blood feud

234、3-sided drama battle

The radio station and accessories that Bai Shujie was most concerned about were found. Chen Dazhu was still holding a big burden at the end, and shouted as he walked, "These are telegram drafts and a few small notebooks. I collected them all."

The soldier who found the car also drove out the truck, and everyone was in a panic again.After the stuff was loaded, everyone climbed into the truck bed.

Chen Dazhu had already taken a fancy to a gasoline barrel, and after everyone got into the car, his grenade also flew out.Following an explosion, the gasoline barrel also exploded, and then a fire burst into the sky, instantly turning the dark sky of Lianguanshan Town into red.

Bai Shujie handed over the machine gun to someone else, became the driver himself, then pushed the gas pedal and rushed out of the little devil's camp, leaving behind a trail of smoke and dust!

This scuffle is very long, it seems to be three days and three nights.In fact, the whole process took less than a quarter of an hour!Preliminary estimates have killed more than 30 little devils, and the specific data has become an unsolved case in history.

Battalion Captain Itatsu Naosum and his wife (this is Bai Shujie's estimate, what happened is still unknown) were killed, the remaining troops were dispersed, and the entire brigade's resident is now half the sky in flames.Occasionally there are bullets or artillery shells that exploded, emitting brilliant fireworks in the night sky, decorating the entire Lianshanguan Town colorfully and beautifully.

Not to mention the fact that the resident of the Fourth Battalion of the Little Devil's Independent Defense Force was turned into ruins.

It is said that Wei Chong ordered the infantry artillery to fire at the wall of Guandi Temple. As a result, the second shell blasted a gap more than two meters wide in the wall.

Directly aimed artillery has this advantage, and there is no technical content at all.As long as your line of sight is fixed along the barrel, it is basically the same.The original design guiding ideology of the [-] infantry artillery is this, convenient, simple and practical!

Of course, the [-] infantry artillery of the little devil has a wide firing angle and a large enough elevation angle. Naturally, it can also be used as a curved artillery. The deployment of the anti-slope artillery position also has a very good hit rate.This is another guiding ideology for the design of the [-] infantry artillery by the little devil, that is, the weapon's multi-purpose comprehensive ability and adaptability to the battlefield environment.

Because of this, after the little devil designed the most successful infantry artillery in World War II, the Czech-style light machine gun that was imitated later even had a bayonet!That's taking your pants off and farting - superfluous!

Holding a 20-pound subway bump and fighting with a bayonet, it's a shame that the little devil can figure it out!Since you have this power, it's better to use the machine gun as a fire stick, and sweep a large area, the lethality will be even greater!

Bai Shujie usually talked about how to use the little devil's [-] infantry artillery.But it's not needed now, just approach the wall and fire, use the wall as a bunker, and just blow it away.

A large part of the wall was blown down, and the little devils inside thought that the enemy was about to charge, so they panicked.Bai Shujie saw Itatsu Naosumi sending the first batch of reinforcements earlier, and it was the little devil from Guandi Temple who sent the signal of "request for tactical guidance" at this time.

Five minutes later, gunshots and shouts came from behind Wei Chong and the others, indicating that the little devil's reinforcements had arrived!

Wei Chong was anxious, but he still gave the order calmly: "Machine guns stop the devil's reinforcements, mortars and infantry artillery bombard Guandi Temple!"

Although the little devil's reinforcements numbered more than 100 and approached 200, their firepower was not as dense as Wei Chong's six machine guns.The little devils in the Guandi Temple were very excited to see the arrival of the reinforcements, but they didn't expect that the enemy suppressed their reinforcements at the foot of the mountain in a blink of an eye and couldn't move.rush out?The shells of the enemy's mortars and infantry artillery seemed to be free of money, and the charging road was blown into a sea of ​​flames.

The little devil is right, the enemy's shells are all snatched, so they really don't need money!

Wei Chong brought one-third of the base shells, and he has not used half of them yet, so he did not carry out Bai Shujie's previous order: "As soon as the enemy's reinforcements arrive, you retreat as soon as possible."

As a result, the stalemate between the enemy and us was less than 10 minutes, and Lianshanguan Town at the foot of the mountain to the east of Motianling was already in flames!

Others don't know, but the little devil knows: the brigade was captured by the enemy and burned down with a big fire!It seems that it is likely to be "burned! Killed! Snatched!" Ah, this is the patent of the Imperial Japanese Army. I didn't expect the enemy to learn it now!

The enemy's attack on Guandi Temple turned out to be a cunning trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain!

The brigade was lost, and the little devil suddenly fell into chaos.First of all, a squadron from reinforcements turned around and ran back, and the little devils in Guandi Temple also rushed out desperately.I can't take care of anything now, the rescue team leader is the number one priority in the world!

At this moment, there was a sudden roar from inside the Guandi Temple: "Brothers, kill the devil—"

Wei Chong was shocked by this sudden change, but he quickly reacted: "The machine gunner rushed up, scattered the little devils, and see who is inside!"

There were more than 50 little devils in Guandi Temple, but few of them were actually killed.On the one hand, Wei Chong hopes to get the complete Guandi Temple.On the other hand, Wei Chong and the others were too far away from the enemy.The little devil's machine gun couldn't hit them, and their machine guns naturally made the little devil helpless.

After working hard for a long time, I was actually wasting ammunition, just listening to the noise!

Now the enemy suddenly appeared in Guandi Temple, the little devil had no place to stand, so he had to desperately break through.Then, using the cover of night, they rushed towards the headquarters of the Lianshanguan brigade.

"Who are you?"

Weizhong rushed to the wall of Guandi Temple with six machine guns, and found that dozens of people in ragged clothes rushed out of it, with no weapons in their hands, and all of them were sticks and the like.

"Report to the officer: We are the officers and soldiers of the original Fengcheng garrison regiment. After Jiang Quan, the commander of the regiment, surrendered to the little devil, we turned back. Later, we wanted to take back Fengcheng, but we were attacked by the little devil on three sides. In the end, we were captured. Locked up here to serve as coolies for the little devils. There are also some policemen from Fengcheng who didn’t want to surrender and the little devils ran out, only to be arrested again.”

Wei Chong nodded his head slightly: "Pick up all the guns and ammunition scattered on the ground. Where is Guandi Temple? Is there anything else here?"

"Report to the officer: This was originally a field hospital established when the little devil and Changmaozi were fighting. Later, after the little devil occupied Benxi, he moved the hospital there. There are only three old Japanese women left here, who are said to be nurses. Usually What's wrong with the little devil, it's the injections of these three girls."

"Wang Sanju, lead people to search immediately, others clean up the battlefield and prepare to retreat!"

Wei Chong originally thought that he could get some medical equipment and medicines, but he didn't expect that the little devil had already moved away, so he was disappointed, and he had no interest in cleaning the battlefield next.

He sighed here, but Zhao Sanbao encountered huge troubles there!

It turned out that Zhao Sanbao made a mistake in his busy schedule and went the wrong way.According to the established plan, their second fighting squad should go west to Ejiabao to cross the river, and then go north from the Xilinzi line.Unexpectedly, it was convenient for Zhao Sanbao to cross the river from Caojiagou in the north of Huanziling.

This wrong decision made the squad he led go all the way to Niuyuling in the northwest direction, and then turned west when they found something wrong.At 10:30 in the evening, I arrived at the front line of Heilazi.The straight-line distance from Daozhazi Station, where the little devil is stationed, is 13 kilometers.Walking along the mountain ridge to the northwest slope of Guoluo Bay, there are still more than 30 miles of mountain roads.

The so-called "a leaky house happens to be rainy and rainy, and a ship is broken and the wind blows!"

Zhao Sanbao hurried all the way, but a mule carrying shells from the [-]nd Infantry Gun fell off a cliff and lost half of the shells!In other words, before the battle started, Zhao Sanbao only had to fire shells.

Even so, Zhao Sanbao was one step late and arrived at the scheduled location after twelve o'clock in the evening.When he set up the artillery position, Wei Chong had already opened the pot!Therefore, Bai Shujie and others saw that the second batch of reinforcements left 15 minutes late for this reason.

There are only half of the shells left, but they can't back down.Zhao Sanbao immediately fired ten rounds rapidly, knocking out half of the infantry artillery shells.In the end, using three mortars to bombard them continuously, the little devil at Daozhazi Station finally sent a telegram "requesting tactical guidance", which did not delay the major event.

However, there is a squadron of devils at Daozhazi Station after all.Once the ground is stabilized, Zhao Sanbao and the 18 of them will not be able to carry it.

What was even worse was that the little devils who came to reinforce from Lianshan Pass, because the distance was less than six kilometers away, and they did not directly reinforce Dao Zhazi, but walked up the mountain from Huangling, suddenly appeared behind Zhao Sanbao and the others!

The little devil made a surprise attack, and immediately three soldiers died heroically!

Zhao Sanbao saw his eyes tearing apart, picked up the machine gun and launched a suicide counterattack at the little devil behind him.After sacrificing two soldiers again, he finally drove the little devil off the mountain ridge.

With such a delay, the little devil who counterattacked from Daozhazi Station was already halfway up the mountain, less than 200 meters away from the artillery position!

The battle could no longer continue, Zhao Sanbao reluctantly gave the order to blow up the cannon.As two grenades detonated the shells, an infantry gun and three mortars were blown into scrap iron.

Zhao Sanbao took the initiative to stay in the rear, covering the remaining 12 soldiers to break through to the east.Then he retreated while fighting, and finally retreated to the line of the pine beam.Because the mountains here are relatively high, what happened at Lianshan Pass is clear at a glance, and the little devil no longer cares about chasing Zhao Sanbao and others.

Thinking of losing five brothers at once, the anger in Zhao Sanbao's heart could not be calmed down.Now that the little devil stopped chasing, he immediately decided to counterattack!On the one hand, he wanted revenge, and on the other hand, he wanted to bury the bodies of the five brothers!

Since the anti-rape team back then, the Youyan Anti-Japanese Detachment has never left behind a precedent of brothers!Not to mention the current Jehol Front Army!I have never been the only one who cut off the head of a little devil, and no brother has been beheaded by a little devil!

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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