blood feud

237、Rescue the dead

"It seems that when the little devil retreated, he took all the light machine guns away. The heavy machine guns are too heavy, so they can only stay here."

Bai Shujie understood something in his heart, so he checked the second barracks and bunker, which also looked like this, it should be the barracks of another squadron.

There are a total of 12 heavy machine guns in the two bunkers, and hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition. It seems that the little devil really spent a lot of money on this main artery railway!It's a pity that Bai Shujie is alone now, and such a good thing can only be watched!

The northernmost house is different from the previous two. It seems to be a square "point structure" room with faint lights.This is not an electric lamp, but an oil lamp.After Bai Shujie approached slowly, he heard sobbing from inside the room.

someone!In the ruins full of dead bodies, there are still people!

Using the snake form technique, Bai Shujie walked around the house, unexpectedly there were four gates!Obviously, if we look at it in terms of civil architecture, there should be four families here.

Back at the door of the house in the southeast of the place where someone was crying, Bai Shujie reconfirmed that there was no one else outside, and then he pulled out his pistol and held it in his right hand.Then he pushed the door lightly, but unexpectedly the door opened in response.

Sure enough, it was not a barracks, but a two-bedroom structure.Outside, on a long table against the east wall, there is an oil lamp.The light I saw outside just now came from this lamp.

A telescope and a bastard box are hung on the wall, and there is a short knife on the knife holder of the long table.On the hanger in the northeast corner, there is an erected hanger with a little devil's military uniform hanging on it. Judging from the epaulettes, it should be a major.No need to ask, looking at the furnishings in the room, this should be the officer's dormitory.

There is also a small door in the northeast direction, which is the kind of sliding door that short scorpions often use.There were still sobs coming from inside, indicating that the people inside did not know that outsiders had entered.

Bai Shujie gently slid the door out, and then took a look through the light in the living room. The room inside was very small, and there was a kang near the north wall, which was only the size of a double bed.There is no other furniture, only a five-drawer chest next to the Kang.

It looked like there was only one person on the bed, with the quilt covering his whole body.The sobbing sound came from inside the quilt, and it sounded like it should be a woman.

Bai Shujie didn't lift the quilt rashly, he had once fought face to face with the little devil's ninja.In such a strange place, it is better to be careful.

It's good to kill a good man and not let a beast go!

This is the principle that Bai Shujie set for himself. Now that he has not figured out who is under the quilt, it is not acceptable to shoot casually.

So, he retreated out of the room step by step lightly, and then brought in the oil lamp and placed it on the chest of drawers.He drew out the treasured knife from his back again, and the pistol in his right hand had already been turned on, and then he used the tip of the knife to yank out the quilt on the kang!

There was indeed only one person on the kang!A white flowered woman!A woman whose hands and legs were tied to four kang heads turned into a "big" character!This woman was lying on her back with her head inside and her feet out, without any clothes on her body, and Bai Shujie was standing between her two thighs!

Even though his mouth was gagged, he couldn't see his face clearly.But the snow-white twin peaks on the chest stand proudly, and there is a pink grape growing on each peak!Down from the twin peaks is a vast plain, and a spring the size of a little finger is captivating!The spring is silent, but there is already a lush black forest nearby, and a pink canyon looming on the edge of the forest is really thrilling!

Now all of this was vividly displayed in front of Bai Shujie's eyes, his blood vessels swelled and he almost spit out nosebleeds!

Fortunately, Bai Shujie has been a man for two lifetimes, and he has practiced martial arts with his master Lin Heier for four years, so his character is quite tough.After a moment of confusion, I immediately realized: This is a sister in distress!


Bai Shujie flipped his left wrist, and swung four knives in one breath, cutting off the ropes binding the limbs of the sister in distress. Then, with a flick of his wrist, the tip of the knives had lifted the quilt off to the side and covered the delicate body on the kang!

"Sister, I came here to kill devils. I don't know why you are on the kang. I dare not say that I didn't see it, but it was unintentional. The situation is very urgent now, and I can't explain anything to you. If you want If you escape from here, get off the kang quickly, I will wait for you outside!"

Bai Shujie dropped a few words, turned around and left the room, closing the door behind him.Taking a few deep breaths, he finally calmed down his beating heart.

"Damn it, I can't blame me for being evil, nor for my lack of compassion. Fortunately, I don't have a heart attack, otherwise, the scene just now would have killed me!"

Bai Shujie found two reasons for himself deep in his heart, and finally suppressed the evil fire that was about to stir.In order to divert his attention, he began to check the long table in the living room.

There is nothing in the drawer, it seems that the officer of the little devil is a fool.Picking up the coordinator on the table, I suddenly felt heavy.Bai Shujie pulled it out and looked, a gust of cold air hit his face, it turned out to be a rare treasure knife!The knife is more than two feet long, and it looks like it weighs four catties!

With a wave of Bai Shujiexin's hand, with a squeak, one corner of the long table has been cut off!The incision is smooth and flat, just like cutting tofu in half.

"Good knife!"

Although he wished that all the oriental dwarves would be extinct, this precious sword was indeed extraordinary, and Bai Shujie had to give a sincere admiration, and then carefully looked at this sword.

This knife is getting old!The ivory knife handle has been polished as smooth as a mirror, but it is obviously an antique!

"This is not a Japanese sword, but a Tang sword!"

Bai Shujie gestured carefully, the blade had no arc at all, but the sharp blade was curved, so at first he thought it was a Japanese sword.In fact, this is a real Tang knife, sharper than his Dingwo knife, and I don't know where the damned kid got it.This discovery made him overjoyed.

"Thanks to the strong man for saving me, the little girl is very grateful!"

Just at this moment, a low and clear voice from behind Bai Shujie interrupted his joy. It turned out that the woman had already come out.

Bai Shujie turned around to take a look, and was immediately taken aback.He and the woman exclaimed almost at the same time: "So it's you!"

This little girl is none other than the inn where Bai Shujie first entered Fengtian City, the shopkeeper's daughter.Later, she took more than 100 classmates and teachers to Crouching Tiger Mountain to find Bai Shujie. One of the teachers, Cai, even mobilized the villagers of Crouching Tiger Village to kill Bai Shujie, a big warlord and landlord!

Liu Wanruo!

Back then, the little girl was fourteen or five years old, and five years had passed in a flash, and her eyes and teeth had brightened, she was slim and graceful, like a flower.Although he is now wearing a brat's army coat, which is too big and unseemly, but Bai Shujie knows the details of what's inside the coat!

"Can you go, this is not a place to stay forever!" Bai Shujie stood up after a moment of astonishment.

Liu Wanruo blushed, lowered her head and said, "I haven't eaten for two days, I'm afraid I don't have the energy to walk very far."

After rummaging around, Bai Shujie finally found a box of canned food.Opening the box with the Tang knife in his hand, he took out a can: "This is canned beef, you can eat a little first. Oh, and I will bring you two cans to eat on the road!"

Liu Wanruo was also extremely hungry, so she grabbed the can of beef and stuffed it into her mouth.Three times, five times and two times, one can of canned food has already been eaten.She wanted to eat again, but was blocked by Bai Shujie.

"This is greasy food. You've been hungry for too long, and it's very cold now, so you can't eat more. Just put it on, and eat it later."

Bai Shujie took off the binoculars and bastard boxes on the wall and hung them on Liu Wanruo's body, found a leather belt on the hanger and tied it up for Liu Wanruo, then went out to find a clean coat for her to put on.After such cleaning, a handsome "little devil" is freshly released!

Bai Shujie had an idea when he saw the lieutenant officer's military uniform, so he simply put it on himself, and then put on a coat over it.Only then did he hold Tang Dao in one hand and Liu Wanruo out of the room with the other.

There was nothing eye-catching in the other three suites, so Bai Shujie decided to leave the place of right and wrong as soon as possible.Unexpectedly, a horse neigh caught his attention, and only then did he discover that there was a stable in the corner of the northeast courtyard.I ran over and saw that there were 6 Dongyang horses and 15 pack horses inside!

"Like a girl, can you ride a horse?"

After eating something, Liu Wanruo began to recover a bit of anger, and she already had the original style of speaking: "You are a real person, is there anyone in the Northeast who knows how to ride a horse?"

"That's fine, we take all these horses away, it's a pity to leave them to the little devil!"

Bai Shujie pulled the horse out of the chain and handed it to Liu Wanruo to watch, then returned to the bunker to dismantle the heavy machine gun, then moved it to the top of the bunker with all his strength, and then slowly lowered it to the ground with a rope.As a result, after dismantling 8 heavy machine guns, he had no choice but to surrender, which is not something that one person can do.

8 pack horses took away 8 heavy machine guns, and another 7 pack horses and 4 war horses carried ammunition boxes.After working for more than an hour, Dongfang has already started to turn pale.

Bai Shujie took out all the fodder from the stable and piled it on the first floor of the bunker, returned to the room, threw the oil lamp on the ground to ignite, then flew out and got on the horse, and then led Liu Wanruo and the horse team He rushed out of the yard of the garrison brigade.

What Liu Wanruo said was right, her riding skills were very good, and she followed Bai Shujie without falling behind.The two were one in front and one behind, with the packhorse team in the middle, and they had arrived at Jiapigou before six o'clock in the morning.

Bai Shujie handed over all the horses to Chen Dazhu to use as draft horses: "Dazhu, quickly tie your things to the horses and transfer them, it will be dawn soon!"

The strength of Dongyang horse is not bad, and it can carry more than 0 catties in a short distance.Of course, you can only walk slowly, running is not enough. 23 horses can transport two tons of goods, and all the things here can be transported in three round trips.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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