blood feud

224. Final Reconnaissance

"Everyone, everyone!" Seeing that the big guy was getting further and further away, the waiter hurriedly came out to smooth things over: "We should drink tea, drink tea, drink alcohol, we can do whatever we want. Just don't talk about state affairs, don't talk about it." Talk about state affairs!"

As soon as the waiter waiter interrupted, the diners probably felt that their words were too much, and there were signs of trouble coming out of their mouths, so they all shut their mouths.Then the topic changed, and it all became the story of Cuihua and Xiao Taohong.

Looking at the sun outside, the tea garden is now talking about some romantic affairs in the Fengyue field, which is nothing to listen to.Bai Shujie felt that the time was almost up, so he took the two girls back to Qingyun Tower.

In the evening, Zhao Sanbao arrived first.He was dressed in a long blue cloth gown, followed by six short-clothed attendants.Seeing Bai Shujie sitting in the hall, he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Master, all the goods have arrived, and the little ones are rushing over from the building across the street, so there is no delay."

Bai Shujie nodded slightly, and said weakly: "It's nothing, Beikuanyuan is for you. After the guys come, clean up and prepare to eat. Shopkeeper, have you prepared all the meals? Send them to the Kuanyuan go."

The waiter in the shop responded loudly: "Okay, it will be ready soon!"

At around [-]:[-] p.m., two tables will be opened, with double portions of dishes: Roasted Chestnut Chicken, Shredded Pork Skin, Braised Knuckle, Scallop Shark’s Fin, Jade Chopsticks, Whitebait in Egg, Lean Fat Sausage, Red Blood Sausage, Sleeve Soup , beef stewed radish, everything you expect.Big hotels are different, as long as you have money, you can get whatever you want!

The fighters of the reconnaissance battalion have been impatient for such a long time.Looking at the exquisite dishes in front of me, my mouth is full of halazi!

"A bunch of useless bastards!" Xiao Lamei looked amused: "Eat it, what's the use of watching!"

"Thank you, Young Mistress, for your kindness!"

Zhao Sanbao yelled wildly, shook off his cheeks and started to eat.On such occasions, the soldiers always "eat less and talk less, and hold your chopsticks mercilessly!" The so-called "do not lag behind on the battlefield, but strive to be the first at the table." Nothing more.

After eating, it was already 08:30 in the evening.The soldiers took a bath and rested, and Xiao Lamei and Wang Xinlan also went to the upper room to wash and change clothes.Bai Shujie took this opportunity to climb over the wall and came to South Street alone.

South Street, from northeast to southwest.Bai Shujie walked along the street all the way to the outside of the city. The crossing building is here, which is Nanheyan Hutong.There is a bridge in sight, known as "the first bridge in Fengcheng".Under the bridge is the so-called Erdao River, and you can enter Erlong Mountain from the bridge to the southwest.

Zhao Sanbao and the others entered the city from the south gate after scouting Erlong Mountain.Bai Shujie, Xiao Lamei, and Wang Xinlan came directly from Fajian Ridge, and entered Fengcheng through Yingxi Gate.The reason why they walked separately was to find the most convenient escape route.

At this point, Bai Shujie didn't move on, because he could already see the south gate, and there were two black-clothed policemen wandering around the gate.Along the city wall are all open spaces, known as the south gate face, but in fact it is a battle passage left for the city defense battle.Through here, you can support the battle above the city wall at any time.

Bai Shujie started to walk back with his hands in his sleeves, measuring the distance while paying attention to the situation on both sides of the street.I also have a certain degree of understanding of the current situation in the Northeast.

The little devil was indeed not ready. After taking down the three eastern provinces in one go, the front-line combat troops returned to the island to make up for it.Now in the Northeast, it is actually when the little devil is at his weakest, relying entirely on bluff to scare people.If the southern government in the pass unites as one and takes advantage of the situation to launch a large-scale counterattack, it may not be a luxury to retake the Northeast!

To say that he is weak and unprepared, the current Huaxia is similar to a little devil.However, the southern government's policy of surrender gave the little devil a once-in-a-lifetime chance to breathe.This is also the fundamental reason why the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain during this period and were able to develop rapidly!

The really difficult period is when the little devil's second, sixth, and tenth divisions complete their reorganization and set foot on the northeast land again!At that time, the seventh, eighth, and No.14 divisions will return to make up for it. After this rotation, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces will be cornered.

Because the little devils in this period had very limited troops in the Northeast, they seemed passive everywhere.Coupled with Bai Shujie's supernatural power of "foreseeing", that's why he was slapped several times by Bai Shujie, making the little devil dizzy.

Just like the current Fengcheng, in fact there is only a small team of military police in the city, at most there are about seventy people.Fifty to sixty thousand Chinese people, each of them drowned with their saliva!But the thing is so strange, the common people are willing to accept the rule of the little devil, and live in fear every day!

Therefore, it is quite normal that there are no little devils guarding the city gates in Fengcheng.Because of the shortage of troops, there is such an initiative as the "Maintenance Association", which supports a team of traitors that exceeds the total number of all the citizens of the little devils!To be honest, it is a lie that the little devils occupied China, but it is a fact that the traitors occupied China!

Once upon a time, a 12-member advisory team of the little devil was able to control a puppet army of more than [-] people in a division, and then drove them to sweep around!This shows how powerful the traitors are!

Bai Shujie put back his chaotic thoughts and looked at the specific situation on both sides of the street again.In fact, Fengcheng in this era is just a relatively concentrated population, and the houses are typical courtyard structures.

After walking for such a long time, Bai Shujie also saw a relatively high place selling tea, and there was a sign at the door: "Longjing Xiangpian".The second floor is probably a tea house, with a wooden structure.

Most of the other buildings are bungalows with blue tiles, and there are no high-rise buildings. The mosque is considered a landmark building.At the west entrance of Wangbao Hutong, there is a Japanese-style two-story building, which is the famous "Yanchunlou" restaurant, which is already a remarkable place.

On both sides of South Street, most of them are covered with "figure [-]" roofs with blue tiles. It is really troublesome for Bai Shujie to jump from the roof to the house.Therefore, if you want to retreat after the battle breaks out, you can only walk along the streets and alleys.

If there is no support staff on the way, it is really not easy to get rid of the pursuers.If the little devils chased him from behind, the machine gun would simply shoot in a straight line, that would be really dangerous!

It was not until this time that Bai Shujie really understood what cities and towns looked like in China in the 30s.Especially when he encountered two dead ends in a row, Bai Shujie was so scared that he broke into a cold sweat.If you don't come out to see it yourself, if you stumble into a dead end in a muddleheaded way, it's really not going to work every day.

Yamen alley!Bai Shujie finally found the most important goal!In the west section of Yamen Hutong, the Fengcheng County Government is to the north, and the Little Devils Gendarmerie Detachment is to the south!

The situation here is completely different. There are two little devils standing guard at the door of the detachment.Like two hungry wolves, a pair of cold eyes stared at every passerby.Looking at the posture of the gun with live ammunition, it seems that it is ready to pounce on you at any time.

Bai Shujie had a realization in his heart, no wonder pedestrians would rather take a detour to the Weijia Hutong in the south to get out of the West Gate than take a shortcut to Yamen Hutong.This ghost place is really gloomy and makes people feel uncomfortable.

Because he didn't have a gun on his body, in order to prevent accidents, Bai Shujie clasped two darts with both hands on his sleeves, and then walked through the yamen alley without looking sideways, and came to the west of the city, which is the "land of lowly handymen".

The west of the city is in a mess, with cart and horse shops and firewood markets where the poor gather.Bai Shujie also saw a "slaughterhouse", where pigs, cattle, and dogs were slaughtered.

It wasn't until after ten o'clock that Bai Shujie looked at the various areas in the west of the city.When he returned to Qingyun Tower, he called Zhao Sanbao, because there were still many things to prepare for during the day tomorrow.

"The basic situation in the city is almost clear." Bai Shujie said to Zhao Sanbao in a low voice: "Tomorrow, you take a few brothers and go to the cart shop near the slaughterhouse on the west side to buy some carts for preparation. The main goal this time There are three, the first is the county government office in Yamen Hutong, and to the west of it is the Maintenance Committee.”

"The second target is the little devil's military police detachment opposite the county government alley. If my estimation is correct, once Wei Chong and the others fight in Phoenix Mountain, the detachment should be reinforced. This is the best chance for you to do it. The first The three targets are the Taxation Bureau and the Qin Family Courtyard. These two places happen to be on the east section of Shandong Avenue, and there is a street between them."

"Tomorrow night's action is to first take down the garrison of the little devil's military police detachment, followed by the county government and the maintenance committee. If there is a chance, we will attack the Qin family compound and the tax bureau. We have limited manpower, and we can take away There are not many things. However, the winter quilts in the Little Devils Gendarmerie Detachment have to be taken away. Now the weather is getting colder every day, and our squad does not have winter clothes yet. Do you understand what I mean?"

Zhao Sanbao nodded and said: "We have also considered it. The little devil did not set up a guard post at the gate of the city. There is no problem in rushing out of the city. The key is to worry about the little devil's pursuit. Go out from the south gate and you can enter Erlong Mountain. If Wei Ying If the commander can take down Phoenix Mountain on time, this route will be safer. Even if the little devil chases after him, Battalion Commander Wei and the others will just set up an ambush."

Bai Shujie nodded slightly: "Let's go to Erlong Mountain. Tianhua Mountain must not be exposed. All our things are still there. So, when you buy a big cart tomorrow, you must prepare two mules for each cart. Even if there are small The devil is chasing him, and he must try not to catch up within ten miles. As long as he enters the mountainous area, it is our world, how can the little devil do anything to me?"

The two briefly talked about the division of labor during the day tomorrow, and they basically knew what to do.Then, taking advantage of the dead of night, he moved the twenty-odd shell guns he brought in to the private room on the second floor.Xiao Lamei and Wang Xinlan put away their guns, and everyone went to bed separately.

As for how to group the battle tomorrow night, what specific action steps to take, how to retreat, and how to cover, there is still one day to deliberate.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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