blood feud

231、True attack and false attack

"Just hit Motianling Guandi Temple!"

Bai Shujie finally made up his mind: "Even if we can't call out the enemy, if we can break through a permanent stronghold of the little devil, that's still a good deal."

That night, all three combat squads returned one after another.After dinner, Bai Shujie convened a combat meeting, all members above the squad leader participated, and there were no more than nine people: Bai Shujie, Xiao Lamei, Wang Xinlan, Wei Chong, Zhao Sanbao, Wang Sanju, Yang Mantun, Zhang Erleng, and Chen Dazhu.

"Originally, everyone was exhausted from running around during this time, and I wasn't prepared to launch a battle so soon. But now the situation has changed suddenly, and we have to save people! Saving people is like putting out fires, and the little devil is not a good bird, maybe it's too late I won't be in a hurry." Bai Shujie was simple and clear: "The combat mission this time is very simple, if you rescue people, that's victory, and everything else is secondary."

"Now I order: Wei Chong leads Wang Sanju's first battle squad, the main goal is to attack the little devil's stronghold in Motianling; Zhao Sanbao leads Yang Mantun's second battle squad, the main goal is to attack Xiamatang little devil's camp; Xiao Lamei, Wang Xinlan The third squad led by Zhang Erleng was in charge of monitoring the little devils at the mouth of Caohe River, and at the same time took care of the direction of Lianshan Pass. Chen Dazhu's supply squad entered Lianshan Pass with me to save people, and Liu Jufu was the guide, hurry in and out!"

"Let's go tonight, all marching lightly. Tomorrow dawn, we will arrive at Huanziling, and then take the weapons from there. This time, Wei Chong and Zhao Sanbao are feinting the attack. The main purpose is to transfer the little devils from Lianshan Pass, So we can save people. So attack hard and loudly. Therefore, both of you teams will bring an infantry gun and two mortars, and blast him son of a bitch from a safe distance!"

"Of course, Zhao Sanbao is a real feint attack. After all, there is a squadron of devils in Xiamatang. Just a dozen of you with seven or eight guns will not be able to chew on it. Just hold them back and prevent them from reinforcing Motianling. Wei Chong's mission Play by ear, if you can take Motianling down, then take it down. If the little devil’s reinforcements arrive, then retreat quickly! So one of you is real attack and fake attack, and the other is fake attack and real attack. Now go down and prepare , leave in an hour."

After the meeting, Bai Shujie asked Xiao Lamei to find Liu Jufu.He heard that everyone was dispatched to save his own child tonight, and he almost knelt down for Bai Shujie again.

"Uncle, don't be like this! I came here to ask you a question." Bai Shujie asked Liu Jufu to sit down, and then said: "Are you familiar with the location of Lianshanguan Railway Station and the little devil's garrison team? Can’t show us the way? I’m worried that we won’t be able to find where the person is locked up.”

Liu Jufu immediately stood up and said: "Don't worry, sir, you risk your life to save my child, of course I will lead the way! I hope the sir can give me a gun then, I will beat those bastards to death! As for the place where the little devils are stationed, it is at On the hillside behind the station, people are locked in the cellar at the back!"

Bai Shujie asked seemingly casually: "If you rescued the person, I'm afraid the little devil will go to the village to arrest him. Do you have a place to hide? If you are caught next time, the little devil is likely to kill him. What are you going to do then?"

Liu Jufu said without hesitation: "Sir, when I came here, I made an agreement with that Chief Wei. If I can come out, I must not stay at home. I will let their brothers and sisters go with you to fight the little devils! These days There is no way out, if the little devil is not driven away, everyone will not live in peace! My eldest son will leave a long time ago, I killed him and his mother!"

Bai Shujie saw that Liu Jufu's clothes were tattered, so he quickly ordered Xiao Lamei to take out a whole set of the little devil's winter clothes, and asked Liu Jufu to quickly change into another cave, and the team was about to set off.

I climbed over the mountains overnight, but I didn't reach Huanziling until around nine o'clock the next morning.For fear of exposing the target, everyone could only eat a box of canned pork from the little devil.As for the little devil's rice balls, they were as hard as a rock, and no one could chew them.

What Liu Jufu wanted was a rifle, but Bai Shujie had everything, except for the [-]-type rifle of the little devil.

But Bai Shujie knew that anyone who came from hunting for generations would have absolutely nothing to say about marksmanship!Especially lurking and hitting moving targets, they are all unique!These are rare talents, that's why I casually listened to the other party's tone.

"Uncle, this little devil's machine gun, as long as you master the basics, with the feeling of hunting all your life, it is definitely better than a rifle!" Bai Shujie didn't want to let such a good old gunner go, so he did it patiently. Thought work: "When you meet a little devil at night, you can have as many rifles as you want!"

Xiao Lamei understood Bai Shujie's intentions a long time ago, so she also played drums beside her: "This thing is very simple, and it can hit farther than a rifle. If you want to fight devils, this thing is still powerful. Don't be afraid, I will teach you You, really, a person like you who has been playing with guns all his life, is sure to learn it in no time!"

Don't let everyone stay in the cave and can't go out, they are all bored, so why don't you just come here and teach Liu Jufu how to operate a crooked light machine gun.Now with one more person, the firepower of one more light machine gun can be produced.At critical times, that was of great help.

In just one day, Liu Jufu learned how to handle a crooked machine gun and how to operate a mortar.More than sixty teachers teach one student. The teacher is not tired, but the student is exhausted.

Because the three combat squads all assembled a [-] infantry artillery for themselves, and they had to operate it anyway, so they handed it over to Liu Jucai to operate it. As a result, the [-] infantry artillery can also be used.As for where the [-]nd Infantry Cannon is in his hands, he will be able to hit the shells in the end, only God knows.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, all the combat squads began to load the infantry artillery on the pack horses. When they came out this time, each combat squad did not bring a war horse, but brought four pack horses to transport the infantry artillery and mortars.The soldiers have two light machine guns, and they will mainly rely on shells.

Wei Chong led a group to set off first, because the Guandi Temple in Motianling he attacked was the farthest away.The time when other places launched an attack was the sound of Wei Chong's shell explosion as a signal.Their mission is to pretend to be a real play, to maintain a strong pressure on the little devil, and not to be defeated all at once.

At seven o'clock, Zhao Sanbao led the second squad to set off and headed straight for the little devils barracks in Xiamatang.They must fake the show and sing the real thing, so that the little devils dare not come out.

Afterwards, Bai Shujie and Xiao Lamei also set off with the team, aiming at Lianshan Pass.However, Xiao Lamei took the third squad to stay near the railway outside Lianshan Pass, monitoring the enemy's movements, and preparing to meet Bai Shujie and others.

It is said that under the leadership of Liu Jufu, Bai Shujie had already approached the railway at nine o'clock.It's winter now, and some small rivers have stopped flowing, but it doesn't affect the interludes of night.

Liu Jufu lay on the roadbed of the railway and said softly: "Sir, cross the river beach in front and you will arrive at Lianguanshan Station. The halfway up the mountain behind is where the little devil is stationed."

Bai Shujie observed with binoculars for a long time, and sure enough, he found a house behind the station, which was still brightly lit in the middle of the night.If you touch it along the river, you should be able to get close to the little devil's garrison team.

"Uncle, you lead the way in front, we have to go up as much as possible. We will launch an attack as soon as the little devil is dispatched. If the distance is too far, we won't rush there then."

Press Bai Shujie and let's not mention it for now.

After Wei Chong led a group across the railway, the road became more and more difficult to walk.No, they had no roads at all, and it was Wei Chong who scouted the road in front to open the way for the pack horses behind.Several times, the pack horse almost fell to the bottom of the cliff.

Motianling is a large mountain range, majestic and dangerous, how can it be so easy to walk.If it weren't for the fact that the soldiers were all scouts, and they had just passed through here once, it would be impossible for them to go out tonight.Until around 11:30 in the middle of the night, Wei Chong and the others finally saw their target.

"Remove the infantry guns and mortars, and then rest on the spot for 10 minutes. Keep an eye on the bridle of the pack horse, and don't make any noise." Wei Chong ordered, and then used the binoculars to observe the movement ahead.

This place is more than 500 meters away from the Guandi Temple, and it is already pitch black. If it weren't for the flickering lights in the Guandi Temple, I couldn't see anything at all.

The soldiers quickly installed an infantry gun and three mortars, loaded the ammunition package, installed the explosive fuze, and were busy in the dark in an intense and orderly manner.The other six soldiers have already arranged light machine guns and are taking on the task of guarding the surrounding area.


At twelve o'clock in the evening, three mortar shells flew into the courtyard of Guandi Temple with a dull sound, and then drew three arcs.

boom!boom!boom!As a result, one shot hit, and the other two fell outside the hospital.

"No need to adjust, five quick shots!"

As long as there are a few shells falling in the yard, Wei Chong doesn't need to kill a few enemies.Besides, there may be a lot of medicines and medical equipment inside, and it's not easy to handle if it's blown up.

At midnight, an earth-shattering explosion suddenly appeared, and it was still on the mountain. The momentum was already astonishing enough.Sure enough, there were little devils in the yard, and light machine guns had already appeared on the fence.Now the little devil is in the backlight state and has no target at all.

The artillery positions were originally outside the effective range of rifles and machine guns, and the little devils can't see anything now. It's no wonder that their machine guns can hit people.It seems that they are playing very happily, but in fact it is just to embolden themselves.

Holding up his binoculars, Wei Chong saw a few little devils running around in the yard, wondering what they were up to.The distance is too far and I can't hear clearly, so I whispered: "Infantry artillery, give the wall over there a shot, let the little devil taste the power!"


Wei Chong's infantry artillery only has a 3.8 kg high-explosive grenade.There was a crisp sound of firing, and the shells flew out with a strange howl, and the little devil suddenly became flustered.This sounds like a cannon (the little devil calls the infantry cannon a cannon). If you don't find a place to hide, you can only wait for death.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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