blood feud

229. Policy telegram

Including Gao Erwa, there are 62 people in the team.Now that he decided to spend the winter behind enemy lines before leaving, Bai Shujie decided to start a new drawdown.After Bai Shujie, Xiao Lamei, Wang Xinlan, Wei Chong, and Zhao Sanbao held a meeting to study, in order to enter the battle at any time and facilitate command, the drawdown plan was finally determined.

Headquarters: Bai Shujie, Xiao Lamei, Wang Xinlan

Combat platoon: platoon leader Wei Chong, deputy platoon leader Zhao Sanbao

Combat Squad 17 ([-] people): squad leader Wang Sanju

Combat Squad Two (17 people): Squad leader Yang Mandun

Combat Squad Three (17 people): Squad Leader Zhang Erleng

Baggage class (6 people): class leader Chen Dazhu

Because 13 brothers died and sacrificed, there were 13 more horses.9 Dongyang horses and 32 pack horses were brought out from Daqing Mountain, 9 mules were added to Weiziyu, and 18 mules were added to Fengcheng.Now there are a total of 22 air horses, 32 pack horses, and mules.

9 900-type infantry guns (6 rounds of high-explosive grenades), 2 unopened mortars, 4800 Type 10 heavy machine guns (8 rounds of bullets), and 35 boxes of grenades were brought out from Daqingshan.In addition, the squad is equipped with 12, 13 crooked light machine guns and [-] submachine guns.Another [-] shell guns were seized in Weiziyu.

Therefore, in the current Tianhua Mountain, the entire team has only 62 people, but the number of light and heavy weapons has exceeded the number of people, and the number of mules and horses has also exceeded the number of people.

Fortunately, mules and horses have been trained, and they can be taken away as long as the reins are hung on the saddle in front of them during the march.

Bai Shujie, Wei Chong, and Zhao Sanbao deliberated for a long time, and finally decided that each combat squad should be equipped with 6 crooked handles and 4 submachine guns.This is convenient for maneuvering and can ensure instant assault firepower.As for the little devil's winter clothes seized this time, each of them had three sets.Wear one set and use two sets as bedding.

The 32 pack horses trained by the little devil are specially used to carry infantry guns and shells. 'One mule is going to carry mountain artillery and shells in the future, and 22 horses will carry mortars, heavy machine guns and other supplies.

Everything was almost as planned, Bai Shujie gave an order, and all the members harvested the hay immediately. More than 100 mules and horses, it's amazing after a few months!If you don't prepare enough forage before the heavy snow closes the mountain, it will definitely have disastrous consequences.Therefore, mules and horses need fodder first, and people need firewood second.

Everything was ready, Bai Shujie finally decided to send a telegram to Rehe to briefly inform him about his situation.At the same time, an overall deployment will be made for the next work in Rehe.It was a very long telegram, and it took Xiao Lamei two hours to send it.The main content includes eight aspects:

The first is the work of the Rehe Anti-Japanese Democratic Government: With the rotation of the main combat force of the little devils, the pressure on the military has been slightly relieved, so we should seize this favorable opportunity to improve the management agencies at all levels in Rehe administrative work.

Especially when winter is approaching, the government must have complete statistical data on the living problems of ordinary people.For extremely poor families, there must be appropriate relief measures.One must not starve to death or freeze to death.Severely crack down on saboteurs who hoard, drive up prices, and disrupt the market, and focus on punishing capitalists, farmers, and princes of various banners who resist the democratic government.

Instruct the Rehe Anti-Japanese National Government to come up with a plan as soon as possible, and start a comprehensive "Second Five-Year Rent Reduction" campaign starting next year to ensure that farmers and herdsmen can get benefits.In the process of work, conditionally take care of the actual situation of the nation.However, for those who violate the basic principle of "resisting Japan and saving the country", no matter what their origins or ethnicities, they will be punished on the spot and will not be tolerated!

The second is the military and political work of the Jehol Front Army: the current front-line combat tasks are reduced, and the combat duty on the border is more important.The reconnaissance troops in all directions must step up their actions and earnestly grasp the new trends of the enemy in front of them.The deployment of the winter military training must begin, and it must be implemented.

The ideology of "If you forget the battle, you will die" and the whole army style of "sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in wartime", you must always persevere, and you must talk about it every day.Zhao Jinxi was instructed to take the lead, and Gan Tong assisted in the formation of an inspection team to conduct on-site inspections of each division.For troops that practice deceit, the officers in charge will be dismissed on the spot.

Third, with the entry into force of the "Tanggu Agreement", the southern government's troops retreated in great strides, and the Rehe First Division of the Garrison must immediately adjust its deployment of troops.Focus on strengthening the defense on the front line from Fengning to Duolun, and closely monitor the enemies in the direction of Jining and Suiyuan.Cut off the railway transportation line to prevent the little devils from using the railway to quickly mobilize troops.

Fourth, focus on the construction of the logistics support system and field hospitals, especially the Chifeng Field Hospital. Various facilities must be improved as soon as possible, and a sufficient amount of medical equipment and medicines must be stocked.Continuously strengthen the ideological and moral education of medical technology and staff, and firmly establish the work style of serving the front line and serving the soldiers.

Fifth, the security work inside the base areas should not be paralyzed in the slightest, and the work of anti-travesty and anti-corruption should be strengthened to prevent the enemy from infiltrating and making trouble.Especially for the emergence of various rumors, we must trace the source and severely punish the enemy agents who spread rumors and cause trouble.Establish an "entry and exit pass" system, and order the armed militia to strictly implement it, and do not recognize people after certification.

Sixth, strengthen the construction of supplementary brigades and militia teams in the Chengde, Chifeng, and Sanxiandong base areas.Further improve the air defense system and evacuation mechanism to prevent the enemy from destroying from the air.Before the heavy snow seals the mountain, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the various passages entering and exiting the Sanxian Cave to eliminate all possibilities of the enemy's concealed infiltration.

Seventh, comprehensively improve the three-layer circular defense system starting from the Great Wall at Panjiakou in the west, extending to Chaoyang and Jianping in the east, and extending to Naiman Banner in the north.It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of project quality, and strictly prohibit the occurrence of tofu dregs projects!Once found out, immediately beheaded for public display!

To further improve the fighting and living conditions of the front-line security forces, the winter coal supply first satisfies the front-line commanders and fighters, and the front-line must be provided with the most adequate logistical support.A certain number of civilians can be recruited to participate in the construction of front-line fortifications in winter, but sufficient wages are guaranteed to be paid every day, and strong men are not allowed.

Eighth, with the improvement of the status of the Rehe Front Army, the Front Army Command must strengthen the supervision and management of the cadre team and improve the assessment mechanism of the cadre team.We must put an end to "arrogance and coquettishness" and prevent individuals from isolating themselves from the masses and damaging the image of the anti-Japanese military and government.Commanders at all levels who violate military discipline and regulations will be severely punished and will not be tolerated!

Because the telegram signed by Bai Shujie was sent on November 1933, 11, the Jehol Anti-Japanese Democratic Government and the Rehe Front Army set it as "November Call".

This is a programmatic guidance on the construction of Rehe's army, civilians, and government. It is also the most important document in the history of the Rehe Anti-Japanese National Government and Rehe Front Army.

After Zhao Jinxi, Gan Tong, and Cao Fengxiang met, they decided to immediately convene a meeting of all cadres above the government department level and above the head of the army to fully implement the spirit of the commander-in-chief's instructions.

It is not until today that these core figures really understand why Bai Shujie is not afraid of hardships and dangers, and personally leads a team to carry out strategic reconnaissance behind enemy lines.

Because only the commander-in-chief can personally analyze specific issues and make decisions based on the situation on the spot at any time.It is precisely because of a series of dazzling moves made by the small team in the heart of the enemy that it finally completely diverted the enemy's attention and won a rare development opportunity for Rehe!

In his previous work, Bai Shujie talked more and wrote less.But this time, the appearance of written materials systematically reflected Bai Shujie's guiding ideology, and truly established Bai Shujie's historical status as "Rehe No. 1", and Bai Shujie's prestige reached an unprecedented peak.

"November Call" unifies people's thinking and points out the direction of future struggle.It is a programmatic document that makes a unified plan and deployment for the military, civilian, and political aspects.

Since the "November Call", the Jehol Anti-Japanese National Government and the Rehe Front Army have their own principles and action programs.The next task is to formulate various implementation rules based on this program in terms of military, civilian, and government, so as to implement the spirit of the call.

After conveying the spirit layer by layer, the two lines of military and government in Rehe went hand in hand, setting off an upsurge of learning the spirit of the commander-in-chief's instructions and implementing the commander-in-chief's orders.After the personal attention of Governor Cao Fengxiang, all the public opinion media in Rehe Province are full of headlines: "Practice the spirit of the commander-in-chief's instructions with practical actions, and lead the three aspects of military, civil and administrative work to a deeper level!"

Zhao Jinxi was born as a scholar, with broad vision and overall strategic vision.She knows that now is a rare opportunity, and if it works well, better results can be achieved.At the same time, I also hope that my sweetheart will become a god immediately and establish an unbreakable image in people's minds.

After some careful planning, Zhao Jinxi and Gan Tong had an in-depth exchange of opinions, and then, in the name of the Front Army Command and the Garrison Command, jointly issued the "About Actively Carrying out New-type Troop Training, Everything Starts From Me" to the entire army. Start everything from now, and report to the commander-in-chief with excellent results in the "Work Points" of actual combat training.

After urgent consultations, the internal security bureaus of Sheng Zhiguo, Qin Yuefang, Yang Erya, and Cao Sanjiang, in the name of the Rehe Provincial Public Security Bureau, issued the "About Closely Uniting Around the Commander-in-Chief, Protecting the Fruits of Our Victory, and Comprehensively Mobilizing the Masses". Action Guidelines for the Sexual Anti-Rape Campaign".

A massive mass movement took place in Rehe, but the person involved, Bai Shujie, didn't think so much.He is just a "prophet of the future". In his previous life, he knew that the little devil in the Northeast at this time was at his weakest.

Because the little devil's main combat divisions have experienced great attrition in the past two years, especially the divisions that have collided head-on with the Youyan Anti-Japanese Detachment, they have basically been injured.Therefore, all of them have to be transferred back to the island in turn, and then carry out equipment renewal and reorganization of troops before implementing the new "North China Strategy" according to the established steps.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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