blood feud

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The last time Wei Chong received a telegram from Bai Shujie, the content was only four words: "Death struggle!"

When handing over the telegram to Wei Chong, Xiao Lamei's face was full of displeasure: "The captain is really, why don't you say fight back, but use these four disgusting words?"

"It's a pity that you have been with the captain all the time, so you don't understand the true meaning of the captain!" Wei Chong said while stepping back: "Struggling to fight back and struggling to the death are two different things!"

Xiao Lamei didn't turn the corner at once: "Why are there two different things, isn't it just to exert the maximum firepower density, and just hit it hard!"

Wei Chong said with a smile: "Stand up and fight back, that is an active battle. You can fight or withdraw, and you are very flexible. But the dying struggle is different. It is a battle that is completely forced and helpless, and there is no way out. , and finally died desperately, this is the true meaning of the captain."

"Hee hee hee, the captain's conscience is greatly broken!" Xiao Lamei asked with a smile after hearing this: "We are doing well now, the captain is behind us, how can we do the dying struggle? This scene is not easy to act. !"

Wei Chong waved his hand: "Don't worry, this dying struggle was the one that called me aside when I was about to leave, and the captain specifically told me to, just follow me!"

This time, all the soldiers in the first group used their speed to the maximum, and desperately climbed towards the main peak of Lanhua Ridge.Half an hour later, all the soldiers were dumbfounded: except for this mountain ridge coming up from the northeast, the other three sides are cliffs, and there is no way to retreat!At this moment, the soldiers panicked and ran around desperately, hoping to find a way out.

This is a real scene, and the enemy on the opposite side also saw it through the binoculars, so his confidence suddenly increased, and he shouted wildly: "The enemy has no retreat, and can't escape! Brothers, rush up and catch the living! Every living mouth rewards the ocean 100 yuan!"

That's right, for most of the day, he was beaten into a rage by these dozens of enemies.Every time I thought that the battle could be over, the result was always escaped by the enemy.

Clay figurines are three-point fire, not to mention the enemy is numerous and powerful!I was suffocated and chased after him, now I can finally arrest these damned hostile elements, and then I can have a good time, make their lives worse than death, and regret coming to this world!

Wei Chong didn't have any encouraging words, but shouted loudly: "Brothers, now the retreat is cut off, and we can only go all out. If we kill one, we will be backed, and if we kill two, we will make money! Artillery platoon, put all the shells Shoot them all out, machine gun platoon, shoot them all out!"

Now condescending, Wei Chong's hoarse roar was heard clearly by both the enemy and us: This is the last desperate effort!

Lu Wanqing, the new fighters who had just raised their eyebrows, did not expect that the first battle would end with annihilation of the entire army.The panic at the beginning was that this group of new fighters behaved the most realistically.It is not an ordinary performance, because it is a portrayal of the real situation!

There is no way out!

Wang Sanju lowered his head to wipe the gun, and at the same time oiled the crooked handle.Xiao Lamei fiddled with the radio and kept fiddling with the keyboard.Wei Chong was roaring, no one paid attention to people like Lu Wanqing.

The atmosphere can be contagious. Seeing the performance of Wei Chong and others, Lu Wanqing finally stood up and shouted: "Brothers, it is the last moment, and it is time to desperately. We are captives, and we may be captured at any time." The devil is executed."

"Today, we died here, and we also died in the battle against the little devils. We died with dignity and pride! Don't be so downcast, let the little devils look down on us old men! The big scar on the head is off, 20 years later, it will be another hero! When we die, no one will poke our spines, because we are worthy of our ancestors!"

"Squad Leader Lu said it well!" Wei Chong called out: "Look at Lamei, every girl has not lost her soul, let alone our old man! Artillery preparations, regardless of consumption, throw all the shells to me go out!"

The final battle came, and the three mortars fired thirty shells in one breath, blasting the northeast mountain ridge into a sea of ​​flames.All ten machine guns opened fire, and the dense rain of bullets swept away like a wind.

"Stop the two machine guns! The machine gun shooter lifts the stone and throws it down!" Wei Chong shouted in a low voice: "Every time a bullet is fired, stop the two machine guns and hit them with stones! You fuck Lu Wanqing, the barrel It’s all red, and if you fight again, it will be scrapped, so hurry up and stop it for me, otherwise how will we fight in the future!”

No one knew what kind of medicine Wei Chong was selling in his stomach: "There are still plenty of bullets in the machine gun, why use stones! There are still shells, should they be left for the enemy?"

"Why are you so dazed, hurry up and execute the order!"

Wei Chong cursed, stretched out his hand, picked up a stone and threw it down the mountain.The others had no choice but to follow suit, looking for stones to throw down.

"Lu Wanqing, there are not many cannonballs left, everyone can bring one round. Go and kill the three pack horses, throw them down from here, and kill the little devil!"

Wei Chong's order baffled everyone: "If you kill the pack horse, it's justified to go all out. Why did you decide to bring a shell for each person? Are you going to kill the enemy with a human bomb? No sound!"

In desperation, the military order fell like a mountain, Lu Wanqing pulled out his pistol and killed three pack horses, then called a few soldiers and pushed them down the mountain with great effort.

"Brothers, they have run out of bullets, rush up and catch the living ones!"

Wei Chong looked at the enemy, and they were less than 100 meters away from the main peak. Then he clapped his hands and said, "Brothers, our mission has been completed, and now it's time to retreat. Lamei takes care of the radio station, and the others follow me hand in hand!" "

Speaking of this, Wei Chong pulled Xiao Lamei up and walked towards the cliff in the southwest direction.After walking not far, a large rock as tall as a person blocked the way.

"Brothers, stay close to the mountain wall and don't move around, I'm going to blow up this rock!" Wei Chong said, he took out two grenades from his waist and stuffed them under the rock.

With a loud noise, the boulder immediately rolled down the mountain, and a gentle slope less than two feet wide appeared in front of the soldiers!

What is life from a desperate situation?What is ecstatic?If the heart is not good, it is likely to collapse in this moment between life and death!

The soldiers were skeptical about Wei Chong's statement, and they all came here with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Unexpectedly, this platoon leader Wei is simply a god!

"Everyone, don't look at me with such admiration!" Wei Chong pulled Xiao Lamei over slowly, and said in his mouth: "This is the way of life left by the captain. To put it bluntly, it is actually very simple. Because some time ago When everyone is recuperating and training, our captain has already been here to conduct reconnaissance."

"To be honest, I saw the retreat route chosen by the captain on the map, but I didn't react to it. But the captain spent a whole day investigating here, and after calculations, it was determined that only one grenade was needed. It can be exploded. I just used two grenades for insurance just now. That’s it, if it’s miraculous, it’s our captain, not me, Wei Chong!”

"Ah, long live the captain!"

Only now did everyone understand why Wei Chong wanted to kill the pack horse, because it was impossible to pass here with a horse!Rather than leaving it to the enemy, it is better to kill it, and at the same time, it can cause a great illusion to the enemy!

Especially for Lu Wanqing and his new soldiers, I heard that Bai Shujie took the risk to come out to reconnaissance quietly by himself, which was unheard of in his previous career as a soldier!Who is Bai Shujie?That is the big boss who commands tens of thousands of troops!If it was admiration before, it is worship now.

Everyone narrowly escaped death, and suddenly their interest increased greatly, and their strength returned.Without much effort, I reached halfway up the mountain alone!

At this time, the enemy also discovered this standard trail.From the perspective of the art of war, it shouldn't be chasing now, but considering that the enemies in front have no bullets, what are you afraid of!

As the saying goes: under the great reward, there must be a brave man.What else do bandits want? The reward of 100 yuan is right in front of you, and it would be a lie to say that you are not scrambling to be the first!

After a lot of tossing, Wei Chong and others finally went down to the foot of the mountain.It is not possible to leave quickly, because the sky is getting dark now, and the enemy may not be able to see if they are too far away.

"Everyone, drink some water and eat some dry food!" Wei Chong raised his binoculars to observe, and then said: "According to the speed of those bastards, we have 5 minutes."

Lu Wanqing opened the kettle and handed it to Wei Chong: "Platoon Leader Wei, what is our next task?"

"The next step is to take these bastards into the ditch!" Wei Chong said with a smile, "To tell you the truth, the captain and the others arrived here this morning, and they must be impatient to wait now!"

"So that's how it is!" Lu Wanqing suddenly realized: "I thought it would be enough to lure the enemy away, but I didn't expect that the captain would have a backup player. This is a big game of chess!"

"Okay, let's go!" Wei Chong clapped his hands and said to everyone: "Everyone call me: Bastards, I have God's blessing! Goodbye, you can play slowly!"

"Brother, don't worry, I didn't mean to hide it from you. Xiao Lamei and I are the only ones who know the captain's plan!" Wei Chong and Lu Wanqing walked side by side: "The so-called speaker has no intention, and the listener has a heart, and there are ears behind the wall. Once the news If it is leaked out, the enemy will definitely follow suit and make dumplings for us."

"Platoon Leader Wei doesn't need to explain. We are all leaders of the army. Everyone understands this truth." Lu Wanqing said in a low voice: "One person keeps secret, two people leak it, and three people tell it widely. This is a big taboo for military strategists. Don't dare to be careless! Commander-in-Chief Bai is thoughtful and thoughtful, so it's no wonder he is invincible!"

"They haven't run far, catch them, go!"

Looking back, Wei Chong saw that more than 100 people had swarmed over, and immediately shouted: "Everyone, run to the ravine, the bastard is catching up again! As long as we run to Weizigou, we will escape. Don't worry!" They can't be caught alive!"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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