blood feud

260. Recruits Lure the Enemy

After an hour of preparation, the task force set off in two directions except for the horses that stayed where they were.This was the first time the task force had launched operations in broad daylight since leaving Tianhua Mountain.

Because there was no logistical supplies, the recruits in the third squad were still dressed in tatters.Seeing this, Bai Shujie felt very guilty, which strengthened his determination to fight this battle well.Only by winning a complete victory can we get supplies from the little devils and solve the cold clothing of the soldiers.

An hour and a half later, Bai Shujie reappeared in the ridge forest on the top of Xigou.Go straight west from here and go down the ravine for more than six miles, which is Xintun, North Korea.Going out five miles along the ridge in the southwest direction, it is a small mountain ridge called Dahudingzi, where you can directly observe all the movements in Xintun, North Korea.

"Pass forward, everyone must not leave the dense forest, and be careful not to be discovered by the enemy." Because the other people did not know the specific destination, Bai Shujie led the way first, and went straight to the top of the big arc, which was the predetermined commanding height.

At present, the snow in the mountains has not yet opened, and walking is very difficult.In fact, it cannot be called walking, it should be called walking forward with hands and feet.The knee-deep snow made it impossible to walk.When encountering a steep slope, just roll forward.When I came here before, I walked on the ridge, and the snow was very thin, so the speed was very fast.Now entering the dense forest down the mountain is not so difficult.

After eleven o'clock at noon, we finally arrived at the scheduled location.It was only then that Bai Shujie discovered that it was one thing on the map, but quite another on the actual terrain.It turns out that this is a small basin surrounded by four hills, and the main peak is Xigoudingzi.Daardingzi is just parallel to the mountain ridge in Xigoudingzi, but the height difference is nearly [-] meters.

After extreme fatigue in a snowy day, the most taboo thing is to sit on the snow!It can range from serious illness to serious illness!Fortunately, everyone is experienced, and no one is sitting on the ground, but walking slowly nearby.

After letting the soldiers take a rest in the dense forest, Bai Shujie began to conduct a final survey of the surrounding environment.

To the northwest of Dakadingzi is Daxigou.North Korean Xintun is on a gentle slope platform in the middle of Daxigou. The hillsides around this platform have been reclaimed by the original North Korean refugees and have become a first-class land.The lower reaches of Xigou is Cuijiataizi, the only way for the little devil to come up from below.

From the west side of Daardingzi, there is a slope leading to Xintun, North Korea. A small road has been built on it, which seems to be an external passage dug by North Korean refugees.In the village below, plumes of cooking smoke have begun to rise, and it's time for lunch (or maybe it should be time for breakfast)!

"Mantun, come here to gather money!" Bai Shujie stood at the intersection and said, "If the little devil is going to take a shortcut, this is the place. From here to the village, it will be more than three miles at most. You put four machine guns a word Put it aside, give the little devil a head right here! Don't move now, we will talk when the little devil is halfway up."

Just when Bai Shujie was about to lead the third temporary squad to advance downstream of the mountain ridge, there were chaotic noises from the village below, and occasionally there were one or two loud gunshots.

Devils have entered the village!

Bai Shujie didn't feel anything, but Cui Mingzhe and others behind him were different.Devils have entered the village. If they want to kill, they will kill their own compatriots.Will the little devil let go of the gun?Absolutely impossible!Now that there are gunshots, it means that the little devil has started killing people!

"Captain, the brat is killing people in the village, what should we do?" Cui Mingzhe held a crooked handle in his hand. He had just learned the operating procedures of the machine gun in the past few days and had no chance to practice with live ammunition.Hearing the gunshot now, his face was full of anxiety.

Bai Shujie didn't answer directly, but asked instead: "Deputy squad leader Cui, what do you think we should do now?"

Cui Mingzhe said anxiously: "Captain, the little devil killed people for no reason, we should go down and save them!"

"How to save?" Bai Shujie asked with a smile: "There are 50 to [-] little devils. What method do you think should be used to save people? Should we just rush in and accompany the fellow villagers to die together?"

Bai Shujie asked several questions in succession, not to Cui Mingzhe alone, but to everyone present.Yang Mantun, Haojucai and others are trying to figure out how to save people.

"Okay, time is tight now, it's not the time to test everyone!" Bai Shujie's face straightened: "Cui Mingzhe, I order you to lead the rifle team down this path. I think you should be the most familiar with the situation in the village. Yours The task is not to save people, but to lead the little devils to us along this path, so that they have no chance to hurt the villagers, understand?"

When Cui Mingzhe heard that he was asked to lead the team, he immediately said happily: "Report to the captain, Cui Mingzhe fully understands, and is determined to complete the task!"

Bai Shujie nodded, and Cui Mingzhe ran along the path with 12 members of the rifle team.

"Gao Erwa, you lead the pistol team to follow immediately, and prepare to meet Cui Minghao and others to return. Fighting and retreating along the way, attracting the enemy is victory! Yang Mantun, the second squad's machine guns immediately entered the position, ready to give the little devil a head-on blow ! The grenades find a place with a wide view, and prepare to target the grenades and machine guns of the little devil!"

Speaking of which, Cui Mingzhe and the others performed combat missions for the first time after joining the army, and they were still recruits in less than three days! 12 people rushed all the way with a machine gun and 10 rifles, and soon came to the edge of the village.

"Stop moving forward!" Cui Minghao squatted on the side of the road, his eyes fixed on the foot of the mountain, 50 meters ahead was the road leading from the village to Cui's terrace below, and two little devils were shaking back and forth with rifles in their hands.

For these people, their fathers were all beaten to death by the little devil, and they themselves had just escaped from the little devil's hands, so they hated the little devil even more.

"Deputy squad leader, why did you stop?"

Cui Minghao said in a low voice: "Which one of you has the best marksmanship, fight for the sentinel who can kill the little devil with one shot. If the enemy rushes out, my machine gun can give them a hard shot. No one speaks, so forget it , All the rifles are divided into two groups to aim at the two little devils, shoot!"

boom! boom! boom!

10 rifles shot out in one pass, it's okay!One was killed on the spot, and the other kept screaming on the ground, one dead and one injured!

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the hornet's nest was stabbed immediately!

"Enemy attack! Kill Jiji—"

In less than 1 minute, more than 20 little devils rushed out of the intersection.Before the little devil could figure out the direction, Cui Minghao's machine gun had already spit out angry flames. At a distance of more than 50 meters, this is when the machine gun is at its most powerful.

It's a pity that Cui Minghao used the crooked handle for the first time. The lateral torque force made him unprepared. Except for the three bullets in the front that hit the crowd of little devils, all the twenty or so bullets in the back were shot. fly!

Within a range of 50 meters, the [-] rounds of machine gun bullets only wounded three little devils. All the new soldiers were taken aback, and fired their rifles quickly to buy time for the machine guns to reload.

"Retreat quickly, you want to die!"

Just at this moment, Gao Erwa arrived with the pistol team.Although there is only less than Gao Erwa, but he followed Bai Shujie for half a year and went through four bloody battles in a row, and he is still alive now, so he is already a soldier among the veterans.

"Pistol team, all hide behind the big tree!"

Gao Erwa stared at the little devil in front of him. Although Cui Minghao's bullets flew away, the deterrent effect of the machine gun still existed, and the little devil lay on the ground and did not dare to act rashly.

"The trigger is pulled to the continuous firing state. According to the usual training, a group of five people is divided into three waves and shoots in turn. When the little devil rushes up, retreat 50 meters after shooting a shuttle. Then replace the magazine and cover The brothers behind retreat."

For this kind of battle to lure the enemy, Gao Erwa has no psychological burden.Besides, my side is retreating to a high place. In the snow and dense forest, it is really too difficult to hit an enemy.

According to data, Yang Jingyu's main force of more than 300 people once encountered a small team of little devils, and the two sides fought fiercely for more than an hour.As a result, the final result of the battle was to injure two of the little devils, without any casualties on his side, and then retreat safely!

Gao Erwa has followed Bai Shujie for so long, so she naturally knows how to move and shoot in the snow, the hit rate is really pitiful!Therefore, he directly treated this battle as an actual combat exercise.This can not only train the recruits, but also give the little devils the illusion that it will be more fun to be fooled!

Even a sophomore in high school can think of this, so Bai Shujie naturally thought of it a long time ago.Otherwise, how could he send recruits to undertake the task of luring the enemy.After this battle, the recruits will be able to discover their shortcomings.

For example, five rifles aim at an enemy at the same time, and only the enemy is injured. It is not known who the blind cat touched the dead mouse.As for Cui Minghao's machine gun, within 50 meters, it used [-] bullets to wound three enemies!And the enemies are still rushing out in groups!

This is a lesson of blood, and these recruits will never forget it for the rest of their lives!

Sure enough, the little devil captain waited for a long time and there was no gunfire, and then he ordered to check the casualties.The little devil captain knew very well that the light machine guns of the empire were firing at close range just now. According to the general situation, after this round of attack, he should have lost at least ten people.Unexpectedly, only three people were slightly scratched in the end. This shock was no small matter!

"Baga, it's the work of a small group of unscrupulous people, not the work of a soldier!" The captain of the little devil suddenly became energetic: "Catch these unscrupulous people and give them a powerful taste. Kill Jiji—"

"First group, fire!"


Five shell guns fired fifty bullets in one breath, which was slightly more effective than the machine gun shooting just now, killing a little devil on the spot, and the other bullets flew to nowhere!

There was no expression on Gao Erwa's young face: "The first group retreats, the second group prepares!"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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