blood feud

265, bewildering

"Don't worry!" Bai Shujie said loudly: "There is no way for us to escape like this, the little devil will definitely catch up. If the little devil asks the enemy in front to cooperate and give us an ambush in advance, it will be bad. So, we We must teach the little devils behind us an unforgettable lesson, so that they dare not continue to chase."

"However, Gao Erwa, after all, your third class has not undergone systematic training, and there are a few brothers who have just joined in, who don't even know how to use guns. Therefore, for the safety of the brothers, I put your third class Send it here. You continue to move forward slowly, and I will lead the first and second squads back to give the little devil a head-on blow! Then come back and join you!"

Bai Shujie didn't give Gao Erwa any room to justify, and then shouted loudly: "Class [-] and Class [-] immediately return the same way, Xiao Lamei and others lead the radio station to follow! Move faster, maybe the little devil has followed up. Others Don't worry about it for the time being, act quickly!"

After giving the action order, Bai Shujie rushed out for more than ten miles in one breath before reining in the horse.This is an open field with no shelter around it.

Liu Cuihua followed Bai Shujie closely along the way, and when she saw such a place, her face suddenly became strange: "Captain, this is a flat land, are you going to lay an ambush here?"

"Who said I must launch an ambush?" Bai Shujie didn't explain in detail, but jumped off his horse and moved around for a while. Zhao Sanbao and the two squads came one after another.

"Rest in place for half an hour, waiting for the next order!"

After Bai Shujie gave an order, he began to feed his own dark clouds, and at the same time led the horses around.Now these people should be the people I trust the most, but I can't let anyone know the inside story about things like anti-special and anti-rape, not even the most trusted people.

Everyone didn't know what Bai Shujie wanted to do, and everyone believed the ambush mentioned earlier.As a result, we stopped halfway, and everyone was puzzled.Now Bai Shujie was alone there with his head bowed in thought, so no one dared to make any noise, so as not to disturb the captain's train of thought.

Actually, Bai Shujie didn't mean anything.

He was just thinking about one question now, if there were really spies in his team, it would be useless to go anywhere!Instead of this, it is better to stop and give "spies" more opportunities.It's not enough to just stop, it's also about creating an environment that's as relaxing as possible.

If the secret is not kept secret, everything will be lost.

This was a real headache for Bai Shujie. Once he said that he suspected there were spies inside, but the spies couldn't be caught immediately, it would cause huge fluctuations in the hearts of the task force.

If the team members are wary of each other, you doubt me, I doubt you, let alone fighting, the relationship between people may completely collapse!

If this happens, it is okay to say that in the base area, everyone can be gathered in a secret place, and then a thorough review and rectification will be carried out.

The problem is that you are now in the heart of the enemy, if you are not careful, you will be doomed!If an army does not trust each other, or even becomes suspicious of each other, let alone fighting, it will not be able to support its daily life!

With all the things on his mind, Bai Shujie was naturally restless.But this kind of thing can't be said, and there is not even a person to discuss it.

Since Bai Shu became outstanding, he has faced countless life and death trials, but none of them stopped him.Unexpectedly, an unexpected incident would leave him in a dilemma, not knowing what to do.If you want to say the biggest crisis, that is this time, at least for now.

After a tense analysis in the brain, if this matter is exposed, once the teams distrust each other, the consequences will be too serious.Therefore, Bai Shujie still decided not to disturb other people for the time being, all the pressure was borne by himself.

He raised his wrist to check the time, it was already past six o'clock, and it was about to get dark.

Unable to wait any longer, Bai Shujie turned his head and shouted in a deep voice: "Wang Sanju, the infantry squad has just been formed. Not only does it have no combat effectiveness, it doesn't even have the ability to protect itself. Immediately lead your squad out from the east side of the mountain ridge. Don't disturb them. Just protect in secret. If you old scouts are discovered by new fighters, then you don’t have to come back to see me!”

At seven o'clock, Bai Shujie shouted again: "Yang Mantun, take your second squad and follow up from behind. Also, don't let the new fighters find out. The main thing is to see what they are doing and report to me tomorrow morning!"

The two groups of people were dispatched, Bai Shujie seemed to have let go of a heavy burden, and suddenly felt unprecedented fatigue, so he said: "Let's go back slowly, Sanbao will lead the way and find a place to rest for a few hours. The person in front is too far away, and the person in front cannot be too close."

In the barren mountains and wild mountains, there is no way to find a place to sleep, so I can only dig a snow cellar.Bai Shujie and Zhao Sanbao helped the three girls dig out one, and another one for horses, and finally made one for themselves.

Because the distance he ran today had already exceeded the limit of a person's physical fitness, Bai Shujie was not worried that the little devil would catch up, so he quickly closed his eyes and fell asleep.Bai Shujie, who never dreamed, had a ghost today.It was as if a movie started playing in my mind as soon as I closed my eyes.

From the time when the taxi caught fire and exploded at Luohu Port, I saw layers of corpses and bones in mass graves, I saw Master Lin Heier taking care of me in every possible way, I saw the soldier holding the little devil and biting off the enemy's neck desperately, seeing Yin Mingde's eyebrows were punched with a blood hole by the little devil, and he couldn't stand his eyes. He saw Liu Zhenshan being blown to death by the little devil's plane with a suicide attack...

I saw Zhang Xiang, Cheng Shijie, Duan Zhixian, and Liu Zhiliang, a group of iron-blooded brothers rushing forward bravely; I saw layer upon layer of finger-thick blood grooves and whip marks on Zhao Jinxi's back; He fought bloody battles; he saw the heroic sacrifice of Gada Meilin; he saw that the steel hero company Lianggen sacrificed more than [-] people in the first battle; On the battlefield; I saw Lan Caiqin, a girl in her prime, unexpectedly brought out an army of steel...

Scene after scene flashed in his mind, and a vivid face repeatedly appeared in front of his eyes. He wanted to call their names, but he seemed to be suppressed by something, and he couldn't make a sound.Not long after, he saw Liu Wanruo taking "Teacher Cai" to Crouching Tiger Village to mobilize the masses to kill him, and he saw Liu Wanruo naked on the bed in the devil's barracks. Then, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him!


At this moment, Bai Shujie woke up from his dream with a loud drink.He immediately jumped up like a conditioned reflex, and Zhao Sanbao was gone!Without hesitation, Bai Shujie drew out his two guns and jumped out, directly to the left, where Xiao Lamei and the other three female soldiers lived!

Just at this time, Wang Sanju, the squad leader of the first squad, came over with more than a dozen people, and seven people were tied up behind him and led by ropes. At the end were four machine guns.

Seeing Bai Shujie rushing out, Wang Sanju hurriedly reported: "Report to the captain: These seven people dared to kidnap Gao Erwa and Cui Mingzhe in the middle of the night, intending to mutiny! Now they are all captured alive, please captain!"

Bai Shujie asked anxiously: "How is the situation of the infantry platoon? How is the mood of the soldiers?"

Wang Sanju nodded and said: "Because the squad leader and deputy squad leader were kidnapped by others, the soldiers were excited and wanted to execute these troublemakers immediately. Yang Mantun's second squad has taken over their station and is currently doing comfort work. Zhao Pai Long has already rushed over."

Bai Shujie glanced at the seven people, not particularly excited, but asked Wang Sanju: "After these people were arrested, have you interrogated them? What's going on?"

"According to Gao Erwa, these bastards actually said that we run away when we see little devils. We are not a team to fight little devils at all, and let the brothers in the infantry squad go with them! Gao Erwa and Cui Mingzhe stood up to stop them, and they actually incited the infantry squad The soldiers mutinied, and finally kidnapped Gao Erwa and Cui Mingzhe, and asked them to agree to come forward and set up another mountain."

"So that's how it is!" Bai Shujie finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Did Cui Mingzhe bring it here?"

"No!" Wang Sanju shook his head: "The brothers in the third class didn't let him leave the station, not only Cui Mingzhe, but even Gao Erwa."

Bai Shujie turned his head to look at the seven tied guys with disgust on his face, and then asked in a deep voice, "What do these guys say?"

"No matter what you ask, these guys don't make a sound." Wang Sanju said indignantly: "If it wasn't because they wore military uniforms for a day, I would have tortured them a long time ago!"

"There is nothing to say about this!" Bai Shujie waved his hand and said: "When we were in Xintun, North Korea, we had already announced our military regulations and military discipline in front of everyone. Now that we commit crimes knowingly, the crime will be aggravated. Bring it over, and we must To find out what happened and find out the reason!"

Wang Sanju suddenly became interested, which showed that he had held back for too long before: "Yes! I promise to complete the task!"


A series of rapid-fire shots from the shell gun sounded, and five of the seven guys were immediately knocked down!The two guys who were not shot were also dragged to the ground because they were connected by a rope.

Xiao Lamei let out a coquettish voice: "You are crazy!"

Bai Shujie looked back, it turned out that Wang Xinlan suddenly broke out from the snow cellar and shot and killed, but Xiao Lamei who rushed out later grabbed her arm.But still struggling desperately: "How dare these bastards slander the task force, even dare to instigate a mutiny and murder the captain, they deserve death! What's the use of keeping them? Execute them all!"

"Of course we have to execute! We will never let a bad person go, but we can't wrong a good person!" Xiao Lamei said angrily: "The captain made repeated orders. Without interrogation, no one can use torture without permission, let alone shoot and kill! You understand things better than anyone else, how dare you commit crimes knowingly!"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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