble, but in this way, how to deal with these officers has become a problem. Security is the most nerve-wracking thing.

When the matter was reported to Bai Shujie, he also found it very difficult to handle. He had no choice but to deal with it according to the old method, so he issued a strange order to the security department: "For more than [-] officers, all of them will be escorted to Chengde City and handed over to Gan Tong. To deal with it, we can formulate corresponding standards according to the wealth of the family, and then contact their family members to redeem them. As for other ordinary soldiers, they will all be escorted to labor reform farms to supervise reform!"

It wasn't until this time that Bai Shujie learned from the report from the Security Office that the supplies concentrated in Taiping Town turned out to be all the supplies of the three-way army in the east this time, and now they are all given to the Youyan Anti-Japanese Detachment. The Ministry is not being resupplied right now.

"Order: Liu Quanyu's Department of the Fifth Battalion, immediately launch a final attack on the surrounded Ding Qiang's Department, and wipe out the invading enemy cleanly and thoroughly!"

"Order: The first brigade is in Jinghui's department, look for an opportunity to launch another surprise attack on Liu Guitang's department. The department lost all its heavy weapons and did not receive any supplies. This is a good time for you to expand your achievements!"

After issuing the two orders, Bai Shujie didn't continue to waste time on these two remnants, because a more tense situation emerged.

It turned out that Suzuki Meitong, head of the 17th Infantry Brigade under the [-]th Division, commanded the No.[-] Wing and the [-]th Wing to storm the line from Xifengkou to Panjiakou. The strategy of attacking at night and attacking at night made Suzuki Meitong unable to make any progress for four days in a row.

Because the Sixth Division on the North Road moved westward along the Tongliao and Kailu lines, it has not been able to reach the line of Duolun on time, especially the line from Xifengkou to Panjiakou. The armored battalion has advanced to the front line of Bajiazi, cutting off the route of the Japanese No. 30 Regiment's roundabout attack.

Lieutenant General Xi Yiyi, the commander of the Eighth Division, had to send a power message to the Kwantung Army Headquarters: "The Youyan Anti-Japanese Detachment has been rampant up to this point, which is really a serious problem for the empire. An inch of merit has made our troops unable to use force." Yun Yun.

The Kwantung Army Command received a telegram from Lieutenant General Nishi Yiyi, and immediately became angry from embarrassment. It immediately ordered the [-]th Motegi Independent Cavalry Brigade in the north to launch a strong offensive, forcing Bai Shujie's troops to go north for reinforcements, and to open the passage for attacking Chengde and Panjiakou passes. , otherwise military law is engaged.

Lieutenant General Nishi Yoshiichi, the commander of the Eighth Division, later strengthened his direct unit, the Fifth Infantry Regiment, to Suzuki Mitsutsu. As a result, the two-day onslaught still ended in failure.

Instead, Brigadier Zhao Dengyu personally led the team to make three consecutive night raids. Each time, the 500-member Broadsword Team hacked to death more than 1700 little devils, directly killed a brigade of devils, and destroyed the heavy artillery unit of the Eighth Division of Xiyi First Division. The army's artillery position completely lost the ability to capture Xifengkou.

At this point, the Suzuki Mitsu 29th Infantry Brigade, headquartered in the [-]th Division of Nishi Yoshiichi, has actually been completely disabled. However, the majestic Great Wall passes are still firmly in the hands of the soldiers of the [-]th Northwest Army .

What annoyed Xi Yiyi, the old devil, was that at the combat meeting of the Kwantung Army Commander's Headquarters, the Sixth Division had not been seen for a long time after it was determined to attack the army on the north route.

Damn Chengde is still in the hands of the hateful Youyan Anti-Japanese Detachment, and Bai Shujie, the Chinese devil, even pushed an armored battalion of the disgusting armored brigade to the front line of Bajiazi, only [-] kilometers away from Panjiakou Pass, and Panjiakou Great Wall passes across the river, watching and helping each other.

Every time the No.17 Regiment attacked Panjiakou, it had to use a brigade to mark this disgusting armored battalion, because every time the battle reached a critical moment, this armored battalion always condescendingly fired guns and fired artillery to attack the attacking troops. back road.

Later, Lieutenant General Xiyi begged his father to sue his grandma, and finally asked the aviation brigade to send four planes to help in the battle. As a result, the hateful armored battalion killed two of them, and the flight brigade killed them and never came again.

For this reason, every time the No.17 Regiment attacked Panjiakou later, it focused on two purposes, for fear that the armored battalion would suddenly dive and attack. Therefore, the four consecutive days of attack seemed ferocious, but in fact they could not exert their full combat power at all. As a result, during the day After exhausting himself all day, at night, the Chinese sword cut off the head of the sleeping imperial warrior.

As a result, all the warriors of the empire now suffer from insomnia, because they dare not close their eyes to sleep, for fear that if they don't pay attention, they will lose their precious heads, and Amaterasu Amaterasu will not ask me to go to bed.

Xiyi No. [-] Lieutenant General Lao Guizi also has no taste for food these days, and he can't sleep well. His head, which was already bald, has become even more bald now. There are black lines in both eye sockets. At first glance, he thought he was wearing it. A pair of glasses.

The dwarf's ancestral despicability and shamelessness, if he can't win or suffers a loss, he will spread his anger on unrelated people.

In a fit of anger, the old devil sued the Second Division, the Sixth Division and the Fourth Independent Cavalry Brigade to the headquarters of the Kwantung Army with a telegram, and pushed all the responsibility for his failure onto the three guys.

In fact, the current situation of General Nobuyoshi Muto, the commander of the Kwantung Army, is even worse than that of Lieutenant General Nishi Yiichi on the front line.

Although occupying the entire Manchuria and Mongolia was an established national policy, the Kwantung Army, the Prime Minister and his cabinet did not reach an agreement on the specific implementation steps.

Under the strong pressure of the Kwantung Army, the emperor and the cabinet finally agreed to the action plan to occupy the entire Jehol, but also clearly stipulated that once the battle situation was unfavorable or even failed, all responsibilities would be borne by the Kwantung Army, and no one should be blamed.

The war ahead is unfavorable, and the most irritating thing is General Nobuyoshi Muto, an old devil. The island country has limited resources, and the war must use blitzkrieg to achieve a quick solution. Once a stalemate forms, the island country cannot afford it.

Especially this time it took so long, not only lost the heads of thousands of empire warriors, but also ruined the precious heavy artillery unit, which is simply unforgivable.

Because of this, as soon as the telegram from Lieutenant General Nishi Yoshiichi, the commander of the Eighth Division, arrived, General Nobuyoshi Muto sent two telegrams in a row, calling Sakamoto Masaemon, the commander of the Sixth Division, and the Fourth Independent Cavalry. The head of the Motegi brigade of the brigade cursed and ordered them to take the most effective action immediately to support the offensive on the front line of the Great Wall and successfully implement the established combat plan. Otherwise, they will all apologize.

The official level crushes people to death, especially on the short side.

The head of the Motegi brigade was scolded for no reason, and the awkwardness in his heart disappeared: "Is the Chinese devil Bai Shujie so easy to deal with? The Second Division spent six or seven years, not only failed to eliminate this hateful Bai Shujie , and let him grow from a few people to thousands of people now, and now I want my [-]th Independent Cavalry Brigade to hit the iron plate, and my conscience is greatly broken, very badly broken!"

This can only be sulking in one's life, but you dare not let His Excellency Muto Nobuyoshi know, otherwise your life will be lost, suppressing the unknown fire in your heart, the old devil Mogi grabbed the phone: "Matsui-kun, the weather has been good recently, haha , how is your health, how is the movement of Bai Shujie's department opposite, and how is the plan being carried out!"

After all, what will happen next time, let’s see the breakdown in the next chapter,

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