blood feud

206、Leave a name

Bai Shujie put the rifle lightly on the ground, then pulled out the two guns from his waist, and with a slight shake of his head, three soldiers with Czech machine guns had rushed over.Two of them directly entered the gate and flashed to both sides, and the third entered the room holding a machine gun.

Bai Shujie followed up, and it turned out that there was no one in the main hall.There is a staircase on the right. It seems that the enemies are sleeping upstairs.Bai Shujie shook his head at the two vigilant machine gunners, and then stepped lightly up the stairs first.

Now is not the time to swarm up, and Bai Shujie is very careful with every step he takes.Because the stairs are all made of wood, if they creak and creak, it's all over.

The two machine gunners waited until Bai Shujie went upstairs and leaned against the door before the first machine gunner went up slowly.Then the second, and the third.

Gao Erwa wanted to go up with the machine gun in her hand, but was stopped by another soldier.

The four crowded at the door on the second floor. Bai Shujie gestured with both hands twice before entering the room first.There is no electricity in the town, and there is only a kerosene lamp in the room.Under the dim light, there are bunks next to the walls on three sides, and everyone sleeps very neatly.

Just as Bai Shujie raised his hands, and the two battered guns were about to fire, a person came out behind him, and with a roar, the machine gun in his hand was already fired!

It was Gao Erwa who rushed out from behind Bai Shujie, the soldier who had held him did not expect this kid to break free.Fortunately, there are three machine guns on it, so I don't worry about mistakes.

Although Gao Erwa looked good during practice, but actually shooting, and holding a light machine gun to shoot, it was completely different!

As a result, in the blink of an eye, twenty bullets from one clip pierced through twenty holes in the wall!No, not all the holes are in the walls, half of them are in the ceiling!

Twenty or thirty of the two devils were suddenly awakened by the gunshots in their sleep, and jumped up almost at the same time.It's a pity that the other three machine guns were waiting for this time!Three magazines and sixty rounds of bullets were not wasted this time. They were all sent into the muscles of the second devil, and then into the internal organs. As a result, there was a large body of corpses!

When the soldiers downstairs noticed that the floor above their heads was dripping red thick liquid, they knew they were done, and rushed up to clean up the battlefield.

Gao Erwa was still holding the machine gun in a daze, but was screwed downstairs by Bai Shujie.

"You are full of hatred and brave, both of which are very good!" Bai Shujie sat down on the grand teacher's chair, and said to Gao Erwa who was dazed: "There are two points you must remember: first, if you want to take revenge, you must first get revenge." Train your military quality well. Otherwise, you will not take revenge, but die!"

"Just like just now, if there are no other comrades in arms by your side, those two devils who were awakened by you will tear you to pieces! So, the gun is just a tool for revenge. What can really revenge is your technology !"

"Second, since you follow us, you are a soldier. What is a soldier? It is a soldier who can fight! A soldier is a soldier first. And the duty of a soldier is to obey orders! The comrades below have already held you back, If you still run upstairs, this is disobedience to orders. If you do not obey orders, you are not a soldier, let alone a soldier!"

"A person who is not a soldier mixed with a group of soldiers will not only be useless, but will cause bad things! Just like just now, the three machine guns have already gone upstairs, and there are only a few short guns and submachine guns left downstairs. If a large number of enemies charge Come here, what do you ask them to do? You want to take revenge for yourself, but let your comrades around you die, what are you doing? Well! You are called selfish, do you know that?"

"So, no matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to avenge everyone! You may be able to kill one enemy, maybe you can kill ten enemies, but you will be killed by the enemy in the end! You are dead, If you are happy, who will avenge your relatives?"

"So, if you really want to avenge your loved ones, you should rely on everyone's strength and learn strategies and tactics! The most important thing is to learn one word: forbearance! Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. It is not until the most favorable Timing, never do it. Once you do it, you must kill the enemy! This is revenge! You have read a lot of books, think about these principles slowly."

Bai Shujie taught Gao Erwa a hard lesson, and then he no longer cared about him.This hall is where the inn used to eat.The shopkeeper's counter is naturally gone, and in the center is a conference table that puts all the dining tables together.On the west wall hangs a military map, all of which are the birdsong of little devils.

However, the little devil's writing is plagiarized from Huaxia's Chinese characters, and Bai Shujie can understand what's going on!

After a brief glance, Bai Shujie soon discovered that a small deviation had occurred in history again, and there was an additional sign in the corner of Liaoyang: "The First Division (Regiment) of the Korean Japanese Army"!There are also the words first, second, third, and fourth, no need to ask, this is the logo of the alliance.

In Bai Shujie's impression, the First Division of the Korean Japanese Army should have landed from Tanggu to participate in the North China War during the "July [-]th Incident".Later, the Korean Second Division of the Japanese Army participated in the attack on Nanjing, and was the first team to carry out the "Nanjing Massacre"!

"Has Park Chung-hee come here? The commander of the First Division of the Korean Japanese Army should be Kim Ying-sun, and the chief of staff is Park Chung-hee!"

Bai Shujie didn't find the relevant list, so he could only give up temporarily.However, this map is very important, so pack it up quickly.

The little devil used the first reserve team, which means that the Battle of Rehe a while ago was a success, and the little devil's loss is likely to be much greater than expected.The main force of the Kwantung Army returned to the island to make up for it. Now that the troops are not enough, they actually mobilized the Korean Japanese division in advance.

"Erba, there are all kinds of brushes, ink, paper and inkstone here. You have read books, so you should be able to write, right? Come here now, I tell you to write!" Bai Shujie put away the map, saw the brush on the table, so he said to Gao Erwa: "Hurry up! Son!"

"Determination order: Big devil on the small island, two devils on the peninsula: Heaven's wrath for massacring the city on the flat top, and three thousand innocent souls cry. Gather here today, dedicated to killing the enemy and taking revenge! If you dare to anger the innocent, you will be at your own risk! Dozens of little devil heads, It is to guide you! This is to spread the world, so you can know it. Pingdingshan Revenge Team, Gao Erwa, sincerely."

The soldiers of the squad immediately understood what to do when they read the notice. This has already been done once in Qianjinzhai New District.

Xiao Lamei and Wang Xinlan didn't mess around, but set up a radio station and sent a clear-coded telegram, the content of which was exactly the content of the notice.

This was what Bai Shujie meant. With this telegram, Rehe naturally knew what was going on!At the same time, it also set up a battle formation for the little devils, making them suspicious, not sure who this high school kid is, and he even has a radio station!

"Report to the captain: everything has been cleaned up, the heads of Jingguan have been built, and the notice has been posted!" Wei Chong finally appeared: "In this battle, 37 enemies were wiped out, four crooked handles were seized, and 25 [-] rifles were captured. Five boxes of hand grenades, eight boxes of bullets, two boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs, and a lot of other things. There is a cart in the backyard, and everything has already been packed. There is a watch, which I have given to the original reconnaissance company commander Zhao Sanbao. "

"Notify Zhao Sanbao to use cluster grenades to blow up the two watchtowers, which can be regarded as a report to the little devil." Bai Shujie raised his wrist to check the time: "It's three o'clock in the morning, tell everyone to leave quickly!"

At four o'clock in the morning, Bai Shujie led everyone to hide in Baiyunding.The soldiers from the reconnaissance battalion cleaned the battlefield with more style, and even brought back the kerosene lamp, firewood, rice, oil and salt of the second devil, and naturally the big iron pot was not removed.Especially when Bai Shujie saw half a fan of fresh pork, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, this place is relatively hidden. Since you have all brought them back, before dawn and you can't see the smoke outside, then quickly light a fire and cook. After eating and drinking, hurry up and rest. This is not a place to stay for a long time. Today You have to continue on your way at night.”

While others were busy, Bai Shujie began to study the map by the kerosene lamp.

Gao Erwa was right, the Daqingshan secret camp had already marked a striking sign: the Fifth Defense Squadron.Three kilometers southeast of Qianjinzhai Coal Mine and six kilometers west of Xintun is Pingdingshan Town.The one marked above is a railway under construction, which has not yet opened to traffic.

Bai Shujie thought to himself: "Could it be that the Fifth Defense Squadron is Kawakami Seiichi Squadron, one of the culprits in the Pingdingshan town massacre? According to historical records, there was another culprit in the Pingdingshan massacre, which was the detachment of Fushun Gendarmerie Ogawa Ichiro. Unfortunately, this The detachment is still stationed here in Pingdingshan, if you want to kill it, you must take down the Xintun garrison squadron! At least you should block the Xintun garrison squadron for two hours, this task is not easy for the squad."

When Cheng Shijie ambushed the Xintun Garrison Squadron, it was because the entire Northeast region was still in the territory of the Feng army on the surface, and the little devil didn't dare to be blatant.It's different now, Fengtian and Fushun are the top priority of the little devil here.If you get entangled by little devils, the little devils from Fushun and Fengtian will arrive immediately.

This requires a careful plan, and you need to wait until you return to the Donggou secret camp.After all, Pingdingshan is more than 30 kilometers north of the Donggou secret camp, and there is still time to start tactical reconnaissance.Everything must be considered according to the actual situation, and the final decision cannot be made yet.

The most detailed one on the map is the Korean First Division of the Japanese Army, all distributed along the railway line, from Andong (now Dandong City) to Tieling.In other words, the situation before the "September [-]th Incident" has undergone some changes.The independent garrison brigade has extended away from the railway and penetrated into various places in the three northeastern provinces.

For example, the Fifth Defense Squadron has extended more than 150 kilometers eastward from Benxi and occupied Daqingshan.There is no doubt that this is a warning to the "anti-Manchurian and anti-Japanese elements" in Jilin.In other words, in order to protect the main artery of the railway, the little devil has set up two layers of defense, inner and outer.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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